2,251 research outputs found

    Unconventional optical response in monolayer graphene upon dominant intraband scattering

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    Scattering dynamics influence the graphenes transport properties and inhibits the charge carrier deterministic behaviour. The intra or inter-band scattering mechanisms are vital for graphenes optical conductivity response under specific considerations of doping. Here, we investigated the influence of scattering systematically on optical conductivity using a semi-classical multiband Boltzmann equation with inclusion of both electron-electron &\& electron-phonon collisions. We found unconventional characteristics of linear optical response with a significant deviation from the universal conductivity \frac{e^2}{2\hbar} in doped monolayer graphene. This is explained through phenomenological relaxation rates under low doping regime with dominant intraband scattering. Such novel optical responses are vanished at high temperatures or overdoping conditions due to strong Drude behaviour. With the aid of approximations around Dirac points we have developed analytical formalism for many body interactions and is in good agreement with the Kubo approaches.Comment: 7 pages,3 figure

    Struvite Production As a Value Added Product from Human Urine

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    Human urine is rich in nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, etc. Therefore, it can be used as a fertiliser in agriculture. Separate urine-collecting systems help in achieving maximum recovery of nutrients from urine without any harmful materials such as heavy metals. However, direct use of human urine as agricultural fertiliser is associated with many problems such as handling, storage, transport, nutrient loss to the atmosphere and spreading on arable land. Therefore, to overcome these difficulties human urine is processed for capturing the nutrients present in it into solid mineral form. On addition of small amounts of MgSO4 to human urine major amounts of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen were precipitated, with struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H2O) as a major component. Struvite precipitation is influenced by many factors like MgSO4 dosage, temperature, pH. Therefore, optimisation of these parameters is need to be done for effective struvite recovery. Different experiments were conducted to know the optimum value of each parameter by keeping other to parameters constant. The optimum pH for struvite precipitation was found to be around 10.2. Struvite precipitation was high at normal room temperatures. Different MgSO4 dosages were tested to know the optimised dosage, where there was maximum struvite formation by keeping pH and temperature constan

    Review of Contemporary Literature on Machine Learning based Malware Analysis and Detection Strategies

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    Abstract: malicious software also known as malware are the critical security threat experienced by the current ear of internet and computer system users. The malwares can morph to access or control the system level operations in multiple dimensions. The traditional malware detection strategies detects by signatures, which are not capable to notify the unknown malwares. The machine learning models learns from the behavioral patterns of the existing malwares and attempts to notify the malwares with similar behavioral patterns, hence these strategies often succeeds to notify even about unknown malwares. This manuscript explored the detailed review of machine learning based malware detection strategies found in contemporary literature

    Study of onychomycosis

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    Background: Onychomycosis is one of the most common fungal nail infections caused by Dermatophytes, Non-Dermatophytic Molds (NDM) and Yeast. Though it is not life-threatening, can cause pain, discomfort, and disfigurement. It decreases the nail growth rate. Objectives: This study was carried out to document the clinico-mycological pattern and antifungal susceptibility pattern of onychomycosis.Methods: The study group included 130 consecutive patients with suspected fungal nail infections, attending Dermatology outpatient department of King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh during November 2012 to August 2014. The nail clippings of the patients were collected and subjected to KOH mounts for direct microscopy and fungal culture and antifungal susceptibility tests.Results: Onychomycosis was common among males (66.92%) than females (33.08%) with highest incidence was in age group 31-40 years (41.37%). Finger or toenails were exclusively involved in 32.18% and 55.18% patients respectively while these were involved concurrently in the rest of the 12.65% patients. Distal and lateral subungual onychomycosis seen in 64.36% of the patients was the most common clinical type. KOH and culture positivity were recorded in 56.92% and 48.46% cases respectively. Dermatophytes (50.58%) were predominant isolate followed by NDM (27.58%) and yeast (21.84%). Clotrimazole and ketoconazole were most effective antifungals against dermatophytes. For NDM, itraconazole, nystatin and amphotericin B and for yeast fluconazole and itraconazole were effective.Conclusions: The present study gives an insight about the aetiological agents causing onychomycosis and their anti-fungal susceptibility pattern in this region. Thus, it can help in taking adequate control measures to prevent it

    Isolation, speciation and antifungal susceptibility patterns of candida isolated from cases of chronic balanoposthitis

