5 research outputs found

    The role of monitoring in the relationship of implicit theories of sport activities and sport achievement

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    Ispitivan je dio SOMA modela Model postavljanje-upravljanje-motrenje-postignuće) Burnettea i suradnika (2013) vezan za proces motrenja u području sporta i tjelesne aktivnosti, odnosno ispitana je povezanost misaonog postava s postignućem uzimajući u obzir meta i akcijske petlje kao medijatore i ego prijetnju kao moderator te veze. Kao mjera misaonog postava koriÅ”tena je dvofaktorska eksplicitna mjera i implicitna mjera, a kao medijatori su uz direktne mjere (procjena udaljenosti od cilja i procjena brzine dolaska do cilja) koriÅ”tene i indirektne mjere (Haninove aktivirajuće i depresirajuće negativne emocije, te očekivanje postignuća). Ego prijetnja je ispitana koriÅ”tenjem S-R modela. Ispitanici su bili 263 studenata KinezioloÅ”kog fakulteta s iskustvom natjecanja u raznim sportovima. Ispitanici su ispunjavali bateriju online upitnika. Rezultati nisu potvrdili razliku između direktne povezanosti negativnih aktivirajućih emocija s postignućem, u odnosu na povezanost negativnih depresirajućih emocija s postignućem kao Å”to je bilo očekivano, iako te dvije kategorije emocija u modelu pokazuju određenu razliku u objaÅ”njenju pojedinih veza. Rezultati su potvrdili značajnost akcijske i meta petlje kao medijatora u pojedinim vezama između misaonog postava i postignuća u sportu, a ego prijetnja se pritom pokazala kao značajan moderator određenih veza u modelu. Dobiveni rezultati proÅ”iruju spoznaje i doprinose boljem razumijevanju odnosa misaonog postava, procesa motrenja i postignuća u kontekstu sporta i tjelesne aktivnosti.The part of SOMA model (Setting/ Operating/ Monitoring/ Achievement Model) of Burnette and colleagues (2013) focused at monitoring process, with special focus at sport and physical activity has been tested. Specificaly, the relationship between implicit theories (mindset) in sport and achievement, considering meta and action loop as madiators and ego threath as a moderator of this relationship has been tested. As a measurement of mindset, two-factor explicit and implicit measures were used. As mediator measures, two direct measures (assesment of distace form goal and velocity-rate of progress toward the goal) and two indirect measures (Hanin's negative helpful and negative harmful emotions, and goal expectation) were used. Ego threat was created using S-R model. Participants were 263 students of Kinesiology with experience in sport competitions in different sports. Participants complited the batery of online questionnaires. Results did not confirm a difference of direct connection between negative helpful emotions with achievement compared to negative harmful emotions with achievement as expected although those two categories of emotions showed different contribution in explaining specific connections in SOMA model. Path analyses revealed meta and action loop as significant mediators in some connections between implicit theories and achievement. Ego threat was also a significant moderator for certain connections. These findings extend knowledge and contribute to better understanding of relations between implicit theories, monitoring process and achievement in sport and physical activity

    Povezanost dimenzija privrženosti u odrasloj dobi, emocionalne empatije i povrijeđenosti u djetinjstvu

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    The aim of this study was to examine the relations between dimensions of the adult romantic attachment and emotional empathy on the nonhealping profession sample. We also wanted to examine the role of the child abuse, i.e. the aplicability of the wounded healer concept. The measures used ware Adult Romantic Attachment Questionnaire (Kamenov & Jelic, 2003), Emotional Empathic Tendency Scale (Mehrabian & Epstein, 1972), and Child Abuse Questionnaire (Karlovic, 2001). The sample consisted of 203 female and male students of Faculty of Physical Education of the University of Zagreb. Resultes have shown negative relation between the avoidance dimension and emotional empathy, confirming the attachment theory. Significant relation between the anxiety dimension and emotional empathy has not been found, which is in disagreement with the attachment theory. Also, this study did not provide evidence in support of the role of the child maltreatmant or the wounded healer concept.Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su ispitati povezanost dimenzija privrženosti ljubavnom partneru i emocionalne empatije na uzorku nepomagačkog zanimanja. Također smo željeli ispitati ulogu zlostavljanja (povrijeđenosti) u djetinjstvu odnosno ispitati primjenjivost koncepta povrijeđenog liječitelja (eng. Wounded healer concept). Mjerni instrumenti koriÅ”teni u istraživanju su Upitnik privrženosti prema ljubavnim partnerima (Kamenov i Jelić, 2003), Skala emocionalne empatije (Mehrabian i Epstein, 1972) i Upitnik o zlostavljanju u djetinjstvu (Karlović, 2001). Istraživanje je provedeno na 203 studentice i studenata KinezioloÅ”kog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Dobivena je negativna povezanost dimenzije izbjegavanja sa emocionalnom empatijom, Å”to je u skladu s teorijom privrženosti, dok nije dobivena povezanost dimenzije anksioznosti i emocionalne empatije, Å”to nije u skladu s tom teorijom. Odnos dimenzije anksioznosti i emocionalne empatije nije moguće objasniti pomoću povrijeđenosti u djetinjstvu odnosno logikom koncepta povrijeđenog liječitelja

