304 research outputs found

    Role of the SLC26A9 chloride channel as disease modifier and potential therapeutic target in cystic fibrosis

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    The solute carrier family 26, member 9 (SLC26A9) is an epithelial chloride channel that is expressed in several organs affected in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) including the lungs, the pancreas, and the intestine. Emerging evidence suggests SLC26A9 as a modulator of wild-type and mutant CFTR function, and as a potential alternative target to circumvent the basic ion transport defect caused by deficient CFTR-mediated chloride transport in CF. In this review, we summarize in vitro studies that revealed multifaceted molecular and functional interactions between SLC26A9 and CFTR that may be implicated in normal transepithelial chloride secretion in health, as well as impaired chloride/fluid transport in CF. Further, we focus on recent genetic association studies and investigations utilizing genetically modified mouse models that identified SLC26A9 as a disease modifier and supported an important role of this alternative chloride channel in the pathophysiology of several organ manifestations in CF, as well as other chronic lung diseases such as asthma and non-CF bronchiectasis. Collectively, these findings and the overlapping endogenous expression with CFTR suggest SLC26A9 an attractive novel therapeutic target that may be exploited to restore epithelial chloride secretion in patients with CF irrespective of their CFTR genotype. In addition, pharmacological activation of SLC26A9 may help to augment the effect of CFTR modulator therapies in patients with CF carrying responsive mutations such as the most common disease-causing mutation F508del-CFTR. However, future research and development including the identification of compounds that activate SLC26A9-mediated chloride transport are needed to explore this alternative chloride channel as a therapeutic target in CF and potentially other muco-obstructive lung diseases

    A hazai autópályák pihenőinek atkái

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    A hazai autópálya pihenőkben végzett akarológiai kutatások eredménye

    Antibacterial effect of edible coatings with essential oil

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    Food preservation technologies are a continuously renewed area because of industrial and customer needs, social transformation and environmentally friendly processing and climate change. The shelf life of perishable food products must be extended with different technologies, for example using green methods like the edible coating (EC). EC is made from different biopolymers (chitosan, alginate, gelatine, agar), the effect can increase with using plant extracts. In this study, the effect of chitosan EC, chitosan EC+thyme essential oil (EO); effect of alginate EC, alginate EC+thyme EO was examined on fresh chicken breast having artificial contamination with Escherichia coli; Enterococcus faecalis, that the EC can extend the shelf life. The organoleptic quality of baked treated chicken breast was established also. Based on the result both EC can decrease the cell number (with 1-3 log CFU/g) on treated chicken breast and this antimicrobial effect was enhanced with thyme essential oil (3.2 µl/ml concentration). There was significant differences (p<0.05) between the two edible coatings. Alginate had better preservation effect, than chitosan. However, the thyme EO could increase the antimicrobial activity of chitosan in higher values, than the effect of alginate EC. In this experiment, the E. faecalis was more sensitive to treatment than the E. coli. In conclusion, the edible coating can be used as an alternative preservation technique and these combined with essential oils can extend the shelf life of chicken breast fillet

    Antibacterial effect of edible coatings with essential oil

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    Food preservation technologies are a continuously renewed area because of industrial and customer needs, social transformation and environmentally friendly processing and climate change. The shelf life of perishable food products must be extended with different technologies, for example using green methods like the edible coating (EC). EC is made from different biopolymers (chitosan, alginate, gelatine, agar), the effect can increase with using plant extracts. In this study, the effect of chitosan EC, chitosan EC+thyme essential oil (EO); effect of alginate EC, alginate EC+thyme EO was examined on fresh chicken breast having artificial contamination with Escherichia coli; Enterococcus faecalis, that the EC can extend the shelf life. The organoleptic quality of baked treated chicken breast was established also. Based on the result both EC can decrease the cell number (with 1-3 log CFU/g) on treated chicken breast and this antimicrobial effect was enhanced with thyme essential oil (3.2 µl/ml concentration). There was significant differences (p<0.05) between the two edible coatings. Alginate had better preservation effect, than chitosan. However, the thyme EO could increase the antimicrobial activity of chitosan in higher values, than the effect of alginate EC. In this experiment, the E. faecalis was more sensitive to treatment than the E. coli. In conclusion, the edible coating can be used as an alternative preservation technique and these combined with essential oils can extend the shelf life of chicken breast fillet

    Role of the SLC26A9 Chloride Channel as Disease Modifier and Potential Therapeutic Target in Cystic Fibrosis

