55 research outputs found

    Morphological and anatomical characterisation and evaluation of a vineyard peach germplasm collection [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]

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    Istraživanjima u okviru ove doktorske disertacije na osnovu većeg broja kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih osobina izvršena je morfološko-anatomska karakterizacija i evaluacija 75 genotipova vinogradarske breskve u okviru kolekcije oglednog dobra “Radmilovac”, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu. Istraživanja su obuhvatila i analizu varijabilnosti i korelacione povezanosti osobina, a sve u cilju izdvajanja perspektivnih genotipova sa akcentom na stonu potrošnju. Karakteristike fenofaze cvetanja i sazrevanja, anatomske karakteristike lista, broj zametnutih i ubranih plodova, biohemijski sastav ploda i organoleptička ocena svežih plodova utvrđeni su metodama standardnim za ovu vrstu istraživanja, dok su morfološke karakteristike pojedinih organa utvrđene merenjem ili ocenjivanjem pomoću UPOV i ECPGR deskriptora za breskvu. Ispitivana kolekcija vinogradarske breskve pokazala se kao značajan genofond sa visokim stepenom varijabilnosti osobina. Među ispitivanim genotipovima ispoljile su se veoma značajne razlike u pogledu vremena cvetanja i sazrevanja, bujnosti stabla, rodnosti, krupnoće i kvaliteta plodova. U ispitivanoj kolekciji genetička varijansa je dominirala u ukupnoj varijabilnosti vremena sazrevanja plodova kao i osobina stabla (visina stabla, visina krune, prečnik krune, visina debla, obim debla), grančice (dužina i debljina grančice), lista (dužina i širina liske, indeks oblika liske, površina liske), cveta (prečnik cveta, dužina i širina kruničnih listića, indeks oblika kruničnih listića, broj prašnika, dužina i širina antere, dužina tučka) i ploda (masa koštice, sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije, sadržaj ukupnih kiselina i ukupnih šećera, izgled ploda, ukus ploda i ukupna senzorna ocena). To znači da su ove osobine strogo ili u velikoj meri pod kontrolom genotipa i da kao takve predstavljaju merodavni prikaz ispitivane kolekcije, na osnovu kojih se može sa većom pouzdanošću vršiti dalja selekcija sa ciljem povećanja rodnosti i poboljšanja kvaliteta ploda...The research for this doctoral dissertation was based on a large number of qualitative and quantitative traits of the vineyard peach and it comprised morphological and anatomical characterization and evaluation of 75 vineyard peach genotypes within a collection of the “Radmilovac” Experimental Station of the Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture. The research also comprised the analysis of variability and correlation of traits in order to select prominent genotypes, particularly genotypes suitable for fresh consumption. Flowering and maturity traits, anatomic traits of peach leaves, fruit set and number of harvested fruits, biochemical composition and an organoleptic evaluation of fresh fruits were determined with standard methods for this type of research, whereas morphological traits of certain organs were determined after measuring or evaluation with UPOV and ECPGR descriptors for peach. The studied collection of the vineyard peach was proved to be a significant genepool with high variability of traits. Among the studied genotypes there were very significant differences in time of flowering and maturity, tree vigour, yielding, fruit size and quality. The genetic variance dominated the total variability of fruit maturity time, as well as tree traits (tree height, canopy height, canopy diameter, trunk height, trunk volume), traits of shoot (shoot length and thickness), leaf (leaf length and width, shape index, leaf area), flower (flower diameter, petal length and width, petal shape index, number of stamens, anther length and width, pistil length) and traits of fruit (stone weight, soluble dry matter content, total acids and total sugars, fruit appearance, taste and an overall sensory mark). It means that these traits are fully or to a large extent controlled by genotype. Hence they give a reliable overview of the collection, based on which further selection for better yields and better quality can be done more accurately..

