333 research outputs found

    Physician-patient Communication In The Prevention Of Female Reproductive Tract Infections: Some Limitations.

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    The objective of this study was to describe the information that women with tubal infertility recalled having received from physicians when they consulted for a reproductive tract infection (RTI) and the information physicians reported having provided to women consulting for RTIs. Interviews were conducted with 16 women presenting primary tubal infertility selected on the basis of purposeful sampling criteria. Also, 15 physicians working in the public health network in the city of Campinas, Brazil, were selected at random and interviewed. Analysis of the women's statements concerning previous RTI-related medical consultations showed that they did not recall having received any information on either prevention or the impact of RTI on their reproductive future. Analysis of interviews with physicians showed that the information they provided to women consulting for RTIs was incomplete and unclear. The information women recalled having received and that which physicians remembered having provided at the time of treating a patient with RTI was similar. In conclusion, these women lacked adequate or complete information and that it was probably not possible for them to adopt measures to avoid repetition of RTI and minimize risk of tubal infertility.16124925

    Uso De Contraceptivos Reversíveis De Longa Duração E A Relação Entre Taxas De Descontinuidade Devido à Menopausa E à Esterilização De Homens E Mulheres

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Introduction Women require effective contraception until they reach menopause. The long acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) and the depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA, Depo-Provera®, Pfizer, Puurs, Belgium) are great options and can replace possible sterilizations. Purpose To assess the relationship between the use of LARCs and DMPA and terminations ascribed to menopause and sterilizations in a Brazilian clinic. Methods We reviewed the records of women between 12 and 50 years of age attending the clinic that chose to use a LARCmethod or DMPA. Cumulative termination rates due to sterilization or because the woman had reached menopause were computed using single decrement life-table analysis over 32 years. We also examined all records of surgical sterilization at our hospital between the years 1980-2012. Results Three hundred thirty-two women had continuously used the same contraceptive until menopause, and 555 women had discontinued the method because they or their partners underwent sterilization. Fromyear 20 to year 30 of use, levonorgestrel intrauterine-releasing system (LNG-IUS - Mirena®, Bayer Oy, Turku, Finland; available since 1980), copper intrauterine device (IUD - available since 1980) and DMPA users showed a trend of cumulative higher discontinuation rates due to menopause when compared with the discontinuation rates due to sterilization. Over the study period, a steep decline in the use of sterilization occurred. Conclusion Over the past 15 years of research we have observed a trend: women usually preferred to continue using LARC methods or DMPA until menopause rather than decide for sterilization, be it their own, or their partners’. The annual number of sterilizations dropped in the same period. The use of LARC methods and DMPA until menopause is an important option to avoid sterilization, which requires a surgical procedure with potential complications. © 2016 by Thieme Publicações Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.385210217#573747/2008-3, FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São PauloFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Knowledge of Latin American Obstetricians and Gynecologists regarding Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

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    Background. Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is a common gynecological complaint affecting quality of life. Objectives. To assess knowledge on diagnosis and treatments of HMB of Latin American (LA) obstetricians and gynecologists (OBGYNs). Methods. A survey was conducted during a scientific meeting, organized to provide updated information on topics of reproductive medicine to OBGYNs from 12 LA countries who were invited to respond to a multiple-choice questionnaire. Results. Of the 210 OBGYNs participating in the survey, from 169 (80.4%) to 203 (96.7%) answered the questions. Most respondents (80%) gave accurate answers regarding the amount of blood loss which defines HMB, underreported the proportion of women who consulted due to HMB, and were aware that the use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) with ethynyl estradiol is not an adequate treatment in women with HMB. Female OBGYNs and those who worked in the private sector were more prone to report a higher possibility of improvement of HMB with a COC that contained estradiol valerate and dienogest or with a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system. Conclusions. In general, the respondents were aware of the importance of HMB in gynecological practice and of the new medical treatments and underreported the proportion of women who consulted due to HMB

