247 research outputs found

    A Reo model of Software Defined Networks

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    Reo is a compositional coordination language for component connectors with a formal semantics based on automata. In this paper, we propose a formal model of software defined networks (SDNs) based on Reo where declarative constructs comprising of basic Reo primitives compose to specify descriptive models of both data and control planes of SDNs. We first describe the model of an SDN switch which can be compactly represented as a single state constraint automaton with a memory storing its flow table. A full network can then be compositionally constructed by composing the switches with basic communication channels. The reactive and proactive behaviour of the controllers in the control plane of an SDN can also be modelled by Reo connectors, which can compose the connectors representing data plane. The resulting model is suitable for testing, simulation, visualization, verification, and ultimately compilation into SDN switch code using the standard tools already available for Reo

    Compounds from Silicones Alter Enzyme Activity in Curing Barnacle Glue and Model Enzymes

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    Background: Attachment strength of fouling organisms on silicone coatings is low. We hypothesized that low attachment strength on silicones is, in part, due to the interaction of surface available components with natural glues. Components could alter curing of glues through bulk changes or specifically through altered enzyme activity. Methodology/Principal Findings: GC-MS analysis of silicone coatings showed surface-available siloxanes when the coatings were gently rubbed with a cotton swab for 15 seconds or given a 30 second rinse with methanol. Mixtures of compounds were found on 2 commercial and 8 model silicone coatings. The hypothesis that silicone components alter glue curing enzymes was tested with curing barnacle glue and with commercial enzymes. In our model, barnacle glue curing involves trypsin-like serine protease(s), which activate enzymes and structural proteins, and a transglutaminase which cross-links glue proteins. Transglutaminase activity was significantly altered upon exposure of curing glue from individual barnacles to silicone eluates. Activity of purified trypsin and, to a greater extent, transglutaminase was significantly altered by relevant concentrations of silicone polymer constituents. Conclusions/Significance: Surface-associated silicone compounds can disrupt glue curing and alter enzyme properties

    Approximation Techniques for Stochastic Analysis of Biological Systems

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    There has been an increasing demand for formal methods in the design process of safety-critical synthetic genetic circuits. Probabilistic model checking techniques have demonstrated significant potential in analyzing the intrinsic probabilistic behaviors of complex genetic circuit designs. However, its inability to scale limits its applicability in practice. This chapter addresses the scalability problem by presenting a state-space approximation method to remove unlikely states resulting in a reduced, finite state representation of the infinite-state continuous-time Markov chain that is amenable to probabilistic model checking. The proposed method is evaluated on a design of a genetic toggle switch. Comparisons with another state-of-art tool demonstrates both accuracy and efficiency of the presented method

    Inhibitors of inflammation and endogenous surfactant pool size as modulators of lung injury with initiation of ventilation in preterm sheep

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increased pro-inflammatory cytokines in tracheal aspirates correlate with the development of BPD in preterm infants. Ventilation of preterm lambs increases pro-inflammatory cytokines and causes lung inflammation.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>We tested the hypothesis that selective inhibitors of pro-inflammatory signaling would decrease lung inflammation induced by ventilation in preterm newborn lambs. We also examined if the variability in injury response was explained by variations in the endogenous surfactant pool size.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Date-mated preterm lambs (n = 28) were operatively delivered and mechanically ventilated to cause lung injury (tidal volume escalation to 15 mL/kg by 15 min at age). The lambs then were ventilated with 8 mL/kg tidal volume for 1 h 45 min. Groups of animals randomly received specific inhibitors for IL-8, IL-1, or NF-κB. Unventilated lambs (n = 7) were the controls. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and lung samples were used to quantify inflammation. Saturated phosphatidylcholine (Sat PC) was measured in BALF fluid and the data were stratified based on a level of 5 μmol/kg (~8 mg/kg surfactant).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The inhibitors did not decrease the cytokine levels or inflammatory response. The inflammation increased as Sat PC pool size in BALF decreased. Ventilated lambs with a Sat PC level > 5 μmol/kg had significantly decreased markers of injury and lung inflammation compared with those lambs with < 5 μmol/kg.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Lung injury caused by high tidal volumes at birth were decreased when endogenous surfactant pool sizes were larger. Attempts to decrease inflammation by blocking IL-8, IL-1 or NF-κB were unsuccessful.</p

