11 research outputs found

    The riparian reactive interface: a climate-sensitive gatekeeper of global nutrient cycles

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    Riparian zones are critical interfaces to freshwater systems, acting as gateways for the conveyance and modification of macronutrient fluxes from land to rivers and oceans. In this paper, we propose that certain riparian conditions and processes (conceptually 'Riparian Reactive Interfaces') may be susceptible to environmental change with consequences of accelerating local nutrient cycling cascading to global impacts on the cycles of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P). However, we argue that this concept is insufficiently understood and that research has not yet established robust baseline data to predict and measure change at the key riparian ecosystem interface. We suggest one contributing factor as lack of interdisciplinary study of abiotic and biotic processes linking C, N, and P dynamics and another being emphasis on riparian ecology and restoration that limits frameworks for handling and scaling topography-soil-water-climate physical and biogeochemical observations from plot to large catchment scales. Scientific effort is required now to evaluate riparian current and future controls on global nutrient cycles through multi-nutrient (and controlling element) studies, grounded in landscape frameworks for dynamic riparian behaviour variation, facilitating scaling to catchment predictions

    The riparian reactive interface: a climate-sensitive gatekeeper of global nutrient cycles

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    Riparian zones are critical interfaces to freshwater systems, acting as gateways for the conveyance and modification of macronutrient fluxes from land to rivers and oceans. In this paper, we propose that certain riparian conditions and processes (conceptually ‘Riparian Reactive Interfaces’) may be susceptible to environmental change with consequences of accelerating local nutrient cycling cascading to global impacts on the cycles of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P). However, we argue that this concept is insufficiently understood and that research has not yet established robust baseline data to predict and measure change at the key riparian ecosystem interface. We suggest one contributing factor as lack of interdisciplinary study of abiotic and biotic processes linking C, N, and P dynamics and another being emphasis on riparian ecology and restoration that limits frameworks for handling and scaling topography–soil–water–climate physical and biogeochemical observations from plot to large catchment scales. Scientific effort is required now to evaluate riparian current and future controls on global nutrient cycles through multi-nutrient (and controlling element) studies, grounded in landscape frameworks for dynamic riparian behaviour variation, facilitating scaling to catchment predictions.</jats:p

    Measuring the vulnerability of Scottish soils to a changing climate

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    The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP) identifies soil health as a priority research area to support sustainable soil management and ecosystem services. This follows concerns over a perceived lack of data or gaps in understanding that have been raised in both independent assessments of the first SCCAP by the Committee on Climate Change. The aim of this study is to summarise previous work on Scottish soils, explore existing datasets, and identify those metrics which could support the monitoring of Scotland’s soil health and measure the vulnerability of Scottish soils to climate change in future

    Understanding metrics for effective environmental measures under the Agricultural Reform Programme for Scotland

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    To deliver climate change mitigation and adaptation, nature restoration and high quality food production, the Scottish Government produced their vision for agriculture, along with the next steps, to encourage sustainable and regenerative farming in Scotland. A programme of work is underway to reform agricultural payments with a greater emphasis placed on delivering environmental outcomes with a proposed structure of four payment tiers tied to a suite of potential measures that will deliver tangible outcomes. This study identified the most suitable metrics that could be used to monitor the success of the proposed measures in the agricultural reform programme against environmental outcomes. This includes consideration of cost-effectiveness, practicalities and the skills and capabilities of those tasked with monitoring

    Evaluation of spot and passive sampling for monitoring, flux estimation and risk assessment of pesticides within the constraints of a typical regulatory monitoring scheme.

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    In many agricultural catchments of Europe and North America, pesticides occur at generally low concentrations with significant temporal variation. This poses several challenges for both monitoring and understanding ecological risks/impacts of these chemicals. This study aimed to compare the performance of passive and spot sampling strategies given the constraints of typical regulatory monitoring. Nine pesticides were investigated in a river currently undergoing regulatory monitoring (River Ugie, Scotland). Within this regulatory framework, spot and passive sampling were undertaken to understand spatiotemporal occurrence, mass loads and ecological risks. All the target pesticides were detected in water by both sampling strategies. Chlorotoluron was observed to be the dominant pesticide by both spot (maximum: 111.8 ng/l, mean: 9.35 ng/l) and passive sampling (maximum: 39.24 ng/l, mean: 4.76 ng/l). The annual pesticide loads were estimated to be 2735 g and 1837 g based on the spot and passive sampling data, respectively. The spatiotemporal trend suggested that agricultural activities were the primary source of the compounds with variability in loads explained in large by timing of pesticide applications and rainfall. The risk assessment showed chlorotoluron and chlorpyrifos posed the highest ecological risks with 23% of the chlorotoluron spot samples and 36% of the chlorpyrifos passive samples resulting in a Risk Quotient greater than 0.1. This suggests that mitigation measures might need to be taken to reduce the input of pesticides into the river. The overall comparison of the two sampling strategies supported the hypothesis that passive sampling tends to integrate the contaminants over a period of exposure and allows quantification of contamination at low concentration. The results suggested that within a regulatory monitoring context passive sampling was more suitable for flux estimation and risk assessment of trace contaminants which cannot be diagnosed by spot sampling and for determining if long-term average concentrations comply with specified standards