30 research outputs found

    The Process Of Ruwatan Murwakala As A Traditional Javanese Ritual In Padepokan Suroloyo Malang

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    Orang Jawa sangat menghormati nenek moyang mereka, memiliki kekayaan tradisi dan ritual yang ingin mereka sampaikan ke generasi berikutnya. Salah satu ritual sakral yang masih dipertahankan oleh orang Jawa adalah Ruwatan. Ruwatan Murwakala digunakan untuk menghapus nasib buruk dan menghindari semua sifat buruk dalam kehidupan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang menjabarkan tentang Ruwatan Murwakala. Peneliti mengumpulkan data dari wawancara dengan Ki Kresna selaku pimpinan Padepokan Suroloyo yang merupakan ahli dalam melaksanakan ritual Ruwatan Murwakala. Hasil observasi data menunjukkan bahwa proses Ruwatan Murwakala di Padepokan Suroloyo Malang dilakukan dalam beberapa langkah yang harus diikuti. Pertama adalah meditasi, puasa, dan mandi Junub. Setelah itu, pertunjukan wayang kulit dengan cerita Murwakala. Selanjutnya, ada Jamasan, makan Tumpeng, melepaskan burung, ikan, pohon tanam, dan terakhir larungan. Analisis kedua menemukan bahwa deskripsi elemen Ruwatan termasuk ikonik, di mana ada 1 ikonik wayang kulit yang dapat diidentifikasi dari ritual yang dilakukan pada tahun 2014. Indeks mencakup asap kemenyan dan suara bel. Terakhir, simbol meliputi kemenyan, lima bunga utama, air suci penuh dengan bunga, dammar, tumpeng, pelepasan burung, ikan dan penanaman pohon, dan larungan

    Pengaruh Latihan Olahraga Rekreasi dan Kesehatan Terhadap Karakteristik Antropometri dan Respon Stres pada Korban Bencana Tsunami di Kabupaten Pandegglang, Banten

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    Menurut Badan Nasional Penaggulangan Bencana (BNPB), sepanjang tahun 2005 sampai dengan tahun 2015, Indonesia mencatatkan kejadian sebanyak 78% (11.648) bencana hidrometeorologi dan sekitar 22% (3.810) merupakan bencana geologi. Maka dari itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan olahraga rekreasi dan kesehatan terhadap karakteristik antropometri dan respon stres pada masyarakat di Kecamatan Sumur, Kabupaten Pandegglang, Provinsi Banten. Uji t-test menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perubahan yang signifikan antara pre dan post-treatment, untuk tinggi badan (p = 0,843), berat badan (p = 0,955), BMI (p = 0,822), tekanan sitolik (p = 0,941), dan tekan diastolik (p = 0,834). Serta terdapat penurunan secara signifikan terhadap skala kebosanan dari rata-rata 4,8 ± 0,35 menjadi 3,3 ± 0,49, dengan taraf perbedaan (p = 0,001). Dalam parameter lainnya, meskipun terdapat penurunan pada kecemasan (p = 0,533), kesedihan (p = 0,075), kekhawatiran (p = 0,285), dan overthinking (p = 0,571) namun statistik analisis tidak menujukkan perbedaan pada ke-empat variable tersebut. Observasi yang kami lakukan menyimpulkan bahwa, melakukan olahraga rekreasi dan kesehatan selama 15 hari dapat menurunkan secara signifikan terhadap tingkat kebosanan, serta terdapat penurunan terhadap tingkat kecemasan, kesedihan, kekhawatiran, dan overthinking namun tidak signifikan. Dalam pengukuran anthropometry dan tekanan darah, peneltian ini menunjukkan tidak terjadi perubahan yang signifikan pada dua variable pengukuran tersebut.&nbsp