    Effect of sting size on the wake of a sphere at subcritical Reynolds numbers

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    Vortex shedding and turbulent motion in the wake of a sphere that is supported using a streamwise-aligned cylindrical sting are investigated at a subcritical Reynolds number of Re=3800, using high speed particle image velocimetry. The mechanism by which the presence of a sting of increasing diameter relative to the diameter of the sphere influences the wake, in terms of both the small-scale shear instability and the larger wake instability, is explored and brie y compared with the two-dimensional analog of the splitter plate introduced into a cylinder wake. The difficulties associated with obtaining converged statistics, along with the effect of free stream turbulence and sphere vibrations are detailed. An understanding of the mechanism by which the blockage, or interference, arising from the presence of the sting influences cross-wake communication and downstream development is a necessary precursor to studies of active control of the wake using surface actuation on a sting-mounted sphere

    Selection of the optimal hard facing (HF) technology of damaged forging dies based on cooling time t8/5

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    In exploitation, the forging dies are exposed to heating up to very high temperatures, variable loads: compressive, impact and shear. In this paper, the reparatory hard facing of the damaged forging dies is considered. The objective was to establish the optimal reparatory technology based on cooling time t8/5 . The verification of the adopted technology was done by investigation of the hard faced layers microstructure and measurements of hardness within the welded layers’ characteristic zones. Cooling time was determined theoretically, numerically and experimentally

    Fracture mechanics analysis of damaged turbine rotor discs using finite element method

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    This paper presents evaluation fracture mechanics parameters in low pressure turbine components. Critical locations such as keyway and dovetail area are experiencing stress concentration leading to crack initiation. Stress intensity factors were evaluated using the J-Integral approach available within ANSYS software code. The finite element method allowed the prediction of the point of crack initiation and the crack propagation using the orientations of the maximum principal stresses. Special attention in this investigation is focused to develop analytic expressions for stress intensity factors at critical location of low pres-sure steam turbine disc. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. I-174001 i br. TR-35045

    Material characterization of the main steam gate valve made of X20CrMoV 12.1 steel after long term service

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    Martensitic steel X20CrMo12.1 has been extensively used within the last few decades as a material for tubing systems and pipelines in thermal power plants (TPP). Long term behavior of this steel is very well known and understood and because of that was found to be reliable material for prolonged service at elevated temperatures. It is well known that during operation TPP components are subject to microstructural changes that inevitably reflect decrease in their mechanical properties that lead to the loss of structural integrity and serviceability of component. This paper deals with the comprehensive investigation carried out on the main steam gate valve parent material of welded joint, as a part of main steam pipeline, after 170.000 h of service (545 degrees C and 19MPa). The obtained results showed that the microstructural degradation caused by long term operation had little effects on the hardness and strength of material, while the changes in impact toughness were observed. Comprehensive microstructural analysis included the examination of the microstructure on the surface and trough the wall thickness

    Material characterization of the main steam gate valve made of X20CrMoV 12.1 steel after long term service

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    Martensitic steel X20CrMo12.1 has been extensively used within the last few decades as a material for tubing systems and pipelines in thermal power plants (TPP). Long term behavior of this steel is very well known and understood and because of that was found to be reliable material for prolonged service at elevated temperatures. It is well known that during operation TPP components are subject to microstructural changes that inevitably reflect decrease in their mechanical properties that lead to the loss of structural integrity and serviceability of component. This paper deals with the comprehensive investigation carried out on the main steam gate valve parent material of welded joint, as a part of main steam pipeline, after 170.000 h of service (545 degrees C and 19MPa). The obtained results showed that the microstructural degradation caused by long term operation had little effects on the hardness and strength of material, while the changes in impact toughness were observed. Comprehensive microstructural analysis included the examination of the microstructure on the surface and trough the wall thickness

