28 research outputs found

    EPOS: A Novel Use of CERIF for Data-intensive Science

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    AbstractOne of the key aspects of the approaching data-intensive science era is integration of data through interoperability of systems providing data products or visualization and processing services. Far from being simple, interoperability requires robust and scalable e-infrastructures capable of supporting it. In this work we present the case of EPOS, a plan for data integration in the field of Earth Sciences. We describe the design of its e-infrastructure and show its main characteristics. One of the main elements enabling the system to integrate data, data products and services is the metadata catalogue based on the CERIF metadata model. Such a model, modified to fit into the general e-infrastructure design, is part of a three-layer metadata architecture. CERIF guarantees a robust handling of metadata, which is in this case the key to the interoperability and to one of the feature of the EPOS system: the possibility of carrying on data intensive science orchestrating the distributed resources made available by EPOS data providers and stakeholders

    The EPOS Research Infrastructure: a federated approach to integrate solid Earth science data and services

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    The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is a Research Infrastructure (RI) committed to enabling excellent science through the integration, accessibility, use and re-use of solid Earth science data, research products and services, as well as by promoting physical access to research facilities. This article presents and describes the EPOS RI and introduces the contents of its Delivery Framework. In November 2018, EPOS ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) has been granted by the European Commission and was established to design and implement a long-term plan for the integration of research infrastructures for solid Earth science in Europe. Specifically, the EPOS mission is to create and operate a highly distributed and sustainable research infrastructure to provide coordinated access to harmonized, interoperable and quality-controlled data from diverse solid Earth science disciplines, together with tools for their use in analysis and modelling. EPOS relies on leading-edge e-science solutions and is committed to open access, thus enabling a step towards the change in multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary scientific research in Earth science. The EPOS architecture and its Delivery Framework are discussed in this article to present the contributions to open science and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data management, as well as to emphasize the community building process that supported the design, implementation and construction of the EPOS RI.publishedVersio

    Second (Final) Report on EPOS-ICS Architecture

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    This deliverable describes the ICS-C final architecture. Based on user satisfaction with the architectural design and simple prototype of EPOS-PP (Preparatory Phase) the initial architecture was defined. During the period M1-M18 of EPOS-IP (Implementation Phase) the architecture was refined based on interactions with the TCS and presented at EPOS project meetings. During the period M19-M36 progressive iterative prototypes driven by evolving user requirements and aspirations have been developed allowing the architecture to be specified in much more detail and the components refined and implemented. For some components (ICS-D, CES) implementation is continuing because this requires especially close working with the TCS. Detailed work has been undertaken validating the ICS-C against the evolving and increasingly ambitious user requirements and – in particular – collecting the metadata describing the assets in the TCS to populate the catalog. The architecture has been designed using the latest advances in metadata (for the catalog) and architectural approach (microservices). A consistent spiral, agile systems development method has been used. As part of this work the teams of WP6 and WP7 of EPOS – each spread across several organisations – have been integrated into a functioning unit with appropriate skills and abilities for the tasks. There has been some delay in recruitment to provide the human resources required but this has been overcome and the work is on schedule

    Data integration and FAIR data management in Solid Earth Science

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    Integrated use of multidisciplinary data is nowadays a recognized trend in scientific research, in particular in the domain of solid Earth science where the understanding of a physical process is improved and made complete by different types of measurements – for instance, ground acceleration, SAR imaging, crustal deformation – describing a physical phenomenon. FAIR principles are recognized as a means to foster data integration by providing a common set of criteria for building data stewardship systems for Open Science. However, the implementation of FAIR principles raises issues along dimensions like governance and legal beyond, of course, the technical one. In the latter, in particular, the development of FAIR data provision systems is often delegated to Research Infrastructures or data providers, with support in terms of metrics and best practices offered by cluster projects or dedicated initiatives. In the current work, we describe the approach to FAIR data management in the European Plate Observing System (EPOS), a distributed research infrastructure in the solid Earth science domain that includes more than 250 individual research infrastructures across 25 countries in Europe. We focus in particular on the technical aspects, but including also governance, policies and organizational elements, by describing the architecture of the EPOS delivery framework both from the organizational and technical point of view and by outlining the key principles used in the technical design. We describe how a combination of approaches, namely rich metadata and service-based systems design, are required to achieve data integration. We show the system architecture and the basic features of the EPOS data portal, that integrates data from more than 220 services in a FAIR way. The construction of such a portal was driven by the EPOS FAIR data management approach, that by defining a clear roadmap for compliance with the FAIR principles, produced a number of best practices and technical approaches for complying with the FAIR principles. Such a work, that spans over a decade but concentrates the key efforts in the last 5 years with the EPOS Implementation Phase project and the establishment of EPOS-ERIC, was carried out in synergy with other EU initiatives dealing with FAIR data. On the basis of the EPOS experience, future directions are outlined, emphasizing the need to provide i) FAIR reference architectures that can ease data practitioners and engineers from the domain communities to adopt FAIR principles and build FAIR data systems; ii) a FAIR data management framework addressing FAIR through the entire data lifecycle, including reproducibility and provenance; and iii) the extension of the FAIR principles to policies and governance dimensions.publishedVersio

    Remote Laboratory System: A Model Proposal and Implementation on X-Ray Laboratory Machines

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    This work presents the development and implementation of a remote X-ray laboratory, located at CNR – ISM, Rome, Italy. The remote laboratory model is based on a innovative, flexible and scalable modular architecture which makes it easier to update, expand or deal with problems. The developed system, accessible for control only to authenticated users, provides a remote control of the laboratory equipment, a real time visual feedback of the machinery and the opportunity to retrieve and make a preliminary analysis of stored data. These features offer the possibility to researchers of carrying out real research experiments remotely, avoid the exposure to ionizing radiation produced by the X-Ray equipment. The system also provides the opportunity of carrying out experiments programmatically, optimizing the use of available machine time and providing the possibility of running experiments in special environment-dependent conditions. Eventually, the system allows researchers located outside of laboratory site to run experiments in a collaborative way

