295 research outputs found

    Određivanje efektivne površine tlačne vage

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    U radu su prikazani načini računanja efektivnog tlaka tlačne vage s potrebnim korekcijama kao i načini umjeravanja tlačne vage s posebnim naglaskom na "cross-floating" metodu. Eksperimentalni dio rada je odrađen u Laboratoriju za procesna mjerenja Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje, a jednim dijelom se dotiče međunarodnog projekta EURAMET 1041. Cilj projekta je određivanje efektivne površine ispitivane tlačne vage i koeficijenta distorzije u apsolutnom i pretlačnom načinu mjerenja. Rad obuhvaća određivanje efektivne površine prvog ciklusa mjerenja i pokazana je njena funkcionalna ovisnost o efektivnom tlaku. Dane su i smjernice za budući rad i istraživanja

    Simulation and heat integration of downstream processing of aqueous Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol solutions

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    Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol (ABE) fermentation is a process which converts carbohydrates to acetone, butanol and ethanol in anaerobic conditions. In the industry, this process started to become popular in the early 20th century but with the start of the petrochemical industry it almost disappeared, since this new route provided larger quantities of butanol for less cost and also less consumption of energy. Nowadays, the increase in the price of petroleum and its future extinction, as well as the damage to the environment due to fossil fuels, is putting in the main spot of interest this route and a lot of research is being done to get it economically viable. Literature provides relevant information about the most common sequences, based on boiling point and ending with an azeotropic distillation. This one consists of two columns connected through a decanter and it is useful because of the heterogeneous azeotrope that can be found in the vapour-liquid equilibria of n-butanol and water. Moreover, some other efforts are put in improving different sequences. Last reports are investigating and providing the first results about the use of some alternative methods for removing directly the prOutgoin

    The concept of shared risk in public and private sector water security: a case study of Grabouw and the Elgin Valley, Western Cape, South Africa

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    Includes bibliographical referencesThis thesis investigates water risk in small-to medium-sized agro-processing companies and the public sector. Global interest in water management from the private sector has led to an increase in the development of water risk tools that are available to companies. Not only has the number of tools increased, but also the quality and form of these tools has been refined. Water risks are complex and extensive, and cannot be managed alone. Private sector interest in partnership and collaboration with other actors in managing water risk has increased as a result. The principal aim of this thesis is to investigate and explain the idea of shared water risk, using an adaptive theory process within a case study to investigate the understanding and knowledge of water risks among public and private actors. The study is informed by an assumption that if private and public interests are aware of the collective risks within a catchment, then sustainability of those business enterprises and public services, along with the protection and conservation of water resources may be possible. The case study is located in Grabouw and the Elgin Valley in the Theewaterskloof Local Municipality, Western Cape, South Africa. Private sector actors include agro-processing industries in the region, while the public sector includes local municipality officials and water resources management institutions such as the Catchment Management Agency and the Water Users Association. A conceptual framework of water risk and a sharing typology was developed from an analysis of interviews and the use of secondary sources of documents on the hydrology and socio-economic information on the catchment. The conceptual framework identifies the different water risks of the private and public sector, while the sharing typology indicates the progression of knowledge and understanding of private and public sector water risks, recognising that sharing does not take place in a single form. The framework and the typology together are intended to integrate an understanding of the theory and empirical data. Refinement of the framework and typology found that shared risk is especially pertinent in situations where systemic water risks affect the management of water and where that risk cannot be managed by individual companies or public sector authorities alone. The conceptual framework and typology identify the private and public sector exposure to risks, enabling actors to understand the scale and form of the respective risks in each sector. Where risks are not shared, the process of investigating the knowledge and understanding of risks helps to identify the complexity of the system. Contributions of this thesis include the use of risk as a common language to help bring together diverse sectors, especially when participatory decision-making is required. Not only the technical aspects of water supply and sanitation, but the wider social and environmental factors need to be considered as well. Understanding water security as a risk enables a wider and more diverse stakeholder group. The thesis concludes that collaboration and adaptive management need to be informed by knowledge and understanding of the complexity of risks within the catchment by multiple stakeholders

    Implementation and validation of the mathematical model of surface tension into CFD wall film module

