26 research outputs found

    An alternative framework of open source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)

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    Integrated enterprise systems deserve intensive research because of their great potential for financial, technical, managerial, human, strategic benefits, costs, and risks.As ERP is an important tool that offers full package of managing and integration of data’s, Open source was a package in the business world for optimization which offers organization with lowest cost and perfect reliability suite to SMEs. However, facing challenges of SMEs today the right solution should have every goods and best from both of these tools.Therefore, Open Source ERP is the new evolution that derives from both tools promising more extensive functionality in business demands

    Mobile-Based Applications:The Legal Challenges on Data Privacy

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    The mobile-based apps used is getting popular and continued to increased. Mobile user often downloaded the apps from various sources that provided from numerous of categorization of the application included health apps. Some of apps is optional to choose, but nevertheless, there are several apps is compulsory or must-action by citizens as instructed by the government or their agency. As for that, some issues of legal challenges on data privacy kin to data security have occurred. The issues on legal challenges is more intricate for non-legal educated users with non-awareness citizens while there are government involvements. Hence, in this paper, the issues and the legal challenges on the data privacy for mobile-based application are reviewed to give awareness for both side, the users (citizens) and apps provider (government or developer). Together with that, the idea of action, such as recommendation and option to react with the issues and challenges are also presented. Several Acts (legislation) are also proposed according to the legal issues and challenges that occurred, as showed the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010 is became as the famous act used to confront with the existing privacy legislation in mobile-based application. The suggestions and recommendations might assist citizens to keep stand with their rights on data privacy issues in mobile apps, and to the other-side, it might provide some idea be more precise when create and develop the mobile apps.</p

    Simulation model on movement of goods in sea freight for small and medium enterprise

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    Sea transportation is one of the major transportation in the scope of transport industry and plays important role towards the growth of performance in the industry that involves the movement of good (MOG). With the crucial operations, it is also essential to concern about the employee’s welfare, such as long working hours that occurred due to non-systematic procedure for the MOG. The long working hours been potentitially impact to the psychological factors of works stress and physical and health effects. Therefore, this research is important to be studied in order to develop the simulation model on MOG in sea freight for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), effectively and efficiency. Initially, this research is startup by defining all existed activities with the duration as required. Subsequently, the business model of MOG in sea freight is developed according to the case study in order to develop the simulation model. This research is give a guide for future research towards providing a well-computer-based by applying the decision support system, especially to manage and control the movement of goods in sea freigh

    Internet of things (IoT); security requirements, attacks and counter measures

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected and communicating nodes. Recent developments in IoT have led to advancements like smart home, industrial IoT and smart healthcare etc. This smart life did bring security challenges along with numerous benefits. Monitoring and control in IoT is done using smart phone and web browsers easily. There are different attacks being launched on IoT layers on daily basis and to ensure system security there are seven basic security requirements which must be met. Here we have used these requirements for classification and subdivided them on the basis of attacks, followed by degree of their severity, affected system components and respective countermeasures. This work will not only give guidelines regarding detection and removal of attacks but will also highlight the impact of these attacks on system, which will be a decision point to safeguard system from high impact attacks on priority basis

    The Airport Terminal Level of Service Model SERVICE (ATLOS) Model for Service Quality Evaluation

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    Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2), become Malaysia’s generation hub that enables unified connectivity for domestic and international low cost and full service providers. KLIA2 is constructed to accommodate the growth of the low cost emission industry. It is intended to accommodate 45 million passengers a year. The increased in low-cost air travel has reversed the international airport capability. The complaint arise exponently differently at many area of services included in terminal operation and services. Based on SKYTREX, most of passengers give low on the evaluation of services in KLIA2. The objective of this research is to provide an intelligent evaluation service quality tools in order to evaluate customers satisfaction at airport terminal using Airport Terminal Level of Service (ATLOS) model for evaluting process to the airport teminal operation and services for to increase their service quality. This research begin by identify the factors that affect the service quality at the airport terminal through the details literature review. Next, the ATLOS model developed and validated by questionnaire among user at KLIA2. This research evaluated the passenger’s perceptions and expectations towards airport terminal performances by the development of ATLOS model based on service quality (SERVQUAL) dimensions that is tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy and statements. This research would help Malaysia Airport Holding Berhad (MAHB) in evaluating their services and improved those services in order to meet passenger’s expectations and satisfactions

    Modelling uncertainty factors in environmental issues on late delivery for construction industry: a propose

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    A very limited research of fixing uncertainties in environmental issues (EI) actually encountered biggest problems for company, especially in late delivery (LD) of project completion for construction industry (CI). Uncertainty could be happens causes by many factors which known or unknown, statically to totally ignorance. Many factors of uncertainties have been modelled in previous research by ignored factors in EI. However, in the real cases all the factors must be manage even it is in-deterministic. Therefore, the modelling of uncertainty factors in EI for CI is very important to be studied, and it will be considered to be used as guidance for decision makers while they are facing with the problems that related to uncertainties. The uncertainty of EI can split into 2 categories; acts of God and acts of humans.. Preliminary result of conceptual model for uncertainty factors in EI is presented according to previous case study

    Mobile-Based Application: The Designation of Energy Saving Smart Light System for Monitoring and Controlling

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    The use of lights are the command sources in our life, anytime and everywhere. On trending of demands, the alternative sources are important to increase the satisfaction on user requirement. While, saving energy is another  issue to be considered on the light system designation. Therefore, this research provides the details on the implementation of the smart lamp with controlled light system based on Arduino and mobile application usage to save the energy. Smart lamp is a finest way to minimize and preserve light with the remote system in order to monitor and control the brightness of light. This research is created to design the energy saving smart light system via mobile application and devices. It is a minor prototype that is fully automated and controlled by Arduino board. The designation begin with identification of input of LDR sensor, PIR sensor and circuit setting. Next, the integration of hardware and software is implemented for Arduino program, mobile application and the devices. Lastly, the testing process is executed and the data is collected and analysed. The overall system has been experimentally validated with the scenario as setup. Through monitoring and controlling the light in such a way is always accurately matched to the actual need that allows to save on the energy usage and costs, as well as to improve the human comfort and efficiency