    Infrared Sensor Technology (IST) Test as a Tool for Assessment of Flexibility

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    Abstract Introduction: The evaluation of flexibility is important to coaches to assess their players’ flexibility status, predict future performance, and even detect talented players. The aim of this research was to develop a new flexibility test to examine the forward split in athletes. Material and methods: In this study, 15 gymnasts, 10 Taekwondo athletes, 5 football players, and 10 karate athletes (20 males and 20 females) volunteered for this experiment and were evaluated in a common movement pattern, the forward split. In the experi�mental condition, participants performed the forward split on a mattress using infrared sensor technology (IST test), and, afterward, they performed the forward split on a mat�tress without infrared sensor technology (N-IST test). Two trials of this procedure were conducted. Results: For concurrent validity, no significant difference in the average distances of the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) from the mattress in Trials I and II was found between the IST and N-IST tests — p = 0.664 and p = 0.710, respectively. Conclusions: The findings of this study confirm the concurrent and construct validity of the IST test, which was created to measure the height of the ASIS from the mattress in a forward-split test. Thus, this test can be used by coaches, athletes, and sports scientists to improve and monitor the forward-split tests of athletes in training programs. muscle, athletes, sit and reach, parallax error, sports technolog

    Profile Komposisi Tubuh Atlet Junior Bulutangkis Indonesia: Kategori Ganda Putra

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur karakteristik fisiologi, secara spesifik pada pengukuran antropometri, untuk mendapatkan gambaran somatotype atlet bulutangkis Indonesia. 12 atlet bulutangkis junior kategori ganda putra berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Pengukuran antropometri dengan menggunakan alat GE Lunar Prodigy DEXA, dan stadiometer portable dengan keakuratan 0.1cm untuk mengukur tinggi badan. Rata-rata berat badan adalah 69.01 ± 7.55 kg , rata-rata tinggi badan adalah 175.3 ± 5.96 cm, rata-rata BMI adalah 22.43 ± 1.98 kg/m-2, rata-rata lemak adalah 13.02 ± 3.80 kg, rata-rata prosentase lemak adalah 19.49 ± 4.37%, rata-rata massa otot adalah 53.09 ± 5.28 kg, rata-rata massa otot adalah 74.40 ± 10.28 %, rata-rata rasio lemak android/genoid adalah 0.76 ± 0.19 %, rata-rata massa otot lengan atas kanan adalah 3.36 ± 0.43 Kg, rata-rata massa otot lengan atas kiri adalah 2.89 ±  0.52 Kg, rata-rata massa otot tungkai bawah kanan adalah 9.87 ± 1.26 Kg, dan rata-rata massa otot tungkai bawah kiri adalah 9.43 ± 1.37 Kg. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis somatotype tubuh atlet bulutangkis junior kategori ganda putra Indonesia adalah mesomorph. Hal ini diperjelas dengan rata-rata BMI atlet bulutangkis junior kategori ganda putra Indonesia yang berada pada rata-rata 22.43±1.98 kg/m-2

    Korelasi Antara Lompat Vertikal Dengan Performa Sprint 60 Meter Pada Atlet Taekwondo dan Karate

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    Abstract: Taekwondo and Pencak silat are two examples of martial arts sports that are currently being developed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure and determine the correlation between vertical jump perfor�mance and 60 meter sprints in Taekwondo and Pencak si�lat athletes. All participants were divided into two groups based on their branches, namely the Taekwondo group (TKW) and the Pencak silat group (PKS). All participants are required to warm up statically and dynamically for at least 15 minutes. After the warm-up session was over, the TKW group started the first session for anthropometry measurement, vertical jump, and sprint. The PKS group was superior in jumping performance, 57.33 (± 7.73) cm compared to the TKW group of 55.78 (± 4.30) cm. As for the results of the 60 meter sprint, it shows that there were a significant difference between the 60 meter sprint between the TKW and PKS groups (p = 0.007), where the PKS group (7.94 ± 0.15) seconds is faster than the TKW group (8, 48 ± 0.49) seconds. The results in this study indicate that there were a correlation between vertical jump performance and 60 meter sprint performance, for Takewondo and Pencak silat athletes. Keywords: Martial Arts, Performance, Training methods, Athlete detectio

