451 research outputs found

    Reduction of Quantum Noise in Transmittance Estimation Using PhotoneCorrelated Beams

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    The accuracy of optical measurements at low light levels is limited by the quantum noise of the source and by the random nature of the interaction with the measured object. The source noise may be reduced by use of nonclassical photon-number squeezed light. This paper considers the use of two photon-correlated beams (generated, for example, by spontaneous parametric downconversion) to measure the optical transmittance of an object. The photons of each beam obey a random Poisson process, but are synchronized in time. One beam is used to probe the object while the other is used as a reference providing information on the realization of the random arrival of photons at the object. The additional information available by such measurement may be exploited to improve the accuracy of the measurement. Various estimators, including the maximum likelihood estimator, are considered and their performance is evaluated and compared with the measurement based on single-beam conventional (Poisson) source and maximally squeezed (fixed photon number) source. The performance advantage established in this paper depends on parameters such as the intensity of the source, the transmittance of the object, the quantum efficiency of the detectors, the background noise, and the degree of correlation of the photon numbers in the two beams

    Aberration cancellation in quantum interferometry

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    We report the first experimental demonstration of even-order aberration cancellation in quantum interferometry. The effect is a spatial counterpart of the spectral group velocity dispersion cancellation, which is associated with spectral entanglement. It is manifested in temporal interferometry by virtue of the multi-parameter spatial-spectral entanglement. Spatially-entangled photons, generated by spontaneous parametric down conversion, were subjected to spatial aberrations introduced by a deformable mirror that modulates the wavefront. We show that only odd-order spatial aberrations affect the quality of quantum interference

    Performance of privatised and private firms : empirical evidence from Egypt

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    Privatisation has been a major political and economic phenomenon over the past few decades, and researchers continue to target it for both theoretical and empirical work. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the Egyptian experiment concerning its privatisation programme, and to determine whether this programme has affected the performance of privatised firms. Using 15 years of data, which cover the period 1990/1991 to 2004/2005; this thesis empirically investigates three main issues. Firstly, it examines whether the performance of privatised firms improves following privatisation through comparing pre- and postprivatisation performance in terms of profitability, operating efficiency, output, leverage and level of employment. Secondly, it evaluates the performance changes of privatised Egyptian firms after matching them to control firms (private firms) based on size and industry. Thirdly, it evaluates the impact of the post-privatisation sectoral environment and the pre-privatisation experience on post-privatisation performance. For the first two issues, several statistical techniques, such as parametric t-test, the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and Mann-Whitney test are performed. The results from this analysis indicate clearly that there are significant increases in both profitability and operating efficiency as well as significant declines in the leverage and employment, but there is no significant change in the output. Furthermore, the results show a significant difference in performance changes between privatised firms and private firms according to most performance measures. As to the third issue, several multi-regressions are used to model the relationship between the post-privatisation performance (as dependent variable) and ownership structure, the performance experience of the privatised firms pre-privatisation, the performance of their counterparts from competitor firms (private firms), and firm size (as independent variables). The results from this analysis demonstrate that the ownership structure really matters and that the performance of privatised firms depends on the degree of state ownership involvement; also, through the passage of time, the competitive environment has a significant impact on most performance measures of privatised firms. As such, this thesis represents the first study in Egypt to evaluate and compare the performance of privatised firms with the performance of their counterparts from private firms. The study contributes to the work on privatisation by comparing the performance changes of privatised firms to those of already private ones, so that the study can determine whether the post-privatisation performance matches that of the private firms. A caveat to the finding of this thesis is that the privatised firms might need a longer period to reflect more fully the impact of the privatisation programme on some of their performance measures.Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Egyp

    Synthesis and Analysis of Entangled Photonic Qubits in Spatial-Parity Space

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    We present the novel embodiment of a photonic qubit that makes use of one continuous spatial degree of freedom of a single photon and relies on the the parity of the photon's transverse spatial distribution. Using optical spontaneous parametric downconversion to produce photon pairs, we demonstrate the controlled generation of entangled-photon states in this new space. Specifically, two Bell states, and a continuum of their superpositions, are generated by simple manipulation of a classical parameter, the optical-pump spatial parity, and not by manipulation of the entangled photons themselves. An interferometric device, isomorphic in action to a polarizing beam splitter, projects the spatial-parity states onto an even--odd basis. This new physical realization of photonic qubits could be used as a foundation for future experiments in quantum information processing.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    Optimum conditions for Inulinase production by Aspergillus niger using solid state fermentation

