11 research outputs found

    Advances in delivery methods of Arthrospira platensis (spirulina) for enhanced therapeutic outcomes

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    Arthrospira platensis (A. platensis) aqueous extract has massive amounts of natural products that can be used as future drugs, such as C-phycocyanin, allophycocyanin, etc. This extract was chosen because of its high adaptability, which reflects its resolute genetic composition. The proactive roles of cyanobacteria, particularly in the medical field, have been discussed in this review, including the history, previous food and drug administration (FDA) reports, health benefits and the various dose-dependent therapeutic functions that A. platensis possesses, including its role in fighting against lethal diseases such as cancer, SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19, etc. However, the remedy will not present its maximal effect without the proper delivery to the targeted place for deposition. The goal of this research is to maximize the bioavailability and delivery efficiency of A. platensis constituents through selected sites for effective therapeutic outcomes. The solutions reviewed are mainly on parenteral and tablet formulations. Moreover, suggested enteric polymers were discussed with minor composition variations applied for better storage in high humid countries alongside minor variations in the polymer design were suggested to enhance the premature release hindrance of basic drugs in low pH environments. In addition, it will open doors for research in delivering active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in femtoscale with the use of various existing and new formulations. Abbrevations: SDGs; Sustainable Development Goals, IL-4; Interleukin-4, HDL; High-Density Lipoprotein, LDL; Low-Density Lipoprotein, VLDL; Very Low-Density Lipoprotein, C-PC; C-Phycocyanin, APC; Allophycocyanin, PE; Phycoerythrin, COX-2; Cyclooxygenase-2, RCTs; Randomized Control Trials, TNF-α; Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha, γ-LFA; Gamma-Linolenic Fatty Acid, PGs; Polyglycans, PUFAs: Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, NK-cell; Natural Killer Cell, FDA; Food and Drug Administration, GRAS; Generally Recognized as Safe, SD; Standard Deviation, API; Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, DW; Dry Weight, IM; Intramuscular, IV; Intravenous, ID; Intradermal, SC; Subcutaneous, AERs; Adverse Event Reports, DSI-EC; Dietary Supplement Information Executive Committee, cGMP; Current Good Manufacturing Process, A. platensis; Arthrospira platensis, A. maxima; Arthrospira maxima, Spirulina sp.; Spirulina species, Arthrospira; Spirulina, Tecuitlatl; Spirulina, CRC; Colorectal Cancer, HDI; Human Development Index, Tf; Transferrin, TfR; Transferrin Receptor, FR; Flow Rate, CPP; Cell Penetrating Peptide, SUV; Small Unilamenar Vesicle, LUV; Large Unilamenar Vesicle, GUV; Giant Unilamenar Vesicle, MLV; Multilamenar Vesicle, COVID-19; Coronavirus-19, PEGylated; Stealth, PEG; Polyethylene Glycol, OSCEs; Objective Structured Clinical Examinations, GI; Gastrointestinal Tract, CAP; Cellulose Acetate Phthalate, HPMCP, Hydroxypropyl Methyl-Cellulose Phthalate, SR; Sustained Release, DR; Delay Release, Poly(MA-EA); Polymethyl Acrylic Co-Ethyl Acrylate, f-DR L-30 D-55; Femto-Delay Release Methyl Acrylic Acid Co-Ethyl Acrylate Polymer, MW; Molecular Weight, Tg; Glass Transition Temperature, SN2; Nucleophilic Substitution 2, EPR; Enhance Permeability and Retention, VEGF; Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, RGD; Arginine-Glycine-Aspartic Acid, VCAM-1; Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1, P; Coefficient of Permeability, PES; Polyether Sulfone, pHe; Extracellular pH, ζ-potential; Zeta potential, NTA; Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, PB; Phosphate Buffer, DLS; Dynamic Light Scattering, AFM; Atomic Force Microscope, Log P; Partition Coefficient, MR; Molar Refractivity, tPSA; Topological Polar Surface Area, C log P; Calculated Partition Coefficient, CMR; Calculated Molar Refractivity, Log S; Solubility Coefficient, pka; Acid Dissociation Constant, DDAB; Dimethyl Dioctadecyl Ammonium Bromide, DOPE; Dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine, GDP; Good Distribution Practice, RES; Reticuloendothelial System, PKU; Phenylketonuria, MS; Multiple Sclerosis, SLE; Systemic Lupus Erythematous, NASA; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, DOX; Doxorubicin, ADRs; Adverse Drug Reactions, SVM; Support Vector Machine, MDA; Malondialdehyde, TBARS; Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances, CRP; C-Reactive Protein, CK; Creatine Kinase, LDH; Lactated Dehydrogenase, T2D; Type 2 Diabetes, PCB; Phycocyanobilin, PBP; Phycobiliproteins, PEB; Phycoerythrobilin, DPP-4; Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4, MTT; 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide, IL-2; Interleukin-2, IL-6; Interleukin-6, PRISMA; Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, STATA; Statistics, HepG2; Hepatoblastoma, HCT116; Colon Cancer Carcinoma, Kasumi-1; Acute Leukaemia, K562; Chronic Leukaemia, Se-PC; Selenium-Phycocyanin, MCF-7; Breast Cancer Adenocarcinoma, A375; Human Melanoma, RAS; Renin-Angiotensin System, IQP; Ile-Gln-Pro, VEP; Val-Glu-Pro, Mpro; Main Protease, PLpro; Papin-Like Protease, BMI; Body Mass Index, IC50; Inhibitory Concentration by 50%, LD50; Lethal Dose by 50%, PC12 Adh; Rat Pheochromocytoma Cells, RNS; Reactive Nitrogen Species, Hb1Ac; hemoglobin A1c.- Malaysia Fundamental Research Grant Scheme [grant number: FRGS/1/2019/STG05/UNIM/02/2] and MyPAIR-PHC-Hibiscus Grant [grant number: MyPair/1/2020/STG05/UNIM/1]. - Xiamen University Malaysia (XMUM) under the XMUM Research Fund (Grant number: XMUMRF/2021-C7/IENG/0033) and Hengyuan International Sdn. Bhd

