12 research outputs found

    Differences in Employee Motivation in Slovakia and Czech Republic

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    The aim of the chapter is to compare the level of employee motivation in enterprises in Slovak and the Czech Republic. Sampling unit consists of 4444 respondents from Slovakia and 2312 from the Czech Republic. Following our outcomes, we can state that the most important motivation factors are mostly identical in both countries; however, there is a slight difference in the order of their importance. Motivation factors relating to financial reward are the most important for employees in the Czech Republic. Basic salary is a motivation factor important mainly for women in Slovakia. Demands of Czech respondents are higher in motivation factors relating to interpersonal relationships. In general, we can state that, in terms of gender, needs of women are more exacting than those of men. Dependence between two categorical variables was verified using Pearson’s chi-square statistics. We found out that despite big similarities in the order of importance of individual motivation factors, there are significant differences between selected motivational needs of employees in individual countries

    Bed Size, Quality Sleep and Occupational Safety: An Investigation of Students at Slovak Universities

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    All devices and equipment helping humans to do everyday things are adapted to human body proportions. Projects would not meet the needs of customers regardless their proportions. Therefore, anthropometric measurements are a key factor in manufacturing any products. Sampling unit consisted of Slovak adult population. Empirical measurements of selected attributes of actual population were conducted in the years 1993–2015. Sampling unit consisted of 3358 students. Gained data were processed and described using descriptive statistics. Results are based on calculations of arithmetic and weighted mean. Standard deviation, asymmetry coefficient, percentiles, standard error, symmetry, and pointing were used for further processing. Following the outcomes associated with the body dimensions of Slovak population, we can propose the dimensions of bedroom furniture corresponding to the dimensions of actual adult population. Bed dimensions must be 102 × 222 cm (95th percentile) to satisfy the needs of people, their comfort, and health. Therefore, testing must be focused on strength and structural properties of bed as well. Increase in dimensions can result in the increase in product price. Staff of the finance department must deal with this issue to prevent economic damage of the company

    Kvalitativni pokazatelji zadovoljstva uposlenika kompanije i njihova razvoja u promatranome vremenskom razdoblju

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    One of the most challenging and, at the same time, the most important skills of experienced managers of these days is the ability to motivate their employees to meet the required job performance in the workplace. At the present time, employee motivation is an atmosphere that meets the interests and needs of employees in the company, stimulates and infl uences their work performance in order to meet the needs of the organisation as well as their personal needs. This paper deals with the changes in employee motivation in the Slovak furniture manufacturing company and determines which changes in motivation programme should be made in the company in future.Jedan od najvažnijih izazova i istodobno, jedna od najvažnijih vještina iskusnih menadžera u današnjem trenutku jest sposobnost motiviranja uposlenika za postizanje očekivanih radnih rezultata u poslu koji obavljaju. Danas motivacija uposlenika označava atmosferu koja povezuje interese i potrebe uposlenika u poduzeću, stimulira ih i potječe na učinkovitiji rad kako bi se dosegnule potrebe organizacije u kojoj rade i njihove osobne potrebe. Članak prikazuje promjene u motivaciji uposlenika u poduzećima za proizvodnju namještaja u Slovačkoj i predlaže potrebne promjene u motivacijskim programima unutar Poduzeća u budućnosti

    Utjecaj ekonomske krize na motivaciju zaposlenika u tvrtkama drvne industrije

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    The paper deals with the motivation of employees of a woodworking enterprise and analyses the level of individual motivation before (2004) and after the economic crisis and its effects in Slovakia (2012). The aim of the paper is to identify the most important motivation factors for employees and to consider the impact of financial crisis on the change in perception of individual motivation factors and their economic and social impact on employees. A questionnaire, as a method of inquiry, was used to acquire relevant data. Descriptive and testing statistics were used for data processing. Significance level p was computed for individual motivation factors for the year 2004 and 2012 by means of T-test. The objective of this paper is to define significant change of average rate of individual motivation factors and to compare the order of importance of motivation factors before and after the economic crisis. Based on our research it can be stated that the world economic crisis has no impact on the level of employee motivation in the selected enterprise.Autori se bave motivacijom zaposlenih u tvrtkama za preradu drva i analizom razina pojedinih motivacijskih čimbenika prije početka ekonomske krize (2004) i nakon što je ona zahvatila Slovačku i postala ozbiljna. Cilj rada je definirati najvažnije čimbenike motivacije zaposlenika te utjecaj ekonomske krize na promjenu važnosti pojedinih motivacijskih utjecaja, pri čemu je naglasak na ekonomskim i socijalnim čimbenicima. Da bi se prikupili relevantni podaci primijenjena je metoda anketiranja odnosno upitnika, a za obradu i testiranje podataka poslužila je statistika. Pri korištenju T-testa izračunavana je značajna razina p za pojedine motivacijske čimbenike u razdoblju od 2004. do 2012. godine. Rezultat istraživanja jest definiranje značajne razlike srednje vrijednosti pojedinih motivacijskih čimbenika i usporedba njihovih vrijednosti prije i nakon nastanka ekonomske krize. Na temelju ovog istraživanje može se utvrditi da ekonomska kriza nema utjecaja na razinu motiviranosti zaposlenika u promatranim poduzećima

