84 research outputs found

    Impact of LISA's low frequency sensitivity on observations of massive black hole mergers

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    LISA will be able to detect gravitational waves from inspiralling massive black hole (MBH) binaries out to redshifts z > 10. If the binary masses and luminosity distances can be extracted from the LISA data stream, this information can be used to reveal the merger history of MBH binaries and their host galaxies in the evolving universe. Since this parameter extraction generally requires that LISA observe the inspiral for a significant fraction of its yearly orbit, carrying out this program requires adequate sensitivity at low frequencies, f < 10^{-4} Hz. Using several candidate low frequency sensitivities, we examine LISA's potential for characterizing MBH binary coalescences at redshifts z > 1.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of the 5th International LISA Symposium, Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Black-hole binaries, gravitational waves, and numerical relativity

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    Understanding the predictions of general relativity for the dynamical interactions of two black holes has been a long-standing unsolved problem in theoretical physics. Black-hole mergers are monumental astrophysical events, releasing tremendous amounts of energy in the form of gravitational radiation, and are key sources for both ground- and space-based gravitational-wave detectors. The black-hole merger dynamics and the resulting gravitational waveforms can only be calculated through numerical simulations of Einstein's equations of general relativity. For many years, numerical relativists attempting to model these mergers encountered a host of problems, causing their codes to crash after just a fraction of a binary orbit could be simulated. Recently, however, a series of dramatic advances in numerical relativity has allowed stable, robust black-hole merger simulations. This remarkable progress in the rapidly maturing field of numerical relativity, and the new understanding of black-hole binary dynamics that is emerging is chronicled. Important applications of these fundamental physics results to astrophysics, to gravitational-wave astronomy, and in other areas are also discussed.Comment: 54 pages, 42 figures. Some typos corrected & references updated. Essentially final published versio

    Consistency of post-Newtonian waveforms with numerical relativity

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    General relativity predicts the gravitational wave signatures of coalescing binary black holes. Explicit waveform predictions for such systems, required for optimal analysis of observational data, have so far been achieved using the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation. The quality of this treatment is unclear, however, for the important late-inspiral portion. We derive late-inspiral waveforms via a complementary approach, direct numerical simulation of Einstein's equations. We compare waveform phasing from simulations of the last 14\sim 14 cycles of gravitational radiation from equal-mass, nonspinning black holes with the corresponding 2.5PN, 3PN, and 3.5PN orbital phasing. We find phasing agreement consistent with internal error estimates based on either approach, suggesting that PN waveforms for this system are effective until the last orbit prior to final merger.Comment: Replaced with published version -- one figure removed, text and other figures updated for clarity of discussio

    Anatomy of the binary black hole recoil: A multipolar analysis

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    We present a multipolar analysis of the gravitational recoil computed in recent numerical simulations of binary black hole (BH) coalescence, for both unequal masses and non-zero, non-precessing spins. We show that multipole moments up to and including l=4 are sufficient to accurately reproduce the final recoil velocity (within ~2%) and that only a few dominant modes contribute significantly to it (within ~5%). We describe how the relative amplitudes, and more importantly, the relative phases, of these few modes control the way in which the recoil builds up throughout the inspiral, merger, and ringdown phases. We also find that the numerical results can be reproduced by an ``effective Newtonian'' formula for the multipole moments obtained by replacing the radial separation in the Newtonian formulae with an effective radius computed from the numerical data. Beyond the merger, the numerical results are reproduced by a superposition of three Kerr quasi-normal modes (QNMs). Analytic formulae, obtained by expressing the multipole moments in terms of the fundamental QNMs of a Kerr BH, are able to explain the onset and amount of ``anti-kick'' for each of the simulations. Lastly, we apply this multipolar analysis to help explain the remarkable difference between the amplitudes of planar and non-planar kicks for equal-mass spinning black holes

    Toward faithful templates for non-spinning binary black holes using the effective-one-body approach