    Human resources in dentistry and treatment needs of caries in 12-year-old teenagers in Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloEl objetivo del estudio es estimar los recursos odontológicos para resolver las necesidades de tratamiento de los adolescentes de 12 años de Chile, pertenecientes a los niveles socio económicos alto, medio y bajo. El estudio se realizó a partir de los resultados del "Estudio Diagnóstico Nacional de Salud Bucal del Adolescente de 12 Años y Evaluación del Grado de Cumplimiento de los Objetivos Sanitarios de Salud Bucal 2000-2010", proyecto FONIS el que fue realizado en una muestra de 2.232 adolescentes de 12 años, con representación regional proporcional a la población nacional. Para estratificar por nivel socioeconómico este estudio se usó la clasificación y ranking de pobreza por comuna de MIDEPLAN y la caracterización por NSE de los establecimientos del Ministerio de Educación Se calculó el recurso humano necesario mediante la aplicación de estándares de rendimiento del ministerio de salud, comparando estos parámetros en el eje de nivel socioeconómico. Se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las necesidades de tratamiento entre los NSE, concentrándose la mayor necesidad en los grupos de NSE bajo y medio.Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine oral health care delivery team workforce necessary to tackle oral health treatment needs of 12-year-old adolescents from different socioeconomic status. The sample consisted of 2.232 individuals. There was a proportional representation of the Nations regions. The Socioeconomic status (SES) was stratified through the MIDEPLAN)s poverty municipality ranking and by means of description of SES of the selected school by the Ministry of Education. To determine oral health treatments needs we carried out dental examination and WHO diagnosis criteria were used. We calculated the oral health care delivery team workforce based on Ministry of Health recommendations and compare among SES. Differences upon health care delivery team workforce necessary to tackle oral health treatment needs of 12-year-old adolescents from different socioeconomic status were evident.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0719-01072011000200001&nrm=is

    Seasonal nutrient co-limitation in a temperate shelf sea: A modelling approach

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    Nutrient limitation on phytoplankton growth plays a critical role in ocean productivity, the functioning of marine ecosystems, and the ocean carbon cycle. In the Celtic Sea, a temperate shelf sea, many studies have shown the importance of nitrate on phytoplankton growth focusing on the seasonal cycle of nitrate and feedbacks with the physical environment; but only recently has it been demonstrated, through discrete measurements, that dissolved iron also plays an important role in the ecosystem of the region. A well-established one-dimensional model has been developed to analyse the nutrient co-limitation between dissolved iron and dissolved inorganic nitrogen in the Celtic Sea. This model allows us to study the full seasonal cycle and inter-annual variability of these two nutrients. Simulations show that dissolved iron is an important nutrient for the development of the spring bloom, while nitrate plays a more important role during the summer season. Sensitivity analyses show that these results are robust when varying the nutrient-related parameters; the largest variability observed for primary production was observed when varying the nutrient sediment flux rates for dissolved iron and nitrate while less impact on phytoplankton production occurs when changing the half saturation constants. Here, we demonstrate that dissolved iron is an important nutrient for the development of the spring bloom and it should not be neglected as a state variable when modelling the Celtic Sea or other temperate shelf seas

    IUD self-removal as self-care: Research is needed in low and middle-income countries

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    The ability to freely decide one’s number, spacing, and timing of children has been highlighted as a human right in international declarations and research, policy, and programmatic efforts in family planning. Accessing and using one’s preferred contraceptive method is also a crucial component of ensuring people’s reproductive autonomy or empowerment. The publication of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s updated Guidelines on Self-Care for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in 2019 highlighted that self-care interventions for SRHR might be particularly important in supporting people’s free, full, and informed-decision making. These guidelines underscore that while self-care may facilitate more individual control over one’s own reproductive health, these approaches are embedded within larger health systems. Therefore, self-care suggests a balance between supporting people’s autonomy as active participants in their own reproductive health decisions, while acknowledging that people may still desire support from healthcare providers. This balance is particularly important for people who may be marginalized, as a result of discriminatory gender norms or unequal power in families or intimate relationships, or gender and sexualminorities. Somemembers of these groupsmight welcome self-care to reduce exposure to less-supportive health systems, while others might appreciate more structured care

    A three-year longitudinal evaluation of the forearm bone density of users of etonogestrel- and levonorgestrel-releasing contraceptive implants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this study was to evaluate bone mineral density (BMD) at baseline and at 18 and 36 months of use of etonogestrel (ENG)-and levonorgestrel (LNG)-releasing contraceptive implants. This is a continuation of a previous study in which BMD was evaluated at baseline and at 18 months of use.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 111 women, 19–43 years of age, wererandomly allocated to use one of the two implants. At 36 months of follow-up, only 36 and 39 women were still using the ENG- and LNG-releasing implants, respectively. BMD was evaluated at the distal and at the ultra-distal radius of the non-dominant forearm using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was no difference in the BMD of users of either implant at 18 and at 36 months. BMD was significantly lower at 18 and at 36 months at the distal radius in both groups of users compared to pre-insertion values; however, no difference was found at the ultra-distal radius.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Women 19–43 years of age using either one of these two contraceptive implants for 36 months had lower BMD values at the distal radius compared to pre-insertion values; however, no difference was found at the ultra-distal radius.</p

