82 research outputs found

    Validity and reliability of the persian version of templer death anxiety scale in family caregivers of cancer patients

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    Due to increasing recognition of the importance of death anxiety for understanding human nature, it is important that researchers who investigate death anxiety have reliable and valid methodology to measure. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Persian version of Templer Death Anxiety Scale (TDAS) in family caregivers of cancer patients. Materials and Methods: A sample of 326 caregivers of cancer patients completed a 15‑item questionnaire. Principal components analysis (PCA) followed by a varimax rotation was used to assess factor structure of the DAS. The construct validity of the scale was assessed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Convergent and discriminant validity were also examined. Reliability was assessed with Cronbach’s alpha coefficients and construction reliability. Results: Based on the results of the PCA and consideration of the meaning of our items, a three‑factor solution, explaining 60.38% of the variance, was identified. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) then supported the adequacy of the three‑domain structure of the DAS. Goodness‑of‑fit indices showed an acceptable fit overall with the full model {χ2(df) = 262.32 (61), χ2/df = 2.04 [adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI) = 0.922, parsimonious comparative fit index (PCFI) = 0.703, normed fit Index (NFI) = 0.912, CMIN/DF = 2.048, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) = 0.055]}. Convergent and discriminant validity were shown with construct fulfilled. The Cronbach’s alpha and construct reliability were greater than 0.70. Conclusions: The findings show that the Persian version of the TDAS has a three‑factor structure and acceptable validity and reliability. Key words: Cancer, caregiver, death anxiety, reliability, validit

    A Validation of a Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale Among Preliminary Schoolteachers in Esfahan

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    AbstractThe current research is a descriptive survey with the goal of evaluation of the reliability and validity of Fisher, King and Tague (2001) self-directed learning scale. Its statistical population comprised all preliminary schoolteachers of Esfahan, Iran, in the academic year 2010–2011.the reliability coefficient was calculated via Cronbach's α (0.88). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used in order to evaluate the validity; according to the results, and taking into account the index of fit, the model proved to be approximately fit. Finally, this scale can be used in order to evaluate self-directed learning among teachers in various researches

    Study of Some Determinants of Birth weight in Qazvin

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    زمینه و هدف: وزن هنگام تولد با بسیاری از فاکتورها و وضعیت های خاص طبی که در دوران حاملگی وجود داشته یا ایجاد می شوند ارتباط دارد. این مطالعه با هدف بررسی و ارزیابی برخی تعیین کننده های وزن هنگام تولد در نوزادان متولد شده در قزوین انجام شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی- تحلیلی که به صورت مقطعی در سال 1389 انجام شد، میانگین وزن 3076 نوزاد که به روش زایمان طبیعی در قزوین متولد شده بودند، مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. پیش گویی کننده های تک متغیره و چند متغیره برای وزن هنگام تولد با استفاده از مدل خطی عمومی مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. یافته ها: میانگین وزن نوزادان و سن مادران به ترتیب 36/458±18/3248 گرم و 70/5±33/25 سال بود. شیوع وزن کم هنگام تولد در 67/6 درصد (205 نوزاد) و ماکروزومی در 15/3 درصد (97 نوزاد) مشاهده شد. پیش گویی کننده های تک متغیره برای وزن بیشتر در زمان تولد شامل مولتی پاریته، جنسیت مذکر نوزاد، نوزادان ترم و پست ترم، عدم وجود پره اکلامپسی در مادر و مادران با سن بیشتر از 18 سال بودند. بر اساس مدل چند متغیره، اغلب پیش گویی کننده های تک متغیره به جز سن مادر که اثر خود بر وزن هنگام تولد را از دست داد، در مدل باقی ماندند. نوزادان متولد شده در فصل بهار (01/0 =P) و زمستان (01/0 =P) به طور معنی داری وزن هنگام تولد بیشتری در مقایسه با نوزادان متولد شده در فصل تابستان داشتند. نتیجه گیری: برخی تعیین کننده های وزن هنگام تولد غیر قابل تعدیل بوده و انجام مداخلات بر روی آن ها امکان پذیر نیست اما با تعدیل برخی فاکتورها نظیر انتخاب سن مناسب برای حاملگی می توان وزن مطلوب نوزادان در هنگام تولد را انتظار داشت

    Predicting mortality rate of patients in critical care unit using APACHE-II index.

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    Abstract: Background and Objective: The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II classification system has been extensively used for predicting the patient mortality in various diseases admission in ICU ward. The aim of this study was to assess the predicting mortality rate of patients in critical care unit using APACHE-II index. Materials and Methods: This descriptive analytical study was done on 204 hospitalized patients with multiple diagnostic diseases admitted to ICU ward in Gazvin Kusar hospital during 2007. We used than

    The Relationship between Zinc Levels and Autism: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    How to Cite This Article: Babaknejad N, Sayehmiri F, Sayehmiri K, Mohamadkhani A, Bahrami S. The Relationship between Zinc Levelsand Autism: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Iran J Child Neurol. Autumn 2016; 10(4):1-9. AbstractObjectiveAutism is a complex behaviorally defined disorder. There is a relationship between zinc (Zn) levels in autistic patients and development of pathogenesis, but the conclusion is not permanent. Materials & MethodsThe present study conducted to estimate this probability using meta-analysis method. In this study, Fixed Effect Model, twelve articles published from 1978 to 2012 were selected by searching Google scholar, PubMed, ISI Web of Science, and Scopus and information were analyzed. I² statistics were calculated to examine heterogeneity. The information was analyzed using R and STATA Ver. 12.2. ResultsThere was no significant statistical difference between hair, nail, and teeth Zn levels between controls and autistic patients: -0.471 [95% confidence interval (95% CI): -1.172 to 0.231]. There was significant statistical difference between plasma Zn concentration and autistic patients besides healthy controls: -0.253 (95% CI: 0.498 to -0.007). Using a Random Effect Model, the overall Integration of data from the two groups was -0.414 (95% CI: -0.878 to -0.051).ConclusionBased on sensitivity analysis, zinc supplements can be used for the nutritional therapy for autistic patients. References1. Arnold LE, Farmer C, Kraemeret HC, et al. Moderators, mediators, and other predictors of Risperidoneresponse in children with Autistic Disorder and Irritability. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2012; 20(2): 83-92.2. Karimzadeh P. Recent finding about etiology of autism. Rehabilitation 2000; 1(2):58-63.3. 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    Effects of family-centered empowerment model on perceived satisfaction and self concept of multiple sclerosis patients care givers

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    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic central nervous system disease that affected all the aspects of life of patient, family and community. The importance of empowering programs has been increased with changed care approach from hospital to community. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of family- center empowerment model on the perceived satisfaction and self concept of the caregivers of multiple sclerosis patients. Materials and Methods: In this clinical trial study, 70 multiple sclerosis patients’ caregivers were grouped using random allocation to experimental and control groups. Based on training needs in the experimental group, 8 sessions for empowerment model were implemented in three months. Three months after the program implementation and collecting of self report checklists, the perceived satisfaction and self-esteem were evaluated in both experimental and control groups again. Results: Independent t tests showed significant differences in two groups after the intervention (P=0.001). In the experimental group, paired T- test also showed significant increase in the perceived satisfaction and self-esteem of family caregivers of patients (P=0.001). However in the control group, there were no significant differences in the perceived satisfaction and self-esteem of family caregivers of patients after three months. Conclusion: Family caregivers of chronic patients as hidden patients, have many problems. The interventions such as empowerment model implementation based on educational and therapeutic needs because of their low cost, safety and effectiveness for caregivers can enhance their perceived satisfaction and self-estee