19 research outputs found

    O coronel e o professor: o ensino público na dinâmica do sistema coronelista de poder na região de colonização italiana

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    Diferentes trocas de favores e práticas clientelistas são claramente observáveis durante o período republicano brasileiro. A fim de sempre manter um expressivo plantel de eleitores, os partidos republicanos lançavam mão das mais variadas técnicas para a manutenção da base sufragista. No Rio Grande do Sul uma das moedas de troca, e meio para preservação da base, estava relacionada ao ensino público e suas escolas. Tanto a localização, quanto os professores que ministrariam as “aulas públicas”, se tornaram moedas de barganha entre o Presidente do Estado, os coronéis locais e os eleitores. E tal ação é claramente percebida na região de colonização italiana, como apresenta o artigo a seguir.The coronel and the teachar: public education in the dynamics of the coronelist system power in the italian colonization region. Different exchanges of favors and clientelists practices are clearly observable during the Brazilian Republican period. In order to maintain an expressive constituency of voters, the republican parties used the most varied techniques to maintain the suffragist base. In Rio Grande do Sul one of the exchange coins, and a way for preserving the base, was related to public education and its schools. Both the location and the teachers who would teach the "public lessons" became bargaining chips between the President of the State, the local colonels, and the voters. And this action is clearly perceived in the region of Italian colonization, as presented in the following article. Keywords: Coronelism; Education; Rio Grande do Sul


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    Escherichia coli Shiga Toxigênica (STEC) é um patógeno emergente importante nasaúde pública e as cepas potencialmente zoonóticas apresentarem os genes stx eeae . O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a presença destes genes em cortes emiúdos suínos. Para isto, 740 amostras foram submetidas à PCR em tempo real, asamostras positivas foram cultivadas e os isolados foram submetidas novamente àPCR em tempo real para detecção dos genes. Destas, 140 amostras forampositivas, as quais em 71 foi possível isolar cepas de E. coli , Das cepas isoladas,apenas sete apresentaram algum gene de virulência

    Effectiveness of clinical, surgical and percutaneous treatment to prevent cardiovascular events in patients referred for elective coronary angiography: an observational study

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    Purpose: To ascertain the most appropriate treatment for chronic, stable, coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients submitted to elective coronary angiography. Patients and Methods: A total of 814 patients included in the prospective cohort study were referred for elective coronary angiography and were followed up on average for 6±1.9 years. Main outcomes were all-cause death, cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke and late revascularization and their combinations as major adverse cardiac and cerebral events (MACCE): MACCE-1 included cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, and stroke; MACCE-2 was MACCE-1 plus late revascularization. Survival curves and adjusted Cox proportional hazard models were used to explore the association between the type of treatment and outcomes. Results: All-cause death was lower in participants submitted to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (0.41, 0.16–1.03, P=0.057) compared to medical treatment (MT). Coronary-artery bypass grafting (CABG) had an overall trend for poorer outcomes: cardiovascular death 2.53 (0.42–15.10), combined cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, and stroke 2.15 (0.73–6.31) and these events plus late revascularization (2.17, 0.86–5.49). The corresponding numbers for PCI were 0.27 (0.05–1.43) for cardiovascular death, 0.77 (0.32–1.84) for combined cardiovascular death, nonfatal MI, and stroke and 2.35 (1.16–4.77) with the addition of late revascularization. These trends were not influenced by baseline blood pressure, left ventricular ejection fraction and previous MI. Patients with diabetes mellitus had a significantly higher risk of recurrent revascularization when submitted to PCI than CABG. Conclusion: Patients with confirmed CAD in elective coronary angiography do not have a better prognosis when submitted to CABG comparatively to medical treatment. Patients treated with PCI had a trend for the lower incidence of combined cardiovascular events, at the expense of additional revascularization procedures. Patients without significant CAD had a similar prognosis than CAD patients treated with medical therapy

    Diagnosis of the permanent preservation areas of the springs of a drainage basin located in the urban area in Irati-PR