    High rate of unintended pregnancy among pregnant women in a maternity hospital in Córdoba, Argentina: a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although Argentina has a new law on Reproductive Health, many barriers continue to exist regarding provision of contraceptive methods at public healthcare facilities.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We asked 212 pregnant women selected at random at the Maternity and Neonatal Hospital, Córdoba, Argentina, to participate in our descriptive study. Women were asked to complete a structured questionnaire. The objectives were to determine the rate of unintended pregnancies, reasons for not using contraception, past history of contraceptive use, and intended future use.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two hundred women responded to the questionnaire. Forty percent of the women stated that they had never used contraception and pregnancy was declared unintended by 65%. In the unintended pregnancy group, almost 50% of women said that they had not been using a contraceptive method because they were "unaware about contraception", and 25% stated that their contraceptive method had failed. Almost 85% of women stated that they intended to use contraception after delivery.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Approximately two-thirds of all pregnancies in this sample were unintended. Although the data is limited by the small sample size, our findings suggest that our government needs to invest in counseling and in improving the availability and access to contraceptive methods.</p

    Efficacy of the 1-year (13-cycle) segesterone acetate and ethinylestradiol contraceptive vaginal system : results of two multicentre, open-label, single-arm, phase 3 trials

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    A ring-shaped, contraceptive vaginal system designed to last 1 year (13 cycles) delivers an average of 0.15 mg segesterone acetate and 0.013 mg ethinylestradiol per day. We evaluated the efficacy of this contraceptive vaginal system and return to menses or pregnancy after use. In two identically designed, multicentre, open-label, single-arm, phase 3 trials (one at 15 US academic and community sites and one at 12 US and international academic and community sites), participants followed a 21-days-in, 7-days-out segesterone acetate and ethinylestradiol contraceptive vaginal system schedule for up to 13 cycles. Participants were healthy, sexually active, non-pregnant, non-sterilised women aged 18-40 years. Women were cautioned that any removals during the 21 days of cyclic use should not exceed 2 h, and used daily paper diaries to record vaginal system use. Consistent with regulatory requirements for contraceptives, we calculated the Pearl Index for women aged 35 years and younger, excluding adjunctive contraception cycles, as the primary efficacy outcome measure. We also did intention-to-treat Kaplan-Meier life table analyses and followed up women who did not use hormonal contraceptives or desired pregnancy after study completion for 6 months for return to menses or pregnancy. The trials are registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, numbers NCT00455156 and NCT00263341. Between Dec 19, 2006, and Oct 9, 2009, at the 15 US sites, and between Nov 1, 2006, and July 2, 2009, at the 12 US and international sites we enrolled 2278 women. Our overall efficacy analysis included 2265 participants (1130 in the US study and 1135 in the international study) and 1303 (57.5%) participants completed up to 13 cycles. The Pearl Index for the primary efficacy group was 2.98 (95% CI 2.13-4.06) per 100 woman-years, and was well within the range indicative of efficacy for a contraceptive under a woman's control. The Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed the contraceptive vaginal system was 97.5% effective, which provided further evidence of efficacy. Pregnancy occurrence was similar across cycles. All 290 follow-up participants reported return to menses or became pregnant (24 [63%] of 38 women who desired pregnancy) within 6 months. Interpretation The segesterone acetate and ethinylestradiol contraceptive vaginal system is an effective contraceptive for 13 consecutive cycles of use. This new product adds to the contraceptive method mix and the 1-year duration of use means that women do not need to return to the clinic or pharmacy for refills every few months78e1054e1064We thank The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development of the National Institutes of Health (NICHD), the US Agency for International Development (USAID), and WHO for funding the phase 3 studies. We also acknowledge all participating study investigators (appendix p 1) and coordinators at the 27 clinical sites for conduct of the two phase 3 clinical trials and the over 2200 women participants from eight countries. We further acknowledge the medical writing assistance of Kathleen Ohleth (Precise Publications; Bedminster. NJ, USA) supported by TherapeuticsMD (Boca Raton, FL, USA). The NICHD (contract no HHSN27500403372) funded and conducted the US study and USAID (grant no GPO-A-00-04-00019-00) funded the international study, which was conducted by the Population Council. WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research funded two international study sites. Medical writing support for manuscript submission and resubmission was supported by TherapeuticsMD. The authors acknowledge the major contribution of Daniel R Mishell Jr (deceased), from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine (Los Angeles, CA, USA) who invented the concept of the vaginal system to deliver contraceptive steroids, did many of the clinical studies for the segesterone acetate and ethinylestradiol contraceptive vaginal system, and was a principle investigator for the 300 B phase 3 study analysed in this Article while a member of the International Committee for Contraceptive Research (ICCR) of the Population Council. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Horacio B Croxatto, from the University of Chile (Santiago, Chile), who established the clinical centre in Chile, participated in all pivotal clinical studies for this ring, and provided guidance for the full development of this new contraceptive while a member of the ICC

