336 research outputs found

    Quantum versus classical descriptions of sub-Poissonian light generation in three-wave mixing

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    Sub-Poissonian light generation in the non-degenerate three-wave mixing is studied numerically and analytically within quantum and classical approaches. Husimi Q-functions and their classical trajectory simulations are analysed to reveal a special regime corresponding to the time-stable sub-Poissonian photocount statistics of the sum-frequency mode. Conditions for observation of this regime are discussed. Theoretical predictions of the Fano factor and explanation of the extraordinary stabilization of the sub-Poissonian photocount behavior are obtained analytically by applying the classical trajectories. Scaling laws for the maximum sub-Poissonian behavior are found. Noise suppression levels in the non-degenerate vs degenerate three-wave mixing are discussed on different time scales compared to the revival times. It is shown that the non-degenerate conversion offers much better stabilization of the suppressed noise in comparison to that of degenerate process.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, to be published in J. Optics

    Prevalence and abundance of Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia spp. in wild rural rodents from the Mazury Lake District region of Poland

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    Prevalence and abundance of Cryptosporodium parvum and Giardia spp. were studied in 3 species of rodents from forests and abandoned agricultural fields in N.E. Poland (Clethrionomys glareolus n=459; Microtus arvalis n=274; Apodemus flavicollis n=209). Overall prevalence was consistently higher in the voles compared with A. flavicollis (70±6, 73±0 and 27±8% respectively for C. parvum and 93±9, 96±3 and 48±3% respectively for Giardia spp.). Prevalence and abundance of infection also varied markedly across 3 years with 1998 being a year of higher prevalence and abundance with both species. Fewer older animals (especially C. glareolus and M. arvalis) carried infection with C. parvum and infections in these animals were relatively milder. Although seasonal differences were significant, no consistent pattern of changes was apparent. Host sex did not influence prevalence or abundance of infection with C. parvum, but made a small contribution to a 4-way interaction (in 5-way ANOVA) with other factors in the case of Giardia spp. The 2 species co-occurred significantly and in animals carrying both parasites there was a highly signficant positive correlation between abundance of infection with each, even with between-year, seasonal, host age, sex and species differences taken into account. Quantitative associations were confined to the 2 vole species in the study. These results are discussed in relation to the importance of wild rodents as reservoir hosts and sources of infection for local human communities

    Quantum noise and mixedness of a pumped dissipative non-linear oscillator

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    Evolutions of quantum noise, characterized by quadrature squeezing parameter and Fano factor, and of mixedness, quantified by quantum von Neumann and linear entropies, of a pumped dissipative non-linear oscillator are studied. The model can describe a signal mode interacting with a thermal reservoir in a parametrically pumped cavity with a Kerr non-linearity. It is discussed that the initial pure states, including coherent states, Fock states, and finite superpositions of coherent states evolve into the same steady mixed state as verified by the quantum relative entropy and the Bures metric. It is shown analytically and verified numerically that the steady state can be well approximated by a nonclassical Gaussian state exhibiting quadrature squeezing and sub-Poissonian statistics for the cold thermal reservoir. A rapid increase is found in the mixedness, especially for the initial Fock states and superpositions of coherent states, during a very short time interval, and then for longer evolution times a decrease in the mixedness to the same, for all the initial states, and relatively low value of the nonclassical Gaussian state.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Evidence for topological nonequilibrium in magnetic configurations

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    We use direct numerical simulations to study the evolution, or relaxation, of magnetic configurations to an equilibrium state. We use the full single-fluid equations of motion for a magnetized, non-resistive, but viscous fluid; and a Lagrangian approach is used to obtain exact solutions for the magnetic field. As a result, the topology of the magnetic field remains unchanged, which makes it possible to study the case of topological nonequilibrium. We find two cases for which such nonequilibrium appears, indicating that these configurations may develop singular current sheets.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Cave deposits as a sedimentary trap for the Marine Isotope Stage 3 environmental record: The case study of Pod Hradem, Czech Republic

