4,745 research outputs found

    The Literacy of America's College Students

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    Measures the literacy of 1,827 graduating college and university students from eighty institutions. Looks at the ability to perform prose tasks such as read and use texts; search and comprehend forms; and conduct quantitative, computational tasks

    How alternative food networks work in a metropolitan area? An analysis of Solidarity Purchase Groups in Northern Italy

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    Our paper focuses on Solidarity Purchase Group (SPG) participants located in a highly urbanized area, with the aim to investigate the main motivations underlining their participation in a SPG and provide a characterization of them. To this end, we carried out a survey of 795 participants involved in 125 SPGs in the metropolitan area of Milan (Italy). Taking advantage of a questionnaire with 39 questions, we run a factor analysis and a two-step cluster analysis to identify different profiles of SPG participants. Our results show that the system of values animating metropolitan SPG practitioners does not fully conform to that traditionally attributed to an alternative food network (AFN). In fact, considerations linked to food safety and healthiness prevail on altruistic motives such as environmental sustainability and solidarity toward small producers. Furthermore, metropolitan SPGs do not consider particularly desirable periurban and local food products. Observing the SPGs from this perspective, it emerges as such initiatives can flourish also in those places where the lack of connection with the surrounding territory is counterbalanced by the high motivation to buy products from trusted suppliers who are able to guarantee genuine and safe products, not necessarily located nearby

    The effect of supersymmetry breaking in the Mass Varying Neutrinos

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    We discuss the effect of the supersymmetry breaking on the Mass Varying Neutrinos(MaVaNs) scenario. Especially, the effect mediated by the gravitational interaction between the hidden sector and the dark energy sector is studied. A model including a chiral superfield in the dark sector and the right handed neutrino superfield is proposed. Evolutions of the neutrino mass and the equation of state parameter are presented in the model. It is remarked that only the mass of a sterile neutrino is variable in the case of the vanishing mixing between the left-handed and a sterile neutrino on cosmological time scale. The finite mixing makes the mass of the left-handed neutrino variable.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, RevTeX4, references added, discussions and figures revise

    Providing End-to-End Connectivity to SIP User Agents Behind NATs

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    The widespread diffusion of private networks in SOHO scenarios is fostering an increased deployment of Network Address Translators (NATs). The presence of NATs seriously limits end-to-end connectivity and prevents protocols like the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) from working properly. This document shows how the Address List Extension (ALEX), which was originally developed to provide dual-stack and multi-homing support to SIP, can be used, with minor modifications, to ensure end-to-end connectivity for both media and signaling flows, without relying on intermediate relay nodes whenever it is possibl

    Compressed correlation functions and fast aging dynamics in metallic glasses

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    We present x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy measurements of the atomic dynamics in a Zr67Ni33 metallic glass, well below its glass transition temperature. We find that the decay of the density fluctuations can be well described by compressed, thus faster than exponential, correlation functions which can be modeled by the well-known Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts function with a shape exponent {\beta} larger than one. This parameter is furthermore found to be independent of both waiting time and wave-vector, leading to the possibility to rescale all the correlation functions to a single master curve. The dynamics in the glassy state is additionally characterized by different aging regimes which persist in the deep glassy state. These features seem to be universal in metallic glasses and suggest a non diffusive nature of the dynamics. This universality is supported by the possibility of describing the fast increase of the structural relaxation time with waiting time using a unique model function, independently of the microscopic details of the system.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. To be published in J. Chem. Phy

    Fresh-cut salad and shelf life date extension: a segmentation of Italian consumers

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    Shelf-life estimation has become increasingly important due to the growing consumer interest in fresh and safe food products and the European policy indications to consider it as a key issue for the sustainable management of food waste within the supply chains. To date, no legislation on the shelf life date of the most of food products exists. Several studies demonstrate that logistic management and the technology available in the fresh-cut sector would allow to extend the shelf life date of products without compromising their intrinsic quality attributes and to achieve a more sustainable production by a strong reduction of unsold stock. The aim of the study was to segment consumers on the basis of their attitude towards the extension of the shelf life date in the fresh-cut salad sector. On the basis of the clusters found, the paper discusses if the information concerning such technology is a useful tool to inform consumers on product characteristics or if it entails a risk of information overload

    Aquaculture production and use of insects for feed: a consumer perspective

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    Worldwide, aquaculture is assuming ever more importance in diminishing the pressure on wild stocks in the seas. Prices of feed used in farming fish are increasing, due the rise in demand. Research on sustainable sources of feed was recently intensified and insects as meal to substitute soybean and fish meals and oils seems a promising field. Consequently we explored future consumer attitude toward the consumption of fish farmed on insect meals, as a mean of enhancing the sustainability of the farming system in aquaculture. We focused our attention on Italian consumers of fish and the results show a sensitive consumer, willing to try an innovative product, interested in research to improve the safe-guarding of marine resources

    Aquaculture production and use of insects for feed: a consumer perspective

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    Worldwide, aquaculture is assuming ever more importance in diminishing the pressure on wild stocks in the seas. Prices of feed used in farming fish are increasing, due the rise in demand. Research on sustainable sources of feed was recently intensified and insects as meal to substitute soybean and fish meals and oils seems a promising field. Consequently we explored future consumer attitude toward the consumption of fish farmed on insect meals, as a mean of enhancing the sustainability of the farming system in aquaculture. We focused our attention on Italian consumers of fish and the results show a sensitive consumer, willing to try an innovative product, interested in research to improve the safe-guarding of marine resources

    Comparative Evaluation of Packet Classification Algorithms for Implementation on Resource Constrained Systems

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    This paper provides a comparative evaluation of a number of known classification algorithms that have been considered for both software and hardware implementation. Differently from other sources, the comparison has been carried out on implementations based on the same principles and design choices. Performance measurements are obtained by feeding the implemented classifiers with various traffic traces in the same test scenario. The comparison also takes into account implementation feasibility of the considered algorithms in resource constrained systems (e.g. embedded processors on special purpose network platforms). In particular, the comparison focuses on achieving a good compromise between performance, memory usage, flexibility and code portability to different target platforms

    Rotation in galaxy clusters from MUSIC simulations with the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect

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    We propose in this work its application for the detection of possible coherent rotational motions in the hot intra-cluster medium. We select a sample of massive, relaxed and rotating galaxy clusters from Marenostrum-mUltidark SImulations of galaxy Clusters (MUSIC), and we produce mock maps of the temperature distortion produced by the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect by exploring six different lines of sight, in the best observational condition. These maps are compared with the expected signal computed from a suitable theoretical model in two cases: (i) focusing only on the contribution from the rotation, and (ii) accounting also for the cluster bulk motion. We find that the parameters of the model assumed for the radial profile of the rotational velocity, averaged over the considered lines of sight, are in agreement within two standard deviations at most with independent estimates from the simulation data, without being significantly affected by the presence of the cluster bulk term. The amplitude of the rotational signal is, on average, of the order of 23 per cent of the total signal accounting also for the cluster bulk motion, and its values are consistent with the literature. The projected bulk velocity of the cluster is also recovered at the different lines of sight, with values in agreement with the simulation dataASB acknowledges funding from Sapienza UniversitĂ  di Roma - Progetti per Avvio alla Ricerca Anno 2017, prot. AR11715C82402BC
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