1,404 research outputs found

    Silent osteonecrosis of the femoral head following high-dose corticosteroids in patients with systemic rheumatic diseases

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    Background: Osteonecrosis (ON) is known to be one of the most disabling complications following corticosteroid (CS) medications. However, evidence regarding risk of asymptomatic prevalence of ON among different diseases and the impact of variable steroid regimens are conflicting. We aimed to determine the prevalence of ON of femoral head in asymptomatic patients with systemic rheumatic diseases who received high-dose CS and also clarify its relationship with different dosages and regimens. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 50 consecutive patients receiving high-dose CS for rheumatic diseases who have no pelvic pain were recruited. MRI of both hips was performed on all patients using a 1.5 Tesla to diagnose ON. Results: Of 50 subjects, 18 (36) developed ON of the femoral head. Groups with and without ON were comparable in terms of sex, age and mean starting CS dose. There was no statistical difference in the type of CS regimen including daily dose, peak dose and cumulative dose between the two groups. However, silent ON was associated with both the cumulative CS dose and the duration of CS therapy. Conclusion: According to high prevalence of ON in our selected patients with no other identifiable risk factor for ON, monitoring of high risk patients with periodic hip MRI would help diagnose necrosis in early stage

    Hubungan Kepatuhan Membaca Label Informasi Zat Gizi dengan Kemampuan Membaca Label Informasi Gizi pada Ibu Rumah Tangga di Pasar Basah Mandonga Kota Kendari Tahun 2016 (Studi Kasus pada Ud. Puteri Kembar Kendari)

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    Keragaman konsumsi yang semakin banyak yang menjadikan sektor perdagangan yang menjadisemakin meluas, termasuk sektor perdaganan produk pangan. Keragaman produk pangan yang terdistribusike masyarakat tersebut menyebabkan rentannya terjadi pelanggaran karena kurangnya pengawasankualitas produk tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kemampuan membacalabel informasi nilai gizi dan persepsi terhadap produk dengan kepatuhan membaca label informasi nilai gizipada konsumen ibu rumah tangga di UD. Puteri Kembar Kendari tahun 2016. Metode penelitian ini adalahobservasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional.. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Hasil uji statistikdidapatkan nilai Pvalue = 0,02, berarti pada alpha 5% terlihat ada hubungan antara pengetahuan gizidengan Kepatuhan Membaca Label Informasi Gizi pada Ibu Rumah Tangga di Pasar Basah Mandonga KotaKendari tahun 2016. Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai Pvalue = 0,049, berarti pada alpha 5% terlihat adahubungan antara sikap terhadap kesehatan dan label produk dengan kepatuhan membaca label informasipada Ibu Rumah Tangga di Pasar Basah Mandonga Kota Kendari tahun 2016. Hasil uji statistik didapatkannilai Pvalue = 0,002, berarti pada alpha 5% terlihat ada hubungan antara kemampuan membaca labelinformasi dengan kepatuhan membaca label informasi pada Ibu Rumah Tangga di Pasar Basah MandongaKota Kendari tahun 2016. Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai Pvalue = 0,001, berarti pada alpha 5% terlihatada hubungan antara presepsi terhadap karakteristik produk dengan Pengetahuan Gizi pada Ibu RumahTangga di Pasar Basah Mandonga Kota Kendari tahun 2016

    Growth of Odot Grass (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott) on Sandy Marginal Land on Payung Island Kepulauan Seribu Jakarta

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    Odot grass (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott) is a potential forage to be developed in order to guarantee goats feed in Payung island, Kepulauan Seribu Regency, DKI Jakarta province. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fertilizer treatment on growth and forage production odot grasses, namely the treatment of organic fertilizer in the form of goat urine and the treatment of commercial inorganic fertilizers, namely NPK fertilizer.This study was in the form of a field trial using a randomized block design with three treatments and six replications. The treatments were 1) Goat urine fertilizer 500 ml per clump; 2) NPK fertilizer 5 grams per clump and 3) Control (without fertilizer). Goat urine was taken from the location of the goat pen that has been stored for two months fermentation increased nutrient quality. Fertilization with goat urine organic fertilizer on odot grass gave vegetative growth and forage production responses as well as the use of NPK commercial inorganic fertilizers