    A Framework of Building and Locational Characteristics Ranking for Purpose-built Offices in Malaysia

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    The development of purpose-built office market in Malaysia is primarily resolved by a supplydemand market. Since the office market in Malaysia has displayed significance improvement due to increasing level of competitiveness, many characteristics of purpose-built office have appeared and become prominent during the process of assessment. These characteristics were generally used as indicators in property valuation, building performance as well as office market appraisal. Based on these characteristics, property market participants can evaluate their property proficiently based on their requirements, especially in decision making during business planning, investment or property management. Technology growth and national policy also gave contribution factors on revealing newly characteristics of purpose-built office such as green building, intelligent building and sustainable development model. The purpose of this article is to identify suitable characteristics of purpose-built office that can be used in Malaysia. Integral to achieving this objective, exploration on purpose built office characteristics in a global and local context will be reconsidered. As a result, a building and locational framework of purpose-built office’s characteristics in Malaysia will be diagnosed and verified appropriately

    Experimental investigation on the performance of a pyramid solar still for varying water depth, contaminated water temperature, and addition of circular fins

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    The experimental investigation was meant to investigate the effect of water depth in the basin, the water temperature at the inlet of solar still, and adding circular fins to the pyramid solar still on freshwater output. The investigation was divided into three sections. The first area of research is to study effect of increasing water depth in the solar still, which ranged from 2 to 6 cm, second section concentrated on varying the inflow water temperature from 30 to 50ºC, and third section investigated the influence of incorporating circular fins into the solar still basin on the water output and quality. The experimental findings showed that basin depth considerably impacts freshwater flow. The highest significant difference, 38%, was recorded by changing the water level in the basin from 2 to 6 cm. Freshwater yielded the most at a depth of 2 cm, totalling 1250.3 mL, followed by 1046 mL at a depth of 3 cm. A water depth of 4 cm produced 999 mL, whereas a water depth of 5 cm made 911 mL. The lowest production occurred at a water depth of 6 cm, producing 732 mL; furthermore, including fins at the bottom increased productivity by 8.2%. Elevating the temperature from 30 to 50ºC of the inlet water led to a water output increase of 15.3% to 22.2%. These findings underscore the profound potential of harnessing solar energy to address global water challenges and pave the way for further advancements in efficient freshwater productio

