603 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Diego Blood Group System in Amerindians: Evidence for Gene-Culture Comigration

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    International audienceSix decades ago the DI*A allele of the Diego blood group system was instrumental in proving Native American populations originated from Siberia. Since then, it has received scant attention. The present study was undertaken to reappraise distribution of the DI*A allele in 144 Native American populations based on current knowledge. Using analysis of variance tests, frequency distribution was studied according to geographical, environmental, and cultural parameters. Frequencies were highest in Amazonian populations. In contrast, DI*A was undetectable in subarctic, Fuegian, Panamanian, Chaco and Yanomama populations. Closer study revealed a correlation that this unequal distribution was correlated with language, suggesting that linguistic divergence was a driving force in the expansion of DI*A among Native Americans. The absence of DI*A in circumpolar Eskimo-Aleut and Na-Dene speakers was consistent with a late migratory event confined to North America. Distribution of DI*A in subtropical areas indicated that gene and culture exchanges were more intense within than between ecozones. Bolstering the utility of classical genetic markers in biological anthropology, the present study of the expansion of Diego blood group genetic polymorphism in Native Americans shows strong evidence of gene-culture comigration

    A strange Evans syndrome: a case report

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    Hepatic angiosarcoma is a rare malignant vascular tumor, which accounts for up to 2% of all primary liver tumors. The most frequent symptoms on presentation are weight loss, weakness and abdominal pain. Diagnosis of diffuse hepatic angiosarcoma can be challenging. We report an original case of diffuse liver angiosarcoma revealed by haematological abnormalities initially diagnosed as an Evans syndrome. Anaemia and thrombocytopenia are rarely the first manifestations of this pathology. They are explained by combination of several mechanisms. Diagnosis of diffuse liver angiosarcoma can be extremely difficult and physicians should be aware of these presentation

    Paternal RHD zygosity determination in Tunisians: evaluation of three molecular tests

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    International audienceBackground. The choice of a molecular test for first intention determination of paternal RHD zygosity, before entering into invasive diagnostics, is important for the management of pregnancies at risk of haemolytic disease of the foetus and newborn related to anti-RhD. Materials and methods. RHD zygosity was evaluated in 370 RH:1 Tunisian donors by polymerase chain reaction-sequence-specific polymorphism (PCR-SSP) analysis and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) amplification of hybrid Rhesus box and by real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RQ-PCR) specific for RHD exon 5. To evaluate the accuracy of molecular tests in the cases of discordant results, the ten exons of RHD and Rhesus boxes were amplified by PCR and sequenced. Results. Molecular investigations revealed that our 370 donors comprise 193 dizygous and 145 hemizygous individuals and 32 subjects whose zygosity remains unknown. Positive predictive values were higher than 99% for all the methods, reaching 100% for RQ-PCR. Negative predictive values were 83.24%, 87.27% and 98% for PCR-SSP, PCR-RFLP and RQ-PCR respectively. This study also revealed 19 novel Rhesus box polymorphisms and three novel RHD alleles: RHD(Trp185Stop), RHD(Ala176Thr) and RHD(Ile342Ile). Discussion. RQ-PCR is the most convenient method for first intention determination of paternal RHD zygosity in Tunisians. However, taking into account positive and negative predictive values, PCR-RFLP could be an alternative despite the heterogeneity of Rhesus boxes and the complexity of RHD

    Model and method to predict the turbulent kinetic energy induced by tidal currents, application to the wave-induced turbulence

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    A prediction model for the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) induced by tidal-currents is proposed as a function of the barotropic velocity only, along with a robust method evaluating the different parameters involved using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements from Alderney Race. We find that the model is able to reproduce correctly the TKE profiles with coefficients of correlation on average higher than 0.90 and normalised root-mean-square errors (NRMSE) less than 14%. Different profiles are also tested for the mean velocity, no satisfactory prediction model is found but we are able to have decent estimates of the velocity shear and friction velocity. Two applications are then carried out. First the turbulent budget terms are estimated and discussed. We identify the turbulent production and dissipation of TKE as the most important mechanisms, then we discuss the validity of several theoretical results derived for isotropic turbulence for this application. A strong departure for the estimation of the turbulent dissipation is notably found and explained by the turbulent anisotropy. At last the prediction model for the TKE is used to infer the wave-induced TKE. We show the importance of removing the tidal component, waves can have a strong influence down to mid-depth

