1,134 research outputs found

    An efficient randomised sphere cover classifier

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    This paper describes an efficient randomised sphere cover classifier(aRSC), that reduces the training data set size without loss of accuracy when compared to nearest neighbour classifiers. The motivation for developing this algorithm is the desire to have a non-deterministic, fast, instance-based classifier that performs well in isolation but is also ideal for use with ensembles. We use 24 benchmark datasets from UCI repository and six gene expression datasets for evaluation. The first set of experiments demonstrate the basic benefits of sphere covering. The second set of experiments demonstrate that when we set the a parameter through cross validation, the resulting aRSC algorithm outperforms several well known classifiers when compared using the Friedman rank sum test. Thirdly, we test the usefulness of aRSC when used with three feature filtering filters on six gene expression datasets. Finally, we highlight the benefits of pruning with a bias/variance decompositio

    Systematic review of transition models for young people with long-term conditions: A report for NHS Diabetes.

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    Aims For many young people with Type 1 diabetes, transition from paediatric to adult care can result in a marked deterioration in glycaemic control. A systematic review assessed the effectiveness of transition models, or components of models, for managing the transition process in young people with long-term conditions, including Type 1 diabetes. This involved identifying (i) the main barriers and facilitators in implementing a successful transition programme, and (ii) the key issues for young people with long-term conditions and professionals involved in the transition process. Methods The following databases were searched from inception to August 2012: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO, CINAHL, ASSIA, Social Services Abstracts, Academic Search Complete, Social Science Citation Index, Cochrane and Campbell Libraries. Selected studies included young people aged 11 to 25 diagnosed with long-term conditions who were in transition from paediatric to adult secondary health care services. Results 16 systematic reviews and 13 primary studies were included from 9992 records retrieved. No single transition model was uniquely effective. The most successful transitions centred around: young person-focused; age and developmentally appropriate content and delivery; self-management education; family participation; paediatric and adult collaboration; designated transition clinics; transition co-ordinator; young person’s portfolio; specific professionals training; multidisciplinary approach; structured process embedded in service delivery. There were no distinctive characteristics of condition-specific Type 1 diabetes services. Conclusion This important and timely review summarises the key factors that need to be considered for the development of transition programmes for young people with long-term conditions, including those with Type 1 diabetes

    A Vast Hour: After Genevieve Taggard

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    Wide-field Magnetic Field and Temperature Imaging using Nanoscale Quantum Sensors

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    The simultaneous imaging of magnetic fields and temperature (MT) is important in a range of applications, including studies of carrier transport, solid-state material dynamics, and semiconductor device characterization. Techniques exist for separately measuring temperature (e.g., infrared (IR) microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and thermo-reflectance microscopy) and magnetic fields (e.g., scanning probe magnetic force microscopy and superconducting quantum interference devices). However, these techniques cannot measure magnetic fields and temperature simultaneously. Here, we use the exceptional temperature and magnetic field sensitivity of nitrogen vacancy (NV) spins in conformally-coated nanodiamonds to realize simultaneous wide-field MT imaging. Our "quantum conformally-attached thermo-magnetic" (Q-CAT) imaging enables (i) wide-field, high-frame-rate imaging (100 - 1000 Hz); (ii) high sensitivity; and (iii) compatibility with standard microscopes. We apply this technique to study the industrially important problem of characterizing multifinger gallium nitride high-electron-mobility transistors (GaN HEMTs). We spatially and temporally resolve the electric current distribution and resulting temperature rise, elucidating functional device behavior at the microscopic level. The general applicability of Q-CAT imaging serves as an important tool for understanding complex MT phenomena in material science, device physics, and related fields

    Phytochrome, plant growth and flowering

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    Attempts to use artificially lit cabinets to grow plants identical to those growing in sunlight have provided compelling evidence of the importance of light quality for plant growth. Changing the balance of red (R) to far-red (FR) radiation, but with a fixed photosynthetic input can shift the phytochrome photoequilibrium in a plant and generate large differences in plant growth. With FR enrichment the plants elongate, and may produce more leaf area and dry matter. Similar morphogenic responses are also obtained when light quality is altered only briefly (15-30 min) at the end-of-the-day. Conversely, for plants grown in natural conditions the response of plant form to selective spectral filtering has again shown that red and far-red wavebands are important as found by Kasperbauer and coworkers. Also, where photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD) of sunlight have been held constant, the removal of far-red alone alters plant growth. With FR depletion plants grown in sunlight are small, more branched and darker green. Here we examine the implications for plant growth and flowering when the far-red composition of incident radiation in plant growth chambers is manipulated

    A systematic review of evidence on the impacts of joint decision-making on community wellbeing

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    A systematic review of evidence on the health and wellbeing impacts of community empowerment (joint decision-making) interventions in communities

    Interventions to prevent burnout in high risk individuals: evidence review

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    Although there is existing evidence on what works to treat burnout and work-related stress, there is less on what works to prevent it from occurring in the first place. This report provides an overview of literature covering how to prevent burnout and work-related stress in individuals and within organisations

    Thinking territory historically.

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    BACKGROUND: While the randomised controlled trial (RCT) is generally regarded as the design of choice for assessing the effects of health care, within the social sciences there is considerable debate about the relative suitability of RCTs and non-randomised studies (NRSs) for evaluating public policy interventions. // OBJECTIVES: To determine whether RCTs lead to the same effect size and variance as NRSs of similar policy interventions; and whether these findings can be explained by other factors associated with the interventions or their evaluation. // METHODS: Analyses of methodological studies, empirical reviews, and individual health and social services studies investigated the relationship between randomisation and effect size of policy interventions by: 1) Comparing controlled trials that are identical in all respects other than the use of randomisation by 'breaking' the randomisation in a trial to create non-randomised trials (re-sampling studies). 2) Comparing randomised and non-randomised arms of controlled trials mounted simultaneously in the field (replication studies). 3) Comparing similar controlled trials drawn from systematic reviews that include both randomised and non-randomised studies (structured narrative reviews and sensitivity analyses within meta-analyses). 4) Investigating associations between randomisation and effect size using a pool of more diverse RCTs and NRSs within broadly similar areas (meta-epidemiology). // RESULTS: Prior methodological reviews and meta-analyses of existing reviews comparing effects from RCTs and nRCTs suggested that effect sizes from RCTs and nRCTs may indeed differ in some circumstances and that these differences may well be associated with factors confounded with design. Re-sampling studies offer no evidence that the absence of randomisation directly influences the effect size of policy interventions in a systematic way. No consistent explanations were found for randomisation being associated with changes in effect sizes of policy interventions in field trials

    Optical properties of planar chiral meta-materials

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    The polarization state of visible light is found to be altered upon reflection from artificial two-dimensional chiral media. Arrays of metallic planar chiral structures were fabricated by electron beam lithography and ion beam milling. The characteristic dimensions on the chiral elements correspond to wavelengths in the near-IR. Our chiral media are found to induce strong polarization effects, with the handedness of individual elements having a direct effect on the sense and magnitude of rotation of the diffracted light