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    Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost pretilosti i rizika za razvoj pretilosti djece pri upisu u 1. razred osnovne škole na području grada Trogira, odrediti potencijalne razlike obzirom na spol djece te utjecaj socio-ekonomskih čimbenika. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje je uključeno 564 djece koja su upisivala 1. razred osnovne škole na području Trogira u razdoblju od 2016. do 2018. godine. Retrospektivnom analizom medicinske dokumentacije u Službi za školsku medicinu ispostave Trogir prikupljeni su podaci o: tjelesnoj masi, tjelesnoj visini, indeksu tjelesne mase i socio-ekonomskom statusu roditelja u smislu pariteta i obrazovanja. Kao dijagnostički kriterij pretilosti i rizika za razvoj pretilosti upotrijebljene su nacionalne referentne vrijednosti po spolu i dobi. Rezultati: U promatranoj skupini, učestalost pretilosti u djece je 4,3%, a učestalost rizika za razvoj pretilosti je 11%. Nema statistički značajne razlike u učestalosti pretilosti niti rizika za razvoj pretilosti obzirom na spol. Obrazovanje očeva značajno utječe na na učestalost pretilosti i učestalost rizika za nastanak pretilosti. Očevi s višom razinom obrazovanja imaju djecu sa značajno nižim ITM-om u odnosu na djecu očeva niže razine obrazovanja (p = 0,043). Obrazovanje majke nije pokazalo statistički značajan utjecaj na ITM djece. Zaključci: Učestalosti pretilosti i rizika za razvoj pretilosti u provedenom istraživanju je manja u usporedbi sa djecom sličnih nacionalnih internacionalnih istraživanja što se može djelomično pripisati primjeni različitih dijagnostičkih kriterija, ali i senzibilizacijom na problem pretilosti i od strane roditelja i zdravstvenih djelatnika u promatranoj sredini. Više obrazovani očevi imaju pozitivno djelovanje na smanjenje učestalosti pretilosti i vrijednosti ITM-a djece. Uočena je potencijalna povezanost većeg pariteta i niže učestalosti pretilosti djece.Objectives and background: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of obesity and risk for developing obesity in children at enrollment in 1st grade of primary school in the area of Trogir town, to determine the potential gender difference and the influence of socio-economic factors in the frequency of obesity and the risk of developing obesity. Patients and methods: The survey included 564 children who were about to enroll in the first grade of elementary school in the area of Trogir in the period from 2016 to 2018. Retrospective analysis of children's cardboard at the Department of School Medicine in Trogir has collected the following data: body mass, body height, body mass index and socio-economic status of parents in terms of parity and education. As a diagnostic criterion, national reference values were used for sex by Jureša for age 6.5 years. Results: In the observed cohort, the frequency of obesity among children is 4.3%, and the risk of developing obesity is 11%. There are no statistically significant differences in sex frequency. Fathers education has a significant impact on the frequency of obesity and the risk of obesity. Namely, our research has shown that fathers with higher levels of education have children with lower BMI compared to children of lower educated fathers (p = 0.043). Mothers' education did not show a statistically significant effect on children's BMI. Conclusions: Preschoolers in our research have a significantly lower percentage of obesity and obesity risk compared to children in other similar studies. This can be partially attributed to the use of different diagnostic criteria in other researches. More educated fathers of Trogir have a positive effect on the reduction of pre-school BMI. A potential link has been noticed between the higher parity of parents and the lower frequency of obesity among children


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    U današnjoj ekonomiji, osnovni ekonomski resurs je znanje. Ona poduzeća koja to prepoznaju imaju veću vjerojatnost da će opstati na trţištu. Iako postoji mnogo definicija o upravljanju znanjem, sve govore o potrebi povezivanja osoba koje traţe znanje s izvorom znanja. Upravljanje znanjem ovisi o spremnosti zaposlenika da dijele svoje znanje stoga je bitno da menadţment pronaĊe naĉin da ih motivira i nagraĊuje za dijeljenje znanja. Vaţno je i implementirati informacijske tehnologije koje omogućavaju dijeljenje i primjenu znanja te educirati zaposlenike o primjeni informacijske tehnologije u upravljanju znanjem. U ovom istraţivanju zakljuĉeno je da se hoteli s ĉetiri i pet zvjezdica na podruĉju grada Splita nalaze u drugoj fazi zrelosti upravljanja znanjem. PotvrĊeno je da je informacijska tehnologija jednako vaţan ĉimbenik u upravljanju znanjem kao i ljudski resursi i organizacijska kultura. U odgovorima ispitanika se istiĉe da je uglavnom samo menadţment imao edukacije o podruĉju upravljanja znanjem te da zaposlenici nisu dovoljno motivirani i nagraĊivani za dijeljenje znanja. TakoĊer, implementacija informacijske tehnologije za upravljanje znanjem treba biti poboljšana.In today's economy, knowledge has become one of the most important business resources. Those companies who recognize it, have more chances to survive on the economic market. Although there are many definitions of knowledge management, they all explain the need of connecting people whom seek and look for knowledge with the knowledge source. Knowledge management depends on employees' readiness to share their knowledge. It is essential for management to push forward for a way to motivate and reward employees for sharing their knowledge. It is also important to implement information technologies that enable sharing and application of knowledge and it is important to educate employees about the application of information technology in knowledge management. In this research, it is concluded that four and five-star hotels in the city of Split are classed in second stage of maturity of knowledge management. It is also confirmed that information technology is equally important in knowledge management as well as human resources and organizational culture. As noted in the responders comments, it is stated that , in the most cases, only management had education about knowledge management. It is also stated that employees were not sufficiently motivated and rewarded to share knowledge, and that is also the implementation of information technology for knowledge management that needs to be improved

    Preliminary design of local road : Undergraduate Thesis

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    Idejno rješenje lokalne ceste izrađeno je na geodetskoj podlozi, prema zadatku iz kolegija Ceste, koristeći se programom Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D. Cesta je projektirana za godišnji dnevni promet (PGDP) od 950 vozila na dan, na brdovitom terenu. Projektna brzina ceste iznosi 30 km/h. Idejno rješenje izrađeno je prema Pravilniku o osnovnim uvjetima za projektiranje ceste s elementima koji zadovoljavaju važeće propise, kao i sigurnosne i estetske kriterije.A preliminary design of local road, on a geodetic ground according to the task from course "Roads", is made using software Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D. The road is designed for the annual average daily traffic (AADT) of 950 vehicles per day, on the hilly terrain. Design speed for the road is 30 km/h. Preliminary design of local road was created according to the Regulations on the basic conditions for the design of public roads with the elements that meet the applicable rules, as well as safety and aesthetic criteria