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    Pod Hradem Cave, located in the Moravian Karst, Czech Republic, offers an excellent opportunity for environmental reconstructions of Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) in Central Europe due to its detailed sedimentary record dated 50,000 to 28,000 cal BP. Identifying the natural environments of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic (MUP) transition is necessary to understand the settlement strategies and related behaviour of both Neanderthals and Anatomically Modern Humans, both of whom may have occupied the region at the same time. A multidisciplinary excavation was carried out between 2011 and 2016. Detailed analyses of the sediments, vertebrate microfauna, pollen and charcoal revealed minor but observable fluctuations in climate, with little change in the surrounding vegetation. The Pod Hradem palaeoenvironmental dataset is complex, but generally reflects a predominantly glacial climate with a range of vegetation types and habitats during the Late Pleistocene, followed by the warmer and more humid Holocene. The MUP transition as recorded in Pod Hradem Cave was a glacial environment interrupted by two relatively warmer periods. Central Europe experienced extreme climate fluctuations during MIS3, as recorded from different sedimentary archives, but it seems that the Pod Hradem Cave environment may have acted as a buffer zone, ameliorating those extremes, and providing a suitable refuge for both bears seeking winter hibernation dens and occasionally visiting humans.Thisproject was funded from the SoMoPro programme. Research leading tothese results has received a financial contribution from the EuropeanCommunity within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007–2013) under Grant Agreement No. 229603. The research was alsoco-financed by the South Moravian Region and the Department ofAnthropology & Department of Geological Sciences (departmentalfunding - Masaryk University) and the internal programme of theInstitute of Geology CAS in Prague No. RVO 67985831

    Dirofilaria spp. And angiostrongylus vasorum: Current risk of spreading in central and northern europe

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    In the past few decades, the relevance of Dirofilaria immitis and Dirofilaria repens, causing cardiopulmonary and subcutaneous dirofilariosis in dogs and cats, and of Angiostrongylus vasorum, causing canine angiostrongylosis, has steadily increased in Central and Northern Europe. In this review, a summary of published articles and additional reports dealing with imported or autoch-thonous cases of these parasites is provided for Central (Austria, Czechia, Germany, Hungary, Lux-emburg, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland) and Northern (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) Europe. Research efforts focusing on Dirofilaria spp. and A. vasorum have varied by country, and cross-border studies are few. The housing conditions of dogs, pet move-ments, the spread of competent vectors, and climate change are important factors in the spread of these nematodes. Dogs kept outside overnight are a major factor for the establishment of Dirofilaria spp. However, the establishment of invasive, diurnal, synanthropic, competent mosquito vectors such as Aedes albopictus may also influence the establishment of Dirofilaria spp. The drivers of the spread of A. vasorum remain not fully understood, but it seems to be influenced by habitats shared with wild canids, dog relocation, and possibly climatic changes; its pattern of spreading appears to be similar in different countries. Both Dirofilaria spp. and A. vasorum merit further monitoring and research focus in Europe

    Temporal and between-site variation in helminth communities of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) from N.E. Poland. 1. Regional fauna and component community levels

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    Helminth infections were studied in bank voles (Myodes glareolus) from 3 woodland sites in N.E. Poland in the late summers of 1999 and 2002, to assess the temporal stability of derived statistics describing the regional helminth fauna and component community structure, and spatial influence on the latter. Regional helminth fauna changed dramatically between the two years, primarily due to a fall in the abundance of Syphacia petrusewiczi but was partially compensated for by an increase in Mesocestoides lineatus and Cladotaenia globifera. It was dominated by nematodes overall, but more so in 1999 than in 2002 when larval cestodes were more frequent. Most derived parameters for component community structure varied considerably between sites and the two surveys, the hierarchical order for sites not being maintained between surveys. They were susceptible to the disproportionate influence of three relatively rare, unpredictable species with the greatest overall aggregated distribution among hosts. Jaccard’s similarity index was less influenced by the rare species, showing greater stability between sites and across years. In conclusion, temporal variation confounded any site-specific characteristics of the summary measures quantified in this study and their usefulness is therefore restricted to the years in which the surveys were conducted