    The suitability of apricot for dried fruit production by the combined technology

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    The apricot is considered as one of the most delicious temperate fruit, a highly appreciated stone fruit and a valuable raw material for processing. The Republic of Serbia is one of the leading apricot producers in Southeast Europe, but the assortment is limited by a small number of cultivars harvested, mostly in the ripening season of “Magyar kajszi”. In order to introduce the most suitable cultivars in the production, having high yield and high quality for consumption and various forms of processing, introduced and domestic cultivars have been intensively studied. In Serbia, apricots are mostly marketed fresh and processed for jams and spirits, but demand for high-quality dried fruits is increasing. To preserve the nutritional and sensory quality of fresh apricots, choosing the best drying technique is significant, and the most preferred technique is the reduction of moisture through convective drying. The aim of the paper was to compare the potential of the apricot cultivars “Magyar kajszi”, “Novosadska rodna”, “NS-4” and “NS-6” for dried fruit production by two-phase technology – combined osmotic and convective drying, as well as the profitability of apricot drying on small family farms. Cultivars “NS-4” and “Novosadska rodna” were found to be suitable for combined drying technology. The highest score in the sensory evaluation of the dried apricots was given to “NS-4”, and then to “Novosadska rodna”. The results indicate that the combined osmotic and convective drying of apricot rather than selling fresh fruits can be a profitable and important added value tool for small family farms

    Morphological and anatomical characterisation and evaluation of a vineyard peach germplasm collection [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]

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    Istraživanjima u okviru ove doktorske disertacije na osnovu većeg broja kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih osobina izvršena je morfološko-anatomska karakterizacija i evaluacija 75 genotipova vinogradarske breskve u okviru kolekcije oglednog dobra “Radmilovac”, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu. Istraživanja su obuhvatila i analizu varijabilnosti i korelacione povezanosti osobina, a sve u cilju izdvajanja perspektivnih genotipova sa akcentom na stonu potrošnju. Karakteristike fenofaze cvetanja i sazrevanja, anatomske karakteristike lista, broj zametnutih i ubranih plodova, biohemijski sastav ploda i organoleptička ocena svežih plodova utvrđeni su metodama standardnim za ovu vrstu istraživanja, dok su morfološke karakteristike pojedinih organa utvrđene merenjem ili ocenjivanjem pomoću UPOV i ECPGR deskriptora za breskvu. Ispitivana kolekcija vinogradarske breskve pokazala se kao značajan genofond sa visokim stepenom varijabilnosti osobina. Među ispitivanim genotipovima ispoljile su se veoma značajne razlike u pogledu vremena cvetanja i sazrevanja, bujnosti stabla, rodnosti, krupnoće i kvaliteta plodova. U ispitivanoj kolekciji genetička varijansa je dominirala u ukupnoj varijabilnosti vremena sazrevanja plodova kao i osobina stabla (visina stabla, visina krune, prečnik krune, visina debla, obim debla), grančice (dužina i debljina grančice), lista (dužina i širina liske, indeks oblika liske, površina liske), cveta (prečnik cveta, dužina i širina kruničnih listića, indeks oblika kruničnih listića, broj prašnika, dužina i širina antere, dužina tučka) i ploda (masa koštice, sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije, sadržaj ukupnih kiselina i ukupnih šećera, izgled ploda, ukus ploda i ukupna senzorna ocena). To znači da su ove osobine strogo ili u velikoj meri pod kontrolom genotipa i da kao takve predstavljaju merodavni prikaz ispitivane kolekcije, na osnovu kojih se može sa većom pouzdanošću vršiti dalja selekcija sa ciljem povećanja rodnosti i poboljšanja kvaliteta ploda...The research for this doctoral dissertation was based on a large number of qualitative and quantitative traits of the vineyard peach and it comprised morphological and anatomical characterization and evaluation of 75 vineyard peach genotypes within a collection of the “Radmilovac” Experimental Station of the Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture. The research also comprised the analysis of variability and correlation of traits in order to select prominent genotypes, particularly genotypes suitable for fresh consumption. Flowering and maturity traits, anatomic traits of peach leaves, fruit set and number of harvested fruits, biochemical composition and an organoleptic evaluation of fresh fruits were determined with standard methods for this type of research, whereas morphological traits of certain organs were determined after measuring or evaluation with UPOV and ECPGR descriptors for peach. The studied collection of the vineyard peach was proved to be a significant genepool with high variability of traits. Among the studied genotypes there were very significant differences in time of flowering and maturity, tree vigour, yielding, fruit size and quality. The genetic variance dominated the total variability of fruit maturity time, as well as tree traits (tree height, canopy height, canopy diameter, trunk height, trunk volume), traits of shoot (shoot length and thickness), leaf (leaf length and width, shape index, leaf area), flower (flower diameter, petal length and width, petal shape index, number of stamens, anther length and width, pistil length) and traits of fruit (stone weight, soluble dry matter content, total acids and total sugars, fruit appearance, taste and an overall sensory mark). It means that these traits are fully or to a large extent controlled by genotype. Hence they give a reliable overview of the collection, based on which further selection for better yields and better quality can be done more accurately..

