1,055 research outputs found

    Healthy Habits, Healthy U: Knowledge and Intention in Primary Cancer Prevention

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    Healthy Habits, Healthy U (HHHU) is a collaboration between St. Luke’s Mountain Tumor Institute (MSTI), Boise State University, and the Boise School District (BSD). Boise State University provides trained teaching assistants who deliver the lessons and MSTI’s pathology department provides the cancerous and non-cancerous tissue samples for the students to examine. This primary prevention cancer education program focuses on teaching students how their current daily health habits can impact their risks of developing cancer. Utilizing various teaching methods and materials, students learn how the 5, 2, 1, 0 health tips: 5 fruits and vegetables, 2 hours of screen time, 1 hour of physical activity, and 0 sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB), can improve their health. In Spring 2017, eighth-grade health students (N=707) completed a pre and post-test. Overall knowledge and correlation between unhealthy habits and risk of developing cancer increased (p \u3c .001, d = 1.36). Students (85%) were able to correctly identify 3 of their unhealthy habits and corresponding healthier alternatives. Six additional survey questions asked about students’ likelihood of altering behaviors over the next two weeks. A majority (87.5%) mentioned reducing SSB’s consumed, (86%) increasing fruits and vegetables consumption, and (83.5%) increasing their physical activity and reducing screen time. HHHU has been incorporated into the BSD eighth-grade health curriculum and is expanding to 4th and 12th-grade. Students and teachers respond positively to this hands-on, interactive cancer program

    Effects of 7.5% carbon dioxide inhalation on anxiety and mood in cigarette smokers

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    Cigarette smoking is associated with elevated risk of anxiety and mood disorder. Using the 7.5% carbon dioxide (CO(2)) inhalation model of anxiety induction, we examined the effects of smoking status and abstinence from smoking on anxiety responses. Physiological and subjective responses to CO(2) and medical air were compared in smokers and non-smokers (Experiment One) and in overnight abstinent and non-abstinent smokers (Experiment Two). CO(2) induced greater increases in blood pressure in non-smokers compared with smokers (ps < 0.043), and greater increases in anxiety (p = 0.005) and negative affect (p = 0.054) in non-abstinent compared with abstinent smokers. CO(2) increased physiological and subjective indices of anxiety. There were differences across smoking groups indicating that the CO(2) inhalation model is a useful tool for examining the relationship between smoking and anxiety. The findings suggested that both acute smoking and acute abstinence may protect against anxious responding. Further investigation is needed in long-term heavy smokers

    Fadeout in an early mathematics intervention: Constraining content or preexisting differences?

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    A robust finding across research on early childhood educational interventions is that the treatment effect diminishes over time, with children not receiving the intervention eventually catching up to children who did. One popular explanation for fadeout of early mathematics interventions is that elementary school teachers may not teach the kind of advanced content that children are prepared for after receiving the intervention, so lower-achieving children in the control groups of early mathematics interventions catch up to the higher-achieving children in the treatment groups. An alternative explanation is that persistent individual differences in children’s long-term mathematical development result more from relatively stable pre-existing differences in their skills and environments than from the direct effects of previous knowledge on later knowledge. We tested these two hypotheses using data from an effective preschool mathematics intervention previously known to show a diminishing treatment effect over time. We compared the intervention group to a matched subset of the control group with a similar mean and variance of scores at the end of treatment. We then tested the relative contributions of factors that similarly constrain learning in children from treatment and control groups with the same level of post-treatment achievement and pre-existing differences between these two groups to the fadeout of the treatment effect over time. We found approximately 72% of the fadeout effect to be attributable to pre-existing differences between children in treatment and control groups with the same level of achievement at post-test. These differences were fully statistically attenuated by children’s prior academic achievement

    High vulnerability of juvenile Nathusius' pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus nathusii) at wind turbines

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    Large numbers of bats are killed by wind turbines globally, yet the specific demographic consequences of wind turbine mortality are still unclear. In this study, we compared characteristics of Nathusius' pipistrelles (Pipistrellus nathusii) killed at wind turbines (N = 119) to those observed within the live population (N = 524) during the summer migration period in Germany. We used generalized linear mixed-effects modeling to identify demographic groups most vulnerable to wind turbine mortality, including sex (female or male), age (adult or juvenile), and geographic origin (regional or long-distance migrant; depicted by fur stable hydrogen isotope ratios). Juveniles contributed with a higher proportion of carcasses at wind turbines than expected given their frequency in the live population suggesting that juvenile bats may be particularly vulnerable to wind turbine mortality. This effect varied with wind turbine density. Specifically, at low wind turbine densities, representing mostly inland areas with water bodies and forests where Nathusius' pipistrelles breed, juveniles were found more often dead beneath turbines than expected based on their abundance in the live population. At high wind turbine densities, representing mostly coastal areas where Nathusius' pipistrelles migrate, adults and juveniles were equally vulnerable. We found no evidence of increased vulnerability to wind turbines in either sex, yet we observed a higher proportion of females than males among both carcasses and the live population, which may reflect a female bias in the live population most likely caused by females migrating from their northeastern breeding areas migrating into Germany. A high mortality of females is conservation concern for this migratory bat species because it affects the annual reproduction rate of populations. A distant origin did not influence the likelihood of getting killed at wind turbines. A disproportionately high vulnerability of juveniles to wind turbine mortality may reduce juvenile recruitment, which may limit the resilience of Nathusius' pipistrelles to environmental stressors such as climate change or habitat loss. Schemes to mitigate wind turbine mortality, such as elevated cut-in speeds, should be implemented throughout Europe to prevent population declines of Nathusius' pipistrelles and other migratory bats

