12 research outputs found

    Service e-Learning Project : State Graduation Online Demo Exam

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    The service e-learning project described in this paper presents the online demo exam in informatics designed as a preparatory step for the state graduation. It was created in the midst of turbulence caused by the introduction of the state graduation at the end of secondary education in Croatia. With this project we wanted to engage grammar school students in service e-learning and present them with the opportunity to design their own test materials through the collaboration with college students who are experts in the field. We also aimed to gain our own benefit of connecting the theory learned during the study with new practical experiences while at the same time helping the students to achieve at a high level in the state graduation exam. Finally, since its free available online, our project should benefit everyone who wants to test their knowledge in informatics and/or learn something new in an easy and interesting way

    Insight into Market Supply and Demand of Private Forests in Croatia

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    Due to their modest 23% share, private forests in Croatia are a resource that is perceived as less important than state-owned forests. One of the basic characteristics of private forests is fragmentation, which is also the biggest obstacle to a successful and, economically speaking, sustainable management of private forests. The cases in which a private forest with its area and integrity can generate a sustainable economic income to its owner are not common. However, from an economic point of view, private forests still have one advantage. Unlike state-owned forests, private forests can be the subject of investment and change hands. Based on this, this paper investigates the supply of private forests on the free market. For private forests that were publicly put for sale in the period from 2010 to 2020, their spatial-temporal distribution and supply dynamics and trends (price and quantity) were analyzed. The data were collected from the leading real estate advertising platform in Croatia (NjuÅ”kalo.hr), and a total of 866 advertisements were analyzed, relating exclusively to the sale of raw wood material along with the accompanying forest land. On the other hand, in order to assess the demand, data were collected on the number of potential buyers who viewed the advertisements (period 2020-2021). In the observed ten-year period, a total of 1,890.63 ha of private forests with a total asking value of ā‚¬32.14 million were offered on the market. The share of advertisements advertised through real estate agencies is 42.1%. The average total annual supply is 170 ha and has a growing trend (in the advertisements in the coastal part of Croatia, the average area is 1.3 ha, while the average area in the continental part is 3 ha). The prices are not constant but rising. According to compound interest, the price increase in the coastal area is 1.57% and 7.49% in the continental area. From the relationship between supply and demand or, more precisely, the relationship between price and the quantity, it was concluded that the market is not well developed and that the price is not affected by the supply/demand quantity of private forests. Furthermore, it was concluded that this market is developing in the direction of a typical real estate market in Croatia due to the fact that forest management and wood processing characteristics of forests do not define the price, but that the price is largely determined by a market with greater financial importance (the market in real estate near the Adriatic coast)

    Strategies of road transportation companies during crisis time

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    U kriznim vremenima, strategije cestovnih prijevozničkih poduzeća igraju ključnu ulogu u održavanju njihove konkuretnosti i preživljavanju na tržiÅ”tu. Takve strategije obično uključuju prilagodbu poslovnog modela kako bi se smanjili troÅ”kovi, povećala operativna efikasnost i diverzificirala ponuda usluga. Poduzeća često teže optimizaciji rute i voznog parka kako bi smanjila gorivo i povećala produktivnost. Također, digitalna transformacija može biti ključna za bolje upravljanje resursima i komunikaciju s klijentima. Krizna vremena također mogu predstavljati priliku za cestovne prijevoznike da se usmjere na posebne tržiÅ”ne niÅ”e i prilagode svoje usluge novim zahtjevima na tržiÅ”tu. Kroz inovativne strategije, cestovna prijevoznička poduzeća mogu bolje prebroditi izazove i osigurati održivi uspjeh u turbulentnim ekonomskim uvjetima.In times of crisis, the strategies of road transport companies play a key role in maintaining their competitiveness and survival in the market. Such strategies usually involve adapting the business model to reduce costs, increase operational efficiency and diversify service offerings. Companies often strive to optimize routes and fleets in order to reduce fuel and increase productivity. Also, digital transformation can be crucial for better resource management and communication with clients. Times of crisis can also represent an opportunity for road carriers to focus on specific market niches and adapt their services to new market demands. Through innovative strategies, road transport companies can better overcome challenges and ensure sustainable success in turbulent economic conditions

    Strategies of road transportation companies during crisis time

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    U kriznim vremenima, strategije cestovnih prijevozničkih poduzeća igraju ključnu ulogu u održavanju njihove konkuretnosti i preživljavanju na tržiÅ”tu. Takve strategije obično uključuju prilagodbu poslovnog modela kako bi se smanjili troÅ”kovi, povećala operativna efikasnost i diverzificirala ponuda usluga. Poduzeća često teže optimizaciji rute i voznog parka kako bi smanjila gorivo i povećala produktivnost. Također, digitalna transformacija može biti ključna za bolje upravljanje resursima i komunikaciju s klijentima. Krizna vremena također mogu predstavljati priliku za cestovne prijevoznike da se usmjere na posebne tržiÅ”ne niÅ”e i prilagode svoje usluge novim zahtjevima na tržiÅ”tu. Kroz inovativne strategije, cestovna prijevoznička poduzeća mogu bolje prebroditi izazove i osigurati održivi uspjeh u turbulentnim ekonomskim uvjetima.In times of crisis, the strategies of road transport companies play a key role in maintaining their competitiveness and survival in the market. Such strategies usually involve adapting the business model to reduce costs, increase operational efficiency and diversify service offerings. Companies often strive to optimize routes and fleets in order to reduce fuel and increase productivity. Also, digital transformation can be crucial for better resource management and communication with clients. Times of crisis can also represent an opportunity for road carriers to focus on specific market niches and adapt their services to new market demands. Through innovative strategies, road transport companies can better overcome challenges and ensure sustainable success in turbulent economic conditions

    Strategies of road transportation companies during crisis time

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    U kriznim vremenima, strategije cestovnih prijevozničkih poduzeća igraju ključnu ulogu u održavanju njihove konkuretnosti i preživljavanju na tržiÅ”tu. Takve strategije obično uključuju prilagodbu poslovnog modela kako bi se smanjili troÅ”kovi, povećala operativna efikasnost i diverzificirala ponuda usluga. Poduzeća često teže optimizaciji rute i voznog parka kako bi smanjila gorivo i povećala produktivnost. Također, digitalna transformacija može biti ključna za bolje upravljanje resursima i komunikaciju s klijentima. Krizna vremena također mogu predstavljati priliku za cestovne prijevoznike da se usmjere na posebne tržiÅ”ne niÅ”e i prilagode svoje usluge novim zahtjevima na tržiÅ”tu. Kroz inovativne strategije, cestovna prijevoznička poduzeća mogu bolje prebroditi izazove i osigurati održivi uspjeh u turbulentnim ekonomskim uvjetima.In times of crisis, the strategies of road transport companies play a key role in maintaining their competitiveness and survival in the market. Such strategies usually involve adapting the business model to reduce costs, increase operational efficiency and diversify service offerings. Companies often strive to optimize routes and fleets in order to reduce fuel and increase productivity. Also, digital transformation can be crucial for better resource management and communication with clients. Times of crisis can also represent an opportunity for road carriers to focus on specific market niches and adapt their services to new market demands. Through innovative strategies, road transport companies can better overcome challenges and ensure sustainable success in turbulent economic conditions