295 research outputs found

    Lifting QBF Resolution Calculi to DQBF

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    We examine the existing resolution systems for quantified Boolean formulas (QBF) and answer the question which of these calculi can be lifted to the more powerful Dependency QBFs (DQBF). An interesting picture emerges: While for QBF we have the strict chain of proof systems Q-Res < IR-calc < IRM-calc, the situation is quite different in DQBF. Q-Res and likewise universal resolution are too weak: they are not complete. IR-calc has the right strength: it is sound and complete. IRM-calc is too strong: it is not sound any more, and the same applies to long-distance resolution. Conceptually, we use the relation of DQBF to EPR and explain our new DQBF calculus based on IR-calc as a subsystem of first-order resolutio

    Inclination shallowing in the Permian/Triassic boundary sedimentary sections of the Middle Volga region in light of the new paleomagnetic data

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. One of the key challenges which are traditionally encountered in studying the paleomagnetism of terrigenous sedimentary strata is the necessity to allow for the effect of shallowing of paleomagnetic inclinations which takes place under the compaction of the sediment at the early stages of diagenesis and most clearly manifests itself in the case of midlatitude sedimentation. Traditionally, estimating the coefficient of inclination flattening (f) implies routine re-deposition experiments and studying their magnetic anisotropy (Kodama, 2012), which is not possible in every standard paleomagnetic laboratory. The Elongation–Inclination (E–I) statistical method for estimating the coefficient of inclination shallowing, which was recently suggested in (Tauxe and Kent, 2004), does not require the investigation of the rock material in a specially equipped laboratory but toughens the requirements on the paleomagnetic data and, primarily, regarding the volume of the data, which significantly restricts the possibilities of the post factum estimation and correction for inclination shallowing. In this work, we present the results of the paleomagnetic reinvestigation of the Puchezh and Zhukov ravine (ravine) reference sections of the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic rocks in the Middle Volga region. The obtained paleomagnetic data allowed us to estimate the coefficient of inclination shallowing f by the E–I method: for both sections, it is f = 0.9. This method was also used by us for the paleomagnetic data that were previously obtained for the Permian–Triassic rocks of the Monastyrskii ravine (Monastirskoje) section (Gialanella et al., 1997), where the inclination shallowing coefficient was estimated at f = 0.6

    Translational and Regulatory Challenges for Exon Skipping Therapies

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    Several translational challenges are currently impeding the therapeutic development of antisense-mediated exon skipping approaches for rare diseases. Some of these are inherent to developing therapies for rare diseases, such as small patient numbers and limited information on natural history and interpretation of appropriate clinical outcome measures. Others are inherent to the antisense oligonucleotide (AON)-mediated exon skipping approach, which employs small modified DNA or RNA molecules to manipulate the splicing process. This is a new approach and only limited information is available on long-term safety and toxicity for most AON chemistries. Furthermore, AONs often act in a mutation-specific manner, in which case multiple AONs have to be developed for a single disease. A workshop focusing on preclinical development, trial design, outcome measures, and different forms of marketing authorization was organized by the regulatory models and biochemical outcome measures working groups of Cooperation of Science and Technology Action: "Networking towards clinical application of antisense-mediated exon skipping for rare diseases." The workshop included participants from patient organizations, academia, and members of staff from the European Medicine Agency and Medicine Evaluation Board (the Netherlands). This statement article contains the key outcomes of this meeting.status: publishe

    Incremental QBF Solving

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    We consider the problem of incrementally solving a sequence of quantified Boolean formulae (QBF). Incremental solving aims at using information learned from one formula in the process of solving the next formulae in the sequence. Based on a general overview of the problem and related challenges, we present an approach to incremental QBF solving which is application-independent and hence applicable to QBF encodings of arbitrary problems. We implemented this approach in our incremental search-based QBF solver DepQBF and report on implementation details. Experimental results illustrate the potential benefits of incremental solving in QBF-based workflows.Comment: revision (camera-ready, to appear in the proceedings of CP 2014, LNCS, Springer

    Optimal Cutting Problem

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    One of the tasks of the Construction office of company STOBET Ltd is to create large sheets of paper containing a lot of objects describing a building construction as tables, charts, drawings, etc. For this reason it is necessary to arrange the small patterns in a given long sheet of paper with a minimum wastage. Another task of the company is to provide a way of cutting a stock material, e.g. given standard steel rods, into different number of smaller sized details in a way that minimizes the wasted material