    The role of monitoring in the relationship of implicit theories of sport activities and sport achievement

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    Ispitivan je dio SOMA modela Model postavljanje-upravljanje-motrenje-postignuće) Burnettea i suradnika (2013) vezan za proces motrenja u području sporta i tjelesne aktivnosti, odnosno ispitana je povezanost misaonog postava s postignućem uzimajući u obzir meta i akcijske petlje kao medijatore i ego prijetnju kao moderator te veze. Kao mjera misaonog postava koriÅ”tena je dvofaktorska eksplicitna mjera i implicitna mjera, a kao medijatori su uz direktne mjere (procjena udaljenosti od cilja i procjena brzine dolaska do cilja) koriÅ”tene i indirektne mjere (Haninove aktivirajuće i depresirajuće negativne emocije, te očekivanje postignuća). Ego prijetnja je ispitana koriÅ”tenjem S-R modela. Ispitanici su bili 263 studenata KinezioloÅ”kog fakulteta s iskustvom natjecanja u raznim sportovima. Ispitanici su ispunjavali bateriju online upitnika. Rezultati nisu potvrdili razliku između direktne povezanosti negativnih aktivirajućih emocija s postignućem, u odnosu na povezanost negativnih depresirajućih emocija s postignućem kao Å”to je bilo očekivano, iako te dvije kategorije emocija u modelu pokazuju određenu razliku u objaÅ”njenju pojedinih veza. Rezultati su potvrdili značajnost akcijske i meta petlje kao medijatora u pojedinim vezama između misaonog postava i postignuća u sportu, a ego prijetnja se pritom pokazala kao značajan moderator određenih veza u modelu. Dobiveni rezultati proÅ”iruju spoznaje i doprinose boljem razumijevanju odnosa misaonog postava, procesa motrenja i postignuća u kontekstu sporta i tjelesne aktivnosti.The part of SOMA model (Setting/ Operating/ Monitoring/ Achievement Model) of Burnette and colleagues (2013) focused at monitoring process, with special focus at sport and physical activity has been tested. Specificaly, the relationship between implicit theories (mindset) in sport and achievement, considering meta and action loop as madiators and ego threath as a moderator of this relationship has been tested. As a measurement of mindset, two-factor explicit and implicit measures were used. As mediator measures, two direct measures (assesment of distace form goal and velocity-rate of progress toward the goal) and two indirect measures (Hanin's negative helpful and negative harmful emotions, and goal expectation) were used. Ego threat was created using S-R model. Participants were 263 students of Kinesiology with experience in sport competitions in different sports. Participants complited the batery of online questionnaires. Results did not confirm a difference of direct connection between negative helpful emotions with achievement compared to negative harmful emotions with achievement as expected although those two categories of emotions showed different contribution in explaining specific connections in SOMA model. Path analyses revealed meta and action loop as significant mediators in some connections between implicit theories and achievement. Ego threat was also a significant moderator for certain connections. These findings extend knowledge and contribute to better understanding of relations between implicit theories, monitoring process and achievement in sport and physical activity

    6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Integrative power of kinesiology : proceedings book

