962 research outputs found

    Placing regenerators in optical networks to satisfy multiple sets of requests.

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    The placement of regenerators in optical networks has become an active area of research during the last years. Given a set of lightpaths in a network G and a positive integer d, regenerators must be placed in such a way that in any lightpath there are no more than d hops without meeting a regenerator. While most of the research has focused on heuristics and simulations, the first theoretical study of the problem has been recently provided in [10], where the considered cost function is the number of locations in the network hosting regenerators. Nevertheless, in many situations a more accurate estimation of the real cost of the network is given by the total number of regenerators placed at the nodes, and this is the cost function we consider. Furthermore, in our model we assume that we are given a finite set of p possible traffic patterns (each given by a set of lightpaths), and our objective is to place the minimum number of regenerators at the nodes so that each of the traffic patterns is satisfied. While this problem can be easily solved when d = 1 or p = 1, we prove that for any fixed d,p ≄ 2 it does not admit a PTASUnknown control sequence '\textsc', even if G has maximum degree at most 3 and the lightpaths have length O(d)(d). We complement this hardness result with a constant-factor approximation algorithm with ratio ln (d ·p). We then study the case where G is a path, proving that the problem is NP-hard for any d,p ≄ 2, even if there are two edges of the path such that any lightpath uses at least one of them. Interestingly, we show that the problem is polynomial-time solvable in paths when all the lightpaths share the first edge of the path, as well as when the number of lightpaths sharing an edge is bounded. Finally, we generalize our model in two natural directions, which allows us to capture the model of [10] as a particular case, and we settle some questions that were left open in [10]

    FliPpr: A Prettier Invertible Printing System

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    When implementing a programming language, we often write a parser and a pretty-printer. However, manually writing both programs is not only tedious but also error-prone; it may happen that a pretty-printed result is not correctly parsed. In this paper, we propose FliPpr, which is a program transformation system that uses program inversion to produce a CFG parser from a pretty-printer. This novel approach has the advantages of fine-grained control over pretty-printing, and easy reuse of existing efficient pretty-printer and parser implementations

    Approximation Algorithms for the Capacitated Domination Problem

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    We consider the {\em Capacitated Domination} problem, which models a service-requirement assignment scenario and is also a generalization of the well-known {\em Dominating Set} problem. In this problem, given a graph with three parameters defined on each vertex, namely cost, capacity, and demand, we want to find an assignment of demands to vertices of least cost such that the demand of each vertex is satisfied subject to the capacity constraint of each vertex providing the service. In terms of polynomial time approximations, we present logarithmic approximation algorithms with respect to different demand assignment models for this problem on general graphs, which also establishes the corresponding approximation results to the well-known approximations of the traditional {\em Dominating Set} problem. Together with our previous work, this closes the problem of generally approximating the optimal solution. On the other hand, from the perspective of parameterization, we prove that this problem is {\it W[1]}-hard when parameterized by a structure of the graph called treewidth. Based on this hardness result, we present exact fixed-parameter tractable algorithms when parameterized by treewidth and maximum capacity of the vertices. This algorithm is further extended to obtain pseudo-polynomial time approximation schemes for planar graphs

    A Comparison of search templates for gravitational waves from binary inspiral

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    We compare the performances of the templates defined by three different types of approaches: traditional post-Newtonian templates (Taylor-approximants), ``resummed'' post-Newtonian templates assuming the adiabatic approximation and stopping before the plunge (P-approximants), and further ``resummed'' post-Newtonian templates going beyond the adiabatic approximation and incorporating the plunge with its transition from the inspiral (Effective-one-body approximants). The signal to noise ratio is significantly enhanced (mainly because of the inclusion of the plunge signal) by using these new effective-one-body templates relative to the usual post-Newtonian ones for binary masses greater than 30M⊙ 30 M_\odot, the most likely sources for initial laser interferometers. Independently of the question of the plunge signal, the comparison of the various templates confirms the usefulness of using resummation methods. The paper also summarizes the key elements of the construction of various templates and thus can serve as a resource for those involved in writing inspiral search software.Comment: eta-dependent tail terms corrected after related errata by Blanchet (2005

    Partial wave analysiss of pbar-p -> piminus-piplus, pizero-pizero, eta-eta and eta-etaprime