    Quantitative assessment of cell fate decision between autophagy and apoptosis

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    Abstract Autophagy and apoptosis are cellular processes that regulate cell survival and death, the former by eliminating dysfunctional components in the cell, the latter by programmed cell death. Stress signals can induce either process, and it is unclear how cells ‘assess’ cellular damage and make a ‘life’ or ‘death’ decision upon activating autophagy or apoptosis. A computational model of coupled apoptosis and autophagy is built here to analyze the underlying signaling and regulatory network dynamics. The model explains the experimentally observed differential deployment of autophagy and apoptosis in response to various stress signals. Autophagic response dominates at low-to-moderate stress; whereas the response shifts from autophagy (graded activation) to apoptosis (switch-like activation) with increasing stress intensity. The model reveals that cytoplasmic Ca2+ acts as a rheostat that fine-tunes autophagic and apoptotic responses. A G-protein signaling-mediated feedback loop maintains cytoplasmic Ca2+ level, which in turn governs autophagic response through an AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-mediated feedforward loop. Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase kinase β (CaMKKβ) emerges as a determinant of the competing roles of cytoplasmic Ca2+ in autophagy regulation. The study demonstrates that the proposed model can be advantageously used for interrogating cell regulation events and developing pharmacological strategies for modulating cell decisions

    Gambaran Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (Phbs) pada Masyarakat di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Welala Kecamatan Ladongi Kabupaten Kolaka Timur Tahun 2015

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    Perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS) adalah sekumpulan perilaku yang dipraktikkan atas dasar kesadaran sebagai hasil pembelajaran, yang menjadikan seseorang, keluarga, kelompok ataumasyarakat mampu menolong dirinya sendiri (mandiri) di bidang kesehatan dan berperan aktif dalammewujudkan kesehatan masyarakat melalui pendekatan pimpinan (advokasi), bina suasana (social support)dan pemberdayaan masyarakat (empowerment). Mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan tentang PerilakuHidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) Tatanan Rumah Tangga di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Welala KecamatanLadongi tahun 2015. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September-oktober 2015. Populasi penelitian iniadalah seluruh kepala keluarga di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Welala Kecamatan Ladongi yaitu 92 kk. Jumlahsampel adalah 92 Responden yang diambil dari populasi dengan simple random sampling. Metode :penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan survey. Hasil : responden terbanyak adalah responden yangdengan kategori tidak berPHBS sebanyak 33 orang (35,9), responden yang terbanyak memiliki pengetahuankurang tentang PHBS yaitu berjumlah 71 orang (77,2%), lebih banyak responden memiliki sikap buruktentang PHBS yaitu berjumlah 65 orang (70,7%) dan yang paling banyak memiliki tindakan buruk tentangPHBS yaitu berjumlah 60 orang (65,2%)

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Gairah Belajar Warga Belajar Program Kesetaraan di PKBM Mitra Riau Jaya Cemerlang Kecamatan Marpoyan Damai Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research aimed to understand the influence of the student learning passionfor the program equivalence of education at PKBM Riau Jaya, MarpoyanPekanbaru. The type of research is descriptive with quantitative approach. Thesamplewas the30 participants of the program equivalence at PKBM Mitra Jaya,with 3 programs: PAKET A = 7, PAKETt B = 11, and PAKET C = 12PARTICIPANT. To collect the data, the questionaire is used wit four alternativeunswers. Theresewarch indicators are divided into two parts; that are intrinsicsand extrinsicks. The result shows that the extrinsic aspects is more influencing tothe student learning passion rather than intrinsic aspect. As the whole, the resultdescribe that the student learning passion at the program equavalence of educationis pretty good

    Persepsi Peserta terhadap Pelaksanaan Pencak Silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate di Desa Karya Mukti Kecamatan Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    Research it is based on the state of facilities and in the implementation of the martial arts it can be said support, although not sufficient. Formulation problems research is whether perception participants with the implementation of the Pencak Silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate di Desa Karya Mukti Kecamatan Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir in good?. The purpose of this research is to find perception participants with the implementation of the Pencak Silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate di Desa Karya Mukti Kecamatan Rimba Melintang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir have good. Population in this study about 30 people learn. So research sample areas 30 people and the other 20 a test sample of try, sample used is sampling saturated. An instrument data collection that is chief with 57 a statement and if the trial live 55 a statement valid for in made instrument research. Data analysis through descriptive analysis quantitative. The analysis carried out in then a conclusion can be drawn on the this research note that, perception participants on the implementation of martial arts fraternity loyal terate in the heart of mukti in the wild transverse rokan downstream districts have good, seen from the input, the process, and output. Then input indicators most best and has the percentage of the average value of 82 % . It means participants assume of teaching staff or his coach very disciplined and having good performance

