54 research outputs found

    Design of Dimension and Tolerance Loop of Mounted Construction

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    Táto bakalárska práca objasňuje, akými spôsobmi môžeme tolerovať súčasti, ako môžeme riešiť rozmerové reťazce, ktoré vznikajú ich spojením. Ďalej sa zaoberá delením rozmerových reťazcov. V ďalšej časti sa práca zaoberá riešením konkrétneho reálneho rozmerového reťazca, ktorý vznikne zostavením 3 súčastí. Mojou úlohou bolo vyriešiť najskôr výber správnych základní a tolerancií a následne spočítať rozmerový reťazec podľa vopred zadaných podmienok.This bachelor thesis clarifies solutions of tolerance of parts and ways of solving dimension loops. It also includes sorting of dimension loops. In the next chapter, the thesis comprises solution of real dimension loop, derived from assembling of 3 parts. My task was firstly to solve the selection of the correct datums and tolerances and secondly to calculate the dimension loop with respect to predeterminated conditions

    Optimization and mass reduction of the arm of the excavator

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    Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá výkladom teórie metódy konečných prvkov, jej odvodením a následným všeobecným návodom pre použitie v praxi. Ďalej práca objasňuje, čo ovplyvňuje pevnosť zváraných vysokopevnostných ocelí pri časovo premenlivom zaťažení. V praktickej časti sa práca sústreďuje na určenie síl pôsobiacich na násadu a použitie týchto síl ako okrajových podmienok pre numerický výpočet pomocou metódy konečných prvkov. Nasleduje prispôsobenie plechov na násadu z nového materiálu, výpočet napätia na novej násade a výpočet stability stroja s novou násadou.This master's thesis is focused on interpretation of finite elements method theory, its deduction and subsequent general approach for use in practice. Further, the thesis examines influences of time varying loads on strength of welded high-strength steels. Practical part of thesis is focused on determining of forces loading the arm of excavator and using these forces as boundary conditions for numerical calculation using the finite elements method. The following part of thesis solves material and dimensional adjustment of sheetmetal for modified arm, calculation of stress and stability of machine with modified arm

    Hallmarks of mechanochemistry: From nanoparticles to technology

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    The aim of this review article on recent developments of mechanochemistry (nowadays established as a part of chemistry) is to provide a comprehensive overview of advances achieved in the field of atomistic processes, phase transformations, simple and multicomponent nanosystems and peculiarities of mechanochemical reactions. Industrial aspects with successful penetration into fields like materials engineering, heterogeneous catalysis and extractive metallurgy are also reviewed. The hallmarks of mechanochemistry include influencing reactivity of solids by the presence of solid-state defects, interphases and relaxation phenomena, enabling processes to take place under non-equilibrium conditions, creating a well-crystallized core of nanoparticles with disordered near-surface shell regions and performing simple dry time-convenient one-step syntheses. Underlying these hallmarks are technological consequences like preparing new nanomaterials with the desired properties or producing these materials in a reproducible way with high yield and under simple and easy operating conditions. The last but not least hallmark is enabling work under environmentally friendly and essentially waste-free conditions (822 references).Slovak Grant Agency VEGA 2/0009/11, 2/0043/11Slovak Agency for Science and Development APVV VV-0189-10, VV-0528-11Russian Foundation for Basic Research 10-03-00942a, 12-03-00651aMinistry of Science and Higher education in Poland CUT/c-1/DS/KWC/2008-2012, PB1T09B02330, NN209145136, NN20914893

    Chalcogenide Quaternary Cu2FeSnS4 Nanocrystals for Solar Cells: Explosive Character of Mechanochemical Synthesis and Environmental Challenge

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    In this study we demonstrate the synthesis of quaternary semiconductor nanocrystals of stannite Cu2FeSnS4/rhodostannite Cu2FeSn3S8 (CFTS) via mechanochemical route using Cu, Fe, Sn and S elements as precursors in one-pot experiments. Methods of X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen adsorption, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were applied to characterize properties of the unique nanostructures. Mechanochemical route of synthesis induced new phenomena like explosive character of reaction, where three stages could be identified and the formation of nanostructures 5–10 nm in size. By using XPS method, Cu(I), Fe(II), Sn(IV) and S(-II) species were identified on the surface of CFTS. The value of optical band gap 1.27 eV is optimal for semiconductors applicable as absorbers in solar cells. The significant photocatalytic activity of the CFTS nanocrystals was also evidenced. The obtained results confirm the excellent properties of the quaternary semiconductor nanocrystals synthesized from earth-abundant elements.APVVAPVV-0103-14ERDF2622012003

