124 research outputs found

    Presence of the Solutrean on the North Eastern side of the Pyrenees: The case of Ruisseau de la Boulière 2

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    Until recently, the extreme Eastern part of the Northern Pyrenean Piedmont was a "vacuum" on the distribution map of the Solutrean. As a matter of fact, only two sites, the Embullas cave and Espassoles open-air site, reported the Solutrean on the Pyrénées-Orientales territory which covers an area of over 4000 square kilometers. There is no explanation to justify this situation, since this zone is flanked by two important Solutrean areas. Indeed, further South, just beyond the Pyrenees there are a number of Solutrean sites in Spanish Catalonia: l’Arbreda and Reclau Viver caves in the Serinya region. For hundred and forty kilometers towards the North East, a set of remarkable Solutrean sites spread over Eastern Languedoc along the right bank of the Rhône: the Oullins, Chabot, Pâques and La Salpétrière caves in the Gard and Ardèche regions. Along the Mediterranean coast, between these two clusters, the Solutrean presence is more discreet, in the form of a discontinuous structure of sites (la Roque cave, the Col de Gigean site and the caves of Bize and La Crouzade). The publication in 2014 of the open-air site of the Vigne Bertrand at Vingrau (Pyrénées Orientales, France), close to the Espassoles site, revived the interest for the Corbières zone, a low mountainous area near the Pyrenees. The Ruisseau de la Boulière 2, located very close to the first two sites, confirms the Solutrean presence in this micro-zone. The Eastern Corbières appear today as an identifiable landmark of the Solutrean before crossing the Pyrenees. On the other hand, the discovery of a Montaut type bifacial asymmetrical point in the site leads us to suggest the hypothesis of east-western mobility, along the northern and/or southern Pyrenean piedmonts. The existence of such connections has already been reported on the basis of techno-typological convergences between Aragón (Cueva de Chaves) and Hérault (La Salpétrière) lithic industries

    The multimodal marking of information status in L2 speech: the case of Catalan learners of French

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    Les industries dels foyers de la Grotte ornee du Portel (Ariège, France)

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    Los beneficios de la música en el aprendizaje fonológico de una lengua extranjera

