637 research outputs found

    A Smoothed-Distribution Form of Nadaraya-Watson Estimation

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    Given observation-pairs (xi ,yi ), i = 1,...,n , taken to be independent observations of the random pair (X ,Y), we sometimes want to form a nonparametric estimate of m(x) = E(Y/ X = x). Let YE have the empirical distribution of the yi , and let (XS ,YS ) have the kernel-smoothed distribution of the (xi ,yi ). Then the standard estimator, the Nadaraya-Watson form mNW(x) can be interpreted as E(YE?XS = x). The smoothed-distribution estimator ms (x)=E(YS/XS = x) is a more general form than  mNW (x) and often has better properties. Similar considerations apply to estimating Var(Y/X = x), and to local polynomial estimation. The discussion generalizes to vector (xi ,yi ).nonparametric regression, Nadaraya-Watson, kernel density, conditional expectation estimator, conditional variance estimator, local polynomial estimator

    Wage Dispersion in a Partially Unionized Labor Force

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    Taking as our point of departure a model proposed by David Card (2001), we suggest new methods for analyzing wage dispersion in a partially unionized labor market. Card's method disaggregates the labor population into skill categories, which procedure entails some loss of information. Accordingly, we develop a model in which each worker individually is assigned a union-membership probability and predicted union and nonunion wages. The model yields a natural three-way decomposition of variance. The decomposition permits counterfactual analysis, using concepts and techniques from the theory of factorial experimental design. We examine causes of the increase in U.K. wage dispersion between 1983 and 1995. Of the factors initially considered, the most influential was a change in the structure of remuneration inside both the union and nonunion sectors. Next in importance was the decrease in union membership. Finally, exogenous changes in labor force characteristics had, for most groups considered, only a small negative effect. We supplement this preliminary three-factorial analysis with a five-factorial analysis that allows us to examine effects from the wage-equation parameters in greater detail.wage dispersion, three-way variance decomposition, bivariate kernel density smoothing, union membership, deunionization, factorial experimental design

    Wage Dispersion in a Partially Unionized Labor Force

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    Wage Dispersion in a Partially Unionized Labor Force This paper critiques Card’s (2001) method for analyzing wage dispersion in a partially unionized labor market based on a disaggregation of the population into skill categories. We argue that disaggregation is a good idea, the use of skill categories less so. We offer a modified model in which each worker is assigned a union-membership probability, a predicted union wage, and a predicted nonunion wage. Our model provides a natural three-way decomposition of variance, and is also suited to counterfactual analysis. By way of an application, we examine the effect of de-unionization on wage dispersion in the United Kingdom between 1983 and 1995, reporting that the decline in membership accounts for only about one-fifth of the observed increase in wage dispersion.wage dispersion, three-way variance decomposition, bivariate kernel density smoothing, union membership, deunionization.

    Controlling the alfalfa weevil in Missouri

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    "Alfalfa weevil larvae caused moderate to heavy damage in recent years to the first cutting of alfalfa over the entire state. Adults and late developing larvae also caused some heavy damage to regrowth following removal of the first cutting over much of the state. Alfalfa in Missouri is now about 650,000 acres."--First page.Wayne C. Bailey and Ralph E. Munson (Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture)Revised 3/86/6

    Ambiguity and public good provision in large societies

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    In this paper we consider the effect of ambiguity on the private provision of public goods. Equilibrium is shown to exist and be unique. We examine how provision of the public good changes as the size of the population increases. We show that when there is uncertainty there may be less free-riding in large societies

    Human Economists and Abstract Methodology

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    The Influence of Rivers on the History of Indiana

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    This study deals with the influence of rivers on the history of Indiana. It is difficult for us to visualize that some of the small streams that we cross many times with hardly a glance, were once the most important link in a vast chain of commerce. The early settler depended on these streams to get his surplus products to market. A glance at a road map of Indiana will reveal the importance that the early settler assigned to rivers and streams. Can you find any city or town of any size that is not located near a stream of some kind? This study dealt with the ways in which the early settler used the rivers and how they influenced his mode of living. Some historical events involving rivers were studied in the light of their influence on the history of Indiana
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