19 research outputs found

    Transcriptional Pathways Associated with Skeletal Muscle Changes after Spinal Cord Injury and Treadmill Locomotor Training.

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    The genetic and molecular events associated with changes in muscle mass and function after SCI and after the implementation of candidate therapeutic approaches are still not completely known. The overall objective of this study was to identify key molecular pathways activated with muscle remodeling after SCI and locomotor training. We implemented treadmill training in a well-characterized rat model of moderate SCI and performed genome wide expression profiling on soleus muscles at multiple time points: 3, 8, and 14 days after SCI. We found that the activity of the protein ubiquitination and mitochondrial function related pathways was altered with SCI and corrected with treadmill training. The BMP pathway was differentially activated with early treadmill training as shown by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. The expression of several muscle mass regulators was modulated by treadmill training, including Fst, Jun, Bmpr2, Actr2b, and Smad3. In addition, key players in fatty acids metabolism (Lpl and Fabp3) responded to both SCI induced inactivity and reloading with training. The decrease in Smad3 and Fst early after the initiation of treadmill training was confirmed by RT-PCR. Our data suggest that TGFβ/Smad3 signaling may be mainly involved in the decrease in muscle mass observed with SCI, while the BMP pathway was activated with treadmill training

    Transcriptional Pathways Associated with Skeletal Muscle Changes after Spinal Cord Injury and Treadmill Locomotor Training.

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    The genetic and molecular events associated with changes in muscle mass and function after SCI and after the implementation of candidate therapeutic approaches are still not completely known. The overall objective of this study was to identify key molecular pathways activated with muscle remodeling after SCI and locomotor training. We implemented treadmill training in a well-characterized rat model of moderate SCI and performed genome wide expression profiling on soleus muscles at multiple time points: 3, 8, and 14 days after SCI. We found that the activity of the protein ubiquitination and mitochondrial function related pathways was altered with SCI and corrected with treadmill training. The BMP pathway was differentially activated with early treadmill training as shown by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. The expression of several muscle mass regulators was modulated by treadmill training, including Fst, Jun, Bmpr2, Actr2b, and Smad3. In addition, key players in fatty acids metabolism (Lpl and Fabp3) responded to both SCI induced inactivity and reloading with training. The decrease in Smad3 and Fst early after the initiation of treadmill training was confirmed by RT-PCR. Our data suggest that TGFβ/Smad3 signaling may be mainly involved in the decrease in muscle mass observed with SCI, while the BMP pathway was activated with treadmill training

    Molecular signatures of differential responses to exercise trainings during rehabilitation.

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    The loss and recovery of muscle mass and function following injury and during rehabilitation varies among individuals. While recent expression profiling studies have illustrated transcriptomic responses to muscle disuse and remodeling, how these changes contribute to the physiological responses are not clear. In this study, we quantified the effects of immobilization and subsequent rehabilitation training on muscle size and identified molecular pathways associated with muscle responsiveness in an orthopaedic patient cohort study. The injured leg of 16 individuals with ankle injury was immobilized for a minimum of 4 weeks, followed by a 6-week rehabilitation program. The maximal cross-sectional area (CSA) of the medial gastrocnemius muscle of the immobilized and control legs were determined by T1-weighted axial MRI images. Genome-wide mRNA profiling data were used to identify molecular signatures that distinguish the patients who responded to immobilization and rehabilitation and those who were considered minimal responders. RESULTS: Using 6% change as the threshold to define responsiveness, a greater degree of changes in muscle size was noted in high responders (−14.9 ± 3.6%) compared to low responders (0.1 ± 0.0%) during immobilization. In addition, a greater degree of changes in muscle size was observed in high responders (20.5 ± 3.2%) compared to low responders (2.5 ± 0.9%) at 6-week rehabilitation. Microarray analysis showed a higher number of genes differentially expressed in the responders compared to low responders in general; with more expression changes observed at the acute stage of rehabilitation in both groups. Pathways analysis revealed top molecular pathways differentially affected in the groups, including genes involved in mitochondrial function, protein turn over, integrin signaling and inflammation. This study confirmed the extent of muscle atrophy due to immobilization and recovery by exercise training is associated with distinct remodeling signature, which can potentially be used for evaluating and predicting clinical outcomes

    P-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy in skeletal muscle: Experts' consensus recommendations

