11 research outputs found

    Estudio del perfil del cliente de un restaurante en Córdoba (España) incluido en guías de alto interés gastronómico

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    Culinary tourism based on visiting restaurants and tasting dishes where a strong link and identity exist with the destination is increasingly becoming an opportunity to attract tourists. Visiting a fine-dining restaurant is one of the features of culinary tourism and it also leads to greater dissemination of the historical and cultural heritage of the region. Therefore, this paper seeks to learn more about the socalled gastronomic tourist who visits a prestigious restaurant attracted by the information in gastronomic guides or ratings of the chef working there. The field work was conducted at the ReComiendo Restaurant in Cordoba, when the motivations and satisfaction of the customers who visit this type of establishment were studied. The analysis shows that developing culinary tourism based on visiting a well-known establishment influences the perception of the culture of the area. Therefore, increasing and enhancing the number of visitors at a culinary destination will, to a large extent, depend on the local culinary heritage being featured at its restaurants, the updating of its offer, a tasting menu based on a common thread, together with the updating of traditional gastronomy using cutting-edge techniques.El turismo culinario basado en visitar restaurantes y probar platos que mantienen un fuerte vínculo e identidad con las tradiciones culturales del destino, se está convirtiendo cada vez más en una oportunidad para atraer turistas. Visitar un restaurante de alta cocina es una de las características del turismo culinario y también conduce a una mayor difusión del patrimonio histórico y cultural de la región visitada. Por lo tanto, este trabajo busca aprender más sobre el llamado turista gastronómico que visita un prestigioso restaurante atraído por la información existente en las guías gastronómicas o las calificaciones del chef que trabaja allí. El trabajo de campo se realizó en el restaurante “ReComiendo” de Córdoba, donde se estudiaron las motivaciones y la satisfacción de los clientes que visitan este tipo de establecimientos. El análisis muestra que el desarrollo del turismo culinario basado en la visita a un establecimiento conocido influye en la percepción de la cultura y la oferta turística de la zona. Por lo tanto, aumentar y mejorar el número de visitantes en un destino culinario dependerá, en gran medida, del patrimonio culinario local que se presenta en sus restaurantes, la actualización de su oferta, un menú de degustación basado en un hilo común, junto con la innovación de la gastronomía tradicional utilizando técnicas de vanguardia

    International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science

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    Current scientific studies on corporate governance in the fine dining industry must consider the attractive culture of happiness management. A business management model that aims to cement the corporate happiness of all the members of its organisation. Undoubtedly, a vital intangible resource to offer a service of excellence and quality to customers. As is well known, this is an aspect of particular relevance for haute cuisine restaurants. From this perspective, this paper arises from recent happiness management research that points to the need for a happy leadership style to actively reduce the psychological stress and physical exhaustion that chefs suffer daily in the kitchen. Inspired by the achievement of this goal, and therefore their happiness at work, this research conducts an exploratory study on how the dimensions: of organisational support, intraentrepreneurship and organisational justice empirically associate with the variable happiness at work. To this end, a structural equation model will be carried out based on the 136 surveys carried out on trainees at the Basque Culinary during the 2022–2023 academic years. The empirical results of this work show that the constructs of organisational support and organisational justice positively influence the happiness at work parameter. The same is not valid for the intrapreneurship factor. On the one hand, these findings can be exciting to demonstrate the complexity of generating a climate of subjective well-being within haute cuisine restaurants. Moreover, on the other hand, it shows that chefs are a source of culinary innovation and creativity when they carry out their professional activities in a positive and happy environment.ELSEVIERhttps://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#search/esthela.galvan%40cetys.mx/FMfcgzGtxdZJQCSxHBRVRvHMptfvMkMQ?projector=1&messagePartId=0.

    Hotel customers’ behavioral intentions toward service robots: the role of utilitarian and hedonic values

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    This study aims to investigate the effects of hotel customers’ perceived utilitarian and hedonic values on their intention to use service robots. In addition, the influences of innovativeness, ease of use and compatibility on hotel customers’ perceived utilitarian and hedonic values were examined. Design/methodology/approach – The data of the current study was collected from 11 countries including the USA, UK, Turkey, Spain, Romania, Japan, Israel, India, Greece, Canada and Brazil. A structural equation modeling was used to test the study hypotheses. Findings – The results indicated that hotel customers’ intention to use service robots was positively influenced by their utilitarian and hedonic value perceptions. In addition, customers’ perceptions of robots’ ease of use and compatibility had a positive impact on their perceived utilitarian and hedonic values. Originality/value – The findings of the current study provide unique contributions in the context of hospitality robotics technology adoption literature. In addition, this study provides valuable insights and novel opportunities for hospitality decision-makers to capitalize on, as they strive to strategize the integration of robot-based services into their operations.2022-2

    Towards a deeper understanding of senior tourists: challenges and opportunities of an emerging market segment