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    The technological advance and the sprouting of new techniques and remote sensors, capable to generate images of high resolution spatial and spectral, become the environment diagnosis more precise at each day. The present work has as objective to locate the springs and to delimit its areas of permanent preservation using orbital images of high resolution of the Quickbird sensor, as to well as identify the land use of these areas for confrontation with the legislation. The study area was the basin of the Pereira’s stream in the urban area of the City of Irati - PR. The results had demonstrated that all the springs are at illegal form according to the forest law.O avanço tecnológico e o surgimento de novas técnicas e sensores remotos, capazes de gerar imagens de alta resolução espacial e espectral, tornam os diagnósticos ambientais cada dia mais precisos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo localizar as nascentes e delimitar suas áreas de preservação permanente utilizando imagens orbitais de alta resolução do sensor Quickbird, bem como identificar o uso do solo dessas áreas para confronto com a legislação. A área de estudo foi a bacia do Arroio dos Pereiras, na área urbana do município de Irati, PR. Os resultados demonstraram que todas as nascentes encontram-se de forma irregular de acordo com o código florestal. Palavras-chave:   Diagnóstico ambiental; área de preservação permanente; geoprocessamento; nascentes.   Abstract Diagnosis of the permanent preservation areas of the springs of a drainage basin located in the urban area in Irati-PR. The technological advance and the sprouting of new techniques and remote sensors, capable to generate images of high resolution spatial and spectral, become the environment diagnosis more precise at each day. The present work has as objective to locate the springs and to delimit its areas of permanent preservation using orbital images of high resolution of the Quickbird sensor, as to well as identify the land use of these areas for confrontation with the legislation. The study area was the basin of the Pereira’s stream in the urban area of the City of Irati - PR. The results had demonstrated that all the springs are at illegal form according to the forest law.Keywords: Environmental diagnosis; permanent preservation area; geothecnologies; water springs

    Quality of life in patients with stable coronary artery disease submitted to percutaneous, surgical, and medical therapies : a cohort study

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    Background: Clinical, surgical, and percutaneous strategies similarly prevent major cardiovascular events in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD). The possibility that these strategies have differential effects on healthrelated quality of life (HRQoL) has been debated, particularly in patients treated outside clinical trials. Methods: We assigned 454 patients diagnosed with CAD during an elective diagnostic coronary angiography to coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), or optimal medical treatment (OMT), and followed them for an average of 5.2 ± 1.5 years. HRQoL was assessed using a validated Brazilian version of the 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey questionnaire. The association between therapeutic strategies and quality of life scores was tested using variance analysis and adjusted for confounders in a general linear model. Results: There were no differences in the mental component summary scores in the follow-up evaluation by therapeutic strategies: 51.4, 53.7, and 52.3 for OMT, PCI, and CABG, respectively. Physical component summary scores were higher in the PCI group than the CABG and OMT groups (46.4 vs. 42.9 and 43.8, respectively); however, these differences were no longer different after adjustment for confounding variables. Conclusion: In a long-term follow-up of patients with stable CAD, HRQoL did not differ in patients treated by medical, percutaneous, or surgical treatments

    Secondary pharmacological prevention of coronary artery disease among patients submitted to clinical management, percutaneous coronary intervention, or coronary artery bypass graft surgery