    Korelasi Antara Lompat Vertikal Dengan Performa Sprint

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    Taekwondo and Pencak silat are two examples of martial arts sports that are currently being developed. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure and determine the correlation between vertical jump perfor�mance and 60 meter sprints in Taekwondo and Pencak si�lat athletes. All participants were divided into two groups based on their branches, namely the Taekwondo group (TKW) and the Pencak silat group (PKS). All participants are required to warm up statically and dynamically for at least 15 minutes. After the warm-up session was over, the TKW group started the first session for anthropometry measurement, vertical jump, and sprint. The PKS group was superior in jumping performance, 57.33 (± 7.73) cm compared to the TKW group of 55.78 (± 4.30) cm. As for the results of the 60 meter sprint, it shows that there were a significant difference between the 60 meter sprint between the TKW and PKS groups (p = 0.007), where the PKS group (7.94 ± 0.15) seconds is faster than the TKW group (8, 48 ± 0.49) seconds. The results in this study indicate that there were a correlation between vertical jump performance and 60 meter sprint performance, for Takewondo and Pencak silat athletes. Keywords: Martial Arts, Performance, Training methods, Athlete detectio

    Analisis Fleksibilitas Pada Atlet Bulutangkis Junior Indonesia

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    ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur fleksibilitas dan mengetahui riwayat cedera yang dimiliki atlet bulutangkis junior pria dan wanita. Dalam penelitian ini melibatkan total 49 atlet bulutangkis. Secara spesifik, mereka dibagi menjadi dua (2) group berdasarkan jenis kelamin mereka. Group laki-laki (n = 26), yang memiliki rata-rata tinggi badan = 171.2 ± 6.91 cm ; berat badan = 64.02 ± 9.67 Kg; BMI = 21.89 ± 2.49 Kg/m2, sedangkan Group perempuan (n = 23) memiliki rata-rata tinggi badan = 159.09 ± 3.40 cm ; berat badan = 56.79 ± 9.40 Kg; BMI = 22.39 ± 3.08 Kg/m2. Seluruh peserta diminta untuk melakukan test fleksibilitas menggunakan alat Takei 5003 Analogue Standing Trunk Flexion Meter dan mengisi kuesioner terkait rewayat cedera visual analogue scale questioner (VAS). Analisis statsitik menunjukkan bahwa atlet bulutangkis wanita junior memiliki fleksibilitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan atlet bulutangkis pria junior (p = 0.001). Di sisi lain, VAS questioner menunjukkan bahwa 9% dari total 26 atlet pria pernah mengalami riwayat terapi selama lebih dari 3 bulan, sedangkan tidak ada satupun dari 23 atlet wanita (0%) yang memiliki riwayat terapi penyembuhan lebih dari 3 bulan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan secara kuantitatif bahwa atlet wanita bulutangkis memiliki kemampuan fleksibilitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan atlet bulutangkis pria, sehingga memiliki korelasi terkait resiko terjadinya suatu cedera dan riwayat penanganan terapi yang lebih baik dibandingkan atlet bulutangkis pria. Kata Kunci:  Bulutangkis, Cedera, Fleksibilitas, Performa, Sendi. ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to measure flexibility and determine the injury history of male and female junior badminton athletes. This study involved a total of 49 badminton athletes. Specifically, they were divided into two (2) groups based on their gender. Male group (n = 26), who had a mean height = 171.2 ± 6.91 cm; body weight = 64.02 ± 9.67 Kg; BMI = 21.89 ± 2.49 Kg / m2, while the female group (n = 23) had an average height = 159.09 ± 3.40 cm; body weight = 56.79 ± 9.40 Kg; BMI = 22.39 ± 3.08 Kg / m2. All participants were asked to do a flexibility test using the Takei 5003 Analogue Standing Trunk Flexion Meter tool and fill out a questionnaire related to visual injury analogue scale questioner (VAS). Statistical analysis showed that female junior badminton athletes had better flexibility than junior male badminton athletes (p = 0.001). On the other hand, the VAS questionnaire showed that 9% of the total 26 male athletes had a history of therapy for more than 3 months, whereas none of the 23 female athletes (0%) had a history of healing therapy for more than 3 months. This study shows quantitatively that female badminton athletes have better flexibility abilities than male badminton athletes, so that they have a better correlation related to the risk of an injury and a history of treatment treatment compared to male badminton athletes.  Keywords: Badminton, Injury, Flexibility, Performance, Joints


