23 research outputs found

    Initial psychological responses to influenza A, H1N1 ("Swine flu")

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    Background The outbreak of the pandemic flu, Influenza A H1N1 (Swine Flu) in early 2009, provided a major challenge to health services around the world. Previous pandemics have led to stockpiling of goods, the victimisation of particular population groups, and the cancellation of travel and the boycotting of particular foods (e.g. pork). We examined initial behavioural and attitudinal responses towards Influenza A, H1N1 ("Swine flu") in the six days following the WHO pandemic alert level 5, and regional differences in these responses. Methods 328 respondents completed a cross-sectional Internet or paper-based questionnaire study in Malaysia (N = 180) or Europe (N = 148). Measures assessed changes in transport usage, purchase of preparatory goods for a pandemic, perceived risk groups, indicators of anxiety, assessed estimated mortality rates for seasonal flu, effectiveness of seasonal flu vaccination, and changes in pork consumption Results 26% of the respondents were 'very concerned' about being a flu victim (42% Malaysians, 5% Europeans, p < .001). 36% reported reduced public transport use (48% Malaysia, 22% Europe, p < .001), 39% flight cancellations (56% Malaysia, 17% Europe, p < .001). 8% had purchased preparatory materials (e.g. face masks: 8% Malaysia, 7% Europe), 41% Malaysia (15% Europe) intended to do so (p < .001). 63% of Europeans, 19% of Malaysians had discussed the pandemic with friends (p < .001). Groups seen as at 'high risk' of infection included the immune compromised (mentioned by 87% respondents), pig farmers (70%), elderly (57%), prostitutes/highly sexually active (53%), and the homeless (53%). In data collected only in Europe, 64% greatly underestimated the mortality rates of seasonal flu, 26% believed seasonal flu vaccination gave protection against swine flu. 7% had reduced/stopped eating pork. 3% had purchased anti-viral drugs for use at home, while 32% intended to do so if the pandemic worsened. Conclusion Initial responses to Influenza A show large regional differences in anxiety, with Malaysians more anxious and more likely to reduce travel and to buy masks and food. Discussions with family and friends may reinforce existing anxiety levels. Particular groups (homosexuals, prostitutes, the homeless) are perceived as at greater risk, potentially leading to increased prejudice during a pandemic. Europeans underestimated mortality of seasonal flu, and require more information about the protection given by seasonal flu inoculation

    BVRI Light Curves for 29 Type Ia Supernovae

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    BVRI light curves are presented for 27 Type Ia supernovae discovered during the course of the Calan/Tololo Survey and for two other SNe Ia observed during the same period. Estimates of the maximum light magnitudes in the B, V, and I bands and the initial decline rate parameter m15(B) are also given.Comment: 17 pages, figures and tables are not included (contact first author if needed), to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    The Peculiar Motions of Early-Type Galaxies in Two Distant Regions. IV. The Photometric Fitting Procedure

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    The EFAR project is a study of 736 candidate early-type galaxies in 84 clusters lying in two regions towards Hercules-Corona Borealis and Perseus-Cetus at distances cz600015000cz \approx 6000-15000 km/s. In this paper we describe a new method of galaxy photometry adopted to derive the photometric parameters of the EFAR galaxies. The algorithm fits the circularized surface brightness profiles as the sum of two seeing-convolved components, an R1/4R^{1/4} and an exponential law. This approach allows us to fit the large variety of luminosity profiles displayed by the EFAR galaxies homogeneously and to derive (for at least a subset of these) bulge and disk parameters. Multiple exposures of the same objects are optimally combined and an optional sky-fitting procedure has been developed to correct for sky subtraction errors. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations are analyzed to test the performance of the algorithm and estimate the size of random and {\it systematic} errors. Random errors are small, provided that the global signal-to-noise ratio of the fitted profiles is larger than 300\approx 300. Systematic errors can result from 1) errors in the sky subtraction, 2) the limited radial extent of the fitted profiles, 3) the lack of resolution due to seeing convolution and pixel sampling, 4) the use of circularized profiles for very flattened objects seen edge-on and 5) a poor match of the fitting functions to the object profiles. Large systematic errors are generated by the widely used simple R1/4R^{1/4} law to fit luminosity profiles when a disk component, as small as 20% of the total light, is present.Comment: 47 pages, Latex File, aaspp4.sty, flushrt.sty, 16 Postscript figures, to appear in ApJ