    Divergent evolution of terrestrial locomotor abilities in extant Crocodylia

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    Extant Crocodylia are exceptional because they employ almost the full range of quadrupedal footfall patterns (“gaits”) used by mammals; including asymmetrical gaits such as galloping and bounding. Perhaps this capacity evolved in stem Crocodylomorpha, during the Triassic when taxa were smaller, terrestrial, and long-legged. However, confusion about which Crocodylia use asymmetrical gaits and why persists, impeding reconstructions of locomotor evolution. Our experimental gait analysis of locomotor kinematics across 42 individuals from 15 species of Crocodylia obtained 184 data points for a wide velocity range (0.15–4.35 ms−1). Our results suggest either that asymmetrical gaits are ancestral for Crocodylia and lost in the alligator lineage, or that asymmetrical gaits evolved within Crocodylia at the base of the crocodile line. Regardless, we recorded usage of asymmetrical gaits in 7 species of Crocodyloidea (crocodiles); including novel documentation of these behaviours in 5 species (3 critically endangered). Larger Crocodylia use relatively less extreme gait kinematics consistent with steeply decreasing athletic ability with size. We found differences between asymmetrical and symmetrical gaits in Crocodylia: asymmetrical gaits involved greater size-normalized stride frequencies and smaller duty factors (relative ground contact times), consistent with increased mechanical demands. Remarkably, these gaits did not differ in maximal velocities obtained: whether in Alligatoroidea or Crocodyloidea, trotting or bounding achieved similar velocities, revealing that the alligator lineage is capable of hitherto unappreciated extreme locomotor performance despite a lack of asymmetrical gait usage. Hence asymmetrical gaits have benefits other than velocity capacity that explain their prevalence in Crocodyloidea and absence in Alligatoroidea—and their broader evolution

    A Cholinergic-Regulated Circuit Coordinates the Maintenance and Bi-Stable States of a Sensory-Motor Behavior during Caenorhabditis elegans Male Copulation

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    Penetration of a male copulatory organ into a suitable mate is a conserved and necessary behavioral step for most terrestrial matings; however, the detailed molecular and cellular mechanisms for this distinct social interaction have not been elucidated in any animal. During mating, the Caenorhabditis elegans male cloaca is maintained over the hermaphrodite's vulva as he attempts to insert his copulatory spicules. Rhythmic spicule thrusts cease when insertion is sensed. Circuit components consisting of sensory/motor neurons and sex muscles for these steps have been previously identified, but it was unclear how their outputs are integrated to generate a coordinated behavior pattern. Here, we show that cholinergic signaling between the cloacal sensory/motor neurons and the posterior sex muscles sustains genital contact between the sexes. Simultaneously, via gap junctions, signaling from these muscles is transmitted to the spicule muscles, thus coupling repeated spicule thrusts with vulval contact. To transit from rhythmic to sustained muscle contraction during penetration, the SPC sensory-motor neurons integrate the signal of spicule's position in the vulva with inputs from the hook and cloacal sensilla. The UNC-103 K+ channel maintains a high excitability threshold in the circuit, so that sustained spicule muscle contraction is not stimulated by fewer inputs. We demonstrate that coordination of sensory inputs and motor outputs used to initiate, maintain, self-monitor, and complete an innate behavior is accomplished via the coupling of a few circuit components

    The Transcriptional Landscape of the Photosynthetic Model Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803.

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    Cyanobacteria exhibit a great capacity to adapt to different environmental conditions through changes in gene expression. Although this plasticity has been extensively studied in the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, a detailed analysis of the coordinated transcriptional adaption across varying conditions is lacking. Here, we report a meta-analysis of 756 individual microarray measurements conducted in 37 independent studies-the most comprehensive study of the Synechocystis transcriptome to date. Using stringent statistical evaluation, we characterized the coordinated adaptation of Synechocystis' gene expression on systems level. Evaluation of the data revealed that the photosynthetic apparatus is subjected to greater changes in expression than other cellular components. Nevertheless, network analyses indicated a significant degree of transcriptional coordination of photosynthesis and various metabolic processes, and revealed the tight co-regulation of components of photosystems I, II and phycobilisomes. Detailed inspection of the integrated data led to the discovery a variety of regulatory patterns and novel putative photosynthetic genes. Intriguingly, global clustering analyses suggested contrasting transcriptional response of metabolic and regulatory genes stress to conditions. The integrated Synechocystis transcriptome can be accessed and interactively analyzed via the CyanoEXpress website (http://cyanoexpress.sysbiolab.eu)