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    The solute carrier family 26, member 9 (SLC26A9) is an epithelial chloride channel that is expressed in several organs affected in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) including the lungs, the pancreas, and the intestine. Emerging evidence suggests SLC26A9 as a modulator of wild-type and mutant CFTR function, and as a potential alternative target to circumvent the basic ion transport defect caused by deficient CFTR-mediated chloride transport in CF. In this review, we summarize in vitro studies that revealed multifaceted molecular and functional interactions between SLC26A9 and CFTR that may be implicated in normal transepithelial chloride secretion in health, as well as impaired chloride/fluid transport in CF. Further, we focus on recent genetic association studies and investigations utilizing genetically modified mouse models that identified SLC26A9 as a disease modifier and supported an important role of this alternative chloride channel in the pathophysiology of several organ manifestations in CF, as well as other chronic lung diseases such as asthma and non-CF bronchiectasis. Collectively, these findings and the overlapping endogenous expression with CFTR suggest SLC26A9 an attractive novel therapeutic target that may be exploited to restore epithelial chloride secretion in patients with CF irrespective of their CFTR genotype. In addition, pharmacological activation of SLC26A9 may help to augment the effect of CFTR modulator therapies in patients with CF carrying responsive mutations such as the most common disease-causing mutation F508del-CFTR. However, future research and development including the identification of compounds that activate SLC26A9-mediated chloride transport are needed to explore this alternative chloride channel as a therapeutic target in CF and potentially other muco-obstructive lung diseases

    Phytoseiid mites (Acari, Mesostigmata) from the rest areas of Hungarian highways

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    The mesostigmatid mite family Phytoseiidae was surveyed in rest areas of Hungarian highways by examination of leaves collected from arboreal plants. All together 15 species, ca. 20 % of the Hungarian Phytoseiid fauna were recorded. Seven species were collected from the ring highway around Budapest (M0), ten species were found alongside the northwestern highway (M1), six-six species were recorded from the north-eastern and south-eastern highways (M3 and M5), and five species from the area of south-western highway (M7), finally two species were found on the newly built southern highway (M6). Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans, 1915) was present in most of the sampling sites, while other common species were Phytoseius macropilis (Banks, 1909); Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans, 1930); Neoseiulella aceri (Collyer, 1957) and Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) tiliae Oudemans, 1929. Typhloseiulus peculiaris (Kolodochka, 1980) was shown at the first time from Hungary in the framework of our study, thus a short description and new illustrations are given to this species

    Heating causes non-linear microwave absorption anomaly in single wall carbon nanotubes

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    Microwave impedance measurements indicate a non-linear absorption anomaly in single wall carbon nanotubes at low temperatures (below 2020 K). We investigate the nature of the anomaly using a time resolved microwave impedance measurement technique. It proves that the anomaly has an extremely slow, a few hundred second long dynamics. This strongly suggests that the anomaly is not caused by an intrinsic electronic effect and that it is rather due to a slow heat exchange between the sample and the environment

    Autóipari termelő vállalat gyártási folyamatának optimalizálása lean eszközökkel = Optimization of automotive industry's manufacturing process with lean tools

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    Lean plays i mportant role in industrial environment. Automotive industries use lean tools in order to reduce cost and i mprove productivity. To achieve the company's objectives and so lve the detected problems I also used lean tools. By using lean tools we want to decrease total process cost (TPC). In order to achieve this target, the three-shift production has to reduce in two-shift production, which result decrease in the human resource costs and production costs. In order to reduce shifts we have to increase overall equipment efficiency (OEE) and eliminate minimum 50% of wastes by implementing 5s methodology, using Poka-yoke and scheduled maintenance.A lean szemléletű gyártás jelentős szerepet játszik az ipari környezetben, eszközeit napi tevékenységként használják az autóiparban árcsökkentés és termelékenység javítása céljából. A kutatásomban részt vevő nyugatdunántúli autóipari termelő vállalat detektált problémáinak megoldására kitűzött célok elérése érdekében lean eszközöket alkalmaztam, amelyekkel a folyamat teljes átfutási költségének csökkenését kívánjuk elérni. Ennek eléréshez műszakcsökkentést tűztünk ki célul, amely által emberi erőforrás- és előállítási költség megtakarí tás válik lehetővé, csökkentve a teljes folyamat átfutási költségét. A műszakcsökkentést a gépek teljes körű hatékonyságának (OEE) növelésével kívánjuk elérni, amely érték növeléséhez a veszteségek minimum 50%-os csökkentése szükséges. Ezt a célt az 5s módszer bevezetésével, Poka-yoke használatával valamint az 5s fejlesztés harmadik lépésénél bevezetett karbantartásokkal kívánunk elérni

    A Content-Analysis Approach for Exploring Usability Problems in a Collaborative Virtual Environment

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    As Virtual Reality (VR) products are becoming more widely available in the consumer market, improving the usability of these devices and environments is crucial. In this paper, we are going to introduce a framework for the usability evaluation of collaborative 3D virtual environments based on a large-scale usability study of a mixedmodality collaborative VR system. We first review previous literature about important usability issues related to collaborative 3D virtual environments, supplemented with our research in which we conducted 122 interviews after participants solved a collaborative virtual reality task. Then, building on the literature review and our results, we extend previous usability frameworks. We identified twelve different usability problems, and based on the causes of the problems, we grouped them into three main categories: VR environment-, device interaction-, and task-specific problems. The framework can be used to guide the usability evaluation of collaborative VR environments