    Study on performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder diesel engine using exhaust gas recirculation

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    Exhaust gas re-circulation is a method used in compression ignition engines to control and reduce NOx emission. These emissions are controlled by reducing the oxygen concentration inside the cylinder and thereby reducing the flame temperature of the charge mixture inside the combustion chamber. In the present investigation, experiments were performed to study the effect of exhaust gas re-circulation on performance and emission characteristics in a four stroke single cylinder, water cooled and constant speed diesel engine. The experiments were performed to study the performance and emissions for different exhaust gas re-circulation ratios of the engine. Performance parameters such as brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption, total fuel consumption and emission parameters such as oxides of nitrogen, unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and smoke opacity were measured. Reductions in NOx and CO2 were observed but other emissions like HC, CO, and smoke opacity were found to have increased with the usage of exhaust gas re-circulation. The 15% exhaust gas re-circulation was found optimum for the engine in the aspects of performance and emission

    Preconcentrations of Pb(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) by solid phase bio-extractor using thermophilic Bacillus subtilis loaded multiwalled carbon nanotube biosorbent

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    An alternative biotechnological solid phase bio-extraction (SPE) method was developed. Bacillus subtilis loaded multiwalled carbon nanotube was designed and used as biosorbent for the preconcentrations of Pb(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II). The experimental parameters such as sample flow rate, pH of sample solution, amounts of Bacillus subtilis and multiwalled carbon nanotube, volume of sample solution and reusability of column which affects the analytical characteristics of the SPE method were investigated in details. Surface structures were investigated by using FTIR, SEM. The best pH was determined as 5.0 and the percentages recoveries of Zn(II), Ni(II), and Pb(II) were determined as 99.1%, 98.7%, and 96.2%, respectively, at a flow rate of 3 mL/min. In this study, in which the profitable sample volume was determined as 400 mL and the amount of multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) as 50 mg. It was also observed that the column had a significant potential to preconcentrate Zn(II), Ni(II), and Pb(II) even after 25 reuses. The biosorption capacities for Pb(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) were calculated as 34.2 mg/g, 36.8 mg/g and 45.5 mg/g respectively. The LOD values were calculated as 0.024 ng/mL for Pb(II), 0.029 ng/mL for Ni(II), and 0.019 ng/mL for Zn(II). The linear range was detected as 0.25–25 ng/mL. The concentrations of Pb(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II) in a variety of real food samples were determined by using developed method after application of certified reference sample

    sj-docx-1-pic-10.1177_09544062231163493 – Supplemental material for Heat transfer coefficient and thermal performance of heat pipe with R134a/mineral oil nanodiamond+Fe3O4 hybrid nanorefrigerant

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-pic-10.1177_09544062231163493 for Heat transfer coefficient and thermal performance of heat pipe with R134a/mineral oil nanodiamond+Fe3O4 hybrid nanorefrigerant by Lingala Syam Sundar, Abdulaziz Mohammed Alklaibi, Kotturu VV Chandra Mouli and Deepanraj Balakrishnan in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science</p

    Improving the combustion and emission performance of a diesel engine powered with mahua biodiesel and TiO2 nanoparticles additive

