523 research outputs found

    Erotismo, honor y honra en el Dómine Lucas de Lope de Vega

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    Superconducting properties of [BaCuO_x]_2/[CaCuO_2]_n artificial structures with ultrathick CaCuO_2 blocks

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    The electrical transport properties of [BaCuO_x]_2/[CaCuO_2]_n (CBCCO-2xn)underdoped high temperature superconducting superlattices grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition have been investigated. Starting from the optimally doped CBCCO-2x2 superlattice, having three CuO_2 planes and T_c around 80 K, we have systematically increased the number n up to 15 moving toward the underdoped region and hence decreasing T_c. For n>11 the artificial structures are no longer superconducting, as expected, for a uniformly distributed charge carriers density inside the conducting block layer. The sheet resistance of such artificial structures (n nearly equal to 11) turns out to be quite temperature independent and close to the 2D quantum resistance 26 kOhm. A further increase of the number of CuO_2 planes results in an insulator-type dependence of R(T) in the wide range of temperatures from room temperature to 1 K. The value of the sheet resistance separating the Superconducting and the Insulating regimes supports the fermionic scenario of the Superconductor-Insulator transition in these systems.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Corresponding author: [email protected]

    Comparison of the fluctuation influence on the resistive properties of the mixed state of BiSrCaCuO and of thin films of conventional superconductor

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    The resistive properties of layered HTSC BiSrCaCuO in the mixed state are compared with those of thin films of conventional superconductors with weak disorders (amorphous Nb_{1-x}0_{x} films) and with strong disorders (Nb_{1-x}O_{x} films with small grain structure). The excess conductivity is considered as a function of superconducting electron density and phase coherence length. It is shown that the transition to the Abrikosov state differs from the ideal case both in BiSrCaCuO and Nb_{1-x}O_{x} films, i.e. the appearance of long-range phase coherence is continuous transition in both cases. The quantitative difference between thin films with weak and strong disorders is greater than the one between layered HTSC and conventional superconductors, showing that the dimensionality of the system, rather than the critical temperature, is the key factor ruling fluctuation effectsComment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of strain-induced electronic topological transitions on the superconducting properties of LaSrCuO thin films

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    We propose a Ginzburg-Landau phenomenological model for the dependence of the critical temperature on microscopic strain in tetragonal high-Tc cuprates. Such a model is in agreement with the experimental results for LSCO under epitaxial strain, as well as with the hydrostatic pressure dependence of Tc in most cuprates. In particular, a nonmonotonic dependence of Tc on hydrostatic pressure, as well as on in-plane or apical microstrain, is derived. From a microscopic point of view, such results can be understood as due to the proximity to an electronic topological transition (ETT). In the case of LSCO, we argue that such an ETT can be driven by a strain-induced modification of the band structure, at constant hole content, at variance with a doping-induced ETT, as is usually assumed.Comment: EPJB, to be publishe

    Analysis of charge transfer mechanism on (Ba1-xNdxCuO2+d)2/(CaCuO2)n superconducting superlattices by thermoelectric power measurements

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    We have investigated the charge transfer mechanism in artificial superlattices by Seebeck effect measurements. Such a technique allows a precise determination of the amount of charge transferred on each CuO2 plane. A systematic characterization of thermoelectric power in (BaCuO2+d)2/(CaCuO2)n and (Ba0.9Nd0.1CuO2+d)2/(CaCuO2)n superlattices demonstrates that electrical charge distributes uniformly among the CuO2 planes in the Ca-block. The differences observed in the Seebeck effect behavior between the Nd-doped and undoped superlattices are ascribed to the different metallic character of the Ba-block in the two cases. Finally, the special role of structural disorder in superlattices with n=1 is pointed out by such analysis.Comment: subitted to PRB, 15 pages, 3 figure

    Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction oscillations during epitaxial growth of artificially layered films of (BaCuOx)m /(CaCuO2)n

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    Pulsed Laser Deposition in molecular-beam epitaxy environment (Laser-MBE) has been used to grow high quality BaCuOx/CaCuO2 superlattices. In situ Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED) shows that the growth mechanism is 2-dimensional. Furthermore, weak but reproducible RHEED intensity oscillations have been monitored during the growth. Ex-situ x-ray diffraction spectra confirmed the growth rate deduced from RHEED oscillations. Such results demonstrate that RHEED oscillations can be used, even for (BaCuOx)2/(CaCuO2)2 superlattices, for phase locking of the growth.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Corresponding author: Dr. A. Tebano: [email protected]

    Raman spectroscopy study of the interface structure in (CaCuO2)n/(SrTiO3)m superlattices

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    Raman spectra of CaCuO2/SrTiO3 superlattices show clear spectroscopic marker of two structures formed in CaCuO2 at the interface with SrTiO3. For non-superconducting superlattices, grown in low oxidizing atmosphere, the 425 cm-1 frequency of oxygen vibration in CuO2 planes is the same as for CCO films with infinite layer structure (planar Cu-O coordination). For superconducting superlattices grown in highly oxidizing atmosphere, a 60 cm-1 frequency shift to lower energy occurs. This is ascribed to a change from planar to pyramidal Cu-O coordination because of oxygen incorporation at the interface. Raman spectroscopy proves to be a powerful tool for interface structure investigation

    Flux creep in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8(sub +x) single crystals

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    The results of a magnetic study on a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+x) single crystal are reported. Low field susceptibility (dc and ac), magnetization cycles and time dependent measurements were performed. With increasing the temperature the irreversible regime of the magnetization cycles is rapidly restricted to low fields, showing that the critical current J(sub c) becomes strongly field dependent well below T(sub c). At 2.4 K the critical current in zero field, determined from the remanent magnetization by using the Bean formula for the critical state, is J(sub c) = 2 10(exp 5) A/sq cm. The temperature dependence of J(sub c) is satisfactorily described by the phenomenological law J(sub c) = J(sub c) (0) (1 - T/T(sub c) (sup n), with n = 8. The time decay of the zero field cooled magnetization and of the remanent magnetization was studied at different temperatures for different magnetic fields. The time decay was found to be logarithmic in both cases, at least at low temperatures. At T = 4.2 K for a field of 10 kOe applied parallel to the c axis, the average pinning energy, determined by using the flux creep model, is U(sub o) = 0.010 eV
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