21 research outputs found

    Simulation and experimental study of proton bunch self-modulation in plasma with linear density gradients

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    We present numerical simulations and experimental results of the self-modulation of a long proton bunch in a plasma with linear density gradients along the beam path. Simulation results agree with the experimental results reported [F. Braunmller, T. Nechaeva et al. (AWAKE Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 264801 (2020)PRLTAO0031-900710.1103/PhysRevLett.125.264801]: with negative gradients, the charge of the modulated bunch is lower than with positive gradients. In addition, the bunch modulation frequency varies with gradient. Simulation results show that dephasing of the wakefields with respect to the relativistic protons along the plasma is the main cause for the loss of charge. The study of the modulation frequency reveals details about the evolution of the self-modulation process along the plasma. In particular for negative gradients, the modulation frequency across time-resolved images of the bunch indicates the position along the plasma where protons leave the wakefields. Simulations and experimental results are in excellent agreement

    Experimental study of extended timescale dynamics of a plasma wakefield driven by a self-modulated proton bunch

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    Plasma wakefield dynamics over timescales up to 800 ps, approximately 100 plasma periods, are studied experimentally at the Advanced Wakefield Experiment (AWAKE). The development of the longitudinal wakefield amplitude driven by a self-modulated proton bunch is measured using the external injection of witness electrons that sample the fields. In simulation, resonant excitation of the wakefield causes plasma electron trajectory crossing, resulting in the development of a potential outside the plasma boundary as electrons are transversely ejected. Trends consistent with the presence of this potential are experimentally measured and their dependence on wakefield amplitude are studied via seed laser timing scans and electron injection delay scan


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    The article presents analytical review of literature data on the problem of combined lesions of the aortic valve and coronary arteries. It outlines the current views on the assessment approach to the selection of methods and volume of surgical intervention and reflects the current state of the problem of endovascular treatment of patients with concomitant coronary artery in patients with severe aortic stenosis in the era of transcatheter aortic valve implantation.В статье представлен аналитический обзор литературных данных по проблеме сочетанного поражения аортального клапана и коронарных артерий. Изложены современные взгляды на оценку подхода к выбору методики и объему хирургического вмешательства. Отражено современное состояние проблемы эндоваскулярного лечения пациентов с сопутствующим поражением коронарных артерий при выраженном аортальном стенозе в эру транскатетерного протезирования аортального клапана.

    Simulation and experimental study of proton bunch self-modulation in plasma with linear density gradients

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    We present numerical simulations and experimental results of the self-modulation of a long proton bunch in a plasma with linear density gradients along the beam path. Simulation results agree with the experimental results reported [F. Braunmller, T. Nechaeva et al. (AWAKE Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 264801 (2020)]: with negative gradients, the charge of the modulated bunch is lower than with positive gradients. In addition, the bunch modulation frequency varies with gradient. Simulation results show that dephasing of the wakefields with respect to the relativistic protons along the plasma is the main cause for the loss of charge. The study of the modulation frequency reveals details about the evolution of the self-modulation process along the plasma. In particular for negative gradients, the modulation frequency across time-resolved images of the bunch indicates the position along the plasma where protons leave the wakefields. Simulations and experimental results are in excellent agreement

    Experimental study of wakefields driven by a self-modulating proton bunch in plasma

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    We study experimentally the longitudinal and transverse wakefields driven by a highly relativistic proton bunch during self-modulation in plasma. We show that the wakefields' growth and amplitude increase with increasing seed amplitude as well as with the proton bunch charge in the plasma. We study transverse wakefields using the maximum radius of the proton bunch distribution measured on a screen downstream from the plasma. We study longitudinal wakefields by externally injecting electrons and measuring their final energy. Measurements agree with trends predicted by theory and numerical simulations and validate our understanding of the development of self-modulation. Experiments were performed in the context of the Advanced Wakefield Experiment (AWAKE)

    Transition between Instability and Seeded Self-Modulation of a Relativistic Particle Bunch in Plasma

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    We use a relativistic ionization front to provide various initial transverse wakefield amplitudes for the self-modulation of a long proton bunch in plasma. We show experimentally that, with sufticient initial amplitude [>= (4.1 +/- 0.4) MV/m], the phase of the modulation along the bunch is reproducible from event to event, with 3%-7% (of 2 pi) rms variations all along the bunch. The phase is not reproducible for lower initial amplitudes. We observe the transition between these two regimes. Phase reproducibility is essential for deterministic external injection of particles to be accelerated

    Proton Bunch Self-Modulation in Plasma with Density Gradient

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    We study experimentally the effect of linear plasma density gradients on the self-modulation of a 400 GeV proton bunch. Results show that a positive or negative gradient increases or decreases the number of microbunches and the relative charge per microbunch observed after 10 m of plasma. The measured modulation frequency also increases or decreases. With the largest positive gradient we observe two frequencies in the modulation power spectrum. Results are consistent with changes in wakefields' phase velocity due to plasma density gradients adding to the slow wakefields' phase velocity during self-modulation growth predicted by linear theory

    Evolution of equilibrium particle beams under external wakefields

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    A beam of ultrarelativistic charged particles in a plasma can reach equilibrium with its own radial wakefield and then propagate with little change in shape. If some co-moving perturbation appears ahead of the beam, it may or may not destroy the beam with its wakefield, depending on the phase and amplitude of the wakefield. We numerically study which perturbations can destroy a single short bunch or a train of many short bunches at the parameters of interest for plasma wakefield acceleration in an axysimmetric configuration, and how fast. We find that there are particularly dangerous wakefield phases in which the beam can be destroyed by perturbations of very low amplitude. We also find that perturbations with an amplitude larger than the wakefield of a single bunch in the train are always destructive.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Uniform onset of the long proton bunch self-modulation seeded by an electron bunch in an overdense plasma

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    The phase, growth rate, and onset of long proton bunch self-modulation in plasma can be controlled by a preceding short charged particle bunch. In this paper, by analyzing the growth rates of the self-modulation obtained from particle-in-cell simulation results, we identify two modes of self-modulation, namely noise-seeded and externally seeded self-modulations, and investigate their onset timings. We find that a uniform onset of the self-modulation at each slice of the long proton bunch is crucial for fine-tuning its phase and amplitude. We then demonstrate that a low-energy and low-current electron seed bunch in overdense plasma generates near-axis radial wakefields similar to those observed in the blowout regime. Consequently, the resultant self-modulation is excited as a single mode simultaneously along the entire long proton bunch