30,448 research outputs found
An American BSE Crisis: Has it affected the Value of Traceability and Country-of-Origin Certifications for US and Canadian Beef?
With a BSE incident in the United States (US) in December of 2003, questions arose about the effect of the incident on consumers in the US. The purpose of this paper is to determine if traceability systems for beef can help preserve consumer demand following the discovery of BSE. Auctions were conducted approximately 3 weeks before and after the December 2003 BSE incident in the U.S It was found that overall there was no effect on the size of the bribes needed by the BSE incidence. However, for some groups there were important changes. The results indicate that information about traceability and country of origin is valuable to consumers. They also suggest that greater uncertainty about certifications and assurances for beef existed among the participants after December 23rd than before December 23rd.BSE, Traceability, Country-of-origin, Beef market, Auctions, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries,
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An Evaluation of a Battery of Functional and Structural Tests as Predictors of Likely Risk of Progression of Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
Purpose: To evaluate the ability of visual function and structural tests to identify the likely risk of progression from early/intermediate to advanced AMD, using the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) simplified scale as a surrogate for risk of progression. The secondary aim was to determine the relationship between disease severity grade and the observed functional and structural deficits. Methods: A total of 100 participants whose AMD status varied from early to advanced were recruited. Visual function was assessed using cone dark adaptation, 14 Hz flicker and chromatic threshold tests and retinal structure was assessed by measuring drusen volume and macular thickness. The predictive value of the tests was estimated using ordinal regression analysis. Group comparisons were assessed using analysis of covariance. Results: Change in cone dark adaptation (cone τ) and yellow-blue (YB) chromatic sensitivity were independent predictors for AMD progression risk (cone τ, pseudo R2 = 0.35, P < 0.001; YB chromatic threshold, pseudo R2 = 0.16, P < 0.001). The only structural predictor was foveal thickness (R2 = 0.05, P = 0.047). Chromatic sensitivity and cone dark adaptation were also the best functional tests at distinguishing between severity groups. Drusen characteristics clearly differentiated between participants with early and advanced disease, but were not able to differentiate between those with early AMD and controls. Mean differences in retinal thickness existed between severity groups at the foveal (P = 0.040) and inner (P = 0.001) subfields. Conclusions: This study indicates that cone τ, YB chromatic threshold and foveal thickness are independent predictors of likely risk of AMD progression
Probit models for capture-recapture data subject to imperfect detection, individual heterogeneity and misidentification
As noninvasive sampling techniques for animal populations have become more
popular, there has been increasing interest in the development of
capture-recapture models that can accommodate both imperfect detection and
misidentification of individuals (e.g., due to genotyping error). However,
current methods do not allow for individual variation in parameters, such as
detection or survival probability. Here we develop misidentification models for
capture-recapture data that can simultaneously account for temporal variation,
behavioral effects and individual heterogeneity in parameters. To facilitate
Bayesian inference using our approach, we extend standard probit regression
techniques to latent multinomial models where the dimension and zeros of the
response cannot be observed. We also present a novel Metropolis-Hastings within
Gibbs algorithm for fitting these models using Markov chain Monte Carlo. Using
closed population abundance models for illustration, we re-visit a DNA
capture-recapture population study of black bears in Michigan, USA and find
evidence of misidentification due to genotyping error, as well as temporal,
behavioral and individual variation in detection probability. We also estimate
a salamander population of known size from laboratory experiments evaluating
the effectiveness of a marking technique commonly used for amphibians and fish.
Our model was able to reliably estimate the size of this population and
provided evidence of individual heterogeneity in misidentification probability
that is attributable to variable mark quality. Our approach is more
computationally demanding than previously proposed methods, but it provides the
flexibility necessary for a much broader suite of models to be explored while
properly accounting for uncertainty introduced by misidentification and
imperfect detection. In the absence of misidentification, our probit
formulation also provides a convenient and efficient Gibbs sampler for Bayesian
analysis of traditional closed population capture-recapture data.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOAS783 the Annals of
Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
Defect Formation and Kinetics of Atomic Terrace Merging
Pairs of atomic scale terraces on a single crystal metal surface can be made
to merge controllably under suitable conditions to yield steps of double height
and width. We study the effect of various physical parameters on the formation
of defects in a kinetic model of step doubling. We treat this manifestly non-
equilibrium problem by mapping the model onto a 1-D random sequential
adsorption problem and solving this analytically. We also do simulations to
check the validity of our treatment. We find that our treatment effectively
captures the dynamic evolution and the final state of the surface morphology.
We show that the number and nature of the defects formed is controlled by a
single dimensionless parameter . For close to one we show that the
fraction of defects rises linearly with as . We also show that one can arrive at the final state faster and with
fewer defects by changing the parameter with time.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures. To be submitted to Phys. Rev.
A Dual Read-Out Assay to Evaluate the Potency of Compounds Active against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
PMCID: PMC3617142This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Slow epidemic extinction in populations with heterogeneous infection rates
We explore how heterogeneity in the intensity of interactions between people
affects epidemic spreading. For that, we study the
susceptible-infected-susceptible model on a complex network, where a link
connecting individuals and is endowed with an infection rate
proportional to the intensity of their contact
, with a distribution taken from face-to-face experiments
analyzed in Cattuto (PLoS ONE 5, e11596, 2010). We find an extremely
slow decay of the fraction of infected individuals, for a wide range of the
control parameter . Using a distribution of width we identify two
large regions in the space with anomalous behaviors, which are
reminiscent of rare region effects (Griffiths phases) found in models with
quenched disorder. We show that the slow approach to extinction is caused by
isolated small groups of highly interacting individuals, which keep epidemic
alive for very long times. A mean-field approximation and a percolation
approach capture with very good accuracy the absorbing-active transition line
for weak (small ) and strong (large ) disorder, respectively
Solution of an infection model near threshold
We study the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model of epidemics in the
vicinity of the threshold infectivity. We derive the distribution of total
outbreak size in the limit of large population size . This is accomplished
by mapping the problem to the first passage time of a random walker subject to
a drift that increases linearly with time. We recover the scaling results of
Ben-Naim and Krapivsky that the effective maximal size of the outbreak scales
as , with the average scaling as , with an explicit form for
the scaling function
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