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    Thirty local fungal isolates according to Aspergillus niger were screened for Inulinase production on synthetic solid medium depending on inulin hydrolysis appear as clear zone around fungal colony. Semi-quantitative screening was performed to select the most efficient isolate for inulinase production. the most efficient isolate was AN20. The optimum condition for enzyme production from A. niger isolate was determined by busing a medium composed of sugar cane moisten with corn steep liquor 5;5 (v/w) at initial pH 5.0 for 96 hours at 30 0C . Enzyme productivity was tested for each of the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus, the fungus A. niger AN20 and for a mixed culture of A. niger and K. marxianus. The productivity of A. niger gave the highest specific activity of 153 U/mg, as compared with K. marxianus which gave 86 U/mg

    Impact-ionization and noise characteristics of thin III-V avalanche photodiodes

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    It is, by now, well known that McIntyre\u27s localized carrier-multiplication theory cannot explain the suppression of excess noise factor observed in avalanche photodiodes (APDs) that make use of thin multiplication regions. We demonstrate that a carrier multiplication model that incorporates the effects of dead space, as developed earlier by Hayat et al. provides excellent agreement with the impact-ionization and noise characteristics of thin InP, In/sub 0.52/Al/sub 0.48/As, GaAs, and Al/sub 0.2/Ga/sub 0.8/As APDs, with multiplication regions of different widths. We outline a general technique that facilitates the calculation of ionization coefficients for carriers that have traveled a distance exceeding the dead space (enabled carriers), directly from experimental excess-noise-factor data. These coefficients depend on the electric field in exponential fashion and are independent of multiplication width, as expected on physical grounds. The procedure for obtaining the ionization coefficients is used in conjunction with the dead-space-multiplication theory (DSMT) to predict excess noise factor versus mean-gain curves that are in excellent accord with experimental data for thin III-V APDs, for all multiplication-region widths

    Speed Control of Hydraulic Elevator by Using Electro-Hydraulic Servo Mechanism

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    المصعد الهيدروليكي هو أحد أنواع المصاعد المستخدمة في المباني ذات الارتفاع المنخفض والذي لا يزيد عن الثلاث طوابق. في هذا البحث تم نصب وتنفيذ وتشغيل نموذج مصغر لمصعد هيدروليكي والتحقق النظري والتجريبي باستخدام صمام تناسبي، ومسيطر نوع PI. تم تنفيذ المصعد مع ثلاث طوابق بارتفاع كلي يبلغ 76 سم مع جميع المكونات والملحقات الهيدروليكية والكهربائية، حيث ان اتمتة المصعد كانت باستخدام مايكرو كونترولر اردوينو ِArduino نوع أونو. UNO برنامج الحاسوب اللابفيو LABVEIW تم استخدامه للسيطرة على المصعد من خلال مسوق التيار المستمر L298 DC. أفضل قيم لباراميترات المسيطر PI تم الحصول عليها تجريبيا. النتائج أظهرت دعم وتحسين الأداء للمصعد الهيدروليكي من خلال استخدام نظام المؤازرة الكهروهيدروليكي لتحقيق التوقف السلس وراحة المستخدمين للمصعد في التنقل بحركة انسيابية بين الطوابق.An electro-hydraulic elevator is a new type of enhanced elevators used in low-rise buildings, no more than eight floors. In this paper, an electro-hydraulic servo system for controlling the speed of a hydraulic elevator prototype by using a proportional valve and PI controller has been investigated theoretically and experimentally. A three floors elevator prototype model with 76cm height has been built, including hydraulic components and electrical components. The elevator system is automated using an Arduino UNO board based Data Acquisition (DAQ) system. LabVIEW software is programmed to control the hydraulic elevator system through L298 DC drive via the DAQ board. The best PI gains have been calculated experimentally using Ziegler–Nichols, trial and error methods. The results showed the effectiveness of the use of Electro-hydraulic servomechanism in enhancing the performance of the hydraulic elevator in terms of comfort and smoothness when people travelled through the elevator floors