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    The dwindling air quality and diminishing fossil fuel reserves have led to an increase in the need for alternative sources of fuel. Biodiesel derived from animal/plant sources seems to be an attractive substitution. However, there are some shortcomings of biodiesel like lower thermal efficiency, poor atomization, inferior heating value, and higher molecular mass. One of the probable novel ways to address this lacuna is by the use of nano based biodiesel in IC engine. The present study performs an endeavor to improve the performance and emulsion qualities of biodiesel generated from mahua oil by employing Titanium oxide (TiO2) nanoparticles as an additive. All trials were conducted in a diesel-powered engine at varying load levels with different test fuel such as diesel fuel, blended biodiesel (80 % diesel + 20 % mahua biodiesel), and nanoparticle-based blended biodiesel (80 % diesel + 20 % mahua biodiesel – 200 mg/L TiO2). When compared to diesel mode, the average CO emission reduction for blended biodiesel and nanoparticle-based blended biodiesel is 37.42 % and 46.54 %, respectively. In comparison to diesel mode, the average reduction in HC emission is 22.54 % for the blended biodiesel and 28.4 % for the nanoparticle-based blended biodiesel, respectively. When compared to diesel mode, the average reduction in NOx emission is 4 % and 2.3 % for the blended biodiesel and nanoparticle-based blended biodiesel, respectively

    Recent Progress in Nanomaterials Modified Electrochemical Biosensors for the Detection of MicroRNA

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important non-coding, single-stranded RNAs possessing crucial regulating roles in human body. Therefore, miRNAs have received extensive attention from various disciplines as the aberrant expression of miRNAs are tightly related to different types of diseases. Furthermore, the exceptional stability of miRNAs has presented them as biomarker with high specificity and sensitivity. However, small size, high sequence similarity, low abundance of miRNAs impose difficulty in their detection. Hence, it is of utmost importance to develop accurate and sensitive method for miRNA biosensing. Electrochemical biosensors have been demonstrated as promising solution for miRNA detection as they are highly sensitive, facile, and low-cost with ease of miniaturization. The incorporation of nanomaterials to electrochemical biosensor offers excellent prospects for converting biological recognition events to electronic signal for the development of biosensing platform with desired sensing properties due to their unique properties. This review introduces the signal amplification strategies employed in miRNA electrochemical biosensor and presents the feasibility of different strategies. The recent advances in nanomaterial-based electrochemical biosensor for the detection of miRNA were also discussed and summarized based on different types of miRNAs, opening new approaches in biological analysis and early disease diagnosis. Lastly, the challenges and future prospects are discussed

    Resource Recovery of the Wastewater-Derived Nutrients into Algal Biomass Followed by Its Cascading Processing to Multiple Products in a Circular Bioeconomy Paradigm

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    The cultivation of Plectonema terebrans BERC10 in wastewater and integrating the wastewater-derived biomass followed by its processing for multiple products in a biorefinery could help in achieving environmental sustainability and cost effectiveness. This study evaluated the resource recovery potential of the cyanobacterium Plectonema terebrans BERC10 from urban wastewater followed by the cascading processing of the biomass into multiple bioproducts. The annual biomass productivity ranged from 0.035&ndash;0.064 gL&minus;1d&minus;1 and contained 40&ndash;46% lipids and 20&ndash;38% protein. The cascading processing of the biomass resulted in multiple products, including 53 mgg&minus;1 of high-value pigments and high-quality biodiesel in accordance with American and European standards. The pigment-free and de-fatted residual biomass was used as a sole feedstock (30&ndash;70 gL&minus;1) to produce enzymes and mycoproteins via fungal fermentation employing Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus oryzae. Interestingly, A. oryzae produced 28 UmL&minus;1 of &alpha;-amylase and the final residues were mycoproteins after 96 h. Furthermore, the strain removed 80&ndash;90% of total phosphorous, 90&ndash;99% of total nitrogen, and significantly lowered the COD, BOD, and TDS of urban wastewater. The data demonstrated that P. terebrans has substantial potential for resource recovery and could become a candidate for a wastewater-derived algal biorefinery