    The impact of age, education and seniority on motivation of employees

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    Motivation can be changed significantly in dependence on meeting human needs, life situations, internal and external environment, etc. It is caused by different factors which affect motivation in different ways. These factors do not act separately but they are a part of mutually connected network of specific relations. In the paper we show the possibility of the impact of age, education and seniority on the motivation of employees. The level of employee motivation and employee performance can be influenced by means of their detailed knowledge


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    Corporate culture as a unique set of opinions, value systems and standards of behaviour is specific for each organisation. It can be observed in behaviour, mutual interaction, self-actualisation. It is necessary to familiarize with its principles and individual levels in order to understand this multilateral phenomenon. We want to mention the differences in corporate culture in medium-sized enterprises (up to 250 employees) and large businesses (more than 250 employees) in Slovakia in the year 2016 using the methodology OCAI. Following the results we define the level of corporate culture as a part of human resource management. Pursuant to the analysis of the sampling unit consisting of 108 medium-sized enterprises we found out that the dominant corporate culture in enterprises nowadays is the clan culture. On the other hand, hierarchical corporate culture is the most common corporate culture in large businesses (41 businesses with the number of employees over 250)

    Trends in Workplace Injuries in Slovak Forest Enterprises

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse the effect of key factors affecting the risk of workplace injuries and to identify the most common workplace accidents regarding injured body parts with respect to anthropometric data measurements of the population. Data associated with workplace accidents over the years 2000–2016 were drawn from the records of the state enterprise Forests of the Slovak Republic, situated in Banská Bystrica. Gathered data were processed and entered into the database complemented by the data on accidents of the self-employed working in the forestry industry. A total of 1874 workplace accidents in the state enterprise were recorded and statistically evaluated during the analysis period. A method for contingency table was used to analyse correlation between qualitative (categorical) variables in the dataset. A Poisson regression model was used to determine the injury rate. Forest harvesting is considered the most risky phase of the process of harvesting, processing, and transport. The highest number of workplace accidents (31.8% of all recorded workplace accidents) occurred during the forest harvesting phase during the analysis period. Timber skidding, with 16% of recorded accidents, was the second highest-risk phase. The workplace injury rate in the forest industry in Slovakia decreased over the course of the years 2000–2016. Head and facial injuries were those with the highest rate (67.1% injuries of these body parts) during the phase of harvesting and skidding

    Rozdíly motivace zaměstnanců ve vybraných zemích střední a východní Evropy (Slovensko, Litva a Česká republika)

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    The level of employee motivation in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Slovakia, Lithuania and the Czech Republic) is analysed in the paper. Sampling unit consisted of 6,961 respondents (hereof 3,862 males and 3,009 females). The age, education, seniority and job position of respondents were various. Significance of differences of averages and standard deviation of specific motivation factors at the level of significance alpha =0.05 in terms of nationality and the age of respondents was verified in tests. Subsequently, the samples were tested using the Tukey's HSD test. Following the research, the order of 8 most important motivation factors in analysed countries was defined. The subtle difference was observed in the order of their importance. Differences are dependent on the nationality; however, they do not depend on the age. The importance of motivation factors in Lithuania differs from those in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Basic salary, atmosphere in the workplace, supervisor's approach, fringe benefits are the most important motivation factors in all three countries. The importance of further motivation factors is almost equal in Slovakia and the Czech Republic (motivation factors relating to finances and relationships). The difference is seen in Lithuania, where the motivation factors relating to personal development and career are considered the most important. The research and its outcomes can be considered a part of further research carried out in other countries of Western, Central as well as Eastern Europe.V tomto příspěvku je analyzována úroveň motivace zaměstnanců v zemích střední a východní Evropy (Slovensko, Litva a Česká republika). Vzorek tvořilo 6 961 respondentů ( 3 862 mužů a 3 009 žen). Věk, vzdělání, doba praxe a pracovní pozice byly rozdílné.V rámci testování byla prověřena signifikantnost rozdílů aritmetických průměrů a směrodatných odchylek jednotlivých motivačních faktorů sledovaných motivačních faktorů tak, aby se na zvolené hladině významnosti alfa = 0,05 vyloučilo, že zjištěné rozdíly nebyly způsobeny výhradně chybou z reprezentace. K testování byl použit Tukeyho HSD test. Bylo definováno 8 nejdůležitějších motivačních faktorů v analyzovaných zemích. Základní plat, atmosféra na pracovišti, přístup vedoucího a benefity jsou nejdůležitější motivační faktory ve všech třech sledovaných zemích. Důležitost dalších motivačních faktorů je téměř stejná na Slovensku a v České republice. Rozdíly jsou patrné v Litvě, kde jsou důležité motivační faktory jako osobní rozvoj a kariéra. Výzkum a jeho výsledky lze považovat za součást dalšího výzkumu prováděného v jiných zemích západní, střední a východní Evropy