    Gambaran Kualitas Hidup pada Penderita Kanker Payudara di Rumah Sakit Umum Bahteramas Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Tahun 2017

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    Kanker payudara menempati urutan pertama jumlah kasus kanker pada wanita sekaligus menjadi penyebabkematian terbesar akibat kanker di dunia setiap tahunnya. Kanker payudara merupakan penyakit yangmempengaruhi kondisi kesehatan fisik sehingga akan menentukan kualitas hidup yang dimiliki oleh individu.Bentuk penurunan kualitas hidup yang paling banyak dialami oleh penderita kanker payudara adalah terjadinyapenurunan dimensi psikologis. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas hidup penderitakanker payudara ditinjau dari dimensi psikologis yang melakukan perawatan di RSU Bahteramas Provinsi SulawesiTenggara tahun 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus.Informan berjumlah 6 orang yang terdiri dari 4 penderita kanker payudara sebagai informan kunci dan 2 oranginforman biasa yaitu seorang anggota keluarga penderita serta perawat yang menangani pasien kanker payudara.Hasil penelitian menemukan perasaan positif yang dirasakan oleh penderita kanker payudara antara lain perasaansabar, optimis dan perasaan damai, keadaan kognisi penderita kanker payudara berupa kemampuan berpikir logis,mengingat dan berkonsentrasi penderita tergolong baik, komponen dari harga diri antara lain kepercayaan diri danharapan, komponen dari gambaran diri antara lain Perubahan dan kepuasan bentuk tubuh, serta perasaan negatifyang dirasakan oleh penderita antara lain cemas, sedih dan takut. Diharapkan bagi rumah sakit untuk lebihmemberikan informasi mengenai tindakan bedah dan bagi peneliti selanjutnya agar dapat mengembangkanpenelitian ini dengan menambahkan variabel meliputi dimensi fisik, dimensi psikologis, dimensi hubungan sosialdan dimensi lingkungan

    Measurement Invariance of the Internet Addiction Test Among Hong Kong, Japanese, and Malaysian Adolescents

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    There has been increased research examining the psychometric properties on the Internet Addiction Test across different ages and populations. This population-based study examined the psychometric properties using Confirmatory Factory Analysis and measurement invariance using Item Response Theory (IRT) of the IAT in adolescents from three Asian countries. In the Asian Adolescent Risk Behavior Survey (AARBS), 2,535 secondary school students (55.91% girls) in Grade 7 to Grade 13 (Mean age = 15.61 years; SD=1.56) from Hong Kong (n=844), Japan (n=744), and Malaysia (n=947) completed a survey on their Internet use that incorporated the IAT scale. A nested hierarchy of hypotheses concerning IAT cross-country invariance was tested using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis. Replicating past finding in Hong Kong adolescents, the construct of IAT is best represented by a second-order three-factor structure in Malaysian and Japanese adolescents. Configural, metric, scalar, and partial strict factorial invariance was established across the three samples. No cross-country differences on Internet addiction were detected at latent mean level. This study provided empirical support to the IAT as a reliable and factorially stable instrument, and valid to be used across Asian adolescent populations

    Parents Involvement In Children's Education At SD Islam Al-kautsar Kelurahan Simpang Baru Kecamatan Tampan

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    This research is motivated lack of parental involvement in children's education in SD Islam Al-Kawthar Simpang Baru Village District of Tampan. The research problems are Is parental involvement in children's education in SD Islam Al-Kawthar village Baru Simpang sub-district Charming. The purpose of this study was to determine the involvement of parents in the education of children in elementary Islam Al-Kawthar Baru Simpang Village District of Handsome. The population in this study were 106 parents and samples of this study 31 parents with a critical level of 10%, the sample used is random sampling. Data collection instruments, namely a questionnaire with 109 statements and after the trial lived 85 valid statement to be made in the instrument of research. Data analysis through quantitative descriptive analysis. Presentation of the answers obtained from the calculation results based on the indicators of cognitive expressed a positive attitude adolescent negative 89.24% and 2.25%. While based on affective aspects declare a positive attitude adolescent negative 44.21% and 47.51%. Furthermore, it can be seen from the aspect conative stating positive attitude adolescent negative 43.67% and 47.63%