    A 3-year multicentre randomized controlled trial of etonogestrel- and levonorgestrel-releasing contraceptive implants, with non-randomized matched copper-intrauterine device controls

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    STUDY QUESTION Is there any difference in the clinical performance of the 3-year one-rod etonogestrel (ENG)- and the 5-year two-rod levonorgestrel (LNG)-releasing contraceptive implants during 3 years of insertion, and between implant and intrauterine device (IUD) contraception, in particular complaints possibly related to hormonal contraceptives? SUMMARY ANSWER The cumulative contraceptive effectiveness after 3 years and method continuation through 2.5 years were not significantly different between ENG and LNG implants, but both outcomes were significantly worse in the non-randomized age-matched group of IUD users than in the combined implant group. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY ENG- and LNG-releasing implants are safe and highly efficacious contraceptives with pregnancy rates reported to be 0.0-0.5 per 100 women-years (W-Y). No head-to-head comparative study of the two implants has been undertaken, and little information is available on comparisons of complaints of side effects of implant and copper IUD users. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION This was an open parallel group RCT with 1:1 allocation ratio of the ENG and the LNG implants with non-randomized control group of women choosing TCu380A IUD to address lack of reliable data on common side effects typically attributed to the use of progestogen-only contraceptives. After device(s) placement, follow-ups were at 2 weeks, 3 and 6 months, and semi-annually thereafter for 3 years or until pregnancy, removal or expulsion of the implant/IUD occurred. PARTICIPANTS, SETTING, METHODS The study took place in family planning clinics in Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Hungary, Thailand, Turkey and Zimbabwe. Women seeking long-term contraception were enlisted after an eligibility check and informed consent, and 2982 women were enrolled: 1003, 1005 and 974 in the ENG-implant, LNG-implant and IUD groups, respectively; 995, 997 and 971, respectively, were included in the per protocol analysis reported here. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE ENG and LNG implants each had the same 3-year cumulative pregnancy rate of 0.4 per 100 W-Y [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.1-1.4]. A weight of ≥70 kg at admission was unrelated to pregnancy. Method continuation rates for ENG and LNG implants at 2.5 years were 69.8 (95% CI 66.8-72.6) and 71.8 per 100 W-Y (68.8-74.5), and at 3 years 12.1 (95% CI 5.2-22.0) and 52.0 per 100 W-Y (95% CI 41.8-61.2), respectively. Bleeding disturbances, the most frequent reason for method discontinuation, were significantly more common in the ENG group [16.7 (95% CI 14.4-19.3)] than in the LNG group [12.5 (95% CI 10.5-14.9)] (P 0.019). The 3-year cumulative loss to follow-up was lower in the ENG- than in the LNG-implant group, 8.1 (95% CI 6.4-10.2) and 14.4 per 100 W-Y (95% CI 12.1-17.1), respectively. The median duration of implant removal was 50 s shorter among women with ENG than among women with LNG implant (P < 0.0001). In the observational comparison between IUD and implant users, the 3-year relative risk for pregnancy in IUD group compared with the combined implant group was 5.7 per 100 W-Y (95% CI 4.4-7.3) (P = 0.0003). The 3-year expulsion rate of the IUD was 17.8 per 100 W-Y (95% CI 14.5-21.9), while the discontinuation rate for bleeding disturbances was 8.5 (95% CI 6.7-10.9). Frequency of complaints of headache and dizziness was not significantly different between implant and IUD users (P = 0.16 and 0.77, respectively), acne and bleeding irregularities were more frequent among implant users (P < 0.0001), while heavy bleeding and lower abdominal pain occurred more often among IUD than implant users (P < 0.0001). LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION Few women were ≤19 years old or nulligravida, the proportion of implant users ≥70 kg was <20% and <8% were obese. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS Findings of the study can inform policy makers and clinicians about choice of implant, but also about TCu380A IUD in relation to implants. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S) UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/UNICEF/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP), Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR), World Health Organization (WHO). This report contains the views of an international expert group and does not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of the WHO. TRIAL REGISTRATION ISRCTN33378571 registered on 22 March 2004. The first participant was enrolled on 12 May 200