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    The world’s population is ageing with virtually every country in the world experiencing growth in the number and proportion of older people in the population (United Nations, 2015). The number of over 60s has risen by a third over the last decade, making this the fastest growing consumer segment (Euromonitor, 2017). This fast growth of the ageing population is set to become a major lead market for many and various sectors and makes this group a segment not to be overlooked. The market for senior tourists already represents a key economic segment. It has drawn increasing attention from researchers in the past decade (Patterson, 2006), with a growing recognition that they place travel and tourism high on the list of their priorities when they retire (Statts and Pierfelice, 2003; Balderas-Cejudo et al., 2016).Nevertheless, the travel industry has been criticized for failing to recognize the diversity of travel preferences required to attract, connect and market to seniors.This article provides an analysis of the literature on the socio-demographics of seniors, discusses different trends and shifts in their leisure behaviour, and draws implications for the tourism and hospitality industry.The literature presented in this review was identified through multiple sources including the use of a range of tourism databases and tracking citations from the research literature. This paperaims to review these issues within the tourism and population ageing literature to ascertain (1) shiftingtrendsin silver travelers and (2) howtourism providers needto respond to seniors changing needs and wants

    El turismo como medio de felicidad y bienestar subjetivo para los viajeros mayores

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    A number of studies have investigated the impact of tourism experiences on health and well-being; however, very little is known about the underlying psychological factors and the mechanisms involved. Several researchers have suggested that happiness and tourism activities are strongly linked, but relatively little research has looked at potential connections between tourism and happiness, subjective well-being (SWB) and quality of life, especially for older travelers in an ageing world. Psychologically, tourism provides the greatest benefits for older travelers, as tourism provides the means by which many older adults are able to seek happiness and positive feelings related to their well-being and quality of life. This is because it helps improve mood while creating a positive outlook, feelings of well-being, and cheerfulness for older tourists. This conceptual paper focuses on how travel contributes to older tourists’ feelings of happiness and well-being. The findings will provide a deeper understanding of the potential relationship between tourism and mental health, to determine if tourism can positively affect people’s lives and make them feel happy.Varios estudios han investigado el impacto de las experiencias turísticas en la salud y el bienestar, pero se sabe muy poco sobre los factores psicológicos subyacentes y los me-canismos implicados. Varios investigadores han sugerido que la felicidad y las activida-des turísticas están estrechamente vincula-das, pero se ha investigado relativamente poco sobre las posibles conexiones entre el turismo y la felicidad, el bienestar subjetivo (BS) y la calidad de vida, especialmente en el caso de los viajeros de más edad en un mundo que envejece. Desde el punto de vista psicológico, el turismo aporta los ma-yores beneficios a los viajeros de más edad, ya que el turismo proporciona los medios por los que los adultos mayores pueden buscar la felicidad y sentimientos positivos relacionados con su bienestar y calidad de vida. Esto se debe a que ayuda a mejorar el estado de ánimo, crea una perspectiva positiva y sentimientos positivos de bienes-tar y alegría para los turistas mayores. Este artículo conceptual se centrará en cómo los viajes contribuyen a los sentimientos de felicidad y bienestar de los turistas de más edad. Las conclusiones proporcionarán una comprensión más profunda de la posible relación entre el turismo y la salud mental, para determinar si el turismo puede afectar positivamente a la vida de las personas, su bienestar y hacer que se sientan felice

    Gastronomy: a customer study of restaurant in Cordoba (Spain) included in a prestigious guide:

