1,801 research outputs found

    Large Scale Structure traced by Molecular Gas at High Redshift

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    We present observations of redshifted CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) in a field containing an overdensity of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at z=5.12. Our Australia Telescope Compact Array observations were centered between two spectroscopically-confirmed z=5.12 galaxies. We place upper limits on the molecular gas masses in these two galaxies of M(H_2) <1.7 x 10^10 M_sun and <2.9 x 10^9 M_sun (2 sigma), comparable to their stellar masses. We detect an optically-faint line emitter situated between the two LBGs which we identify as warm molecular gas at z=5.1245 +/- 0.0001. This source, detected in the CO(2-1) transition but undetected in CO(1-0), has an integrated line flux of 0.106 +/- 0.012 Jy km/s, yielding an inferred gas mass M(H_2)=(1.9 +/- 0.2) x 10^10 M_sun. Molecular line emitters without detectable counterparts at optical and infrared wavelengths may be crucial tracers of structure and mass at high redshift.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Delay-based AIMD congestion control

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    Our interest in the paper is investigating whether it is feasible to make modifications to the TCP congestion control algorithm to achieve greater decoupling between the performance of TCP and the level of buffer provisioning in the network. In this paper we propose a new family of delay-based congestion control algorithms that we refer to as delay-based AIMD

    Constraining the Thermal Dust Content of Lyman-Break Galaxies in an Overdense Field at z~5

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    We have carried out 870 micron observations in the J1040.7-1155 field, known to host an overdensity of Lyman break galaxies at z=5.16 +/- 0.05. We do not detect any individual source at the S(870)=3.0 mJy/beam (2 sigma) level. A stack of nine spectroscopically confirmed z>5 galaxies also yields a non-detection, constraining the submillimeter flux from a typical galaxy at this redshift to S(870)<0.85 mJy, which corresponds to a mass limit M(dust)<1.2x10^8 M_sun (2 sigma). This constrains the mass of thermal dust in distant Lyman break galaxies to less than one tenth of their typical stellar mass. We see no evidence for strong submillimeter galaxies associated with the ultraviolet-selected galaxy overdensity, but cannot rule out the presence of fainter, less massive sources.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. MNRAS in pres

    Limits on dust emission from z~5 LBGs and their local environments

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    We present 1.2mm MAMBO-2 observations of a field which is over-dense in Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at z~5. The field includes seven spectroscopically-confirmed LBGs contained within a narrow (z=4.95+/-0.08) redshift range and an eighth at z=5.2. We do not detect any individual source to a limit of 1.6 mJy/beam (2*rms). When stacking the flux from the positions of all eight galaxies, we obtain a limit to the average 1.2 mm flux of these sources of 0.6mJy/beam. This limit is consistent with FIR imaging in other fields which are over-dense in UV-bright galaxies at z~5. Independently and combined, these limits constrain the FIR luminosity (8-1000 micron) to a typical z~5 LBG of LFIR<~3x10^11 Lsun, implying a dust mass of Mdust<~10^8 Msun (both assuming a grey body at 30K). This LFIR limit is an order of magnitude fainter than the LFIR of lower redshift sub-mm sources (z~1-3). We see no emission from any other sources within the field at the above level. While this is not unexpected given millimetre source counts, the clustered LBGs trace significantly over-dense large scale structure in the field at z = 4.95. The lack of any such detection in either this or the previous work, implies that massive, obscured star-forming galaxies may not always trace the same structures as over-densities of LBGs, at least on the length scale probed here. We briefly discuss the implications of these results for future observations with ALMA.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS Accepte

    Study of Quark Propagator Solutions to the Dyson--Schwinger Equation in a Confining Model

