117 research outputs found

    Mechanical Properties of Coronary Veins

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    There are several publications available and experiments were done regarding to the vessel biomechanical properties. In the range we could find in vitro and in vivo assessments data for elasticity properties. Even though we have many results in this topic we still don’t have enough data for special veins. Three coronary veins were investigated from pig’s heart. The aim of these experiments was to define and measure the longitudinal tensile stress and tensile strength of coronary veins. The tensile tests were done successfully and the tensile stress was defined in the range of 1.66-2.57 MPa

    Drug Distribution and Stent Retention of Drug Eluting Stents

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    In this paper the examinations of drug eluting coronary stents are shown, such as the morphology of the coatings before expansion, drug distribution, the methodology and the value of stent retention. Surface qualities of drug coatings were examined with stereo-microscope, metallographic microscope and scanning electron microscope. Examinations with confocal microscope show drug distribution in the coatings. Stent retention is a very important property of the stent system. Stent retention is a force, needed to the stent slip down from the balloon. Three drug eluting coronary stents were tested with our method

    Synthesis of Nitroxide-Annulated Carbocycles and Heterocycles

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    New, pyrroline nitroxide annulated lactones, polycycles, and maleimide were synthesized by classical and microwave-assisted methodology. We report the application of the metathesis reaction in the presence of nitroxide yielding a pyrroline nitroxide condensed 1,4-benzoquinone as a paramagnetic dienophile. The formation of the isoselenazolone-fused pyrroline ring system was examined and different reactivity was observed with pyrrolin-1-oxyl and pyrroline derivatives

    Adapted physical education in the Hungarian educational system: a conceptual framework

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    Declining health status of youth assumes considerable proportions. The continuously growing number of children with bad body positions, overweight and obesity, diabetes and asthma has been subject to several national or international publications. The number of state surveys, assessments of the situation and action plans has been arising, but real action has been keeping us waiting. Hungary, as a unique country among the neighboring countries, has realized the school-integrated rehabilitation of children suffering from internal and locomotor disorders. Schools in Hungary the Adapted Physical Education (APE), as a part of Physical Education (PE) have been helping disabled children finding their way back to their healthy fellows. In this case study we would like to present the interpretation of the definition, the goals and tasks of APE how and in what way they differ from the European approach and also introduce the definitions are used in Hungarian educational terminology (Physiotherapy, PE, Light Physical Education – as LPE and APE). We consider it to be important to show those substantial points which fundamentally differentiate Physiotherapy, APE and LPE. With setting the goals and tasks we would like to make it clear, that APE is an integral part of PE as a school subject in Hungary. That is the reason why with setting the fundamental goals and tasks, the goals and tasks of PE have to be considered as a starting-point. Compared to international publications a wider interpretation of APE in our study also provides an opportunity to establish an integral European way of thinking

    Növényi cirkadián óra-komponensek azonosítása és funkcionális jellemzése = Identification and functional characterization of components of the plant circadian clock

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    A cirkadián óra egy olyan genetikai alapokon nyugvó mechanizmus, amely képes kb. 24 órás periódushosszú oszcillációk létrehozására és ennek révén különböző életfolyamatok ritmikus szabályozására. Annak érdekében, hogy növényi óra újabb komponenseit fedezzük fel egy genetikai szűrés során cirkadián óra mutánsokat azonosítottunk Arabidopsisban. Genetikai térképezés majd az azt követő összehasonlító szekvenálás révén kimutattuk, hogy a mutánsok több, mint fele már ismert óragének új alléljeit reprezentálja. E mutánsok jellemzésével fontos új adatokhoz jutottunk több órafehérje funkcióját illetően. További 3 mutáció pozícióját mintegy 55-75 kbp kiterjedésű szakaszokra szűkítettük, amelyek szekvenálása folyamatban van. Mivel ezek a kromoszóma szakaszok nem tartalmaznak ismert óragént, a mutációk az óra új komponenseit érintik. A projekt legjelentősebb eredménye a lip1 (light insensitive period 1) mutáns azonosítása és jellemzése. Vad típusú növényekben az oszcillátor periódushossza függ a megvilágító fény intenzitásától: minél erősebb a fény, annál rövidebb a perióduszhossz. Kimutattuk, hogy a LIP1 fehérje alapvetően szükséges ehhez a szabályozáshoz, mivel hiányában a periódushossz minden fényviszony mellett azonos. Megállapítottuk, hogy a LIP1 gén egy funkcionális kis GTP-kötő fehérjét kódol, amely közvetett módon pozitívan szabályozza a GIGANTEA óragén transzkripcióját és feltehetően e kapcsolat révén hat az oszcillátor működésére. | Circadian clocks are genetic circuits capable of producing oscillations with ~ 24h period length and rhythmically regulating different biological processes. To learn more about the oscillatory mechanism of the plant circadian clock, we performed a genetic screen in Arabidopsis and identified several circadian mutants. Genetic mapping followed by comparative sequencing demonstrated that more than half of the mutants represent novel mutant alleles of known clock genes. Analysis of these new mutants provided valuable and novel data on the complex function of several clock proteins. Position of 3 additional mutations was delimited to 55-75 kbp regions, which are being sequenced. As these regions do not contain any known clock genes, the mutations must affect novel components of the clock. The most significant outcome of the project is the identification and characterisation of the lip1 (light insensitive period 1). In plants, there is an inverse relationship between the circadian period length and the intensity of the light: the period shortens with increasing light levels. LIP1 protein plays an essential role in this regulation, as the period length in lip1 is independent of light intensity. We isolated the LIP1 gene and demonstrated that it encodes a functional small GTP-binding protein. We showed that LIP1 positively regulates the transcription of the clock gene GIGANTEA that could be the mechanism by which LIP1 affects the function of the plant clock

    An Efficient and Simple Method for Modelling Solar Cells

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    Accurate and reliable PV device modelling is a fundamental tool to optimize system performance. The regular operation of the PV system in an outdoor condition implies the need for a model that relate the environmental effects. This paper presents a new, simple, and efficient method for constructing the I-V characteristics for a PV cell incorporating the environmental conditions. The proposed model is based on the idea of dividing the voltage axis of the solar cell I-V characteristics using a fixed time interval. For each voltage interval point, a two-dimensional current matrix is calculated, corresponding different irradiance conditions and temperatures. Polynomial surface fitting is used to build sub-models for each voltage interval. The current two-dimensional matrix, for each point, is calculated by two different methods. The first method is based on linear interpolation of the measured I-V curves. The second method uses pre-extracted five parameters for the well known single diode model at a wide range of environmental conditions. The developed modelling technique provides accurate results compared with the measured data for a mono-crystalline solar cell