35 research outputs found

    S6: a Smart, Social and SDN-based Surveillance System for Smart-cities

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    Abstract In the last few years, Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) have been introduced in the Internet as a new way to design, deploy and manage networking services. Working together, they are able to consolidate and deliver the networking components using standard IT virtualization technologies not only on high-volume servers, but also in end user premises, Telco operator edge and access nodes thus allowing the emergence of new services. In this context, this paper presents a smart video surveillance platform designed to exploit the facilities offered by full SDN-NFV networks. This platform is based on free and open source software running on Provider Equipment (PE), so allowing function deployment simplification and management cost reduction

    Managing the far-Edge: are today's centralized solutions a good fit

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    Edge computing has established itself as the foundation for next-generation mobile networks, IT infrastructure, and industrial systems thanks to promised low network latency, computation offloading, and data locality. These properties empower key use-cases like Industry 4.0, Vehicular Communication and Internet of Things. Nowadays implementation of Edge computing is based on extensions to available Cloud computing software tools. While this approach accelerates adoption, it hinders the deployment of the aforementioned use-cases that requires an infrastructure largely more decentralized than Cloud data centers, notably in the far-Edge of the network. In this context, this work aims at: (i) to analyze the differences between Cloud and Edge infrastructures, (ii) to analyze the architecture adopted by the most prominent open-source Edge computing solutions, and (iii) to experimentally evaluate those solutions in terms of scalability and service instantiation time in a medium-size far Edge system. Results show that mainstream Edge solutions require powerful centralized controllers and always-on connectivity, making them unsuitable for highly decentralized scenarios in the far-Edge where stable and high-bandwidth links are not ubiquitous.This work has been partially funded by the H2020 collaborative Europe/Taiwan research project 5G-DIVE (grant no. 589881) and by the H2020 European collaborative research project DAEMON (grant no. 101017109)

    Edge Robotics: are we ready? An experimental evaluation of current vision and future directions

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    Cloud-based robotics systems leverage a wide range of Information Technologies (IT) to offer tangible benefits like cost reduction, powerful computational capabilities, data offloading, etc. However, the centralized nature of cloud computing is not well-suited for a multitude of Operational Technologies (OT) nowadays used in robotics systems that require strict real-time guarantees and security. Edge computing and fog computing are complementary approaches that aim at mitigating some of these challenges by providing computing capabilities closer to the users. The goal of this work is hence threefold: i) to analyze the current edge computing and fog computing landscape in the context of robotics systems, ii) to experimentally evaluate an end-to-end robotics system based on solutions proposed in the literature, and iii) to experimentally identify current benefits and open challenges of edge computing and fog computing. Results show that, in the case of an exemplary delivery application comprising two mobile robots, the robot coordination and range can be improved by consuming real-time radio information available at the edge. However, our evaluation highlights that the existing software, wireless and virtualization technologies still require substantial evolution to fully support edge-based robotics systems.This work has been partially funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101015956, and the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and the European Union- NextGenerationEU through the UNICO 5G I+ D 6G-EDGEDT and 6G-DATADRIVE

    Network Intelligence for Virtualized RAN Orchestration: The DAEMON Approach

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    Next-generation mobile networks will largely benefit from advances in softwarization and cloudification of network functions. However, fully exploiting the new potential of flexible network architectures in front of increasingly demanding service volumes and requirements calls for an extremely effective integration of Network Intelligence (NI) solutions into production infrastructures.While current standardization efforts towards embedding NI in beyond-5G and 6G systems are still in their infancy, the DAEMON project is developing technologies for a NI-native generation of mobile networks.In this paper, we present current evolutions proposed by DAEMON in terms of a general model for the representation of NI instances, which facilitates their synergic integration in network environments. We showcase the practical viability and advantages of the proposed approach with two state-of-the-art NI algorithms for vRAN orchestration implemented into an open-source data flow programming framework.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no.101017109 DAEMO

    The medieval population of Leopoli-Cencelle (Viterbo, Latium) : dietary reconstruction through stable isotope analysis from bone proteins

