27 research outputs found

    Transporte marítimo de cabotagem em Santa Catarina : o caso Mercosul Line

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    Artigo submetido para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no Curso de Administração com Linha Específica em Comércio Exterior da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.O transporte marítimo de cabotagem é uma alternativa para o transporte de mercadorias em território nacional com destaque para o tempo e a eficácia. Neste sentido, a cabotagem vem apresentando no Estado de Santa Catarina um desenvolvimento frente as necessidades do mercado de navegação nacional. Assim, o estudo objetivou descrever a estrutura operacional da emrpesa de navegação Mercosul Line para operar na cabotagem em Santa Catarina. Quanto aos fins de investigação a pesquisa foi classificada como descritiva e quanto aos meios caracterizou-se como bibliográfica e de campo. Utilizou-se a técnica qualitativa, por meio de uma entrevista junto ao responsável pelo transporte de cabotabgem da empresa de navegação Mercosul Line. Destacou-se que a empresa Mersosul Line opera na navegação de cabotagem no Estado de Santa Catarina com navios de alta tecnologia, transportando cargas refrigeradas e secas, possuindo ainda entraves em seu processo de liberação das cargas, pela utilização da mesma estrutura portuária para a navegação de longo curso. Investimentos públicos e privados fazem-se necessários neste setor, favorecendo o escoamento da produção nacional e a competitividade das empresas

    Apps for developing pronunciation in English as an L2

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    The goal of pronunciation teaching should be to enable learners to develop intelligible pronunciation and, in order to do this, it is important to teach perception and production of the most relevant segmental and suprasegmental features of pronunciation, considering specific groups of learners (CELCE-MURCIA et al., 2010). Technology has played an important role in pronunciation teaching, and the applications developed for pronunciation instruction enable learners not only to engage in pronunciation activities, but to have access to a greater variety of input and immediate feedback. Having this in mind, this study aimed at analyzing the content, the pronunciation teaching steps, the features, and usability resources of pronunciation apps. In order to guide the analysis, a framework was developed based on literature related to the areas of pronunciation teaching and of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). The results showed that there is a tendency for the apps analyzed to focus more on segmentals. All of them offer description and analysis, listening discrimination, and controlled practice of the pronunciation features, as well as feedback. However, they were limited in terms of guided and communicative practice, of Automated Speech Recognition (ASR), and of variety of input

    Digital resources to teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language in remote classes

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    Education is one of the areas which has been most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, as the social distancing measures adopted by governments affected 90% of the student population worldwide. The solution found by many educational institutions, including in the Brazilian context, was to adopt Emergency Remote Education (ERE), despite the challenges related to the access to internet and digital technological resources, and the lack of teacher training regarding their use. Having this in mind, this article aims at discussing the concept of ERE, as well as to present and discuss digital technological resources such as platforms and apps which may be used by language teachers to support their pedagogical practice, promoting language development through interaction, increase motivation and learner's autonomy.  The article ends presenting the development of a digital story as an activity that may be accomplished through the use of apps

    Legado étnico holandês como atrativo turístico na comunidade de Castrolanda, Paraná, Brasil

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    O legado étnico de comunidades de imigrantes pode ser visto como promotor e propulsor da atividade turística, pois elementos da cultura como gastronomia, música, dança, monumentos atraem turistas até as localidades que contenham tais particularidades. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é verificar a relação do legado étnico holandês com a identidade cultural local de modo a apresentar os principais produtos turísticos culturais encontrados na comunidade de Castrolanda (Paraná, Brasil). A metodologia utilizada foi de cunho teórico, realizada com base em referenciais bibliográficos, eletrônicos e pesquisa de campo. Constatou-se que os principais produtos culturais são o moinho, a Igreja Evangélica Reformada, o Museu do Imigrante, o Café Pub Kroeg “De Molen” e o Grupo Folclórico Holandês, os quais representam ingredientes culturais da identidade local: a arquitetura, a religião, a gastronomia, a dança e a música

    Adequação da alimentação ao perfil dos dependentes químicos em uma comunidade terapêutica: um estudo de caso

