75 research outputs found

    Recommendation Seeking Behavior: Empirical Study of Recommendation Needs in Everyday Life

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    This study explores why recommendation seekers look for recommendations, and how they interact with recommendations through their social milieu. This study utilizes qualitative one-week diary recordings and post-diary interviews to collect rich data that reflect recommendation seekers’ interaction and evaluation strategies in real life issues. The results show that respondents needed recommendations when they are new to situation, wish for changes from a routine behavior, seek trustworthy options or better solutions, and need inspiration. Degree of recommenders’ understanding participants’ situation is more significant than that of sharing interest and similarity with recommenders

    Regulation of Immune Function by the Lymphatic System in Lymphedema

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    The lymphatic vasculature has traditionally been thought to play a passive role in the regulation of immune responses by transporting antigen presenting cells and soluble antigens to regional lymph nodes. However, more recent studies have shown that lymphatic endothelial cells regulate immune responses more directly by modulating entry of immune cells into lymphatic capillaries, presenting antigens on major histocompatibility complex proteins, and modulating antigen presenting cells. Secondary lymphedema is a disease that develops when the lymphatic system is injured during surgical treatment of cancers or is damaged by infections. We have used mouse models of lymphedema in order to understand the effects of chronic lymphatic injury on immune responses and have shown that lymphedema results in a mixed T helper cell and T regulatory cell (Treg) inflammatory response. Prolonged T helper 2 biased immune responses in lymphedema regulate the pathology of this disease by promoting tissue fibrosis, inhibiting formation of collateral lymphatics, decreasing lymphatic vessel pumping capacity, and increasing lymphatic leakiness. Treg infiltration following lymphatic injury results from proliferation of natural Tregs and suppresses innate and adaptive immune responses. These studies have broad clinical relevance since understanding how lymphatic injury in lymphedema can modulate immune responses may provide a template with which we can study more subtle forms of lymphatic injury that may occur in physiologic conditions such as aging, obesity, metabolic tumors, and in the tumor microenvironment

    Análisis de las Estrategias Metodológicas implementadas por el docente en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en la disciplina de Geografía e Historia de Nicaragua y su Didáctica en los alumnos/as de Primer año “B” del turno regular de Formación Inicial Docente en la Escuela Normal Central de Managua Alesio Blandón Juárez durante el I semestre del Curso Escolar 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad analizar la efectividad que tienen las Estrategias Metodológicas implementadas por el docente en el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje en la disciplina de Geografía de Nicaragua y su Didáctica en los alumnos/as de Primer año “B” del turno regular de Formación Inicial Docente en la Escuela Normal Central de Managua Alesio Blandón Juárez durante el I semestre del Curso Escolar 2016. Dicho trabajo de investigación tiene un enfoque naturista o cualitativo, es una vía de transformación social, a través de la cual el ser humano descubre la realidad que le rodea, determina los medios y procedimientos para actuar sobre ella y transformarla de acuerdo a una intensión social. Los procesos de investigación cualitativa, tienen como finalidad primordial la generación y construcción de conocimientos que contribuyen al desarrollo social y personal de cada uno de los miembros de una comunidad. La fase de recolección de los datos de la investigación desarrollada, se realizó de dos formas: una información que se recogió mediante la observación directa del comportamiento de los informantes claves y una información que se obtuvo mediante la interrogación de algunos informantes claves. Para ello, primeramente el investigador realizo una inmersión en el campo de trabajo, con el propósito de identificar los lugares adecuados para recoger y producir la información necesaria y requerid

    Synthesis of diamond spheres

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    Tumor-Associated Lymphatics Upregulate MHC-II to Suppress Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes

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    Steady-state lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) can induce peripheral tolerance by presenting endogenous antigens on MHC class I (MHC-I) molecules. Recent evidence suggests that lymph node LECs can cross-present tumor antigens on MHC-I to suppress tumor-specific CD8+ T cells. Whether LECs can act as immunosuppressive cells in an MHC-II dependent manner in the local tumor microenvironment (TME) is not well characterized. Using murine heterotopic and spontaneous tumor models, we show that LECs in the TME increase MHC-II expression in the context of increased co-inhibitory signals. We provide evidence that tumor lymphatics in human melanoma and breast cancer also upregulate MHC-II compared to normal tissue lymphatics. In transgenic mice that lack LEC-specific MHC-II expression, heterotopic tumor growth is attenuated, which is associated with increased numbers of tumor-specific CD8+ and effector CD4+ T cells, as well as decreased numbers of T regulatory CD4+ cells in the TME. Mechanistically, we show that murine and human dermal LECs can take up tumor antigens in vitro. Antigen-loaded LECs in vitro can induce antigen-specific proliferation of CD8+ T cells but not CD4+ T cells; however, these proliferated CD8+ T cells have reduced effector function in the presence of antigen-loaded LECs. Taken together, our study suggests LECs can act as immunosuppressive cells in the TME in an MHC-II dependent manner. Whether this is a result of direct tumor antigen presentation on MHC-II requires additional investigation