35 research outputs found


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    Representasi gerakan feminisme dalam karya sastra selalu diperbincangkan baik dari segi interelasi gender maupun keseimbangan tokoh perempuan dalam karya sastra. Banyak hipotesis yang menyebut bahwa tokoh perempuan hanya menjadi objek yang statis, baik variabel perempuan sebagai objek atau sifat tokoh sentral dalam karya sastra yang masih didominasi oleh tokoh laki-laki.  Representasi gerakan feminisme dalam karya sastra selalu berkutat pada permasalahan emansipasi dan konflik gender yang berusaha menuntut persamaan hak dengan kaum laki-laki atau wacana pergulatan  tokoh perempuan sebagai korban marjinalisasi dan diskriminasi tokoh laki-laki secara sosial dan psikologis. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti mempunyai perspektif yang berbeda dalam melihat perempuan dalam suatu karya sastra. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan, tidak sedikit karya sastra lahir dari kecintaan sastrawan terhadap sosok perempuan. Hal tersebut dapat kita temukan secara implisit maupun eksplisit bahwa perempuan dijadikan sebagai sosok, tokoh, atau gagasan utama dalam sebuah puisi, cerpen, maupun novel. Dengan kata lain sebetulnya sosok perempuan dalam karya sastra tidak selalu muncul sebagai ikon pertentangan gender namun dapat muncul juga hanya sebagai sosok atau gagasan utama dari karya sastra tersebut.  Chairil Anwar adalah salah satu dari banyak sastrawan fenomenal Indonesia yang seringkali memunculkan tokoh perempuan dalam puisinya. Hal tersebut dapat kita lihat dalam pusi-puisinya yang berjudul:  Buat tunanganku Suminat, Kepada Sri yang selalu sangsi, Puisi Untuk Ida, Untuk Karinah Moordjono, Puisi Untuk K, Cerita Buat Dien Tamaela, Puisi Untuk Tuti dan lain sebagainya.  Pembahasan pada penelitian ini menggunakan dua pendekatan yang saling mengisi, yakni teori semiotika Peirce untuk menganalisis simbol-simbol yang muncul dalam penggambaran perempuan dalam puisi-puisi Chairil, selanjutnya adalah Teori Semiologi Bartes untuk memperlihatkan relevansi bentuk penghargaan Chairil terhadap perempuan berdasarkan sudut padang hegemoni pria di masa kini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pemaparan berbentuk deskriptif, artinya peneliti benar-benar berpatokan kepada teori yang digunakan dalam proses analisis data tanpa melakukan interferensi berdasarkan subjektifitas peneliti. Sumber data pada penelitian ini adalah puisi-puisi Chairil Anwar. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memperlihatkan keterkaitan keseluruhan karya yang diciptakan Charil terhadap sosok-sosok perempuan yang hidup dalam karyanya. Hal tersebut dikarenakan karya sastra adalah refleksi sikap, latarbelakang, identitas, dan keyakinan penciptanya sebagai hasil imajinasi terhadap berbagai gejala di sekitarnya

    Coulomb Stress Change Analysis Center of Celebes on 29th May 2017 6.6 Mw Earthquake and Aftershocks Distribution