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    Abstract Culinary tourism based on visiting restaurants and tasting dishes where a strong link and identity exist with the destination is increasingly becoming an opportunity to attract tourists. Visiting a fine-dining restaurant is one of the features of culinary tourism and it also leads to greater dissemination of the historical and cultural heritage of the region. Therefore, this paper seeks to learn more about the so-called gastronomic tourist who visits a prestigious restaurant attracted by the information in gastronomic guides or ratings of the chef working there. The field work was conducted at the ReComiendo Restaurant in Cordoba, when the motivations and satisfaction of the customers who visit this type of establishment were studied. The analysis shows that developing culinary tourism based on visiting a well-known establishment influences the perception of the culture of the area. Therefore, increasing and enhancing the number of visitors at a culinary destination will, to a large extent, depend on the local culinary heritage being featured at its restaurants, the updating of its offer, a tasting menu based on a common thread, together with the updating of traditional gastronomy using cutting-edge techniques. Key words: culinary tourism, gastronomy, gastronomic guides, gastronomic experiences, Cordoba (Spain).   Resumen El turismo culinario basado en visitar restaurantes y probar platos que mantienen un fuerte vínculo e identidad con las tradiciones culturales del destino, se está convirtiendo cada vez más en una oportunidad para atraer turistas. Visitar un restaurante de alta cocina es una de las características del turismo culinario y también conduce a una mayor difusión del patrimonio histórico y cultural de la región visitada. Por lo tanto, este trabajo busca aprender más sobre el llamado turista gastronómico que visita un prestigioso restaurante atraído por la información existente en las guías gastronómicas o las calificaciones del chef que trabaja allí. El trabajo de campo se realizó en el restaurante “ReComiendo” de Córdoba, donde se estudiaron las motivaciones y la satisfacción de los clientes que visitan este tipo de establecimientos. El análisis muestra que el desarrollo del turismo culinario basado en la visita a un establecimiento conocido influye en la percepción de la cultura y la oferta turística de la zona. Por lo tanto, aumentar y mejorar el número de visitantes en un destino culinario dependerá, en gran medida, del patrimonio culinario local que se presenta en sus restaurantes, la actualización de su oferta, un menú de degustación basado en un hilo común, junto con la innovación de la gastronomía tradicional utilizando técnicas de vanguardia. Palabras clave: turismo gastronómico, gastronomía, guías gastronómicas, experiencias gastronómicas, Córdoba (España).  Abstract Culinary tourism based on visiting restaurants and tasting dishes where a strong link and identity exist with the destination is increasingly becoming an opportunity to attract tourists. Visiting a fine-dining restaurant is one of the features of culinary tourism and it also leads to greater dissemination of the historical and cultural heritage of the region. Therefore, this paper seeks to learn more about the so-called gastronomic tourist who visits a prestigious restaurant attracted by the information in gastronomic guides or ratings of the chef working there. The field work was conducted at the ReComiendo Restaurant in Cordoba, when the motivations and satisfaction of the customers who visit this type of establishment were studied. The analysis shows that developing culinary tourism based on visiting a well-known establishment influences the perception of the culture of the area. Therefore, increasing and enhancing the number of visitors at a culinary destination will, to a large extent, depend on the local culinary heritage being featured at its restaurants, the updating of its offer, a tasting menu based on a common thread, together with the updating of traditional gastronomy using cutting-edge techniques. Key words: culinary tourism, gastronomy, gastronomic guides, gastronomic experiences, Cordoba (Spain).   Resumen El turismo culinario basado en visitar restaurantes y probar platos que mantienen un fuerte vínculo e identidad con las tradiciones culturales del destino, se está convirtiendo cada vez más en una oportunidad para atraer turistas. Visitar un restaurante de alta cocina es una de las características del turismo culinario y también conduce a una mayor difusión del patrimonio histórico y cultural de la región visitada. Por lo tanto, este trabajo busca aprender más sobre el llamado turista gastronómico que visita un prestigioso restaurante atraído por la información existente en las guías gastronómicas o las calificaciones del chef que trabaja allí. El trabajo de campo se realizó en el restaurante “ReComiendo” de Córdoba, donde se estudiaron las motivaciones y la satisfacción de los clientes que visitan este tipo de establecimientos. El análisis muestra que el desarrollo del turismo culinario basado en la visita a un establecimiento conocido influye en la percepción de la cultura y la oferta turística de la zona. Por lo tanto, aumentar y mejorar el número de visitantes en un destino culinario dependerá, en gran medida, del patrimonio culinario local que se presenta en sus restaurantes, la actualización de su oferta, un menú de degustación basado en un hilo común, junto con la innovación de la gastronomía tradicional utilizando técnicas de vanguardia. Palabras clave: turismo gastronómico, gastronomía, guías gastronómicas, experiencias gastronómicas, Córdoba (España). &nbsp

    Factors Affecting Hotel Managers\u27 Intentions to Adopt Robotic Technologies: A Global Study

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    The objective of this study that was conducted with 1077 hotel managers in 11 countries in North and South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, was to identify the effects of technological, organizational, and environmental (TOE) factors on hotel managers\u27 intentions to adopt robotic technologies in their hotels. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was utilized to test the study hypotheses. The results indicated that hotel managers\u27 intention to adopt robotic technologies were positively influenced by their perceived relative advantage, competitive pressure and top management support and negatively influenced by their perceived complexity of the technology. The study results further demonstrated that the impacts of relative advantage, complexity, top management support, and competitive advantage on intention to adopt were moderated by innovativeness. The current study also addressed the theoretical and practical implications to existing knowledge and practice in the hotel industry. • TOE factors\u27 impact on hotel managers\u27 robotic technology adoption were examined. • Relative advantage, competitive pressure, and top mgmt. support had positive impact. • Complexity had a negative impact on intention to adopt robotic technologies. • The moderating impact of innovativeness was significant

    Hotel customers' behavioral intentions toward service robots: the role of utilitarian and hedonic values

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    Purpose This study aims to investigate the effects of hotel customers’ perceived utilitarian and hedonic values on their intention to use service robots. In addition, the influences of innovativeness, ease of use and compatibility on hotel customers’ perceived utilitarian and hedonic values were examined. Design/methodology/approach The data of the current study was collected from 11 countries including the USA, UK, Turkey, Spain, Romania, Japan, Israel, India, Greece, Canada and Brazil. A structural equation modeling was used to test the study hypotheses. Findings The results indicated that hotel customers’ intention to use service robots was positively influenced by their utilitarian and hedonic value perceptions. In addition, customers’ perceptions of robots’ ease of use and compatibility had a positive impact on their perceived utilitarian and hedonic values. Originality/value The findings of the current study provide unique contributions in the context of hospitality robotics technology adoption literature. In addition, this study provides valuable insights and novel opportunities for hospitality decision-makers to capitalize on, as they strive to strategize the integration of robot-based services into their operations.2021-2