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    A partial wave analysis is presented of Crystal Barrel data on pbar-p -> pizero-pizero, eta-eta and eta-etaprime from 600 to 1940 MeV/c, combined with earlier data on d\sigma /d\Omega and P for pbar-p->piminus-piplus. The following s-channel I=0 resonances are identified: (i) J^{PC} = 5^{--} with mass and width (M,\Gamma) at (2295+-30,235^{+65}_{-40}) MeV, (ii) J^{PC} = 4^{++} at (2020+-12, 170+-15) MeV and (2300+-25, 270+-50) MeV, (iii) 3D3 JPC = 3^{--} at (1960+-15, 150+-25) MeV and (2210+-4$, 360+-55) MeV, and a 3G3 state at (2300 ^{+50}_{-80}, 340+-150) MeV, (iv) JPC = 2^{++} at (1910+-30, 260+-40) MeV, (2020+-30, 275+-35) MeV, (2230+-30, 245+-45) MeV, and (2300+-35, 290+-50) MeV, (v) JPC = 1^{--} at (2005+-40, 275+-75) MeV, and (2165+-40, 160 ^{+140}_{-70}) MeV, and (vi) JPC = 0^{++} at (2005+-30, 305+-50) MeV, (2105+-15, 200+-25) MeV, and (2320+-30, 175+-45) MeV. In addition, there is a less well defined 6^{++} resonance at 2485+-40 MeV, with Gamma = 410+-90 MeV. For every JP, almost all these resonances lie on well defined linear trajectories of mass squared v. excitation number. The slope is 1.10+-0.03 Gev^2 per excitation. The f_0(2105) has strong coupling to eta-\eta, but much weaker coupling to pizero-pizero. Its flavour mixing angle between q-qbar and s-sbar is (59-71.6)deg, i.e. dominant decays to s-sbar. Such decays and its strong production in pbar-p interactions strongly suggest exotic character.Comment: Makes available the combined fit to Crystal Barrel data on pbar-p -> 2-body final states. 29 pages, 11 figures. Typo corrected in version

    Particle tracking in kaon electroproduction with cathode-charge sampling in multi-wire proportional chambers

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    Wire chambers are routinely operated as tracking detectors in magnetic spectrometers at high-intensity continuous electron beams. Especially in experiments studying reactions with small cross-sections the reaction yield is limited by the background rate in the chambers. One way to determine the track of a charged particle through a multi-wire proportional chamber (MWPC) is the measurement of the charge distribution induced on its cathodes. In practical applications of this read-out method, the algorithm to relate the measured charge distribution to the avalanche position is an important factor for the achievable position resolution and for the track reconstruction efficiency. An algorithm was developed for operating two large-sized MWPCs in a strong background environment with multiple-particle tracks. Resulting efficiencies were determined as a function of the electron beam current and on the signal amplitudes. Because of the different energy-losses of pions, kaons, and protons in the momentum range of the spectrometer the efficiencies depend also on the particle species

    Forecasting U.S. Home Foreclosures with an Index of Internet Keyword Searches

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    Finding data to feed into financial and risk management models can be challenging. Many analysts attribute a lack of data or quality information as a contributing factor to the worldwide financial crises that seems to have begun in the U.S. subprime mortgage market. In this paper, a new source of data, key word search statistics recently available from Google, are applied in a experiment to develop a short-term forecasting model for the number of foreclosures in the U.S. housing market. The keyword search data significantly improves forecast of foreclosures, suggesting that this data can be useful for financial risk management. More generally, the new data source shows promise for a variety of financial and market analyses

    Jack superpolynomials with negative fractional parameter: clustering properties and super-Virasoro ideals

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    The Jack polynomials P_\lambda^{(\alpha)} at \alpha=-(k+1)/(r-1) indexed by certain (k,r,N)-admissible partitions are known to span an ideal I^{(k,r)}_N of the space of symmetric functions in N variables. The ideal I^{(k,r)}_N is invariant under the action of certain differential operators which include half the Virasoro algebra. Moreover, the Jack polynomials in I^{(k,r)}_N admit clusters of size at most k: they vanish when k+1 of their variables are identified, and they do not vanish when only k of them are identified. We generalize most of these properties to superspace using orthogonal eigenfunctions of the supersymmetric extension of the trigonometric Calogero-Moser-Sutherland model known as Jack superpolynomials. In particular, we show that the Jack superpolynomials P_{\Lambda}^{(\alpha)} at \alpha=-(k+1)/(r-1) indexed by certain (k,r,N)-admissible superpartitions span an ideal {\mathcal I}^{(k,r)}_N of the space of symmetric polynomials in N commuting variables and N anticommuting variables. We prove that the ideal {\mathcal I}^{(k,r)}_N is stable with respect to the action of the negative-half of the super-Virasoro algebra. In addition, we show that the Jack superpolynomials in {\mathcal I}^{(k,r)}_N vanish when k+1 of their commuting variables are equal, and conjecture that they do not vanish when only k of them are identified. This allows us to conclude that the standard Jack polynomials with prescribed symmetry should satisfy similar clustering properties. Finally, we conjecture that the elements of {\mathcal I}^{(k,2)}_N provide a basis for the subspace of symmetric superpolynomials in N variables that vanish when k+1 commuting variables are set equal to each other.Comment: 36 pages; the main changes in v2 are : 1) in the introduction, we present exceptions to an often made statement concerning the clustering property of the ordinary Jack polynomials for (k,r,N)-admissible partitions (see Footnote 2); 2) Conjecture 14 is substantiated with the extensive computational evidence presented in the new appendix C; 3) the various tests supporting Conjecture 16 are reporte

    Fock Representations of Quantum Fields with Generalized Statistic

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    We develop a rigorous framework for constructing Fock representations of quantum fields obeying generalized statistics associated with certain solutions of the spectral quantum Yang-Baxter equation. The main features of these representations are investigated. Various aspects of the underlying mathematical structure are illustrated by means of explicit examples.Comment: 26 pages, Te