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    Mechanism of earthquakes associated with the distribution of stress static that occurs in rocks. When the rocks elastic limit is exceeded there will be a release of energy as an earthquake result as rocks no longer able to withstand the stress that will disturb the stress field in the neighborhood. In this study, analysis stress of changes was done by taken earthquake data Center of Celebes 6.6 Mw on May 29th, 2017 with hypocenter 13 km using four earthquake recording stations namely BKB, TOLI, PMSI, and LUWI through website GFZ (Geo Forschungs Zentrum) and Global CMT (Global Centroid Moment Tensor), and then calculated the earthquake source parameters so as to obtain model focal mechanism using discretization methods are iterative wave numbers and analyzed using Coulomb 3.3 to obtain the value of Coulomb stress change and its aftershocks distribution. Analysis results showed that orientation the focal mechanism model of earthquake fault plane has been a normal fault type, fault length 27.54 km, width fault 14.06 km with slip shift of 79.06 cm. Coulomb stress Changes are generated ranging from 0.05 to 0.2 bar trending southwest-northwest and northeast-southeast of the epicenter, Based on Coulomb stress plot that center of Celebes 6.6 Mw on May  29,  2017 earthquake triggering aftershocks on May 29th, 2017 at 14:53:44 UTC with latitude and longitude -1.12 ° and 120.17 ° northwest trending with a range of values from 0.1 to 0.05 bar, on May 31, 2017 at 04:42:06 with latitude and longitude -1.17 ° and 120.79 ° north-east trending with a range of values from 0.15 to 0.1 bar and on November 25, 2017 at 09:14:51 UTC with latitude and longitude -1.18 ° and 119.93 ° and 11:11:24 UTC with latitude and longitude -1.19 ° and 119.94 westbound with a range of values from 0.05 to 0.01 ba

    Relocation Of Earthquake Hypocenter In The Flores Region Using Hypo71

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    Flores is one of the seismically high activity zones of Indonesia region as a consequence of Indo-Australian plate subduction under the Eurasian plate. Tectonic earthquakes required to be studied because in large magnitude it can bring disaster. Therefore the precise of hypocenter determination needs to be done. In this study, hypocenter relocation is done by Single Event Determination method using hypo71. The data used are earthquake event data in Flores area which has magnitude > 4 SR at period between January 2010 and March 2018 obtained from BMKG catalog. Hypo71 requires data of arrival time of P and S waves at the recorder station. The arrival time of P and S waves data at each station is obtained by picking P and S waves using SeisGram2k70. The results showed that the source of the earthquake experienced a change of position both horizontally and vertically. In the vertical direction of hypocenter earthquake changes in the distance between 0.02 - 89.61 km, while in the horizontal direction the hypocenter of the earthquake changes in the distance of 1.11 - 71.11 km. After relocation, the hypocenter of the earthquake distributed along the Back Arc Trust in the northern island of Flores. Hypocenter relocation using hypo71 yields a small residual between the observation time and calculation time denoted by RMS <1

    Coulomb Stress Analysis of Halmahera Earthquake on June 7th 2016, Mw=6.3 and Its Correlation with Aftershocks

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    Main earthquake with magnitude Mw 6.3, has been occurred in the West of Halmahera Island, Northern Molucca on June 7th, 2016. The activity of the Pacific plate, Eurasia plate and Indo-Australia plates trigger some earthquake around Halmahera. The purpose of the current study was to determine the Coulomb stress change of the main earthquake and predict the aftershocks’ location around it. For understanding an interaction of the faults, this study used Coulomb stress change model. Three component seismic waveform data recorded by TNTI station within 132 km, SANI station within 381.2 km, LUWI station within 478.3 km, and TOLI2 station within 617.6 km of the epicenter. This study used software ISOLA-GUI to obtain the parameters of the earthquake source. The parameters of the earthquake source were then used to determine fracture orientation, length, width and slip displacement. It was also used to calculate the Coulomb stress changes around the main shock, using software Coulomb 33. The result shows that the orientation of the earthquake fault has a dip angle of 48° to the horizontal plane and has a strike of 210° against the North. The fault length is 19.49 km, the fault width is 11.59 km and slip displacement is 49.43 cm. Based on plotting result, the main earthquake in Northern Molucca on June 7th, 2016 has positive Coulomb stress change that spread across the Northeast to the Southwest. This change is likely triggered three aftershocks with a range of Mw 4.7 to 6.2


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    The relationship between trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been indicated as one of prominent development paths toward economic development. However, this relation is not straightforward due to the complex multinational companies’ investment motivation. This paper develops an exploratory research on the FDI-trade relation in one digit Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) for Indonesia with Japan and the United States of America during 1991-2003, using a Granger causality test. The result indicates strong FDI-trade relationship in natural resources and mining industry, showing that resources endowment is an advantage for Indonesia. It also finds that resource-seeking FDI has predominantly happened during that period. Keywords: Foreign direct investment, trade, one-digit SITC, granger causality JEL classification numbers: F12, F1