    QRAT+: Generalizing QRAT by a More Powerful QBF Redundancy Property

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    The QRAT (quantified resolution asymmetric tautology) proof system simulates virtually all inference rules applied in state of the art quantified Boolean formula (QBF) reasoning tools. It consists of rules to rewrite a QBF by adding and deleting clauses and universal literals that have a certain redundancy property. To check for this redundancy property in QRAT, propositional unit propagation (UP) is applied to the quantifier free, i.e., propositional part of the QBF. We generalize the redundancy property in the QRAT system by QBF specific UP (QUP). QUP extends UP by the universal reduction operation to eliminate universal literals from clauses. We apply QUP to an abstraction of the QBF where certain universal quantifiers are converted into existential ones. This way, we obtain a generalization of QRAT we call QRAT+. The redundancy property in QRAT+ based on QUP is more powerful than the one in QRAT based on UP. We report on proof theoretical improvements and experimental results to illustrate the benefits of QRAT+ for QBF preprocessing.Comment: preprint of a paper to be published at IJCAR 2018, LNCS, Springer, including appendi

    Monitoring of rolling bearing failures as result of acceleration

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    The article discusses modern methods of diagnosing and technical diagnostics of irrigation pumping units to ensure reliability during operation. Using new designs of pumping power equipment and developing new operating modes provide for improving the mode of pumps based on improved diagnostics, significantly saving operating costs. Together with this provides detection, control, and prediction of multi-stage failure of the rolling bearing by monitoring the vibration trends of the centrifugal pump unit during operation

    Population of isomers in decay of the giant dipole resonance

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    The value of an isomeric ratio (IR) in N=81 isotones (137^{137}Ba, 139^{139}Ce, 141^{141}Nd and 143^{143}Sm) is studied by means of the (γ,n)\gamma, n) reaction. This quantity measures a probability to populate the isomeric state in respect to the ground state population. In (γ,n)\gamma, n) reactions, the giant dipole resonance (GDR) is excited and after its decay by a neutron emission, the nucleus has an excitation energy of a few MeV. The forthcoming γ\gamma decay by direct or cascade transitions deexcites the nucleus into an isomeric or ground state. It has been observed experimentally that the IR for 137^{137}Ba and 139 ^{139}Ce equals about 0.13 while in two heavier isotones it is even less than half the size. To explain this effect, the structure of the excited states in the energy region up to 6.5 MeV has been calculated within the Quasiparticle Phonon Model. Many states are found connected to the ground and isomeric states by E1E1, E2E2 and M1M1 transitions. The single-particle component of the wave function is responsible for the large values of the transitions. The calculated value of the isomeric ratio is in very good agreement with the experimental data for all isotones. A slightly different value of maximum energy with which the nuclei rest after neutron decay of the GDR is responsible for the reported effect of the A-dependence of the IR.Comment: 16 pages, 4 Fig

    Entanglement Measures for Single- and Multi-Reference Correlation Effects

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    Electron correlation effects are essential for an accurate ab initio description of molecules. A quantitative a priori knowledge of the single- or multi-reference nature of electronic structures as well as of the dominant contributions to the correlation energy can facilitate the decision regarding the optimum quantum chemical method of choice. We propose concepts from quantum information theory as orbital entanglement measures that allow us to evaluate the single- and multi-reference character of any molecular structure in a given orbital basis set. By studying these measures we can detect possible artifacts of small active spaces.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Accurate ab initio spin densities

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    We present an approach for the calculation of spin density distributions for molecules that require very large active spaces for a qualitatively correct description of their electronic structure. Our approach is based on the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm to calculate the spin density matrix elements as basic quantity for the spatially resolved spin density distribution. The spin density matrix elements are directly determined from the second-quantized elementary operators optimized by the DMRG algorithm. As an analytic convergence criterion for the spin density distribution, we employ our recently developed sampling-reconstruction scheme [J. Chem. Phys. 2011, 134, 224101] to build an accurate complete-active-space configuration-interaction (CASCI) wave function from the optimized matrix product states. The spin density matrix elements can then also be determined as an expectation value employing the reconstructed wave function expansion. Furthermore, the explicit reconstruction of a CASCI-type wave function provides insights into chemically interesting features of the molecule under study such as the distribution of α\alpha- and β\beta-electrons in terms of Slater determinants, CI coefficients, and natural orbitals. The methodology is applied to an iron nitrosyl complex which we have identified as a challenging system for standard approaches [J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2011, 7, 2740].Comment: 37 pages, 13 figure