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    We present an accurate approximation of the full gravitational radiation waveforms generated in the merger of non-eccentric systems of two non-spinning black holes. Utilizing information from recent numerical relativity simulations and the natural flexibility of the effective-one-body (EOB) model, we extend the latter so that it can successfully match the numerical relativity waveforms during the last stages of inspiral, merger and ringdown. By ``successfully'' here, we mean with phase differences < 8% of a gravitational-wave cycle accumulated by the end of the ringdown phase, maximizing only over time of arrival and initial phase. We obtain this result by simply adding a 4-post-Newtonian order correction in the EOB radial potential and determining the (constant) coefficient by imposing high-matching performances with numerical waveforms of mass ratios m1/m2 = 1, 3/2, 2 and 4, m1 and m2 being the individual black-hole masses. The final black-hole mass and spin predicted by the numerical simulations are used to determine the ringdown frequency and decay time of three quasi-normal-mode damped sinusoids that are attached to the EOB inspiral-(plunge) waveform at the EOB light-ring. The EOB waveforms might be tested and further improved in the future by comparison with extremely long and accurate inspiral numerical-relativity waveforms. They may already be employed for coherent searches and parameter estimation of gravitational waves emitted by non-spinning coalescing binary black holes with ground-based laser-interferometer detectors.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    A data-analysis driven comparison of analytic and numerical coalescing binary waveforms: nonspinning case

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    We compare waveforms obtained by numerically evolving nonspinning binary black holes to post-Newtonian (PN) template families currently used in the search for gravitational waves by ground-based detectors. We find that the time-domain 3.5PN template family, which includes the inspiral phase, has fitting factors (FFs) >= 0.96 for binary systems with total mass M = 10 ~ 20 Msun. The time-domain 3.5PN effective-one-body template family, which includes the inspiral, merger and ring-down phases, gives satisfactory signal-matching performance with FFs >= 0.96 for binary systems with total mass M = 10 ~ 120 Msun. If we introduce a cutoff frequency properly adjusted to the final black-hole ring-down frequency, we find that the frequency-domain stationary-phase-approximated template family at 3.5PN order has FFs >= 0.96 for binary systems with total mass M = 10 ~ 20 Msun. However, to obtain high matching performances for larger binary masses, we need to either extend this family to unphysical regions of the parameter space or introduce a 4PN order coefficient in the frequency-domain GW phase. Finally, we find that the phenomenological Buonanno-Chen-Vallisneri family has FFs >= 0.97 with total mass M=10 ~ 120Msun. The main analyses use the noise spectral-density of LIGO, but several tests are extended to VIRGO and advanced LIGO noise-spectral densities

    Binary black hole late inspiral: Simulations for gravitational wave observations

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    Coalescing binary black hole mergers are expected to be the strongest gravitational wave sources for ground-based interferometers, such as the LIGO, VIRGO, and GEO600, as well as the space-based interferometer LISA. Until recently it has been impossible to reliably derive the predictions of General Relativity for the final merger stage, which takes place in the strong-field regime. Recent progress in numerical relativity simulations is, however, revolutionizing our understanding of these systems. We examine here the specific case of merging equal-mass Schwarzschild black holes in detail, presenting new simulations in which the black holes start in the late inspiral stage on orbits with very low eccentricity and evolve for ~1200M through ~7 orbits before merging. We study the accuracy and consistency of our simulations and the resulting gravitational waveforms, which encompass ~14 cycles before merger, and highlight the importance of using frequency (rather than time) to set the physical reference when comparing models. Matching our results to PN calculations for the earlier parts of the inspiral provides a combined waveform with less than half a cycle of accumulated phase error through the entire coalescence. Using this waveform, we calculate signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) for iLIGO, adLIGO, and LISA, highlighting the contributions from the late-inspiral and merger-ringdown parts of the waveform which can now be simulated numerically. Contour plots of SNR as a function of z and M show that adLIGO can achieve SNR >~ 10 for some intermediate-mass binary black holes (IMBBHs) out to z ~ 1, and that LISA can see massive binary black holes (MBBHs) in the range 3x10^4 100 out to the earliest epochs of structure formation at z > 15.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figures. Final published versio

    Modeling kicks from the merger of generic black-hole binaries

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    Recent numerical relativistic results demonstrate that the merger of comparable-mass spinning black holes has a maximum ``recoil kick'' of up to \sim 4000 \kms. However the scaling of these recoil velocities with mass ratio is poorly understood. We present new runs showing that the maximum possible kick perpendicular to the orbital plane does not scale as η2\sim\eta^2 (where η\eta is the symmetric mass ratio), as previously proposed, but is more consistent with η3\sim\eta^3, at least for systems with low orbital precession. We discuss the effect of this dependence on galactic ejection scenarios and retention of intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables. Version published in Astrophys. J. Let