2,404 research outputs found


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    In terms of form of expression, traditional Balinese literature could be classified into two types: oral literature (kesusastraan gentian) and written literature (kesusastraan sesuratan). Oral lieterature is characterized by verbal arts and could be presented in the form of poem such as pantun, proverbs, riddles, etc. From formal perspective, it generally consists of two lines or four in a stanza. Historically, the development of Balinese pantun (wewangsalan) has been unfavorable due to the fact that the medium of its expression is Balinese language, which has a marginal historical development as the result of national language policy. In order to preserve the existence of Balinese pantun, contextualization efforts in different activities should be made such as Barong Landung performing art


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    This study aims to evaluate the production, lactose content, and specific gravity of milk by supplementary feeding of FH cows affected in KUBE PSP Maju Mapan. The material used was 4 cows FH with 2nd lactation aged 2.5 years, additional feed in the form of recovery porridge, and milk samples from milk production of cows given additional feed for 20 days. The research method uses observation methods or direct observation by taking samples directly from breeders. The analysis showed that cows affected by FMD that were given additional porridge feed had changes in milk production and lactose content, while BJ experienced changes. The increase in milk production during the study was 2.4 liters / head / day and lactose content was 0.08% after FMD recovery porridge and as KUBE PSP Maju Mapan concentrate. Specific gravity in FMD recovery slurry is 1.029 g/ml


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    Abstract:Indonesia is a country with a majority of the population is moslem. That conditions in our society is showing a trends change, where previously the conventional banking system tends to be preferred, and become switch using sharia-based banking system. People tends to use brand image as a direction to evaluate a product. On the other hand the bank will implement a marketing strategy aimed to influencing public, one through sales promotions. This research aims to discuss and analyze the influence of brand image and sales promotions on customers choosing decisions of Bank Syariah Mandiri’s saving. The sample in this research is customer who get sales promotion services for a savings product categories amount to 200 respondent with accidental sampling technique. Data collected with questionnaire, while technique analyse data used multiple regression analysis. Based on the test result known that brand image and sales promotion has significant influence to purchase decision. Keywords: brand image, sales promotion, purchase decision

    Arti lambang dan fungsi tata rias pengantin dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai budaya Propinsi Bali

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    Tata rias pengantin sebagai salah satu unsur kebudayaan, perwujudannya tidak lepas dari rangkaian pesan yang hendak disampaikan lewat lambang-lambang yang dikenal dalam tradisi masyarakatnya. Karena itu pengerjaannya harus dengan kecermatan agar tidak menyimpang dari ketentuan yang lazim bahkan dikalangan masyarakat tertentu ada orang khusus yang tampil sebagai juru rias pengantin. Dalam kaitannya dengan penelitian ini, perbedaan geografis yang ditekankan dan diperhitungkan dalam pemilihan lokasi penelitian adalah perbedaan desa-desa pegunungan (Bali Age) dengan desa-desa Bali dataran. Dan untuk selanjutnya dipilih tiga desa yang mencerminkan keadaan tersebut, yaitu desa Sembiran sebagai desa Bali Age, desa Pemecutan dan desa Gelgel sebagai desa dataran

    Peran Agroindustri Dalam Pembangunan Pertanian

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    Agroindustri berasal dari dua kata agricultural dan industry yang berarti suatu industri yang menggunakan hasil pertanian sebagai bahan baku utamanya atau suatu industri yang menghasilkan suatu produk yang digunakan sebagai sarana atau input dalam usaha pertanian. Defi nisi agroindustri dapat dijabarkan sebagai kegiatan industri yang memanfaatkan hasil pertanian sebagai bahan baku, merancang, dan menyediakan peralatan serta jasa untuk kegiatan tersebut, dengan demikian agroindustri meliputi industri pengolahan hasil pertanian, industri yang memproduksi peralatan dan mesin pertanian, industri input pertanian (pupuk, pestisida, herbisida dan lain-lain) dan industri jasa sektor pertanian

    HEALTH INSURANCE AND CITIZEN RIGHTS: Reviewing the State Role in Fulfilling the Right of Access to Health

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    Indonesia is one country that gained world recognition as a country that respects the Human Rights (HAM), Indonesia is also a party to ratify the two international covenants (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [ICCPR] and International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights [ICESCR]) which is derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as the main instrument of human rights. In the national context, the right to obtain access to health is one of the rights possessed by citizens, and the state is obliged to fulfill these rights. UDHR, ICESCR, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Human Rights Act, a number of national rules in the field of health, and the social security system through the National Health Insurance program (JKN) into the basic responsibility of the state to fulfill the right to access to healthcare for its citizens. But in fact, based on the news, there are many events and cases related to the problem of poor service at both the Hospital and the Regional Center becomes a problem for the fulfillment of human rights by state. Issues to be discussed in this paper is the factor that causes difficulty in obtaining access to health in Indonesia? and How the state’s role in tackling problems of access to health in Indonesia?. This paper is a conceptual article and in the discussion using the theory of human rights. Economic and geographical problems are two factors causing the population is difficult to get access to healthcare, issues health costs such as certain drugs that are not covered by JKN and other costs (transport, meals, etc.) for the poor is an economic factor that must be addressed by state, whereas unequal distribution of health facilities in a given area makes 188 it difficult for people to access it, but because of the distance traveled very far even have to cross the island into a separate problem for poor people who are sick, it is a geographical factor that should be handled by state. The state’s role in tackling the problems of access to health is the increase allocation of health aid to the poor, coordination of central and local governments to equitable development of health facilities in every region of Indonesia, so that every community can easily access and enjoy the health facilities provided by the state

    Struktur Geguritan Japatuan (1994)

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    Kajian nilai Geguritan Cupak Gerantang

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    Di Bali naskah kuna masih memilid fungsi kultural dalam masyarakat di samping mengandung berbagai bahan keterangan tentang kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat di masa lampau yang juga mendung ide-ide, gagasan utama, berbagai pengetahuan tentang alam semesta menurut persepsi budaya masyarakat yang betsangkutan, ajaran moral. filsafat, keagamaan dan unsur-unsur lain yang mendukung nllai-nilai luhur. Ini menandakan sastra Bali tradisional sebagai bagian dari warisan budaya lama perlu dikaji, baik untuk kepentingan ilmu sastra maupun meningkatkan pengetahuan apresiasi masyarakat terhadap sastra Bali, Dengan meningkatnya pengetahuan dan apresiasi masyarakat terhadap sastra Bali, berarti nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya dapat dihayati dengan baik dan mendalam. Geguritan Cupak Cerantang merupakan salah satu bukti bagi masyarakat Bali karena geguritan ini cukup populer di· kalangan pecinta sastra BalL di sampfag geguritan yang lainnya seperti : Geguritan Jayaprana, Sampik; Pakangraras, PanjiSemerang, Cilinaya, Basur, Tamtam, Bagus Diarsa, Bagus Umbara, Bagus Turunan, Megantaka, dan yang lainnya
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