    Temporal and between-site variation in helminth communities of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) from N.E. Poland: 2. The infracommunity level

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    The relative importance of temporal and spatial effects was assessed in helminth communities of bank voles (Myodes glareolus) in 3 woodland sites in N.E. Poland in the late summers of 1999 and 2002. Among common species the rank order of sites in relation to prevalence and abundance of infection was maintained between surveys. Site effects accounted for most of the deviance (in statistical models), and time was less important, so the exact location from which voles were sampled was of critical importance. The only exception was Syphacia petrusewiczi. In contrast, for derived measures such as species richness and diversity, most deviance was accounted for by host age, and the interaction between site and year was significant, implying that rank order of sites changed between years. Temporal effects on derived measures were generated primarily by a combination of relatively small changes in prevalence and abundance of the common, rather than the rare, species between the years of the study. In the medium-term, therefore, helminth communities of bank voles in N.E. Poland had a stable core, suggesting a substantial strong element of predictability

    Babesia spp. in ticks and wildlife in different habitat types of Slovakia

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    Background: Babesiosis is an emerging and potentially zoonotic disease caused by tick-borne piroplasmids of the Babesia genus. New genetic variants of piroplasmids with unknown associations to vectors and hosts are recognized. Data on the occurrence of Babesia spp. in ticks and wildlife widen the knowledge on the geographical distribution and circulation of piroplasmids in natural foci. Questing and rodent-attached ticks, rodents, and birds were screened for the presence of Babesia-specific DNA using molecular methods. Spatial and temporal differences of Babesia spp. prevalence in ticks and rodents from two contrasting habitats of Slovakia with sympatric occurrence of Ixodes ricinus and Haemaphysalis concinna ticks and co-infections of Candidatus N. mikurensis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum were investigated. Results: Babesia spp. were detected in 1.5 % and 6.6 % of questing I. ricinus and H. concinna, respectively. Prevalence of Babesia-infected I. ricinus was higher in a natural than an urban/suburban habitat. Phylogenetic analysis showed that Babesia spp. from I. ricinus clustered with Babesia microti, Babesia venatorum, Babesia canis, Babesia capreoli/Babesia divergens, and Babesia odocoilei. Babesia spp. amplified from H. concinna segregated into two monophyletic clades, designated Babesia sp. 1 (Eurasia) and Babesia sp. 2 (Eurasia), each of which represents a yet undescribed novel species. The prevalence of infection in rodents (with Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus prevailing) with B. microti was 1.3 % in an urban/suburban and 4.2 % in a natural habitat. The majority of infected rodents (81.3 %) were positive for spleen and blood and the remaining for lungs and/or skin. Rodent-attached I. ricinus (accounting for 96.3 %) and H. concinna were infected with B. microti, B. venatorum, B. capreoli/B. divergens, Babesia sp. 1 (Eurasia), and Babesia sp. 2 (Eurasia). All B. microti and B. venatorum isolates were identical to known zoonotic strains from Europe. Less than 1.0 % of Babesia-positive ticks and rodents carried Candidatus N. mikurensis or A. phagocytophilum.Inst. de PatobiologíaFil: Hamsikova, Zuzana. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Institute of Zoology; EslovaquiaFil: Kazimirová, Mária. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Institute of Zoology; EslovaquiaFil: Harustiakova, Danka. Masaryk University. Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science, Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses; República ChecaFil: Mahrikova, Lenka. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Institute of Zoology; EslovaquiaFil: Slovak, Mirko. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Institute of Zoology; EslovaquiaFil: Berthova, Lenka. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Biomedical Research Center. Institute of Virology; EslovaquiaFil: Kocianova, Elena. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Biomedical Research Center. Institute of Virology; EslovaquiaFil: Schnittger, Leonhard. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patobiología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin