1,085 research outputs found

    Upper Jurassic Hybodontidae (Selachii) from Lourinhã, Portugal

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    Hybodontidae teeth and spines from the Lourinha Formation, Sobral unit are described. These teeth and spines have been ascribed to the genus Hybodus and regarded as Hybodus cf. reticulatus

    Uppermost Miocene Lamniform Selachians (Pisces) from the Alvalade basin (Portugal)

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    This paper deals with Lamniform teeth collected in deposits from the Esbarrondadoiro Formation, Alvalade Basin in Southern Portugal. The following genera were recognized: Carcharias, Pseudocarcharias, Alopias, Isurus and Carcharocles. The species Carcharias acutissima is by far the most predominant, all other taxa being rare or very rare. This situation points to neritic, tropical to subtropical, rather shallow waters not far away from the coast. This is corroborated by the rarity of the associated, mainly pelagic, taxa. The ratio between C. acutissima and the remaining Lamniforms as a whole is markedly uneven between Esbarrondadoiro and the localities of Santa Margarida and Vale de Zebro. This suggests quite different environmental conditions, a matter that will require a more thorough examination taking into account all palaeontologic and geologic data

    Integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta. 1. Estruturação dos sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária.

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    Sistemas de Produção; Sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária; Pastagens anuais em sucessão às culturas de verão; Rotação de pastagem em áreas de lavoura; Rotação de culturas anuais em áreas de pastagens; ILP com rotação parcial de lavoura ou pecuária; ILP na agricultura familiar; Sistema integrado de produção; Investimentos necessários: estruturais, animais, adequações do solo , cercas, aguadas, máquinas e equipamentos, unidade de manejo, identificação dos animais,necessidade de pessoal e conhecimento; Oportunidades proporcionadas pela iLP; Da pecuária para a lavoura; Da lavoura para a pecuária; Consequência da interação entre ambas, Para o produtor.bitstream/item/58600/1/DOC2011110.pd

    Os tubarões hybodontiformes (Chondrichthyes: Euselachii) do Jurássico Superior de Torres Vedras, Portugal

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    ABSTRACT: In this work, the description and classification of a set of fossil shark tooth specimens, from the upper Kimmeridgian-lower Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) of Torres Vedras, was developed. The material, currently housed in the paleontological collection of Sociedade de História Natural, was collected on the surface of the marine deposits at the top of the Praia Azul Member, Lourinhã Formation, Lusitanian Basin. The attribution of the specimens to Hybodus cf. reticulatus, was based on the presence of the following most striking characteristics: a reticulated, spongy root, perpendicular to the crown; a completely to almost completely straight main cusp; several straight, well-defined, and parallel ridges that run from the base of the crown to about half of the height of the main cusp; and flat, well-defined cutting edges.RESUMO: No presente trabalho, fez-se a descrição e a classificação de um conjunto de espécimes de dentes fósseis de tubarão, do Kimmeridgiano superior-Tithoniano inferior (Jurássico Superior) de Torres Vedras. O material, atualmente sediado na coleção paleontológica da Sociedade de História Natural, foi colhido à superfície nos depósitos marinhos do topo do Membro da Praia Azul, Formação da Lourinhã, Bacia Lusitaniana. A atribuição dos espécimes a Hybodus cf. reticulatus, baseou-se na presença das seguintes características mais marcantes: raiz reticulada, esponjosa e perpendicular à coroa; cúspide principal totalmente ou quase totalmente estreita; várias pregas estreitas, bem definidas e paralelas entre si, que surgem desde a base da coroa até aproximadamente metade da altura da cúspide principal; e bordo cortante liso e bem definido.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Cristo Rei section (Lower Miocene). Distal fluviatile environments in a marine series, plants, vertebrates and other evidence, age

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    The section at Cristo Rei shows sandy beds with intercalated clayey lenses (IVb division from the Lisbon Miocene series) that correspond to a major regression event dated from between ca. 17.6 and 17 Ma. They also correspond to a distal position (relatively to the typical fluviatile facies in Lisbon), nearer the basin's axis. Geologic data and paleontological analysis (plant fossils, fishes, crocodilians, land mammals) allow the reconstruction of environments that were represented in the concerned area: estuary with channels and ox-bows; upstream, areas occupied by brackish waters where Gryphaea griphoides banks developped; still farther upstream, freshwaters sided by humid forests and low mountain subtropical forests under warm temperate and rainy conditions, as well as not far away, seasonally dry environments (low density tree or shrub cover, or steppe)

    Genetic structuring and fixed polymorphisms in the gene period among natural populations of Lutzomyia longipalpis in Brazil

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    Citation: Costa, C. R. L., Freitas, M. T. D., Figueiredo, C. A. S., Aragao, N. C., da Silva, L. G., Marcondes, C. B., . . . Balbino, V. D. (2015). Genetic structuring and fixed polymorphisms in the gene period among natural populations of Lutzomyia longipalpis in Brazil. Parasites & Vectors, 8, 9. doi:10.1186/s13071-015-0785-6Background: Even one hundred years after being originally identified, aspects of the taxonomy of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis, the principal vector of Leishmania infantum in the Americas, remain unresolved for Brazilian populations of this vector. The diversity of morphological, behavioral, biochemical, and ethological characters, as well as the genetic variability detected by molecular markers are indicative of the presence of a complex of species. Methods: In this study, a 525 bp fragment of the period gene was used to evaluate sympatric populations of L. longipalpis. A combination of probabilistic methods such as maximum likelihood and genetic assignment approach to investigate sympatric species of L. longipalpis were applied in three populations of Northeast Brazil. Results: Fixed polymorphisms in geographically isolated populations of L. longipalpis from two localities in the state of Ceara and one in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, was identified in a 525 bp fragment of the gene period (per). Our results suggest a direct relationship between the number of spots found in males' tergites and the genetic variation in cryptic species of L. longipalpis. The fragment used in this study revealed the nature of the ancestral morphotype 1S. Conclusion: New polymorphisms were identified in the gene per which can be used as a genetic barcode to sympatric taxonomy of L. longipalpis. The per gene fragment confirmed the presence of two siblings species of L. longipalpis in Sobral and showed that these same species are present in two other localities, representing an expansion within the L. longipalpis species complex with regards to the states of Ceara and Pernambuco

    Sélaciens du Miocène terminal du bassin d'Alvalade (Portugal). Essai de synthèse

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    A rich uppermost Miocene selachian fauna from the Alvalade Basin (represented by more than 10.000 teeth) is accounted for. It is the most modern miocene fauna of neritic habit under warm-temperate to subtropical conditions, known in the european Miocene

    Integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta (iLPF): Região Sul.

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    A integração Lavoura-Pecuária-Floresta (iLPF) tem como grande objetivo a mudança do sistema de uso da terra, fundamentando-se na integração dos componentes do sistema produtivo, visando atingir patamares cada vez mais elevados de qualidade do produto, qualidade ambiental e competitividade. Portanto, apresenta-se como uma estratégia para maximizar efeitos desejáveis no ambiente, aliando o aumento da produtividade com a conservação de recursos naturais no processo de intensificação de uso das áreas já desmatadas no Brasil.bitstream/item/82226/1/0000005512-ILPF-REGIAO-SUL.pdfInformação de capa: [Apostila do] Curso de Capacitação do Programa ABC (Agricultura de Baixa Emissão de Carbono)

    Integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta (iLPF): região sul.

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    bitstream/item/79516/1/0000005512-ILPF-REGIAO-SUL.pdfInformação de capa: [Apostila do] Curso de Capacitação do Programa ABC (Agricultura de Baixa Emissão de Carbono)