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    The Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb is organising the International Conference on Kinesiology for the sixth time. Everything began more than 15 years ago when the initiators ā€“ Prof. Milanović, still bursting with new ideas, and the late Prof. Mraković, started to advocate the idea of an international conference as a forum for kinesiologists or sport scientists, as a place where their research findings could be presented and discussed, as a meeting point of globally recognized scientists, or authorities in their field of research and research novices. In those days, in 1997, before the First Conference in Dubrovnik, it all seemed so surreal. However, this conference is alive; it grows and becomes ever more sophisticated. Therefore, it is feasible to expect that the forthcoming discussions, talks, dialogues, or whatever kind of idea exchange will result, as they have until now, with new research ideas, insights, research teams and projects the eventual outcome of which is further advances in kinesiology and the cognate and adjacent scientific areas. The motto of this yearā€™s conference is the ā€œIntegrative Power of Kinesiologyā€œ. It indicates the close relationships among various scientific fields when they contribute to the promotion of physical exercise and various kinds of physical activities in the areas of kinesiological education, high performance sports, kinesiological recreation, health-enhanced kinesiology, kinesitherapy and rehabilitation, sport for physically and mentally challenged persons, school sports, military kinesiology, and many others. Simultaneously with the organisation of the 6th Conference, the Faculty of Kinesiology is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the publication of the scientific journal KINESIOLOGY. Nowadays it is a recognized international scientific journal with an IF of 0.525 for the year 2010. The Conference and the journal KINESIOLOGY have contributed considerably to the affirmation of the name ā€œkinesiologyā€ in the neighbouring European areas. Although both are focused on science, the Conference and the accompanying regular KINESIOLOGY International Editorial Board meetings have also been opportunities for scholars and institution delegates from all over the world to establish close personal contacts, thus opening doors for joint research projects. The basic scientific concept of the Conference, with the working sections that cover the fundamental and applicative disciplines of kinesiology, has been kept from the beginning. This yearā€™s conference will have 12 oral and poster sections in the framework of which the delegates will present 220 full text contributions and abstracts written by 300 authors from 32 countries. Each presented and published paper or abstract has been subjected to a review process performed by at least two prominent referees. For the first time the Conference is hosting a satellite symposium HEPA (Health Enhanced Physical Activity). The purpose of the symposium is to inform delegates from the neighbouring countries, which have not yet become HEPA association member countries, with the basic principles and directives of the movement and to encourage them to become promoters of the idea of health-oriented physical activity in their communities. The World Health Organization has stimulated the design of the Croatian National Action Plan for the implementation and improvement of HEPA in the Republic of Croatia. A presentation of the Action Plan and the planned round table should also be stimulating to colleagues to undertake similar steps in their communities. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. The organisation of such conferences would not be viable without the powerful support from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport and the University of Zagreb. The patronage and support are indicators of a notable position the Conference and its organiser, the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb (established in 1959), have in the Croatian academic and research community. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors of the papers, reviewers, conference participants, members of the Organisation Committee, Section Leaders, Section Secretaries, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 6th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Our special gratitude goes to the Croatian Office of the World Health Organization. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and enjoyable time in Opatija. We are convinced the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions. Looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 7th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2014

    6th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology: Integrative power of kinesiology : proceedings book

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    The Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb is organising the International Conference on Kinesiology for the sixth time. Everything began more than 15 years ago when the initiators ā€“ Prof. Milanović, still bursting with new ideas, and the late Prof. Mraković, started to advocate the idea of an international conference as a forum for kinesiologists or sport scientists, as a place where their research findings could be presented and discussed, as a meeting point of globally recognized scientists, or authorities in their field of research and research novices. In those days, in 1997, before the First Conference in Dubrovnik, it all seemed so surreal. However, this conference is alive; it grows and becomes ever more sophisticated. Therefore, it is feasible to expect that the forthcoming discussions, talks, dialogues, or whatever kind of idea exchange will result, as they have until now, with new research ideas, insights, research teams and projects the eventual outcome of which is further advances in kinesiology and the cognate and adjacent scientific areas. The motto of this yearā€™s conference is the ā€œIntegrative Power of Kinesiologyā€œ. It indicates the close relationships among various scientific fields when they contribute to the promotion of physical exercise and various kinds of physical activities in the areas of kinesiological education, high performance sports, kinesiological recreation, health-enhanced kinesiology, kinesitherapy and rehabilitation, sport for physically and mentally challenged persons, school sports, military kinesiology, and many others. Simultaneously with the organisation of the 6th Conference, the Faculty of Kinesiology is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the publication of the scientific journal KINESIOLOGY. Nowadays it is a recognized international scientific journal with an IF of 0.525 for the year 2010. The Conference and the journal KINESIOLOGY have contributed considerably to the affirmation of the name ā€œkinesiologyā€ in the neighbouring European areas. Although both are focused on science, the Conference and the accompanying regular KINESIOLOGY International Editorial Board meetings have also been opportunities for scholars and institution delegates from all over the world to establish close personal contacts, thus opening doors for joint research projects. The basic scientific concept of the Conference, with the working sections that cover the fundamental and applicative disciplines of kinesiology, has been kept from the beginning. This yearā€™s conference will have 12 oral and poster sections in the framework of which the delegates will present 220 full text contributions and abstracts written by 300 authors from 32 countries. Each presented and published paper or abstract has been subjected to a review process performed by at least two prominent referees. For the first time the Conference is hosting a satellite symposium HEPA (Health Enhanced Physical Activity). The purpose of the symposium is to inform delegates from the neighbouring countries, which have not yet become HEPA association member countries, with the basic principles and directives of the movement and to encourage them to become promoters of the idea of health-oriented physical activity in their communities. The World Health Organization has stimulated the design of the Croatian National Action Plan for the implementation and improvement of HEPA in the Republic of Croatia. A presentation of the Action Plan and the planned round table should also be stimulating to colleagues to undertake similar steps in their communities. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Fine Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. The organisation of such conferences would not be viable without the powerful support from the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport and the University of Zagreb. The patronage and support are indicators of a notable position the Conference and its organiser, the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb (established in 1959), have in the Croatian academic and research community. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors of the papers, reviewers, conference participants, members of the Organisation Committee, Section Leaders, Section Secretaries, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 6th Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. Our special gratitude goes to the Croatian Office of the World Health Organization. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and enjoyable time in Opatija. We are convinced the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions. Looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 7th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2014