    Morphological and anatomical characterisation and evaluation of a vineyard peach germplasm collection [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]

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    Istraživanjima u okviru ove doktorske disertacije na osnovu većeg broja kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih osobina izvršena je morfološko-anatomska karakterizacija i evaluacija 75 genotipova vinogradarske breskve u okviru kolekcije oglednog dobra “Radmilovac”, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Beogradu. Istraživanja su obuhvatila i analizu varijabilnosti i korelacione povezanosti osobina, a sve u cilju izdvajanja perspektivnih genotipova sa akcentom na stonu potrošnju. Karakteristike fenofaze cvetanja i sazrevanja, anatomske karakteristike lista, broj zametnutih i ubranih plodova, biohemijski sastav ploda i organoleptička ocena svežih plodova utvrđeni su metodama standardnim za ovu vrstu istraživanja, dok su morfološke karakteristike pojedinih organa utvrđene merenjem ili ocenjivanjem pomoću UPOV i ECPGR deskriptora za breskvu. Ispitivana kolekcija vinogradarske breskve pokazala se kao značajan genofond sa visokim stepenom varijabilnosti osobina. Među ispitivanim genotipovima ispoljile su se veoma značajne razlike u pogledu vremena cvetanja i sazrevanja, bujnosti stabla, rodnosti, krupnoće i kvaliteta plodova. U ispitivanoj kolekciji genetička varijansa je dominirala u ukupnoj varijabilnosti vremena sazrevanja plodova kao i osobina stabla (visina stabla, visina krune, prečnik krune, visina debla, obim debla), grančice (dužina i debljina grančice), lista (dužina i širina liske, indeks oblika liske, površina liske), cveta (prečnik cveta, dužina i širina kruničnih listića, indeks oblika kruničnih listića, broj prašnika, dužina i širina antere, dužina tučka) i ploda (masa koštice, sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije, sadržaj ukupnih kiselina i ukupnih šećera, izgled ploda, ukus ploda i ukupna senzorna ocena). To znači da su ove osobine strogo ili u velikoj meri pod kontrolom genotipa i da kao takve predstavljaju merodavni prikaz ispitivane kolekcije, na osnovu kojih se može sa većom pouzdanošću vršiti dalja selekcija sa ciljem povećanja rodnosti i poboljšanja kvaliteta ploda...The research for this doctoral dissertation was based on a large number of qualitative and quantitative traits of the vineyard peach and it comprised morphological and anatomical characterization and evaluation of 75 vineyard peach genotypes within a collection of the “Radmilovac” Experimental Station of the Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture. The research also comprised the analysis of variability and correlation of traits in order to select prominent genotypes, particularly genotypes suitable for fresh consumption. Flowering and maturity traits, anatomic traits of peach leaves, fruit set and number of harvested fruits, biochemical composition and an organoleptic evaluation of fresh fruits were determined with standard methods for this type of research, whereas morphological traits of certain organs were determined after measuring or evaluation with UPOV and ECPGR descriptors for peach. The studied collection of the vineyard peach was proved to be a significant genepool with high variability of traits. Among the studied genotypes there were very significant differences in time of flowering and maturity, tree vigour, yielding, fruit size and quality. The genetic variance dominated the total variability of fruit maturity time, as well as tree traits (tree height, canopy height, canopy diameter, trunk height, trunk volume), traits of shoot (shoot length and thickness), leaf (leaf length and width, shape index, leaf area), flower (flower diameter, petal length and width, petal shape index, number of stamens, anther length and width, pistil length) and traits of fruit (stone weight, soluble dry matter content, total acids and total sugars, fruit appearance, taste and an overall sensory mark). It means that these traits are fully or to a large extent controlled by genotype. Hence they give a reliable overview of the collection, based on which further selection for better yields and better quality can be done more accurately..