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    We solve the Dyson--Schwinger equation for the quark propagator in a model with singular infrared behavior for the gluon propagator. We require that the solutions, easily found in configuration space, be tempered distributions and thus have Fourier transforms. This severely limits the boundary conditions that the solutions may satisify. The sign of the dimensionful parameter that characterizes the model gluon propagator can be either positive or negative. If the sign is negative, we find a unique solution. It is singular at the origin in momentum space, falls off like 1/p21/p^2 as p2→+/−∞p^2\rightarrow +/-\infty, and it is truly nonperturbative in that it is singular in the limit that the gluon--quark interaction approaches zero. If the sign of the gluon propagator coefficient is positive, we find solutions that are, in a sense that we exhibit, unconstrained linear combinations of advanced and retarded propagators. These solutions are singular at the origin in momentum space, fall off like 1/p21/p^2 asympotically, exhibit ``resonant--like" behavior at the position of the bare mass of the quark when the mass is large compared to the dimensionful interaction parameter in the gluon propagator model, and smoothly approach a linear combination of free--quark, advanced and retarded two--point functions in the limit that the interaction approaches zero. In this sense, these solutions behave in an increasingly ``particle--like" manner as the quark becomes heavy. The Feynman propagator and the Wightman function are not tempered distributions and therefore are not acceptable solutions to the Schwinger--Dyson equation in our model. On this basis we advance several arguments to show that the Fourier--transformable solutions we find are consistent with quark confinement, even though they have singularities on th

    Polydisperse Adsorption: Pattern Formation Kinetics, Fractal Properties, and Transition to Order

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    We investigate the process of random sequential adsorption of polydisperse particles whose size distribution exhibits a power-law dependence in the small size limit, P(R)∼Rα−1P(R)\sim R^{\alpha-1}. We reveal a relation between pattern formation kinetics and structural properties of arising patterns. We propose a mean-field theory which provides a fair description for sufficiently small α\alpha. When α→∞\alpha \to \infty, highly ordered structures locally identical to the Apollonian packing are formed. We introduce a quantitative criterion of the regularity of the pattern formation process. When α≫1\alpha \gg 1, a sharp transition from irregular to regular pattern formation regime is found to occur near the jamming coverage of standard random sequential adsorption with monodisperse size distribution.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Secular sea level change in the Russian sector of the Arctic Ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (2004): C03042, doi:10.1029/2003JC002007.Sea level is a natural integral indicator of climate variability. It reflects changes in practically all dynamic and thermodynamic processes of terrestrial, oceanic, atmospheric, and cryospheric origin. The use of estimates of sea level rise as an indicator of climate change therefore incurs the difficulty that the inferred sea level change is the net result of many individual effects of environmental forcing. Since some of these effects may offset others, the cause of the sea level response to climate change remains somewhat uncertain. This paper is focused on an attempt to provide first-order answers to two questions, namely, what is the rate of sea level change in the Arctic Ocean, and furthermore, what is the role of each of the individual contributing factors to observed Arctic Ocean sea level change? In seeking answers to these questions we have discovered that during the period 1954–1989 the observed sea level over the Russian sector of the Arctic Ocean is rising at a rate of approximately 0.123 cm yr−1 and that after correction for the process of glacial isostatic adjustment this rate is approximately 0.185 cm yr−1. There are two major causes of this rise. The first is associated with the steric effect of ocean expansion. This effect is responsible for a contribution of approximately 0.064 cm yr−1 to the total rate of rise (35%). The second most important factor is related to the ongoing decrease of sea level atmospheric pressure over the Arctic Ocean, which contributes 0.056 cm yr−1, or approximately 30% of the net positive sea level trend. A third contribution to the sea level increase involves wind action and the increase of cyclonic winds over the Arctic Ocean, which leads to sea level rise at a rate of 0.018 cm yr−1 or approximately 10% of the total. The combined effect of the sea level rise due to an increase of river runoff and the sea level fall due to a negative trend in precipitation minus evaporation over the ocean is close to 0. For the Russian sector of the Arctic Ocean it therefore appears that approximately 25% of the trend of 0.185 cm yr−1, a contribution of 0.048 cm yr−1, may be due to the effect of increasing Arctic Ocean mass.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant 0136432
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