93 research outputs found

    Perceived corporate credibility as the emergent property of corporate reputation’s transmission process

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    Starting from the analysis of corporate reputation construct, this research focuses on the emergent property of corporate reputation process that results from individual corporate image’s transmission within a informal network where various actors interact. This emergent property is conceptualised as perceived corporate credibility. The aim of this paper is to test the influence of individual cognitive structure - i.e. corporate associations - and the third party’s interaction on the corporate credibility perceived by individual decision-makers within customer’s organization. The theoretical model is examined in a particular business-to-business context: business catering supplying relationships.corporate reputation, corporate associations , perceived corporate credibility, business-to-business relationships

    Business Model Adaptation and the Success of New Ventures

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    In this study, we explore the connections between business model adaptation and the success of new ventures. We do so by analysing in depth the business model evolution of three new Italian ventures throughout their first years of life. We try to understand if and how the evolution of these firms’ business models is connected to their success. Our analysis reveals that adapting their business models was crucial to enabling these firms to survive in extremely dynamic environments. However, it did not fully act as a catalyst for their processes of growth and did not increase their profitability.W tym badaniu poszukujemy powiązań między dostosowaniem modelu biznesowego i sukcesem nowych przedsięwzięć. W tym celu, przeprowadzamy dogłębną analizę ewolucji modelu biznesowego trzech nowych włoskich przedsięwzięć w pierwszym roku ich działalności. Staramy się zrozumieć, czy i w jaki sposób ewolucja modeli biznesowych tych firm przekłada się na ich sukces. Nasza analiza pokazuje, że dostosowanie modeli biznesowych odegrało kluczową rolę w umożliwieniu tym firmom przetrwanie w ekstremalnie dynamicznych środowiskach. Jednak proces ten nie w pełni zadziałał jako katalizator procesów wzrostu i nie zwiększył rentowności firm

    Business model adaptation and the success of new ventures

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    In this study, we explore the connections between business model adaptation and the success of new ventures. We do so by analysing in depth the business model evolution of three new Italian ventures throughout their first years of life. We try to understand if and how the evolution of these firms\u2019 business models is connected to their success. Our analysis reveals that adapting their business models was crucial to enabling these firms to survive in extremely dynamic environments. However, it did not fully act as a catalyst for their processes of growth and did not increase their profitability

    Perceived corporate credibility as the emergent property of corporate reputation’s transmission process

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    Starting from the analysis of corporate reputation construct, this research focuses on the emergent property of corporate reputation process that results from individual corporate image’s transmission within a informal network where various actors interact. This emergent property is conceptualised as perceived corporate credibility. The aim of this paper is to test the influence of individual cognitive structure - i.e. corporate associations - and the third party’s interaction on the corporate credibility perceived by individual decision-makers within customer’s organization. The theoretical model is examined in a particular business-to-business context: business catering supplying relationships

    Perceived corporate credibility as the emergent property of corporate reputation’s transmission process

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    Starting from the analysis of corporate reputation construct, this research focuses on the emergent property of corporate reputation process that results from individual corporate image’s transmission within a informal network where various actors interact. This emergent property is conceptualised as perceived corporate credibility. The aim of this paper is to test the influence of individual cognitive structure - i.e. corporate associations - and the third party’s interaction on the corporate credibility perceived by individual decision-makers within customer’s organization. The theoretical model is examined in a particular business-to-business context: business catering supplying relationships

    Innovation and business performance determinants of SMEs in the Adriatic region that introduced social innovation

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    The objective of this study is to investigate innovation and business performance determinants of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) located in the Adriatic region that introduced social innovation and to compare these SMEs with SMEs that did not introduce social innovation or did not innovate at all. This research is a part of wider research on innovation in the Adriatic Region conducted as part of the EU-funded project PACINNO. The results show that social innovators perceive their business performance to be higher than their competitors and are exporting significantly more than other firms. This study contributes to the under-researched area of social innovation in the Adriatic Region with quantitative empirical results. In addition, the results can serve as guidelines for policy makers and other stakeholders, particularly in the field of social innovation

    Le dimensioni dell\u2019innovazione in un cluster del vino italiano

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    L\u2019innovazione \ue8 senza dubbio uno dei temi pi\uf9 studiati nella letteratura econo- mico-manageriale. Nonostante la notevole quantit\ue0 di ricerche, il problema del rapporto tra innovazione e performance aziendale rimane una questione anco- ra aperta, come evidenziato in diversi contributi (Garcia e Calantone, 2002; Ro- senbusch et al., 2011)..

    Travellers’ choice of information sources and information channels for domestic trips

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    The topics of disintermediation and re-intermediation, both offline and online, have captured the attention of researchers and practitioners alike. Relying on an information search perspective, this study aims to identify which factors (i.e. different socio-demographic characteristics and travel-related variables) best predict whether a traveller will seek information from a travel agency or from a service provider (i.e. information source choice) and if this will be done face to face or through the Internet (i.e. choice of communication channel). Contribution to the body of knowledge and managerial implications are discussed and suggestions for future research are given

    I segreti del successo delle campagne di crowdfunding delle imprese sociali italiane

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    Il crowdfunding è uno strumento di finanziamento innovativo in grado di cambiare le regole della finanza per l’impresa. Questo vale non solo per l’imprenditoria tradizionale, ma anche per l’impresa sociale che con il crowdfunding può finanziare e legittimare i propri progetti di innovazione sociale. In quest’ottica, questo saggio si propone di individuare e analizzare i fattori che spiegano il successo delle campagne di crowdfunding delle imprese sociali all’interno del contesto italiano, caratterizzato da un elevato dinamismo e da una sostanziale frammentazione. Questo contributo vuole inoltre fornire un supporto operativo agli innovatori sociali nel progettare e gestire efficacemente le loro campagne. E’ stata condotta un’analisi empirica su 253 campagne di crowdfunding lanciate da imprese sociali su piattaforme italiane. Il focus dell’analisi è stato rivolto a tre tipologie di driver: la rete dell’impresa sociale analizzata, le caratteristiche della piattaforma di crowdfunding selezionata e il design della campagna. I risultati dimostrano come la presenza dell’impresa sociale sui social network (in particolare Twitter), la scelta di una specifica piattaforma di tipo reward-based e la gestione attiva della campagna abbiano un impatto rilevante sull’effettivo raggiungimento dell’obiettivo di finanziamento
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