779 research outputs found

    Interconnectivity and Metacommunication

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    The study of interpersonal communication touches on a range of different disciplines, each with their own focus. This has given rise to an apparent fragmentation in the literature (O’Keefe, 1993; Craig 1999, Stephen 2014) which is manifested in the categorisation of the various components of a communicative act and even the subdivision of the categories established. This can be seen in the study of metacommunication, which although considered an essential component of human interaction (Andersen, 2009; Wilmot, 1980) has been subdivided into a myriad of constituent parts. Whilst the separation of various components permits detailed focus on different facets of interpersonal interaction there is a risk that the complementarity of the various facets may be underestimated or even lost. Indeed to autonomise each aspect of a communicative act may not be conducive to a comprehensive understanding of what happens in an interaction since all elements, verbal, non-verbal and contextual, to name but a few, need to be considered and interpreted simultaneously. Approaches to the study of metacommunication, whilst being multidimensional, appear to have led to fragmentation. It is our contention that understanding of what constitutes a complete communicative interaction involves the consideration of these various aspects at the same time. Starting from the position that no category exists in a vacuum, and is part and parcel of a whole communicative act, this article draws on Wilmot’s seminal (1980) article among others and considers a more holistic approach to communication as an adjunct to the current tendency for separation. To illustrate this method, the article identifies various aspects and categories within the area of metacommunication and examines the convergence and potential divergence within them. Through the case study of silence as a communicative act that appears to bridge various sub-divisions , this paper argues for an umbrella conceptualisation that unifies rather than compartmentalises the various aspects of metacommunication

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif Group Investigation pada Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 15 Bulukumba

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    This research is Classroom Action Research which aim to increase student\u27s learning result. The research\u27s subject is students of VII SMPN 15 Bulukumba year 2011/2012 with the student amount 33 people. The data collect by using observation and result of mathematics test in the first cycle and second cycle and qualitative data is student observation result. The result of the research point out with: 1) Student activity and student response in Cooperative Teaching Type Group Investigation is increased. 2) Cooperative Teaching Type Group Investigation can improve learning mathematics at class VII SMPN 15 Bulukumba 3) the result of learning mathematic at cycle one with average score 56,72 of score ideals 100 with standard deviation 18,00 in low categorize increased in cycle two with average score 75,36 of score ideals 100 and standard deviation 14,65 in high categorize

    Pelaksanaan Fungsi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Dprd) Kabupaten Dairi Periode 2014-2019 Dalam Bidang Legislasi

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    This study aims to describe and analyze critically and sociologically aboutthe Implementation of the Function of the Regional House of Representatives(DPRD) Period 2014-2019 in Legislation. The results of this study are expected tobe used as the motivation of members of the Regional House of Representatives(DPRD) Dairi District Period 2014-2019 in Legislation. This research is a fieldresearch using qualitative descriptive analysis by taking research subjects ofDairi Regency DPRD period 2014-2019. Data collection is done by interviewmethod, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate thatmembers of Parliament Dairi period 2014-2019 very important role in theimplementation of the legislative function of the Regional House ofRepresentatives (DPRD). Phase by the Regional People\u27s Representative Councilof Dairi Regency peridoe 2014-2019 in establishing the Regional Regulation(Perda) consists of; Planning phase, Preparation stage, Preparation technique,Formulation phase, Discussion phase and Legal phase. The relevance of thematerial principle of the Regional Regulation (Perda) in the implementation ofthe legislative function of the Regional House of Representatives of Dairi Regencyfor the period 2014-2019 consists of; Absorb the aspirations of society, Initiativesand Initiatives, Public Interest and In accordance with the rule of law. Therealization of the legislative function of Dairi District People\u27s RepresentativeCouncil (DPRD) in 2014-2019 period is hampered by several obstacles but hasbeen made by Dairi District People\u27s Representative Council 2014-2019 toimprove the implementation of legislation function

    Potential of Weaver Ant (Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius, 1775) as Biocontrol Agent for Pest of Teak Stand in Wanagama Forest, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Weaver ant (Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius, 1775) is an aggressive predator that can be used in controlling the pest of teak stand. The research was done to determine the potential of weaver ant to control termite and defoliator of teak stand. Predatory of weaver ant on termite was observed in Laboratory of Forest Health and Protection. The effects of weaver ant on the termite attack on teak trees and the level of teak defoliationwere observed. The results showed that in the laboratory study, mortality of termite was 100 % after 12 h of weaver ant presence. In the teak stand, the presence of weaver ant decreased the termite attacks and also the defoliation. The research indicates that weaver ant is potentially used as biocontrol of teak pest. Keywords: Weaver ant, Biocontrol agent, Teak stand, Wanagama Forest, Teak pes

    Effects of total replacement of soybean meal and corn on ruminal fermentation, volatile fatty acids, protozoa concentration, and gas production

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    The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of total replacement of soybean meal and corn with triticale and faba bean or field pea on rumen fermentation, protozoa counts, and gas production of lactating ewes. A total of 30 Sicilo-Sarde ewes were randomly allocated into three groups and were fed 1.8 kg drymatter of oat hay plus 500 g of one of three concentrates: the first concentrate (CS) was mainly composed of soybean meal, corn, and barley; the second (TFB) was formed by triticale and faba bean; and the third (TFP) was composed of triticale and field pea. The type of concentrate did not affect ruminal pH or ammonia nitrogen concentration (P > 0.05). The individual concentrations of volatile fatty acids showed a significant interaction between the type of concentrate and sampling time (P 0.05). The cumulative gas production from the in vitro fermentation, the time of incubation, and their interaction was affected by concentrate (P < 0.001). The substitution of soybean meal and corn in the concentrate with faba bean or field peas and triticale might maintain rumen parameters of dairy ewes

    Aquisition Activities in English Foreign Language (Efl) Teaching

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    This paper aims at discussing the use of four possible ways to conduct acquisition activities in English Foreign Language (EFL) classroom teaching and focuses on some of the appealing uses of vivid linking, story retelling, self directed statement and role playing in intensive reading, and on how language teachers could exploit them in their classes. These ways of teachers to use the acquisition activities could be considered by the language teachers in teaching intensive reading. This article implies that language acquisition and language learning are interrelated and mutually supplementary to develop competence in EFL, and this paper attempts to present acquisition activities by providing an overview of some of the interesting uses of vivid linking, story retelling, self directed statement and role playing, and suggesting ways of exploiting them in intensive reading classroom
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