3 research outputs found

    Preparing Students of the Institute of Physical Education and Sport to Use Distant Learning Technologies in the Course of Pandemic

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    This study reveals the importance of distance learning for professional students’ training in this innovative activity in regional institute of physical education. The urgency of research is based on the problem of insufficient readiness of physical education teachers and sports coaches in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to implement distance learning. It is also based on the lack of widely used educational programs that are scientifically grounded, well tested in practice and that promote targeted training of physical education teachers to use DL technologies in the course of pandemic. The experiment involved bachelors’ and masters’ degree students in various specialties from the M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) and the Churapchinsky State Institute of Physical Education and Sport. All the students were majoring in Pedagogical Education and Physical Education. The leading method of research into the problem is the use of mathematical statistics to monitor the dynamics of the process development of training future physical education teachers and sports coaches to use DL technology. Main findings: The research results show that the use of new types of educational activities in the course of pandemic contributes to the effective contemporary professional training of Physical Education teachers and sports coaches.The practical implications of the research may be found in the analysis of future Physical Education teachers’ training to use DL in conditions of remote excess to the educative process of the discipline “Information Technologies in Physical Education and Sports” study. The content of the article will be useful for faculty members of institutions of higher education, institutions of additional education, and physical education teachers. The originality of this study is in providing the facts that the high proficiency and professional capacity of graduates of physical culture institutes, their ability and competence to adjust the accumulated knowledge and skills to new goals and objectives of education, regularly changing conditions of professional activity can be formed and developed through the effective use of DL technologies. adapted to the solution of occupational tasks

    Preparing Students of the Institute of Physical Education and Sport to Use Distant Learning Technologies in the Course of Pandemic

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    This study reveals the importance of distance learning for professional students’ training in this innovative activity in regional institute of physical education. The urgency of research is based on the problem of insufficient readiness of physical education teachers and sports coaches in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to implement distance learning. It is also based on the lack of widely used educational programs that are scientifically grounded, well tested in practice and that promote targeted training of physical education teachers to use DL technologies in the course of pandemic. The experiment involved bachelors’ and masters’ degree students in various specialties from the M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU) and the Churapchinsky State Institute of Physical Education and Sport. All the students were majoring in Pedagogical Education and Physical Education. The leading method of research into the problem is the use of mathematical statistics to monitor the dynamics of the process development of training future physical education teachers and sports coaches to use DL technology. Main findings: The research results show that the use of new types of educational activities in the course of pandemic contributes to the effective contemporary professional training of Physical Education teachers and sports coaches.The practical implications of the research may be found in the analysis of future Physical Education teachers’ training to use DL in conditions of remote excess to the educative process of the discipline “Information Technologies in Physical Education and Sports” study. The content of the article will be useful for faculty members of institutions of higher education, institutions of additional education, and physical education teachers. The originality of this study is in providing the facts that the high proficiency and professional capacity of graduates of physical culture institutes, their ability and competence to adjust the accumulated knowledge and skills to new goals and objectives of education, regularly changing conditions of professional activity can be formed and developed through the effective use of DL technologies. adapted to the solution of occupational tasks.Este estudio revela la importancia de la educación a distancia para la formación de los estudiantes profesionales en esta actividad innovadora en el instituto regional de educación física. La urgencia de la investigación se basa en el problema de la insuficiente preparación de los profesores de educación física y los entrenadores deportivos de la República de Sakha (Yakutia) para poner en práctica el aprendizaje a distancia. También se basa en la falta de programas educativos ampliamente utilizados que tengan una base científica, estén bien probados en la práctica y que promuevan la formación específica de los profesores de educación física para utilizar las tecnologías de DL en el curso de la pandemia. El experimento involucró a estudiantes de licenciatura y maestría en varias especialidades de la Universidad Federal del Noreste de Ammosov (NEFU) y el Instituto Estatal Churapchinsky de Educación Física y Deportes. Todos los estudiantes se especializaron en Educación Pedagógica y Educación Física. El método principal de investigación del problema es el uso de estadísticas matemáticas para supervisar la dinámica del desarrollo del proceso de formación de los futuros profesores de educación física y entrenadores deportivos en el uso de la tecnología de DL. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que el uso de nuevos tipos de actividades educativas en el curso de la pandemia contribuye a la efectiva formación profesional contemporánea de los profesores de educación física y entrenadores deportivos, con un índice delgado eran más altos que aquellos con un índice normal y con exceso de peso. Además, se encontró una correlación positiva significativa de bajo nivel entre los niveles de actividad física. El nivel de actividad física es una variable que predice el nivel de resistencia psicológica. Las implicaciones prácticas de la investigación se pueden encontrar en el análisis de la formación de futuros profesores de Educación Física para utilizar la DL en condiciones de exceso remoto al proceso educativo de la disciplina "Tecnologías de la Información en la Educación Física y el Deporte" estudio. El contenido del artículo será útil para los miembros del profesorado de instituciones de educación superior, instituciones de educación adicional y profesores de educación física. La originalidad de este estudio consiste en proporcionar los hechos de que la alta competencia y capacidad profesional de los graduados de los institutos de cultura física, su capacidad y competencia para ajustar los conocimientos y habilidades acumulados a las nuevas metas y objetivos de la educación, las condiciones regularmente cambiantes de la actividad profesional pueden formarse y desarrollarse mediante el uso eficaz de las tecnologías de DL. adaptadas a la solución de las tareas ocupacionales