    Studi Tentang Pemanfaatan Software Manajemen Konstruksi Oleh Kontraktor Di Banjarmasin

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    Proses pengadaan bangunan secara tradisional (tradisional building procurement system) terdiri dari tahap pelelangan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap evaluasi. Setiap tahapan tersebut adalah berupa tindakan manajerial yang memerlukan banyak perhitungan, perencanaan dan pertimbangan. Para pengembang perangkat lunak membuat bermacam-macam perangkat lunak agar dapat membantu mempermudah dan mempercepat setiap kegiatan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari sejauh mana kontraktor-kontraktor di Banjarmasin memanfaatkan perangkat lunak manajemen kontruksi dalam menjalankan bisnis kontruksi yang kemudian dihubungkan dengan kinerja mereka.Penelitian ini terdiri dari 5 tahap yaitu tahap studi literatur, interview pada kontraktor tentang komputerisasi Perusahaan, pengumpulan data tentang kinerja setiap kontraktor, analisis data dan pengambilan kesimpulan.Beberapa hal yang dapat ditarik dari penelitian ini adalah :Jumlah komputer yang dipakai sedikit (rata-rata 3,1 unit/kontraktor)Jenis paket yang dipakai adalah jenis yang umum seperti word, Excel dan Lotus,Sedikit sekali kontraktor yang memakai komputer untuk menggambar

    Desain Framework Aplikasi sebagai Media Pendukung Simulation-based Learning dan Role-play pada Studi Adminstrasi Rekam Medis

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    Dewasa ini ada banyak media pembelajaran elektronik yang dikembangkan untuk mendukung suasana belajar dan peningkatan kualitas hasil belajar. Belajar adalah proses bagaimana memandang dan memahami dunia nyata disekitar kita. Dengan demikian dalam proses belajar membutuhkan media belajar yang dapat mendukung kualitas hasil pembelajaran. Dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dapat dikembangkan media belajar dengan kerangka aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk membangun suasana belajar rekam medis berbasis simulasi. Simulasi merupakan suatu teknik untuk praktek dan pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan untuk berbagai disiplin ilmu. Simulasi dapat memperkuat pengalaman secara mendalam dengan meniru aspek substansi dunia nyata secara penuh interaktif Dalam mengembangkan ProSIARS (Prototype Untuk Simulasi Adminstrasi Rekam Medis Rumah Sakit) untuk simulasi pendidikan administrasi rekam medis rumah sakit. Dengan ProSIARS dapat di bangun suasana belajar berbasis simulasi yang dinamis dan visualisasi yang merepresentasikan suasana waktu dan prilaku kerja yang sesungguhnya. ProSIARS dapat digabung dengan bahan ajar, bahan bimbingan dan alat bantu perangkat lunak pendukung lainnya, bahkan bisa digabungkan dengan antar disiplin ilmu yang berkaitant. Secara tradisonal dalam pendidikan administrasi rekam medis procedural dan pengetahuan diperoleh melalui konsep teoritis dan model magang. Arsitektur perangkat lunak memiliki kontribusi secara mandiri yang dikembangkan untuk mewakili konten pendidikan rekam medis (misalnya model simulasi, bahan bimbingan) dan rekayasa perangkat lunak (missal, antar muka).Penulis menyediakan templet antarmuka dan kumpulan modul aplikasi untuk disusun menjadi kerangka kebutuhan simulasi pendidikan administrasi rekam medis. TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) sebagai kerangka uji penerimaan ProSIARS sebagai media simulas
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