85 research outputs found

    A framework for the simulation and validation of acoustic fields from medical ultrasound transducers

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    The unified simulation framework for medical ultrasound, FieldSim, cur- rently supports linear and non-linear simulations by using Field II and Aber- sim, respectively. In this thesis the quasi-linear simulation tool, Propose, is incorporated in FieldSim and verified. The implementation uses Field II to generate the initial pressure propagated by Propose. It is shown to pro- duce satisfactory results when compared to standalone Propose, Field II and Abersim for both the fundamental and second harmonic. The results are also verified in the water tank. The running time is found to be slower than standalone Propose, but still substantially quicker than Abersim for non-linear simulations. By combining core features of the FieldSim frame- work and Propose new features are presented. It is now possible to easily simulate the second harmonic from a transducer with a measured impulse response and arbitrary excitation pulse using Propose in minutes, compared to hours with Abersim. By rotating the initial field steering can now be achieved in Propose in few lines of MATLAB code. A link between a research scanner and the FieldSim framework is pre- sented. When finalized a FieldSim simulation can be converted to a file read by PyTexo making it possible to use the exact same setup for both simu- lations and measurements in the water tank. The current implementation supports single ultrasound beams and B-mode with fixed focus

    Legemiddelassistert rehabilitering for gravide : En nasjonal prospektiv studie

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    Bakgrunn: Gravide opiatmisbrukere i den vestlige verden har blitt tilbudt Legemiddelassistert rehabilitering (LAR) siden tidlig i syttiårene. Metadon har vært brukt som medikament i slik behandling siden da, mens buprenorfin har blitt et alternativ de siste årene. Fra 1996 og til dags dato har ca 145 barn blitt født av mødre i LAR i Norge. LAR i Norge er et høyterskel - program hvor behandlingen administreres fra regionale sentre. Det sikrer en relativt tett oppfølging i svangerskap og gjennom nyfødtperioden. Denne studien gir en oversikt over deskriptive funn relatert til utvalgskarakteristika, illegalt rusmiddelmisbruk i svangerskapet og nyfødtdata. Videre utforsker studien mulige sammenhenger mellom metadon / buprenorfindose / nikotin og Neonatalt abstinenssyndrom ( NAS) hos barnet. Metode: Etter informert samtykke ble 41 gravide kvinner i LAR i Norge, med termin mellom januar 2005 og januar 2007, innlemmet i en nasjonal prospektiv studie. 38 (81 % av populasjonen) ble intervjuet i siste trimester av svangerskapet og tre måneder etter fødsel. European Addiction Severity Index (Europ-ASI) og et spørreskjema som omhandlet fødselsopplysninger ble brukt. Dataene ble sammenlignet med opplysninger fra sykehusjournalene og urinprøvesvar. Resultater: Av de nyfødte hvis mor hadde blitt behandlet med metadon i svangerskapet forekom behandlingstrengende NAS hos 58 % av utvalget, mens det blant de buprenorfineksponerte barna var 67 % som fikk behandlingstrengende NAS. Det var ingen statistisk signifikant sammenheng mellom metadon / buprenorfin dose i svangerskap og lengde av behandlingsperiode for den nyfødte. Gjennomsnittlig sigarettinntak i svangerskap korrelerte med behandlingsvarighet hos barnet for metadongruppen, men ikke for buprenorfingruppen (p=.023). Med unntak av en røkte alle kvinnene gjennom hele svangerskapet. Ulike fødselsutfall var ikke signifikant forskjellig mellom metadon og buprenorfineksponerte nyfødte. Til tross for høy dose metadon hos mor i svangerskap var fødselsvekten hos de metadoneksponerte barna ca 200 g høyere enn i de fleste internasjonale studier. Det var høy forekomst av keisersnitt hos begge gruppene, over 30 %, hvilket er dobbelt så høyt som i den øvrige befolkningen i samme periode. Konklusjon: Metadon / buprenorfindose i svangerskap gir ingen prediksjon for hverken forekomst eller varighet av NAS-behandling for den nyfødte i denne studien. I metadongruppen korrelerte nikotinbruk i svangerskap med varighet av NAS-behandling

    Practices of ambiguity: becoming “information literate” in two Norwegian schools

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    Dette er en pdf av forlagets publiserte versjon etter avtale. Tidsskriftets side: http://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/JIL/inde

    Teaching Information Literacy for Lifelong Professional Use

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    This paper presents a pilot study carried out in 2015-2016. The main aims of the project was to map information literacy practices among nurses in primary health care and make a summary of previous research focusing on known obstacles. A further aim of the literature review was to identify good solutions and best practice. In spring 2016 a questionnaire was sent out to nurses working in nursing homes in Bergen, Norway. This presentation will outline specificities of IL in the health care context and will then present a few results from the questionnaire connected to this specific context.

    Investigating the effects of Haemophilus influenzae on neutrophils in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an inflammatory lung disease that is characterized by a slowly progressive and irreversible deterioration in lung function due to chronic bronchitis or emphysema, resulting in an increased shortness of breath. It is the 12 most prevalent disease world wide and cigarette smoking is the main risk factor for developing the disease - over 90% of patients are cigarette smokers. Exacerbations of COPD can occur due to infection of the lungs with bacteria. Neutrophils are the most abundant cells of the immune system, constituting the primary line of defence against bacterial infection. A process called the respiratory burst generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) which are used along with proteases to kill bacteria. These products are toxic in high concentrations and may cause damage to surrounding lung tissue when released. Infected lungs have an increased number of neutrophils, which have been recruited into the lungs to kill the bacteria. Despite this, large numbers of bacteria are still present, and increased damage to the lungs is evident. Therefore, the neutrophils may not be working efficiently to kill the bacteria in the COPD lung

    Nå kan man øve på hjerteoperasjoner i biblioteket

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    Informasjonskompetanse på et skolebibliotek i Seattle

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    The effect of multiple exposures in scenario‐based simulation—A mixed study systematic review

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    Aims To examine the use and effects of multiple simulations in nursing education. Design A mixed study systematic review. Databases (CINAHL, Medline, PubMed, EMBASE, ERIC, Education source and Science Direct) were searched for studies published until April 2020. Method Researchers analysed the articles. Bias risk was evaluated using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme and Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Results In total, 27 studies were included and four themes identified. Students participated in multiple simulation sessions, over weeks to years, which included 1–4 scenarios in various nursing contexts. Simulations were used to prepare for, or partly replace, students’ clinical practice. Learning was described in terms of knowledge, competence and confidence. Conclusion Multiple scenario‐based simulation is a positive intervention that can be implemented in various courses during every academic year to promote nursing students’ learning. Further longitudinal research is required, including randomized studies, with transparency regarding study design and instruments.publishedVersio