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    Abstract Introduction. The purpose of this study was to examine whether 6-week daily consumption of honey from Apis mellifera and Apis cerana species would affect performance and reduce blood lactate in futsal athletes. Subjects and Methods. In this study, 30 male futsal athletes volunteered to be subjects. A group of 15 futsal athletes volunteered for random blind assignment to either an Apis mellifera honey (AM) group or an Apis cerana honey (AC) group. Each group completed tests pre- and post-supplementation for 20 m sprint test and agility t-test. Additionally, blood lactate was measured before and immediately after the tests. Results. Independent t-test revealed significant changes from before to after supplementation in the AC group (p=0.009) for lactate post. Conversely, independent t-test revealed no significant changes in the AM group (p=0.698) for lactate post. Regarding 20 m sprint performance, there were statistically significant differences for time (p=0.036) and group main effects (p=0.009). Specifically, independent t-test showed significant changes from before to after supplementation just in the AC group (p=0.018). For the t-test, independent t-test revealed significant changes from before to after supplementation in the AC group (p=0.013). Conclusions. We demonstrated that 1.14 g/kg of Apis cerana honey given once a day at breakfast for 6 weeks is more effective in reducing blood lactate concentration and enhancing agility t-test performance than 1.14 g/kg of Apis mellifera honey in futsal athletes. Keyword: blood lactate, muscle function, nutrition, performance


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    Purpose. Cinnamon extract, which is the result of extraction from the bark of the genus Cinnamomum, belonging to the Lauraceae family, which grows in several continents, such as Asia, Australia, and America (South America), has made researchers enthusiastic to apply it as an athlete supplement. The purpose of this study was to examine whether 6-week daily consumption of cinnamon extract would affect anaerobic performance and reduce creatine kinase activity in badminton athletes. Methods. Overall, 30 male badminton athletes (aged 19–21 years) were enrolled and recruited into the study; 15 participants were randomly assigned to the cinnamon group and the other group was a placebo group. Both groups underwent pre- and post-supplementation tests, which covered anaerobic capacity (20-m sprint test) and physical fitness (vertical jump, agility T-test, and sit-ups). A 5-minute rest was applied between the tests. Blood serum was analysed with the use of a chemistry auto-analyser (Cobas Mira S, USA) with the kinetic method to measure creatine kinase activity before and after the tests. Results. For the post-test creatine kinase activity, the results showed a significant main effect for group (p = 0.022) and time (p = 0.018) and significant time × group interactions (p = 0.013). The T-test revealed a significant two-way interaction for time × group (p = 0.007). Additionally, there was a significant main effect for group (p = 0.025) and time (p = 0.003). Conclusions. We demonstrated that cinnamon extract could reduce creatine kinase activity and improve agility T-test performance in badminton athletes

    Pengembangan prototipe sistem pencatatan waktu untuk pengukuran kecepatan secara otomatis pada sprint 60-meter

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    Abstrak: Saat ini sedang berkembang pencatatan waktu otomatis yang dijual oleh beberapa perusahan perlatan olahraga ternama seperti. Namun sayangnya, harga perangkat tersebut sangatlah mahal, dan membuat setiap pelatih ataupun praktisi olahraga terkendala untuk mendapatkannya. Karena fakta dan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan prototipe sistem pencatatan waktu untuk pengukuran kecepatan secara otomatis pada sprint 60-meter, dengan menggunakan perangkat sederhana dengan harga yang murah, namun memiliki tingkat presisi dan akurasi yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian research and development, dimana dalam proses pengembangan dan pembuatan pencatatan waktu otomatis, penelitian ini mengambil contoh dari timing gate yang sudah divalidasi sebelumnya. Dalam penelitian ini, kami juga sudah melakukan uji coba kepada 12 atlet sprinter (tinggi badan 172.8 ± 9.31, berat badan 61.05 ± 6.90, BMI 20.38 ± 0.87) terkait kegunaan alat tersebut. Rata�rata kecepatan lari seluruh subjek pada pos 10-meter adalah 2.44 ± 0.23 detik, pos 20-meter adalah 3.71 ± 0.18 detik, pos 30-meter adalah 4.75 ± 0.22 detik, pos 40-meter adalah 6.39 ± 0.31 detik, 50-meter adalah 7.65 ± 0.41 detik, dan 60-meter adalah 9.12 ± 0.49 detik. Penelitian research and development terkait pengembangan pencatatan waktu otomatis dalam penelitian ini, menunjukkan bahwa pencatatan waktu otomatis dapat dibuat dengan harga ekonomis, dan dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kecepatan lari 60-meter. Kata Kunci: kecepatan, peralatan olahraga, prototipe, sports science, sprinte