    Results of the winter waterbird census in Slovakia in 2019–2022

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    A total of 75 (59–69 annually) waterbird species with 129 541–166 543 ( =146 567) individuals were recorded during the January censuses in 2019–2022 in Slovakia. There were found no significant differences in species richness between the years. The most abundant species were Anas platyrhynchos (44.5–53.9% of all registered birds), Anser albifrons (6.8–17.7%) and Aythya fuligula (8.8–10.8%). A. platyrhynchos and A. fuligula were also the species with the lowest interannual variability in the number of individuals recorded. On the other hand, Calidris alpina, C. minuta, Cygnus columbianus, Hydrocoloeus minutus and Numenius arquata were registered only in one year, and C. minuta and C. columbianus were recorded for the first time in Slovakia in January. The overall wintering waterbird assemblage can be considered stable in terms of bird numbers in 2019–2022. However, several species (Aix galericulata, A. sponsa, Alopochen aegyptiaca, Mareca penelope and M. strepera) showed an increase in wintering individuals

    State-of-the-Art of Eggshell Waste in Materials Science: Recent Advances in Catalysis, Pharmaceutical Applications, and Mechanochemistry

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    Eggshell waste is among the most abundant waste materials coming from food processing technologies. Despite the unique properties that both its components (eggshell, ES, and eggshell membrane, ESM) possess, it is very often discarded without further use. This review article aims to summarize the recent reports utilizing eggshell waste for very diverse purposes, stressing the need to use a mechanochemical approach to broaden its applications. The most studied field with regards to the potential use of eggshell waste is catalysis. Upon proper treatment, it can be used for turning waste oils into biodiesel and moreover, the catalytic effect of eggshell-based material in organic synthesis is also very beneficial. In inorganic chemistry, the eggshell membrane is very often used as a templating agent for nanoparticles production. Such composites are suitable for application in photocatalysis. These bionanocomposites are also capable of heavy metal ions reduction and can be also used for the ozonation process. The eggshell and its membrane are applicable in electrochemistry as well. Due to the high protein content and the presence of functional groups on the surface, ESM can be easily converted to a high-performance electrode material. Finally, both ES and ESM are suitable for medical applications, as the former can be used as an inexpensive Ca2+ source for the development of medications, particles for drug delivery, organic matrix/mineral nanocomposites as potential tissue scaffolds, food supplements and the latter for the treatment of joint diseases, in reparative medicine and vascular graft producing. For the majority of the above-mentioned applications, the pretreatment of the eggshell waste is necessary. Among other options, the mechanochemical pretreatment has found an inevitable place. Since the publication of the last review paper devoted to the mechanochemical treatment of eggshell waste, a few new works have appeared, which are reviewed here to underline the sustainable character of the proposed methodology. The mechanochemical treatment of eggshell is capable of producing the nanoscale material which can be further used for bioceramics synthesis, dehalogenation processes, wastewater treatment, preparation of hydrophobic filters, lithium-ion batteries, dental materials, and in the building industry as cement

    Properties of Mechanochemically Synthesized Famatinite Cu3SbS4 Nanocrystals

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    In this study, we report the optoelectric and thermoelectric properties of famatinite Cu3SbS4 that was mechanochemically synthesized in a planetary mill from powder elements for 120 min in an inert atmosphere. The tetragonal famatinite Cu3SbS4 was nanocrystalline with a crystallite size of 14 nm, as endorsed by Rietveld refinement. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy showed several crystallites in the range of 20–50 nm. Raman spectroscopy proved the purity of the synthesized famatinite Cu3SbS4 and chemical-state characterization performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed that the prepared sample was pure. The Cu1+, Sb5+, and S2− oxidation states in Cu3SbS4 sample were approved. The morphology characterization showed homogeneity of the prepared sample. The photoresponse of Cu3SbS4 was confirmed from I–V measurements in the dark and under illumination. The photocurrent increase reached 20% compared to the current in the dark at a voltage of 5 V. The achieved results confirm that synthesized famatinite Cu3SbS4 can be applied as a suitable absorbent material in solar cells. The performed thermoelectric measurements revealed a figure of merit ZT of 0.05 at 600 K