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    En els últims anys, l’ús de la música a les aules de llengua estrangera s’ha normalitzat i els docents empren sovint activitats lúdiques com ara l’audició de cançons per aprendre nou vocabulari o noves estructures gramaticals. Tanmateix, l’ús de la música sol ser percebut per part dels docents com un recurs merament motivador i lúdic, que s’insereix a l’aula per alternar-lo amb activitats més exigents. I ben poques vegades es valora la possibilitat d’emprar entrenaments purament musicals per millorar l’aprenentatge de la fonologia. L’objectiu principal d’aquest article és remarcar el valor de l’educació musical en el marc de l’aprenentatge de les habilitats fonològiques d’una llengua estrangera. Amb aquest objectiu, farem una breu revisió dels resultats dels treballs de recerca que han investigat l’estret vincle que hi ha entre música i llenguatge, la relació positiva entre les habilitats musicals, cognitives i lingüístiques, així com els efectes de transferència dels entrenaments musicals en l’aprenentatge de llengües, centrant-nos sobretot en l’àmbit de l’adquisició de la fonologia. En el marc de l’aprenentatge de llengües estrangeres, diversos estudis han demostrat un efecte positiu de transferència entre l’adquisició fonològica de la llengua estrangera i diversos tipus d’activitats musicals, tant les que integren el llenguatge (com ara les cançons) com els entrenaments purament musicals basats en la pràctica del ritme i la melodia (sobretot quan aquests s’associen amb el moviment del cos per part dels aprenents). Aquests resultats ens indiquen que, més enllà dels efectes lúdics de l’ús de la música a l’aula de llengua estrangera, la música potencia l’aprenentatge fonològic de la llengua i, per tant, cal valorar-la com una eina d’un gran valor educatiu.In the last few years, the use of music in foreign language classrooms has become more common, and teachers undertake numerous playful activities such as listening to songs to learn new vocabulary or new grammatical structures. However, the use of music is usually perceived by teachers as a purely motivational and playful resource that is incorporated into the classroom to alternate with more demanding activities. The possibility of carrying out purely musical training to improve phonological learning is rarely appreciated. The main goal of this article is to highlight the impact of musical education for phonological language learning. To attain this goal, we offer a brief overview of the results of research that has studied the close link between music and language, the positive relationship between musical, cognitive, and linguistic skills (and especially phonological skills), as well as the transfer effects of musical training in language learning, and specifically in the area of phonological learning. In the context of foreign language learning, several studies have shown a positive transfer effect between phonological acquisition and different types of musical activities. These activities may integrate language (such as songs) or consist of purely musical training based on the practice of rhythm and melody. Of particular interest is musical training associated with body movement performed by the learners. These results indicate that beyond its entertaining effects, music enhances phonological learning and should therefore be considered a complementary tool of great educational potential for foreign language learning.En los últimos años el uso de la música en las aulas de lengua extranjera se ha normalizado y los profesores usan numerosas actividades lúdicas como la audición de canciones para aprender nuevo vocabulario o nuevas estructuras gramaticales. Sin embargo, el uso de la música tiende a ser percibido por parte de los profesores como un recurso meramente motivador y lúdico, que se inserta en el aula para alternarlo con actividades más exigentes. Pocas veces se valora la posibilidad de llevar a cabo entrenamientos puramente musicales para mejorar el aprendizaje de la fonología. El objetivo principal de este artículo es destacar el valor de la educación musical en el marco del aprendizaje de la fonología de una lengua extranjera. Con este objetivo ofrecemos una breve revisión de los resultados de los trabajos de investigación que han estudiado el estrecho vínculo que existe entre música y lenguaje, la relación positiva entre las habilidades musicales, cognitivas y lingüísticas, así como los efectos de transferencia de los entrenamientos musicales en el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera, y específicamente en el ámbito de la fonología. En el marco del aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, diversos estudios han demostrado un efecto de transferencia positivo entre el aprendizaje fonológico de la lengua extranjera y diferentes tipos de actividades musicales, tanto las que integran directamente el lenguaje (como las canciones) como entrenamientos puramente musicales basados en la práctica del ritmo y la melodía (sobre todo cuando estos se asocian con el movimiento del cuerpo por parte de los alumnos). Estos resultados nos indican que más allá de los efectos lúdicos del uso de la música en el aula, esta actúa como potenciadora del aprendizaje fonológico del lenguaje. Por tanto, debemos valorarla como una herramienta complementaria de gran potencial educativo para el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras

    An AHP-derived method for mapping the physical vulnerability of coastal areas at regional scales

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    International audienceAssessing coastal vulnerability to climate change at regional scales is now mandatory in France since the adoption of recent laws to support adaptation to climate change. However, there is presently no commonly recognised method to assess accurately how sea level rise will modify coastal processes in the coming decades. Therefore, many assessments of the physical component of coastal vulnerability are presently based on a combined use of data (e.g. digital elevation models, historical shoreline and coastal geomorphology datasets), simple models and expert opinion. In this study, we assess the applicability and usefulness of a multi-criteria decision-mapping method (the analytical hierarchy process, AHP) to map physical coastal vulnerability to erosion and flooding in a structured way. We apply the method in two regions of France: the coastal zones of Languedoc-Roussillon (north-western Mediterranean, France) and the island of La Réunion (south-western Indian Ocean), notably using the regional geological maps. As expected, the results show not only the greater vulnerability of sand spits, estuaries and low-lying areas near to coastal lagoons in both regions, but also that of a thin strip of erodible cliffs exposed to waves in La Réunion. Despite gaps in knowledge and data, the method is found to provide a flexible and transportable framework to represent and aggregate existing knowledge and to support long-term coastal zone planning through the integration of such studies into existing adaptation schemes
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