    Differences in acute phase response to bacterial, fungal and viral antigens in greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis)

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    The acute phase response (APR) is an evolutionarily well-conserved part of the innate immune defense against pathogens. However, recent studies in bats yielded surprisingly diverse results compared to previous APR studies on both vertebrate and invertebrate species. This is especially interesting due to the known role of bats as reservoirs for viruses and other intracellular pathogens, while being susceptible to extracellular microorganisms such as some bacteria and fungi. To better understand these discrepancies and the reservoir-competence of bats, we mimicked bacterial, viral and fungal infections in greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis) and quantified different aspects of the APR over a two-day period. Individuals reacted most strongly to a viral (PolyI:C) and a bacterial (LPS) antigen, reflected by an increase of haptoglobin levels (LPS) and an increase of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte-ratio (PolyI:C and LPS). We did not detect fever, leukocytosis, body mass loss, or a change in the overall functioning of the innate immunity upon challenge with any antigen. We add evidence that bats respond selectively with APR to specific pathogens and that the activation of different parts of the immune system is species-specific

    Development and initial validation of a measure of metacognitive beliefs in health anxiety: The MCQ-HA

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    Metacognitive beliefs have been shown to correlate with emotional disorders and more recently have been implicated in health anxiety. Research exploring these beliefs have tended to use the Metacognition Questionnaire (MCQ), which is a general measure. To facilitate research on the metacognitive model applied to health anxiety the present study reports on the development and initial evaluation of a new specific metacognitive measure of health anxiety, the Metacognitions Questionnaire-Health Anxiety (MCQ-HA). Principal components analysis identified 14 suitable items to be explored. Subsequent exploratory factor analysis of the MCQ-HA identified three factors: “Beliefs that Thoughts can cause Illness”, “Beliefs about Biased thinking”, and “Beliefs that Thoughts are Uncontrollable”. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the three factor model with all selected goodness-of-fit statistics equivalent to or better than recommended values. Preliminary evidence suggests good internal-consistency, incremental, convergent and discriminant validity in relation to associated measures. The MCQ-HA appears to be a potentially useful predictor of health anxiet

    Scaling in a post-growth era: Learning from Social Agricultural Cooperatives

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    It has become normative in organization and management studies literature to consider scaling as a synonym for organizational growth. Scaling is typically understood as scaling-up. This article demonstrates that, in the context of post-growth organizations, scaling involves a more complex set of dynamics. Directing scholarly attention to scaling in the context of Italian Social Agricultural Cooperatives (i.e. organizations that hold a different rationale and modus operandi from the capitalist enterprise), this research contributes to the literature on scaling the impact of post-growth organizations by identifying nine different scaling routes: organizational growth (vertical and horizontal); organizational downscaling; impact on policies; multiplication; impact on organizational culture; impact on societal culture; aggregation; and diffusion. This article demonstrates that post-growth scaling: (1) requires the synergistic interaction of different strategies; (2) focuses on impacting societal culture; (3) does not necessarily require organizational growth; and (4) is a relational process, embedded in socio-ecological systems. The typology presented in this article empowers post-growth organizations to become more aware of different available scaling routes, unlocking their transformative potential and supporting the transition towards a post-growth future, in which the goal of economics is the pursuit of human and ecological flourishing

    Electron transfer rates for asymmetric reactions

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    We use a numerically exact real-time path integral Monte Carlo scheme to compute electron transfer dynamics between two redox sites within a spin-boson approach. The case of asymmetric reactions is studied in detail in the least understood crossover region between nonadiabatic and adiabatic electron transfer. At intermediate-to-high temperature, we find good agreement with standard Marcus theory, provided dynamical recrossing effects are captured. The agreement with our data is practically perfect when temperature renormalization is allowed. At low temperature we find peculiar electron transfer kinetics in strongly asymmetric systems, characterized by rapid transient dynamics and backflow to the donor.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Chemical Physics Special Issue on the Spin-Boson Problem, ed. by H. Grabert and A. Nitza
