131 research outputs found

    Cosmology with Gamma-Ray Bursts Using k-correction

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    In the case of Gamma-Ray Bursts with measured redshift, we can calculate the k-correction to get the fluence and energy that were actually produced in the comoving system of the GRB. To achieve this we have to use well-fitted parameters of a GRB spectrum, available in the GCN database. The output of the calculations is the comoving isotropic energy E_iso, but this is not the endpoint: this data can be useful for estimating the {\Omega}M parameter of the Universe and for making a GRB Hubble diagram using Amati's relation.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. Presented as a talk on the conference '7th INTEGRAL/BART Workshop 14 -18 April 2010, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic'. Published in Acta Polytechnic

    Methods for identifying high-redshift galaxy cluster candidates

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    Recent theories linked long gamma ray bursts (GRBs) to galaxies with rapid star formation or starburst; thus, we expect that long GRBs (LGRBs) are more frequent in midcluster galaxies where mergers and tidal interactions between gas-rich galaxies are more likely to occur. Yet there is no galaxy cluster known to be associated with LGRBs. We demonstrate that, based on deep, single-band Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam observations, we may provide constraints on photometric redshifts of groups of galaxies. We compare three methods: cosmological approach, pseudoinverse matrix, and random forests to estimate galaxy and quasar redshifts. Comparing our results to spectroscopic redshifts of Sloan Digital Sky Survey's-detected extragalactic sources, random forests may provide the highest accuracy with as low as 17 percentage error. This is a powerful method to find clusters to place GRB host galaxies in their local environment

    Integrating STEM-related Technologies into Mathematics Education at a Large Scale

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    This paper outlines the growing phenomenon and need to integrate technologies into mathematics and science teaching and learning. There are a number of successful projects for valuable integration of technologies around the world, however, these successes are often limited reaching a relatively small number of teachers and students. In this paper, we aim to offer examples of large-scale technology projects that could create a critical mass of users that could further drive innovation and sustainability for educational technology integration. We outline how GeoGebra became one of the most widely used dynamic mathematics software with a user base of more than 100 million; highlight directions of research for technology development and integration; and describe the Geomatech project that aimed to train 2500 teachers in 950 schools in Hungary. We hope that such examples, the developed technology, resources and pedagogies could contribute to further valuable integrations of technologies in mathematics and science education

    Élőállat-nyomonkövetés újszerűlehetÅ‘sége a víziszárnyas-ágazatban

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    Az RFID egyedjelölési technológia kiépítését megelÅ‘zÅ‘ felmérések elvégzésekor meghatározásra került a jelölés egyedsűrűsége, valamint az RFID alapú egyedjelölési rendszer kiépítése során felmerülÅ‘ költségtényezÅ‘k. A tanulmány alapján megállapítható, hogy pecsenyekacsák esetében az állomány minimum 11-12%-át, hízott kacsáknál minimum 14-15%-át, pecsenyelibáknál minimum 12-13%-át, hízott libáknál minimum 14-15%-át kellene megjelölni a reprezentatív mintaelemszám elérése érdekében. A költségkalkuláció eredményei szerint a jelölés egyedsűrűségének függvényében a bevezetés évében 198-199 Ft többletköltséget jelentene egyedenként a rádiófrekvencián alapuló nyomon követési rendszer bevezetése, a példánkban említett vállalkozás számára. A rendszer bevezetését követÅ‘en viszont már csak egy alacsonyabb pótlási költséggel (4000 Ft/termelési ciklus) kalkulálhat a vállalkozás. Bár többletbefektetést igényel egy ilyen rendszer kiépítése, de a 2011-ben életbe lépÅ‘ Jogszabályban Foglalt Gazdálkodási Követelményeknek (JFGK – „C†csomag) való megfelelést elÅ‘segítené, ha sor kerülne a rádiófrekvencián alapuló azonosítás alkalmazására. ---------------------------------------------------- Prior to installing the RFID bird identification technology, the proportion of poultry to be tagged, as well as the costs of installing the RFID bird identification system were assessed. The paper concludes that to achieve a representative sample, the minimum percentage of animals to be tagged is 11-12% in the event of ducks for roasting, 14-15% for fattened ducks, 12-13% for geese for roasting, and 14-15% for fattened geese. It was calculated that – depending on the proportion of the animal to be tagged – introduction of RFID tracking would cost the company used in the example HUF 198-199 per animal in the initial year. In the subsequent years, however, only a lower replacement cost is incurred (HUF 4000 / production cycle). Although installing a similar system requires extra investment, the application of RFID identification would facilitate compliance with the Statutory Management Requirements (SMR – Package C) that become effective in 2011.víziszárnyas-ágazat, nyomon követhetÅ‘ség, rádiófrekvencián alapuló azonosítás (RFID), aquatic poultry, trackability, radio frequency identification (RFID), Food Security and Poverty, Livestock Production/Industries,