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    Skeletal muscle phosphorus-31 31P MRS is the oldest MRS methodology to be applied to in vivo metabolic research. The technical requirements of 31P MRS in skeletal muscle depend on the research question, and to assess those questions requires understanding both the relevant muscle physiology, and how 31P MRS methods can probe it. Here we consider basic signal-acquisition parameters related to radio frequency excitation, TR, TE, spectral resolution, shim and localisation. We make specific recommendations for studies of resting and exercising muscle, including magnetisation transfer, and for data processing. We summarise the metabolic information that can be quantitatively assessed with 31P MRS, either measured directly or derived by calculations that depend on particular metabolic models, and we give advice on potential problems of interpretation. We give expected values and tolerable ranges for some measured quantities, and minimum requirements for reporting acquisition parameters and experimental results in publications. Reliable examination depends on a reproducible setup, standardised preconditioning of the subject, and careful control of potential difficulties, and we summarise some important considerations and potential confounders. Our recommendations include the quantification and standardisation of contraction intensity, and how best to account for heterogeneous muscle recruitment. We highlight some pitfalls in the assessment of mitochondrial function by analysis of phosphocreatine (PCr) recovery kinetics. Finally, we outline how complementary techniques (near-infrared spectroscopy, arterial spin labelling, BOLD and various other MRI and 1H MRS measurements) can help in the physiological/metabolic interpretation of 31P MRS studies by providing information about blood flow and oxygen delivery/utilisation. Our recommendations will assist in achieving the fullest possible reliable picture of muscle physiology and pathophysiology

    13C/31P MRS Metabolic Biomarkers of Disease Progression and Response to AAV Delivery of hGAA in a Mouse Model of Pompe Disease

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    The development of therapeutic clinical trials for glycogen storage disorders, including Pompe disease, has called for non-invasive and objective biomarkers. Glycogen accumulation can be measured in vivo with 13C MRS. However, clinical implementation remains challenging due to low signal-to-noise. On the other hand, the buildup of glycolytic intermediates may be detected with 31P MRS. We sought to identify new biomarkers of disease progression in muscle using 13C/31P MRS and 1H HR-MAS in a mouse model of Pompe disease (Gaa−/−). We evaluated the sensitivity of these MR biomarkers in vivo after treatment using an adeno-associated virus vector 2/9 encoding hGAA driven by the desmin promotor. 31P MRS showed significantly elevated phosphomonoesters (PMEs) in Gaa−/− compared to control at 2 (0.06 ± 0.02 versus 0.03 ± 0.01; p = 0.003), 6, 12, and 18 months of age. Correlative 1H HR-MAS measures in intact gastrocnemius muscles revealed high glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P). After intramuscular AAV injections, glycogen, PME, and G-6-P were decreased within normal range. The changes in PME levels likely partly resulted from changes in G-6-P, one of the overlapping phosphomonoesters in the 31P MR spectra in vivo. Because 31P MRS is inherently more sensitive than 13C MRS, PME levels have greater potential as a clinical biomarker and should be considered as a complementary approach for future studies in Pompe patients

    Zero echo time 17^{17}O-MRI reveals decreased cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption in a murine model of amyloidosis

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    International audienceThe cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2_2) is a key metric to investigate the mechanisms involved in neurodegeneration in animal models and evaluate potential new therapies. CMRO2_2 can be measured by direct 17^{17}O magnetic resonance imaging (17^{17}O-MRI) of H2_217^{17}O signal changes during inhalation of 17^{17}O-labeled oxygen gas. In this study, we built a simple gas distribution system and used 3D zero echo time (ZTE-)MRI at 11.7 T to measure CMRO2_2 in the APPswe_{swe}/PS1dE9_{dE9} mouse model of amyloidosis. We found that CMRO2_2 was significantly lower in the APPswe_{swe}/PS1dE9_{dE9} brain than in wild-type at 12–14 months. We also estimated cerebral blood flow (CBF) from the post-inhalation washout curve and found no difference between groups. These results suggest that the lower CMRO2_2 observed in APPswe_{swe}/PS1dE9_{dE9} is likely due to metabolism impairment rather than to reduced blood flow. Analysis of the 17^{17}O-MRI data using different quantification models (linear and 3-phase model) showed that the choice of the model does not affect group comparison results. However, the simplified linear model significantly underestimated the absolute CMRO2_2 values compared to a 3-phase model. This may become of importance when combining several metabolic fluxes measurements to study neuro-metabolic coupling