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    The study aimed to evaluate the adequacy of nutrition to institutionalized dependents' profile in a therapeutic community. They (33) answered a semistructured questionnaire to identify the profile and had their weight and height measured. We evaluated 56 lunch menus. Low socioeconomic status (66.7%), low education level (42.4%), alcohol abuse (93.9%) and overweight (45.5%) were found. The menus were rich in leaves (75.0%) and other vegetables (57.0%), fruit (82.1%), and presented high levels of complex carbohydrates (44.6%) and fried foods (35.7 %). It was concluded that nutrition at the evaluated institution contributes to overweight, reinforcing the importance of nutritionists' insertion in the chemical addiction treatment team.Objetivou-se avaliar a adequação da alimentação ao perfil dos dependentes institucionalizados em uma comunidade terapêutica. Os dependentes (33) responderam questionário semiestruturado para identificação do perfil e tiveram peso e altura aferidos. Foram avaliados 56 cardápios almoço. Constatou-se baixo nível socioeconômico (66,7%), baixa escolaridade (42,4%), abuso de álcool (93,9%) e excesso de peso (45,5%). Os cardápios almoço foram ricos em folhosos (75%), legumes (57%), frutas (82,1%), apresentando também elevado índice de carboidratos complexos (44,6%) e frituras (35,7%). Concluiu-se que a alimentação na instituição contribui para o excesso de peso, reforçando-se a importância da inserção do profissional nutricionista na equipe terapêutica da dependência química.El objetivo fue evaluar la adecuación de la alimentación en una comunidad terapéutica al perfil de los adictos. Dependientes (33) respondieron a un cuestionario de perfil; peso y altura fueron medidos. Se evaluaron 56 menús de almuerzo. Se encontró bajo nivel socioeconómico (66,7%) y educativo (42,4%), abuso de alcohol (93,9%), sobrepeso (45,5%). Los menús fueron ricos en verduras (75,0%), hortalizas (57,0%), frutas (82,1%), con altos niveles de hidratos de carbono complejos (44,6%) y frituras (35,7 %). Se concluyó que la alimentación evaluada contribuye al sobrepeso, lo que refuerza la importancia de los nutricionistas en el tratamiento de la adicción

    Use of bacaba peel for the development of hydroelectrolytic beverages and their consumer acceptance

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    The hydroelectrolytic beverages segment has been expading its market and introducing new flavors in order to meet the demand for new products. However, experimental studies find concerns about the chemical compositions of these drinks. The aim of this study was to develop a drink without synthetic coloring or flavoring, with functional attributes based on the bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba Mart.) peel extract. Two hydroelectrolytic drinks were developed, one hypotonic and the other isotonic, containing 0.5 and 1.0% of bacaba peel extract. Physicochemical characterization, determination of total phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, and antioxidant capacity were perfomed, in addition to color evaluation, as well as sensory analysis by means of preference tests. The developed formulations showed potential antioxidant activity and natural red coloring due to the phenolic compounds and anthocyanins present in the beverages. The sensory evaluation indicated positive acceptance by the tasters regarding the addition of the bacaba peel extract to the beverage formulations. The developed formulations demonstrated that the use of the bacaba peel is a viable option for the production of sports drinks, acting as a natural dye and offering health benefits due to its bioactive compounds

    Simple and aneurysmal bone cyst : aspects of jaw pseudocysts based on an experience of Brazilian pathology service during 53 years