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    Fundamento: A prevenção secundária é recomendada a pacientes com evidência de doença arterial coronariana (DAC) independentemente da indicação de tratamento por cirurgia de bypass da artéria coronária (CABG) ou intervenção coronária percutânea (ICP). Objetivos: Este estudo avaliou se o tratamento clínico, a ICP ou o CABG teve influência na adesão à prevenção secundária farmacológica em pacientes com DAC estável. Métodos: Esta coorte incluiu pacientes com idade ≥40 anos com DAC estável confirmada por angiografia coronária estável. A decisão por tratamento clínico isolado, ou combinado com ICP ou CABG foi feita por médicos assistentes. A adesão às drogas prescritas recomendadas pelas diretrizes de prevenção secundária (tratamento farmacológico ótimo), incluindo agentes antiplaquetários, drogas hipolipemianetes, betabloqueadores, e bloqueadores do sistema angiotensina aldosterona, foi avaliada no acompanhamento. Diferenças com valores de p < 0,05 foram consideradas estatisticamente significativas. Resultados: Dos 928 pacientes incluídos inicialmente, 415 apresentaram DAC leve e 66 apresentaram DAC leve a moderada. O período médio de seguimento foi 5,2 ± 1,5 anos. Os pacientes submetidos ao CABG apresentaram maior probabilidade de receberem tratamento farmacológico ótimo que aqueles submetidos à ICP ou tratamento clínico (63,5% versus 39,1% versus 45,7% respectivamente, p=0,003). Fatores basais independentemente associados com maior probabilidade de prescrição de tratamento ótimo foram CABG [39% maior (6% - 83%, p=0,017)] em comparação a outros tratamentos e diabetes [25% maior (1% - 56%), p=0,042] em comparação à ausência de diabetes. Conclusões: Pacientes com DAC submetidos ao CABG são mais frequentemente tratados com prevenção secundária farmacológica ótima que pacientes tratados com ICP ou exclusivamente com tratamento clínico.Background: Secondary prevention is recommended for patients with evidence of coronary artery disease (CAD) regardless of the indication for treatment by coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Objectives: This study evaluated whether clinical treatment, PCI or CABG had an influence on adherence to the pharmacological secondary prevention in patients with stable CAD. Methods: This cohort included patients aged ≥40 years with stable CAD confirmed by coronary angiography. The decision for medical treatment alone, or additionally with PCI or CABG, was made by the attending physicians. Adherence to the prescribed drugs recommended by the guidelines for secondary prevention (optimal pharmacological treatment), including antiplatelet agents, lipid-lowering drugs, beta-blockers, and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockers, was assessed at follow-up. Differences were considered significant for p values <0.05. Results: From 928 patients enrolled at baseline, 415 had mild CAD and 66 moderate to severe CAD. The average followup was 5.2 ± 1.5 years. Patients submitted to CABG were more likely to receive the optimal pharmacological treatment than those submitted to PCI or treated clinically (63.5% versus 39.1% versus 45.7% respectively, p=0.003). Baseline factors independently associated with greater probability of having a prescription of optimal treatment at follow-up were CABG [39% higher (6% - 83%, p=0.017) and diabetes [25% higher (1% - 56%), p=0.042] than their counterparts treated by other methods and participants without diabetes, respectively. Conclusions: Patients with CAD submitted to CABG are more commonly treated with optimal pharmacological secondary prevention than patients treated by PCI or exclusively with medical therapy

    Periareolar zigzag incision as treatment for gynecomastia

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    INTRODUCTION: Gynecomastia is a benign hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the male mammary gland, and is considered the most frequent benign condition of the male breast. The objective is to evaluate aesthetic results and satisfaction of patients undergoing a new approach using a periareolar zigzag incision for the treatment of gynecomastia. METHODS: We present 13 cases of male gynecomastia treated with a periareolar zigzag incision technique. RESULTS: All patients were satisfied with the scar hidden in the transitional, naturally irregular periareolar skin of the nipple-areolar complex. No complications were observed in this patient series. CONCLUSION: This approach is an excellent, easy-to-perform surgical alternative for the treatment of gynecomastia, providing a satisfactory cosmetic result without the presence of a stigmatizing scar

    Estudo introdutório sobre a história do esporte

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    Orientador: Wanderley Marchi JuniorMonografia (licenciatura) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Educação Físic

    Estudo introdutório sobre a história do esporte

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    Orientador: Wanderley Marchi JuniorMonografia (licenciatura) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Educação Físic

    O coronel e o professor: o ensino público na dinâmica do sistema coronelista de poder na região de colonização italiana

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    Diferentes trocas de favores e práticas clientelistas são claramente observáveis durante o período republicano brasileiro. A fim de sempre manter um expressivo plantel de eleitores, os partidos republicanos lançavam mão das mais variadas técnicas para a manutenção da base sufragista. No Rio Grande do Sul uma das moedas de troca, e meio para preservação da base, estava relacionada ao ensino público e suas escolas. Tanto a localização, quanto os professores que ministrariam as “aulas públicas”, se tornaram moedas de barganha entre o Presidente do Estado, os coronéis locais e os eleitores. E tal ação é claramente percebida na região de colonização italiana, como apresenta o artigo a seguir.The coronel and the teachar: public education in the dynamics of the coronelist system power in the italian colonization region. Different exchanges of favors and clientelists practices are clearly observable during the Brazilian Republican period. In order to maintain an expressive constituency of voters, the republican parties used the most varied techniques to maintain the suffragist base. In Rio Grande do Sul one of the exchange coins, and a way for preserving the base, was related to public education and its schools. Both the location and the teachers who would teach the "public lessons" became bargaining chips between the President of the State, the local colonels, and the voters. And this action is clearly perceived in the region of Italian colonization, as presented in the following article. Keywords: Coronelism; Education; Rio Grande do Sul