    Myths-Based Local Wisdom of Rural Community

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    Pamboborang Village is one of the villages in the District of Banggae, Majene Regency. Pamboborang Village which has a lot of potentials to be developed both in terms of tourism and natural resources. The location of this village is not far from the district city center so that this village can quickly obtain information, both the latest news and issues in the community. The people who live in this area have customs that are still practiced today. This attracted our attention to research further, because in the era of increasingly rapid development of technology and science, they still maintain their culture. The purpose of this study is to reveal the meaning of the myth that has been developing in the Pamboborang community, which is part of the community belonging to an educated society in the modern era. This study uses ethnographic qualitative research methods. The results of the research are expected to contribute to the world of education, especially to learn about matters related to humans and culture in general. The results of this study found that cultural activities carried out by the community which became a myth among the community contained the meaning of togetherness, respecting and carrying out the advice of their parents, and remembering the Creator in various situations. This should be maintained considering the increasingly rapid flow of science and technology development. So that later the myths that develop among them can be a medium to filter the impacts of the current science and technology development

    Primary Students’ Math Literacy in terms of Higher Order Thinking Skill

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    Primary students' math literacy is still inadequate. This is due to the limited number of problems based on math literacy, while studies analyzing math literacy require high-order thinking skills (HOTS). This study aims to develop instruments and analyze primary students' math literacy by reviewing high order thinking (HOTS). The study participants were 30 fifth-grade primary school students by grouping students into three HOTS levels: low, medium, and high. The study method uses a mixed-method (quantitative and qualitative) with an explanatory sequential design. The research instrument is an initial math literacy test (ML-T) that focuses on content, context, process, and level. Data analysis used descriptive statistics. The results of the study resulted in 15 ML-T which had been declared valid and reliable, divided into 6 items at levels 1-2 (easy), 5 items at levels 3-4 (enough), and 4 items at levels 5-6 (hard). The results of another study show that the success of primary students' math literacy depends on the level of ML-T problems and students' HOTS abilities. Higher ML-T levels tend to be completed with math literacy in the perspective of higher HOTS levels of students. This study's implication is to contribute to developing authentic math literacy instruments and analyzing the success of primary students' math literacy by looking at the HOTS level

    Meningkatkan Pangsa Pasar UMKM Di Desa Banjarkemantren, Kabupaten Sidoarjo Melalui Digital Marketing

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    Usaha pada sektor UMKM di desa Banjarkemantren yang ditekuni oleh para pelaku usaha home industry belum dapat menunjukkan hasil yang maksimal. Karena pelaku usaha rumahan memasuki pangsa pasar di era pandemi, agak sulit terutama dalam cara memasarkan produk olahannya. Observasi ini dilakukan dengan metode eksplanatif terhadap 15 pelaku usaha rumahan. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa sebagian warga Desa Banjarkemantren belum memahami penggunaan media sosial sebagai sarana penjualan produk olahan rumah tangga. Dukungan tim dalam menggunakan media sosial untuk berkreasi dan memberikan informasi kepada konsumen antara lain melalui BBM (blackberry Messenger), FB (Facebook), WA (Whatsapp), IG (Instagram), Youtube, email dan Tik Tok, sangat positif dengan penggunaan tersebut. dari pemasaran digital. Oleh karena itu, peluang seperti ini sangat bagus, dan warga tidak merasa kehilangan kesempatan yang bermanfaat untuk menimba ilmu tentang teknologi digital. Warga desa sebagai pelaku bisnis mendapatkan pembinaan dan pelatihan dari tim dalam memanfaatkan digital marketing. Hal ini menjadi salah satu cara untuk membangkitkan semangat para pengusaha home industry dalam meraih kesuksesan bisnis melalui digital marketing. &nbsp