    A Unique Mechanochemical Redox Reaction Yielding Nanostructured Double Perovskite Sr2_{2}FeMoO6_{6} With an Extraordinarily High Degree of Anti-Site Disorder

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    Strontium ferromolybdate, Sr(2)FeMoO(6), is an important member of the family of double perovskites with the possible technological applications in the field of spintronics and solid oxide fuel cells. Its preparation via a multi-step ceramic route or various wet chemistry-based routes is notoriously difficult. The present work demonstrates that Sr(2)FeMoO(6) can be mechanosynthesized at ambient temperature in air directly from its precursors (SrO, α-Fe, MoO(3)) in the form of nanostructured powders, without the need for solvents and/or calcination under controlled oxygen fugacity. The mechanically induced evolution of the Sr(2)FeMoO(6) phase and the far-from-equilibrium structural state of the reaction product are systematically monitored with XRD and a variety of spectroscopic techniques including Raman spectroscopy, (57)Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The unique extensive oxidation of iron species (Fe(0) → Fe(3+)) with simultaneous reduction of Mo cations (Mo(6+) → Mo(5+)), occuring during the mechanosynthesis of Sr(2)FeMoO(6), is attributed to the mechanically triggered formation of tiny metallic iron nanoparticles in superparamagnetic state with a large reaction surface and a high oxidation affinity, whose steady presence in the reaction mixture of the milled educts initiates/promotes the swift redox reaction. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy observations reveal that the mechanosynthesized Sr(2)FeMoO(6), even after its moderate thermal treatment at 923 K for 30 min in air, exhibits the nanostructured nature with the average particle size of 21(4) nm. At the short-range scale, the nanostructure of the as-prepared Sr(2)FeMoO(6) is characterized by both, the strongly distorted geometry of the constituent FeO(6) octahedra and the extraordinarily high degree of anti-site disorder. The degree of anti-site disorder ASD = 0.5, derived independently from the present experimental XRD, Mössbauer, and SQUID magnetization data, corresponds to the completely random distribution of Fe(3+) and Mo(5+) cations over the sites of octahedral coordination provided by the double perovskite structure. Moreover, the fully anti-site disordered Sr(2)FeMoO(6) nanoparticles exhibit superparamagnetism with the blocking temperature T (B) = 240 K and the deteriorated effective magnetic moment μ = 0.055 μ (B) per formula unit

    Sustainable Synthesis of Cadmium Sulfide, with Applicability in Photocatalysis, Hydrogen Production, and as an Antibacterial Agent, Using Two Mechanochemical Protocols

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    CdS nanoparticles were successfully synthesized using cadmium acetate and sodium sulfide as Cd and S precursors, respectively. The effect of using sodium thiosulfate as an additional sulfur precursor was also investigated (combined milling). The samples were characterized by XRD, Raman spectroscopy, XPS, UV-Vis spectroscopy, PL spectroscopy, DLS, and TEM. Photocatalytic activities of both CdS samples were compared. The photocatalytic activity of CdS, which is produced by combined milling, was superior to that of CdS, and was obtained by an acetate route in the degradation of Orange II under visible light irradiation. Better results for CdS prepared using a combined approach were also evidenced in photocatalytic experiments on hydrogen generation. The antibacterial potential of mechanochemically prepared CdS nanocrystals was also tested on reference strains of E. coli and S. aureus. Susceptibility tests included a 24-h toxicity test, a disk diffusion assay, and respiration monitoring. Bacterial growth was not completely inhibited by the presence of neither nanomaterial in the growth environment. However, the experiments have confirmed that the nanoparticles have some capability to inhibit bacterial growth during the logarithmic growth phase, with a more substantial effect coming from CdS nanoparticles prepared in the absence of sodium thiosulfate. The present research demonstrated the solvent-free, facile, and sustainable character of mechanochemical synthesis to produce semiconductor nanocrystals with multidisciplinary application.DFG, 248198858, GRK 2032: Grenzzonen in urbanen Wassersysteme