20 research outputs found

    Peran Kecerdasan Spiritual Dalam Masalah Hasil Belajar Santri Di Pesantren Internasional Sains Dan Teknologi (INSAT) Muhammadiyah Banyuwangi

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    Kecerdasan spiritual adalah landasan yang diperlukan untuk memaksimalkan fungsi kecerdasan intelektual dan kecerdasan emosional. Kecerdasan spiritual merupakan kecerdasan tertinggi yang dimiliki manusia. Kecerdasan yang memperngaruhi hasil belajar santri adalah kecerdasan intelektual dan spiritual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran Kecerdasan Spiritual dalam masalah Hasil Belajar Santri di Pesantren INSAT Muhammadiyah Banyuwangi. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kecerdasan spiritual memiliki peran dalam masalah hasil belajar santri. Santri termasuk kedalam kategori nilai raport rata rata tinggi dan sedang. Hasil kecerdasan spiritual santri tergolong tinggi. Terdapat pengaruh kecerdasan spiritual terhadap hasil belajar santri. Berdasarkan temuan peneliti terkait aspek kecerdasan spiritual yang dimiliki oleh santri. Santri Pesantren INSAT Muhammadiyah Banyuwangi: memiliki tujuan hidup yang baik, memiliki prinsip hidup, selalu merasakan kehadiran Allah, cenderung kepada kebaikan, berjiwa besar dan memiliki empat


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    The level of customer satisfaction in the world of education has long been a necessity. The difference between private and public schools is no longer significant. Competition and competitive nature of private and public schools require new changes and conceptions where management of educational institutions is concerned. The implementation of a full-day-school system in Indonesia cannot be separated from the phenomena related to ‘superior schools’ back in the 1990s—many of which were pioneered by private schools, especially those that were motivated by implementing Islamic values. Such schools are usually referred to as schools that focus primarily on the quality of the teaching and learning processes rather than on the quality of students input. Today, full day school has become a trending topic or, in the language of information technology, viral in conjunction with the mandate from the Minister of Education and Culture no 23/2017 relating to School Days. Full day schools are increasingly popular and recognized by the wider community. This study employed a survey method involving a quantitative approach. Respondents were 69 students and 90 parents. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire consisting of 43 questions for students and 51 questions for parents. The findings of this study revealed that the level of student satisfaction for basic educational services provided by Integral Lukman Al-Hakim primary school Jember reached 99.9% with 52.17% were very satisfied and 47.82% were quite satisfied. Meanwhile, the level of satisfaction of parents reached 84.45%. with 16.67% were very satisfied and 67.78% were quite satisfied. The remaining 15.55%, however, were not satisfied. Finally, it is concluded that the level of customer satisfaction with regard to the educational services provided by Integral Lukman Al-Hakim primary school is high


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    In this modern era, there has been a significant progress in instructional methods as a result of creativity and innovation, one of which is indicated in the development of hypnoteaching. Applying the structural equation modelling through path analysis, this study aims to investigate whether there is a significant influence of hypnoteaching on both learning activities and outcomes of al-Islam unit. The study was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Jember with three hypotheses. The results of that data analysis show the chi-square value of 88.25, p-value of 0.44, and RMSEA of 0.021, indicating: 1. here is a significant effect of hypnoteaching on learning activities. 2. There is a significant effect of learning activities on student learning outcomes 3. There is not a statistically significant effect of hypnoteaching on student learning outcomes Based on these results, it may be concluded that hypnoteaching can increase student learning activities and impact on student learning outcomes. However, hypnoteaching cannot directly affect the improvement of student learning outcomes. Keywords: hypnoteaching, learning activities, learning outcome

    Dekonstruksi Dikotomi Menggagas Spiritualisasi Human Being dalam Pendidikan Islam

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    Education as a conscious and planned effort as stated in the National Education System Act no. 20, 2003 relates to three developmental targets, namely: the development of spiritual power, intelligence and morality. However, the existence of dichotomy in science and education makes the direction of education lose its essential weight.  For this reason, such a dichotomy must be deconstructed to produce synergy and integration between intellectual and spiritual entity. Education in general and Islamic education in particular must not be conceived partially, so the core value of education can be realized. The idea of human as a living spiritual entity in Islamic education can be realized by revitalizing and conceptualizing the role and meaning of Islamic education by developing and changing curriculum in both content and purpose, as an effort to entrench spirituality as the basis of orienting Islamic education