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    Jaw pseudocysts are benign osseous lesions of unclear etiology. Among these, the simple bone cyst (SBC) and aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) are intriguing bone pathologies still rarely studied together. This retrospective study aimed to present the long-term case series of patients with jaw pseudocysts focusing on the clinical, radiographic, and transoperative aspects. A retrospective case series of patients with SBC and ABC was performed. Clinical, radiographic, and transoperative aspects of both pseudocysts were reviewed from the histopathological archives of 20,469 cases between 1959-2012. All descriptive data were summarized. Of 354 (15.25%) bone pathologies, 54 cases of jaw pseudocysts were found, with 42 (11.86%) SBC and 12 (3.39%) ABC cases. For both lesions, most of the sample were young Caucasian women with an asymptomatic posterior mandible lesion with undetermined time of evolution and none trauma history. A unique radiolucent scalloped lesion presenting an empty cavity were also observed for both conditions. However, some atypical findings were found for SBC including: the expansion of bone cortical, tooth resorption, displacement of the mandibular canal, and recurrence. The absence of painful symptoms and the lack of classical blood-filled cavity were observed in some cases of ABC. The SBC and ABC are bone pathologies with few retrospective studies, no previous studies on the two conditions, varied nomenclature, and atypical aspects in some cases. Therefore, the knowledge of clinical, imaging, and transoperative features of such pseudocysts are clinically valuable as diagnosis hypothesis of radiolucent lesions of the jaws

    Principais causas de internamento na UTI neonatal: Uma pesquisa em um hospital do oeste do Paraná

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    The general objective of this article is to have knowledge of the main causes of admissions to the Neonatal ICU at Fundação Hospitalar São Lucas from Cascavel-PR and as a specific objective to identify the most prevalent maternal comorbidities that result in preterm birth. For this, an analysis of the medical records between the period of June 2016 to June 2021 from the research hospital was performed. The results obtained about the causes of hospitalization during these five years were: prematurity, respiratory distress and hypoglycemia. Regarding the most prevalent maternal comorbidities that culminated in premature births: DHEG, precipitous labor and pre-eclampsia stand out. Given the above, the great importance of a good prenatal care is highlighted, so that prevention can be made and in future analyses the sample found could be minimized.O presente artigo tem por objetivo geral ter conhecimento das principais causas de internamentos na UTI neonatal na Fundação Hospitalar São Lucas de Cascavel/PR e como objetivo específico identificar quais as comorbidades maternas mais prevalentes que resultam em parto pré-termo. Para isso, foi realizado uma análise de prontuários dentre o período de junho de 2016 a junho de 2021 do hospital em pesquisa. Os resultados obtidos a cerca das principais causas de internamento durante esses cinco anos foram: prematuridade, desconforto respiratório e hipoglicemia. Já, em relação as comorbidades maternas mais prevalentes que culminaram em partos prematuros destacam-se: DHEG, trabalho de parto precipitado e pré-eclâmpsia. Diante do exposto, destaca-se a grande importância de um pré-natal de qualidade, podendo ser realizadas prevenções e minimizar a amostra encontrada para análises futuras

    Centesimal and mineral composition and antioxidant activity of the bacaba fruit peel

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    Oenocarpus bacaba Mart. is a palm tree native from Amazon with highlighted antioxidant activities. Its fruit (bacaba) processing dismisses the peel, which has nutrients that can collaborate for its antioxidant activity and preventing diseases. Thus, this study assessed the centesimal and mineral composition, physicochemical characterization (acidity, total soluble solids, pH, and color), total phenolics (Folin-Ciocalteu method), anthocyanins and antioxidant activity by DPPH (2,2 difenil-1-picril hidrazil) method in bacaba peels. For the centesimal composition, it was found 4.87, 1.42, 29.13, 1.08 and 63.32 g 100 g-1 for water content, ashes, lipids, proteins, and total carbohydrates, respectively. For the mineral composition, it was found 582.97, 79.00, 51.79, 0.625, 37.02, 2.37 and 77.12 mg 100g-1 contents for potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, calcium, manganese, and phosphorus, respectively. The physicochemical characterization showed pH 5.66, titratable acidity 0.306% of citric acid, total soluble solids 9,75, and coordinates L* a* e b* of 19.03, 8.07 and 9.25, respectively. Phenolic contents were 42.07 mg EAG g-1. The antioxidant potential IC50 was 1.07 mg mL-1 and anthocyanins 37.31 mg 100 g-1. Results show that bacaba peels are an alternate source of nutrients suggesting their use in food as well cosmetic industries, especially for their antioxidant activity and mineral composition