11 research outputs found

    Generalised Framework for Controlling and Understanding Ion Dynamics with Passivated Lead Halide Perovskites

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    Metal halide perovskite solar cells have gained widespread attention due to their high efficiency and high defect tolerance. The absorbing perovskite layer is as a mixed electron-ion conductor that supports high rates of ion and charge transport at room temperature, but the migration of mobile defects can lead to degradation pathways. We combine experimental observations and drift-diffusion modelling to demonstrate a new framework to interpret surface photovoltage (SPV) measurements in perovskite systems and mixed electronic ionic conductors more generally. We conclude that the SPV in mixed electronic ionic conductors can be understood in terms of the change in electric potential at the surface associated with changes in the net charge within the semiconductor system. We show that by modifying the interfaces of perovskite bilayers, we may control defect migration behaviour throughout the perovskite bulk. Our new framework for SPV has broad implications for developing strategies to improve the stability of perovskite devices by controlling defect accumulation at interfaces. More generally, in mixed electronic conductors our framework provides new insights into the behaviour of mobile defects and their interaction with photoinduced charges, which are foundational to physical mechanisms in memristivity, logic, impedance, sensors and energy storage

    Microcavity-like exciton-polaritons can be the primary photoexcitation in bare organic semiconductors.

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    Strong-coupling between excitons and confined photonic modes can lead to the formation of new quasi-particles termed exciton-polaritons which can display a range of interesting properties such as super-fluidity, ultrafast transport and Bose-Einstein condensation. Strong-coupling typically occurs when an excitonic material is confided in a dielectric or plasmonic microcavity. Here, we show polaritons can form at room temperature in a range of chemically diverse, organic semiconductor thin films, despite the absence of an external cavity. We find evidence of strong light-matter coupling via angle-dependent peak splittings in the reflectivity spectra of the materials and emission from collective polariton states. We additionally show exciton-polaritons are the primary photoexcitation in these organic materials by directly imaging their ultrafast (5 × 106 m s-1), ultralong (~270 nm) transport. These results open-up new fundamental physics and could enable a new generation of organic optoelectronic and light harvesting devices based on cavity-free exciton-polaritons.EPSRC (EP/R025517/1), EPSRC (EP/M025330/1), ERC Horizon 2020 (grant agreements No 670405 and No 758826), ERC (ERC-2014-STG H2020 639088), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Swedish Research Council (VR, 2014-06948), Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation 3DEM-NATUR (no. 2012.0112), Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, CNRS (France), US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, CPIMS Program, Early Career Research Program (DE-SC0019188)

    Thermodynamic Limits of Photon-Multiplier Luminescent Solar Concentrators

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    Luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) are theoretically able to concentrate both direct and diffuse solar radiation with extremely high efficiencies. Photon-multiplier luminescent solar concentrators (PM-LSCs) contain chromophores which exceed 100\% photoluminescence quantum efficiency. PM-LSCs have recently been experimentally demonstrated and hold promise to outcompete traditional LSCs. However, we find that the thermodynamic limits of PM-LSCs are different and are sometimes more extreme relative to traditional LSCs. As might be expected, to achieve very high concentration factors a PM-LSC design must also include a free energy change, analogous to the Stokes shift in traditional LSCs. Notably, unlike LSCs, the maximum concentration ratio of a PM-LSC is dependent on brightness of the incident photon field. For some brightnesses, but equivalent energy loss, the PM-LSC has a greater maximum concentration factor than that of the traditional LSC. We find that the thermodynamic requirements to achieve highly concentrating PM-LSCs differ from traditional LSCs. The new model gives insight into the limits of concentration of PM-LSCs and may be used to extract design rules for further PM-LSC design

    Spatially Resolved Optical Efficiency Measurements of Luminescent Solar Concentrators

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    Luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) are able to concentrate both direct and diffuse solar radiation, and this ability has led to great interest in using them to improve solar energy capture when coupled to traditional photovoltaics (PV). In principle, a large-area LSC could concentrate light onto a much smaller area of PV, thus reducing costs or enabling new architectures. However, LSCs suffer from various optical losses which are hard to quantify using simple measurements of power conversion efficiency. Here, we show that spatially resolved photoluminescence quantum efficiency measurements on large-area LSCs can be used to resolve various loss processes such as out-coupling, self-absorption via emitters, and self-absorption from the LSC matrix. Further, these measurements allow for the extrapolation of device performance to arbitrarily large LSCs. Our results provide insight into the optimization of optical properties and guide the design of future LSCs for improved solar energy capture

    Photosynthesis re-wired on the pico-second timescale.

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    Photosystems II and I (PSII, PSI) are the reaction centre-containing complexes driving the light reactions of photosynthesis; PSII performs light-driven water oxidation and PSI further photo-energizes harvested electrons. The impressive efficiencies of the photosystems have motivated extensive biological, artificial and biohybrid approaches to 're-wire' photosynthesis for higher biomass-conversion efficiencies and new reaction pathways, such as H2 evolution or CO2 fixation1,2. Previous approaches focused on charge extraction at terminal electron acceptors of the photosystems3. Electron extraction at earlier steps, perhaps immediately from photoexcited reaction centres, would enable greater thermodynamic gains; however, this was believed impossible with reaction centres buried at least 4 nm within the photosystems4,5. Here, we demonstrate, using in vivo ultrafast transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy, extraction of electrons directly from photoexcited PSI and PSII at early points (several picoseconds post-photo-excitation) with live cyanobacterial cells or isolated photosystems, and exogenous electron mediators such as 2,6-dichloro-1,4-benzoquinone (DCBQ) and methyl viologen. We postulate that these mediators oxidize peripheral chlorophyll pigments participating in highly delocalized charge-transfer states after initial photo-excitation. Our results challenge previous models that the photoexcited reaction centres are insulated within the photosystem protein scaffold, opening new avenues to study and re-wire photosynthesis for biotechnologies and semi-artificial photosynthesis