    Manhaj Tarjih Dan Tajdid : Asas Pengembangan Pemikiran dalam Muhammadiyah

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    This literature review aims at exploring both manhaj tarjih and tajdid in Muhammadiyah tradition as a basis for developing reasonings. Islamic study within Muhammadiyah tradition is not only intended for use in studying religious beliefs, but also as a process for understanding Islam more comprehensively, so that it can optimize the value of Islam as ‘rahmatan lil alamin’ not only at the conceptual level but also, more importantly, at the practical level in line with the philosophy of baldatun toyyibatun wa rabbun ghofur. The basis for developing thoughts in Muhammadiyah is predicated upon 16 main points, the rules of  tarjih based on ijma', qiyas, maslahah mursalah and al-urf, while the tarjih method covers bayani, burhani and istislahi such as pertaining to reasoning for using bayani, burhani and irfani


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    Human beings who continue to experience endless debates. Departing from western theory, starting from Aristotle's theory, Louis Pasteur, to Charles Darwin, who tried to rediscover the nature of the origin of life and human life which states that humans actually came from previous lives. Although the theory is often considered rational but in reality, it still raises many questions and doubts regarding the facts of human creation. The purpose of writing is to describe human terminology in Alquran and Ibn Arabi. The expected results are enlightenment about human nature in realizing our human meanin

    The Electability of Islamic Educational Institutions

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    Islamic schools have participated in Indonesian educational market and they have shown significant developments both in their achievement and their images. Their competitiveness is reflected in the level of their electability which can be investigated from the survey. This study was aimed at investigating the principal component that influenced the electability of Islamic schools with the formulation of any variable problems that contributed significantly to the electability of Islamic schools. This research applied Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with a questionnaire instrument using nine variables with 72 measuring statements. There were 204 respondents took a part from MTsN (Madrasah Tsanawiyyah Negeri/State Islamic Junior High School) 5 Jember and SMPIT (Sekolah Menengah Pertama Islam Terpadu/Integrated Islamic Junior High School) Al-Ghazali Jember. The results of this study showed the principal component in each Islamic school amounted to one with an eigen value of 6.3081 and 6.1140. Based on the result of this study, some variables contributed significantly to the school electability and this was done by continuing the analysis until the proportion value was greater than 80 percent. The variables of principal, teachers and learning atmosphere influenced school electability at MTs Negeri 5 Jember and variables of school principals, teachers and infrastructure influenced significantly school electability at SMPIT Al-Ghazali

    The Representation of Prophetic Intelligence in The Learning Outcomes of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan

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    This study examines the learning outcomes of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyah in students, which can be related to the image of prophetic intelligence as an indicator. The paradigm of prophetic intelligence is closely related to the dimensions of intelligence. It can be understood as a continuation of the meaning of intelligence initially based on intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and collaboration into ESQ to prophetic intelligence. This perspective is closely related to the ideal desire that the purpose of education is not only intellectually intelligent but also emotional and spiritual and is currently popular with the term prophetic intelligence as an identity attached to the output produced. The balance of human/social dimensions with divine/religious dimensions is an inherent characteristic of the terminology of prophetic intelligence. This study aims to link the learning outcomes of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah as an image of prophetic intelligence to students as ordinary people. The basis of the research method used refers to a qualitative approach with research instruments in the form of a questionnaire with structured answer options. The study found that Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning can develop and improve on the human/social dimension, which includes tolerance, critical and creative attitudes, maturity in attitude, and communicativeness as an indicator of the image of prophetic intelligence that can be relied on several events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad such as Hudaibiyah agreement, laying of the Black Stone, and leadership in the state of Medina. As for the divine/religious dimension, the learning outcomes of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah, such as faith, understanding of the Qur'an, and the totality of implementation of the halal-haram aspects, although they have improvements and results, cannot be pinned on the dimensions of prophetic intelligence, due to differences in the position of students as ordinary people