    Methodology to sustain common information spaces for research collaborations

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    Information and knowledge sharing collaborations are essential for scientific research and innovation. They provide opportunities to pool expertise and resources. They are required to draw on today’s wealth of data to address pressing societal challenges. Establishing effective collaborations depends on the alignment of intellectual and technical capital. In this thesis we investigate implications and influences of socio-technical aspects of research collaborations to identify methods of facilitating their formation and sustained success. We draw on our experience acquired in an international federated seismological context, and in a large research infrastructure for solid-Earth sciences. We recognise the centrality of the users and propose a strategy to sustain their engagement as actors participating in the collaboration. Our approach promotes and enables their active contribution in the construction and maintenance of Common Information Spaces (CISs). These are shaped by conceptual agreements that are captured and maintained to facilitate mutual understanding and to underpin their collaborative work. A user-driven approach shapes the evolution of a CIS based on the requirements of the communities involved in the collaboration. Active users’ engagement is pursued by partitioning concerns and by targeting their interests. For instance, application domain experts focus on scientific and conceptual aspects; data and information experts address knowledge representation issues; and architects and engineers build the infrastructure that populates the common space. We introduce a methodology to sustain CIS and a conceptual framework that has its foundations on a set of agreed Core Concepts forming a Canonical Core (CC). A representation of such a CC is also introduced that leverages and promotes reuse of existing standards: EPOS-DCAT-AP. The application of our methodology shows promising results with a good uptake and adoption by the targeted communities. This encourages us to continue applying and evaluating such a strategy in the future

    Long-term sustainability of a distributed RI: the EPOS case

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    The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is a distributed research infrastructure (RI) with the mission to establish and maintain sustainable and long-term access to solid Earth science data and services by integrating the diverse national research infrastructures under a common federated framework governed by EPOS ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium). This paper presents the EPOS approach to ensure financial viability and to tackle the challenge of long-term sustainability of the RI during its operational phase. The EPOS approach to sustainable operation considers the scientific impact and the promotion of scientific research as the preconditions to achieve long-term sustainability. Enabling scientific excellence implies that high-quality data and services are provided reliably and continuously to establish the RI as the enabler of investigations to solid Earth scientists. The strategic approach and the solutions adopted by EPOS ERIC to address the long-term sustainability of a pan-European distributed RI are discussed in this paper focusing on the governance structure, considered as the qualifying dimension that gathers and connects the financial, legal and technical dimensions. The governance and the financial models are discussed to delineate the legal framework necessary to operate the EPOS RI relying on the implemented technical solutions. A sufficiently stable investment environment is necessary to allow the RI to concentrate on providing high quality services for their user communities. This paper discusses the current actions and challenges to be addressed for achieving this goal.publishedVersio

    Data Management in Distributed, Federated Research Infrastructures: The Case of EPOS

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    Data management is a key activity when Open Data stewardship through services complying with the FAIR principles is required, as it happens in many National and European initiatives. Existing guidelines and tools facilitate the drafting of Data Management Plans by focusing on a set of common parameters or questions. In this paper we describe how data management is carried out in EPOS, the European Research Infrastructure for providing access to integrated data and services in the solid Earth domain. EPOS relies on a federated model and is committed to remain operational in the long term. In EPOS, five key dimensions were identified for the Federated Data Management, namely the management of: thematic data; e-infrastructure for data integration; community of data providers committed to data provision processes; sustainability; and policies. On the basis of the EPOS experience, which is to some extent applicable to other research infrastructures, we propose additional components that may extend the EU Horizon 2020 Data Management Guidelines template, thus comprehensively addressing the Federated Data Management in the context of distributed Research Infrastructures

    I4U System Description for NIST SRE'20 CTS Challenge

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    This manuscript describes the I4U submission to the 2020 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation (SRE'20) Conversational Telephone Speech (CTS) Challenge. The I4U's submission was resulted from active collaboration among researchers across eight research teams - I2^2R (Singapore), UEF (Finland), VALPT (Italy, Spain), NEC (Japan), THUEE (China), LIA (France), NUS (Singapore), INRIA (France) and TJU (China). The submission was based on the fusion of top performing sub-systems and sub-fusion systems contributed by individual teams. Efforts have been spent on the use of common development and validation sets, submission schedule and milestone, minimizing inconsistency in trial list and score file format across sites.Comment: SRE 2021, NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation Workshop, CTS Speaker Recognition Challenge, 14-12 December 202

    Angular calibration in energy dispersive X-Ray diffraction by using genetic algorithms

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    In Energy Dispersive X-Ray diffraction measurements, the estimate of momentum transfer q, on which the diffracted intensity depends, should be as accurate as possible. Since q, in turn, depends on both the energy and the scattering angle, an error on the latter due to an incorrect positioning of the sample, to the asymmetric angular spread induced by the collimation slits or, in general, to any uncertainty on the geometric setup, results in an uncertainty on the q value. Here, a new self calibration method to correct such errors, based on a genetic algorithm is presented. It is robust, fast and completely automatic. Results obtained by carrying out Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction measurements on reference samples are reported and discussed. They show how the application of such genetic algorithm may provide a fast esteem of the two parameters required when multiple angle pattern collection is performed, namely the effective starting angle and the angular step. In this way, reliable q-values of all the diffraction pattern features (Bragg peaks for crystalline, and diffused bumps for non-crystalline samples) are obtained