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    The Medieval period in Europe was a time of unprecedented social complexity and significant social and political change that had an impact on human diets. The present study aims to use stable isotope analysis from bone proteins to explore the diets of humans (n = 76) and fauna (n = 5) from the Medieval town of Leopoli-Cencelle (VT, Italy). The town was occupied between the 9th–15th centuries CE, however, the analysed remains date to the Late Medieval period (12th–15th centuries CE). Historical sources provide some information about the inhabitants of this community: the majority of the population was represented by craftsmen and traders, but farmers and shepherds were also present. To date, no biomolecular data regarding this community have been published. The results indicated an increase of 3–5‰ in δ15N values of humans compared to animals, reflecting a high trophic-level. The δ13C results indicated that animal and human diet was mainly based on C3 terrestrial resources, although three humans possessed an isotopic signature indicative of C4 plant consumption. No statistically significant differences between sexes or age groups (adults vs juveniles) were detected. The isotopic results were further placed in their regional and chronological context, adding valuable data to our understanding of diet and food distribution during the Medieval period in Italy

    Orchestration Procedures for the Network Intelligence Stratum in 6G Networks

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    Proceeding of: 2023 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit), 6-9 June 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden. pp.: 347-352.The quest for autonomous mobile networks introduces the need for fully native support for Network Intelligence (NI) algorithms, typically based on Artificial Intelligence tools like Machine Learning, which shall be gathered into a NI stratum. The NI stratum is responsible for the full automation of the NI operation in the network, including the management of the life-cycle of NI algorithms, in a way that is synergic with traditional network management and orchestration framework. In this regard, the NI stratum must accommodate the unique requirements of NI algorithms, which differ from the ones of, e.g., virtual network functions, and thus plays a critical role in the native integration of NI into current network architectures. In this paper, we leverage the recently proposed concept of Network Intelligence Orchestrator (NIO) to (i) define the specific requirements of NI algorithms, and (ii) discuss the procedures that shall be supported by an NIO sitting in the NI stratum to effectively manage NI algorithms. We then (iii) introduce a reference implementation of the NIO defined above using cloud-native open-source tools.This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 101017109 “DAEMON”.Publicad

    Requirements and Specifications for the Orchestration of Network Intelligence in 6G

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    Next-generation mobile networks are expected to flaunt highly (if not fully) automated management. Network Intelligence (NI) will be the key enabler for such a vision, empowering myriad of orchestrators and controllers across network domains. In this paper, we elaborate on the DAEMON architectural model, which proposes introducing a NI Orchestration layer for the effective end-to-end coordination of NI instances deployed across the whole mobile network infrastructure. Specifically, we first outline requirements and specifications for NI design that stem from data management, control timescales, and network technology characteristics. Then, we build on such analysis to derive initial principles for the design of the NI Orchestration layer, focusing on (i) proposals for the interaction loop between NI instances and the NI Orchestrator, and (ii) a unified representation of NI algorithms based on an extended MAPE-K model. Our work contributes to the definition of the interfaces and operation of a NI Orchestration layer that foster a native integration of NI in mobile network architectures.This project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no.101017109 DAEMON

    Who were the miners of Allumiere? A multidisciplinary approach to reconstruct the osteobiography of an Italian worker community

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    This research presents an in-depth study of the skeletal remains collected from the archaeological site of Allumiere (15th-16th centuries CE; Rome, Italy). A multidisciplinary approach was used, combining skeletal biology, molecular anthropology and archaeobotany with the aim of reconstructing the osteobiography of the alum miners buried at the site. Since 1460, the area of the Tolfa Mountains was significant for the exploitation of alum which was used for a wide range of purposes in the Middle Ages, ranging from woven production to medical practice. A total of 70 individuals (63 adults and 7 juveniles) were studied. The sex ratio of the community indicated a higher prevalence of males with respect to females. Morphological examination indicated occupational musculoskeletal stress markers, which might reflect the specific phase of alum production that each individual was occupied in. Dietary reconstruction was primarily performed through carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis with integration of the results obtained by microscopic, genetic and GC-MS investigations on dental calculus. The diet was omnivorous, indicating a reliance on C3-terrestrial protein and evidence for limited C4 consumption by some individuals. Herbivores, such as sheep and cattle, appear to have contributed to the diet more than pigs and chickens. Consumption of Fagaceae and Poaceae species was predominant; moreover, indicators of Brassicaceae and milk and its derivatives were abundantly recurrent in the population, followed by plant oils and theophylline. Furthermore, the detection of pharmacological alkaloids indicated the knowledge and application of medicinal plants by the community. The novel use of multiple techniques based on cutting-edge technologies has provided a unique window on the lifestyles of individuals from one of the first Italian settlements of alum workers