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    Background:Balanoposthitis is a common condition affecting 11% of male genitourinary clinic attendees and it can be a recurrent or persistent condition. Various predisposing factors like diabetes mellitus, sexual intercourse and usage of oral antibiotics can cause chronic balanoposthitis. The Objective of the study was to isolation and speciation of candida and their antifungal susceptibility patterns from the cases of chronic balanoposthitis.Methods: The study group comprised of swabs collected from 62 male patients with chronic balanoposthitis attending sexually transmitted diseases (STD) outpatient department (OPD), King George Hospital (KGH), Visakhapatnam. Standard mycological tests for the candida isolation, speciation and antifungal susceptibility were done.Results: Out of 62 samples, (85%) were culture positive for candida. The most common species isolated was C. parapsilosis (37.7%), followed by C. glabrata (28.3%), C. albicans (15.09%), C. dubliniensis (9.4%), C. krusei (7.5%) and C. tropicalis (1.88%). Most of the candida species showed sensitivity to amphotericin B, Nystatin, clotrimazole and ketoconazole. A relative resistance to fluconazole and itraconazole was observed.Conclusions: Chronic balanoposthitis is the most common infection in men attending STD, OPD. In the present study, diabetes is main predisposing factor than sexual intercourse and candida non albicans predominated over C. albicans. Resistance of candida species to azoles is on rise. This establishes the importance of determination of antifungal susceptibility patterns to prevent the emergence of drug resistance, prior to initiation of therapy.

    Formulation and evaluation of CFC free inhalers for beclomethasone dipropionate

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    Beclomethasone dipropionate CFC free inhalation formulations were developed with a view to treat asthma prophylactically. Dry powder inhalers (DPI) for beclomethasone dipropionate were prepared with different grades of lactose monohydrate. The influence of carrier and overages on performance of DPI was studied. Metered dose inhalers (MDI) with HFA based propellants were formulated with various doses, overages and different concentrations of alcohol. Formulated DPI and MDI were evaluated for various official and unofficial quality control tests. The influence of over doses on valve delivery, effect of overages on emitted dose and influence of alcohol on spray pattern from MDI were studied. The better fine particle fraction and emitted dose were obtained from the DPI formulated with 10:90 ratio of fine lactose: coarse lactose and with 20% w/w overages. The studies on MDI revealed that the 15% of overdoses are required for effective valve delivery and 20% overages are required for 100% drug delivery. 5-10%v/v alcohol was found to be preferable to get optimum emitted dose and fine particle fraction.Desenvolveram-se formulações por inalação de dipropionato de beclometasona, livres de CFC, com o objetivo de tratar a asma profilaticamente. Prepararam-se inaladores de pó seco (DPI) para o dipropionato de beclometasona com diferentes gradações de lactose monoidratada. Estudou-se a influência do transportador e dos excessos de fármaco em relação ao rotulado no desempenho do DPI. Inaladores de dose calibrada (MDI) com propelentes à base de hidrofluoralcanos (HFA) foram formulados com várias doses, excessos de fármaco em relação ao rotulado e diferentes concentrações de álcool. Avaliaram-se as DPI e MDI formuladas por vários métodos oficiais e não oficiais de controle de qualidade. Estudaram-se a influência da superdosagem na liberação da válvula, o efeito dos excessos na dose emitida e a influência do álcool no padrão do spray do MDI. Obtiveram-se a melhor partícula fina e a dose emitida do DPI formulado com proporção de 10:90 de lactose fina:lactose grossa e 20% p/p de excesso. Os estudos em MDI revelaram que 15% de sobredose são requeridos para a liberação efetiva da válvula e 20% de excessos, para a liberação de 100% dos fármacos. Álcool a 5-10% v/v permitiu alcançar ótima dose emitida e fração de partícula fina

    Bis(μ-phenyl­tellurido-κ2 Te:Te)bis­[tetra­carbonyl­rhenium(I)]

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    The title compound, [Re2(C6H5Te)2(CO)8], crystallizes with two mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit, in which two Re atoms are coordinated in a slightly distorted octa­hedral environment and are bridged by two Te atoms, which show a distorted trigonal-pyramidal geometry. The torsion angles for the Te—Re—Te—Re sequence of atoms are 19.29 (18) and 16.54 (16)° in the two mol­ecules. Thus, the Re—Te four-membered rings in the two mol­ecules deviate significantly from planarity. Two intra­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions occur in one of the mol­ecules. Te—Te [4.0551 (10) Å] inter­actions between the two mol­ecules and weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O inter­actions stabilize the crystal packing

    Privacy Protection Data and Batch Auditing Through Public Auditing Scheme

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    We introduce a novel open evaluating plan for secure distributed storage in view of dynamic hash table (DHT), which is another two-dimensional information structure situated at a third parity auditor (TPA) to record the information property data for dynamic examining. Contrasting from the current works, the proposed conspire moves the approved data from the CSP to the TPA, and accordingly essentially diminishes the computational cost and correspondence overhead. In the interim, abusing the auxiliary focal points of the DHT, our plan can likewise accomplish higher refreshing effectiveness than the cutting edge plans. Furthermore, we extend our plan to bolster security conservation by joining the homomorphic authenticator in view of people in general key with the arbitrary concealing created by the TPA, and accomplish group inspecting by utilizing the total BLS signature strategy. We formally demonstrate the security of the proposed conspire, and assess the inspecting execution by point by point investigations and correlations with the current ones